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Ontario Reformer, 4 Apr 1922, p. 7

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J a CHIN. Fd HN Mls es 5 ian ANN 5 CH 3 Rebelo re Ee" " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1922. SNA AN pr porn SAVED HP AEA, EE 2 SRS a BR a a a SATA PAGE Dental DPR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 10 King St. West, Phone 231, DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- Joy Block, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 504, 89-tf DR. T, 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1-yr. DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Ftore. Phone 959. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store. Medical DR. C. E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Bimcoe St. North. Phone 57, 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria 8St,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D, B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 11556. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. 96-1t DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 2 134-tf DR, F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Milier"s Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. ca = Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, KN- of veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, B. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Couveyan- cer, ete. Criminal Law. l.oans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. 516J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- | lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. E Grierson, BA, T. K. Creighton, " D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on | Mortgages, conveyancing and gen- etal practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY. B.A-----BARRISTER, 113% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. em == hiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. Mo. Jones, se Simcoe St. North. Smee m--mmmm------o-- Surveyors NM. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- | gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perr 7341 Undertakers & Embalmers | LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- | mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN | Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Y. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, accident aud automobile insurance in reliable companies. -- in or ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. Phone 766. i141 HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.CM,, organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Chureh, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe For terms, etc, apply oa Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 8077. 73-jne 30 9-G-3mo. Efficiency slips Ue nay more guick- § ly through faulty wision than from any other cause. v Is your efliciency efiected? Our dependable examination will § determine the couct condition of your eyes. 4 If your eves are subject to strain e can furnish you with the § glasses vou should wear for com- fi; fort and visual enjoyment. When We Yost Eyes it is Done Properly JURY & LOVELL lsd. Phoae 28 Phone 110 B.A.--BAR- | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | All branches of Civil and ' Phoues, Office 940; Residence | { Phone Phone 1046w. | Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- COMPETENT COOK, general, no upstairs work, Apply Mrs. Chas. Schofield, 382 Simcoe St. North, 147 WAX , CO) INT girl for! general housework. Apply Mrs, C. M. Mundy, 408 Simcoe St, North, . 149-t.1, WANTED AT ONCE--A PARLOR maid, Apply, stating experience and reference, to Mrs, R, 8. McLaughlin, Parkwood. : 150-¢ WANTED -- GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, must understand cooking. No washing, Good home, small family, Duties to commence May 1st, Mrs, C, A, Smith, 150-tf A) "ED GIRL for general housework, Apply 233 Kendall Ave, Phone 107, 150-t.f. COOK AND HOUSE PARLOR MAID for country home, to take up duties on May 1st. Reference raquired, [Apply Mrs. R. Ray McLaughlin, Boa 235, Oshawa, 1-tf | COOK, GENERAL, NTED FO about three weeks in April. Apply 81 Ontario St., or phone 354, 1-h WANTED ---- NURSEMAID. APPLY Box *D", Reformer, 1-d MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Box "F", Re- former, 1-d WANTED --- EXPERIENCED STk- ographer for office of manufactur- ng plant, Reply, stating experience and salary expected, to P. 0. Box 365, Oshawa. 1-b WANTED _ A GIRL OR WOMAN to help with housework. All time or part time. Steady position, Apply Mrs. D. M. Tod, 136 Simcoe St. N. 1-c WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN OR girl for general housework.--Apply, 124 King E. 1c COMPETENT GENERAL MAID~-- Apply evenings to Mrs, Errol BE¥on, 157 Agnes-8t.-! 1c iu House For Sale FOR SALE--BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 rooms, bathroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, wired for electric stove, This house 18 sltuated in an ideal lo cation, Reagon for selling, owner requires smaller house, Part cash, balance to suit purchaser, Can he geen by appointment, 202 King St. E, Phone 562-W, 2-¢ FOR SALE NEW HOUSE ON Dearborn Ave. Possession April 10th, Apply L. Hancock, phone 784-r-23, 2 FOR SALE OR RENT .-- SEVEN roomed house with eclectrie lights and water, also large hen house, Apply 218 Albert St, 2-c FOR SALE -- A FOUR ROOMED house, cheap, 20 x 24, electric lights, water and large cellar, Apply 230 Nassau St., evenings. 1-¢ FOR SALE OR RENT---SIX ROOM- ed frame house, electric lights, Ap- ply cor. Annis and Rowena Sts, or phone 929-W, 1-c FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK house, with every convenience apd 3 piece hathroom, Price $2,500. Ap- ply 71 -Medcalf Street. 160-¢ Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT, Live Stock a specialty, Phone 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $350 cash. Apply 4568 Albert Street FOR SALE -- MOTOR Worm drive truck, cab and stake body, in good running order; good tires all around. $2060. Apply 102 Church St, Phone 1064, 150-¢ | Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN - 131-1 WANTED -- WOMAN FOR WASH- ing and cleaning. 292 King St. k.| Phone 552-W. Z-h WANTED FOR GEN- eral 156 E. A GIRL housework Apply 2-tf HAVE A POSITION FOR THREE I ladies or gentlemen, You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another oppor- tunity like this one. For avnpoint- ment, phone 1 21 kelp Wantea--Male YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR COST Habib Must be accurate quick at fizures. One with some of- {fice experience preferred. Apply | Pedlar People, Ltd. 1-b | A CARRIER BOY TO |The Reformer in Cedardale. to The Reformer Office. = General Wants [WANTED GOOD HOME FOR | | boy, 12 years old, with a good farm- ler, willing to pay part of whole {board; ncar school, state particulars. | Box 237, Oshawa P. O. 150-e { |W ANTED LARGE OR SMALL] | house central, by May 1st, | Box Ite forme r Apply 2-tf 2-tf | ! Poultry' For Sale FOR SALE BARRED | eggs for hatching. £1! ner 1153-W, Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--100 CHOICE BUILD- ing lots. Terms, $1.00 down, $1.00 {per w eek. Apply Alex. Hart, owner | b-1167 Park Rd. N. Phone 446 143-41 | REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR | summer home enquire about Windy | Cove, just West of Bowmanville! Beach. Beautiful front lots for | sale. Moderate building restrie- tions. F. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do-| minion Bank Building, Toronto. 144-may4 00D BUILDING LOT FOR SALE, | | ark Rd., a few yards from King St. ! 47 feet frontage, 111 feet deep. Snap. | 425. Apply 55 Park Rd. 1-b| | THE OSHAWA HOUSE & LAND CO. | 1 | ROCK | setting. | 2-f | 38 Simcoe St. N. | Sales Mgr. A. LEWIS. ROOMS, BRICK VEN£ER. ALL modern conveniences. Ideal loca- tion. Price $7,250. Terms to suit you. A smap. i ROOMS, BRICK VENEER AnD | stucco, every convenience. Spe- | cial decorations. To see this house will make you want to own it. Price $8,250. Terms to suit you. 1-H BUILDING LOTS ON PARK ROAD North just morth of new school Frontage 230 ft. Depth 150 ft., $8 per ft. Name and pick your own frontage. Come and see and talk it over with me on Saturday 15th ip.m. till 6. Monday 9 am. till 6. Geo. Hurd owner. Look tor sign. Easy terms. 6 | Elgin | and! DELIVER |stove Apply | FOR SALE | each §: | 893. 113 Bond St. E., dry building, Also storage for cars. Day phone 552), night 552W. Rit son Road North. 91-t.¢ Auction Sales AUCTION THE UNDER | signed has received instr from H. Wilkins, Lot 9, Ww hind y. to sell by i day, April 5th, farm ho usehold furniture le 1.30 Jame SALE ions p.m Articles For Ssle ED FoR HAT ching, are bred (o la of fifteew 144-j ROCK kG birds that 25 per setting 349 Mary Street. | POR SALE -- FOUR BURNER GAS with oven, complete, Appiy {18 Prince St. 1-¢ HATCHING EGGS, FROM BRED- {to-lay White Wyandottes, Martin |strain, $1.50 per 15 eggs: $7 per 1100. H. A. Tenner. R No. 1. {Cedardale, Ont. Phone 785-3 | FOR SALE -- THREE two mares, Hollis Ward | Dax ture for coming s« J. Wilson, 421 King St A ZINC 1d WD bedroom toilet 282 Goif St *hont 2-bh SALE ONE KITCHEN | Champion Summit, with hot front. Six octave organ, both [in first class shape Cash or ter Oshawa {GARAGE FOR SALE moved off premfses. Tod. phone 500, FOR SALE -- A GRKEEN RUG, x 31; and pair of green tape | curtains. Phone 161-r-2 ONE SINGLE HORSE wagon, also buggy for Burk St Rooms Wanted WANTED TO RENT BY 15th, flat of three or four centrally located, suitable for housekeeping. P. 0. Box 191, awa. irvm | ag INGS, $123 1is0 Apply 2-a RKE- frigerator and Apply FOR range, walter Apply D TCOLST sale. rooms, light os - the LUX way Durham County Holstein Club marked a notable milestone in its | history at a dispersal of 44 head, all ages, at Senator Beith's farm, Wed nesday. The top of sale was procur- ed by Mr. Crang Weston at $400. | consigned by Cedar Dale Farm, Or- ono. fo his sister, Mrs. 8. G. Chaat, Zion, BF up, swallowing his gold watch. W. Fred Fallis, consignment of 4, averaged $235. R. Steven's made a top of $200, below her value. received $195 for a two-year old | from Asylum Farm, Whitby. ©Oth- er consignors were: Archie Muir, Courtice; A. Arthur Gibson, Orono; A. A. Powers. Orono: J. D. Stev- ens, Bowmanville; Harold Muin Courtice; Jas. Seymour and Sons, ida; H. J. Seymour, Cavan, Ont. The general average was $129. resulting in good buying as quality and breed- ing were excellent. LE. Franklin, auctioneer: A. J. Runnals, Port Hope, Clerk. Messrs. A. L. and H. G. Pascoe's were prominent local buyers. ' Mr. Alyseworth. who is on a visit Millbrook, choice R. far wells 2 good stockman's vara: rancher out in Idaho hung his west on the fence and 2 calf chewed ho n five years he slaughtered it found his watch still running hav- ing lost but seven minutes, the action of the lungs keeping it wound up Leslie ©. Snowden | | Whisk a tablespooniul of Lux into a thick lather in half a bowlful of very hot | swater. Add cold water until lukewarm. Dip the stockings up and down, pressing the Lux suds through and through them. Rites in ce lukewarm ateas wil Pheri dry. Neyer over a radiator. The thin, white, satindike Lux fokes ite x are made by our own exclusive process and melt quickly. " Lux is supreme--ior washing fine clothes. Soldonly in sealed packe:--dusi-proaf ! TRUCK--- | rooms, me. 4 MUST BE APRIL il | erating the | same building the Council frowned. With Lakas out of the business en-' | Coun. il | Powke store il | matter $ i "New Lumber for Sale WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROU GH and dressed lumber, Ask for quo- tations, Whitby Lumber & Wood- yard. Telephone 12, Whitby, ont, at Port Whitby, out of elevator, suitable for all frame buildings, barus, ete, kinds Watson, Port 'Whithy., 'Phone 3, 1-tf Work Wanted RUGS WANTED, ALSO CARPETS, draperies, pillows, mattresses, to he cleaning process. Damaged, serateh- ed and old furniture re-polished. W. A. Gerry, 102 Alice St, Phone 1186J. 143-m To Rent -- BARN, SUITABLE or stabling one or two to M,. FE. Smith, } 1-h TO RENT for garage horses, Apply {phono 93. Board and Koom |iADy WITH NICE, CT COMIO! {able room to spare in choice locality would lady Apply |T"W 0 a date busin and Box ar, LARGE suitable for olnt thor breakfast and tea. Retormor. 2-h UNFURNISHED light house keep- ing.--16 Maple St., Oshawa, 1c TO RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR business girl all conveniences, phone | 156W 2-a | Builders and Contractors BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A new home, or repairing your old one, me. 1 also - have fine building lots f sale. I ean give yon ca payment nd save yon me t N ¥, Builder rl FIRE ALARM BOXES Four Corners. McLaughlin's. Pedlar's Canning Factory. Schofield Woollen Company. Fittings Ltd. Division and King Stree Albert St. School. Convent, Brock aud Simcoe St Ontario Malleable Iron Co High School, Hospital -Bishop Bethune ts. College. set. | | RAILW AY TIMETABLES | GRAND TRUNK AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: 23 a.m. daily e cept Sunday; 8.58 a.m. Sunday only 10.22 a.m. daily; 1.04 pm. daily except Sunday: 2.50 p.m. daily ea- cent Sunday: 6.54 p.m. daily cept Sunday 9.40 pm. daily; 10.5 | p.m. daily stops only for passengers | for Montre al and beyond; 12.19 a.m, Going west: 4.44 am. daily: 5.56 | a.m. daily; 6.24 a.m. daily: 1021 a.m. daily except Sunday: 2.15 p.m daily except Sunday: 4.44 p.m. daily; | 7.29 p.m. daily except Sunday: 7.23 { p-m. Sunday only ;8.35 p.m, daily ex- =] cap Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 10 a.m. daily; 2.19 except Sunday; 9.40 pu Sunday; 1243 am Coing | pan. daily | daily except daily Going west: 607 am a.m. daily except ds daily ;804 pn. daily exe east: daily; Ea A Sh Another Request (Continued from page 19 on the ground that as am old resi- | dent of the town he was entitled to | it, but on the idea of Mr. Lakas op- tobacco business in the tirely the Council felt that Mr. Smith fi | would carry on in a manner satisfac- | tory to all. Morris that Lakas | would try to come back from any | angle he could, as he had boasted | that he would do business in the He wanted to have the over for further consid- said lett { eration Coun. Moff onl; ation mt argued that the ! to the pool room prod lem was for the Conncil to set standai for such places, and {law of supply and demand would de tori number The police nded upon to carry out tions. ced that Mr. th tie { conld he the Counc Pe re & A motion was introd Smith be given a liceuse for 90 day |and if at the end of that time the | Lakas tobacco business is mot sold that the license he cancelled. Other | members of the Council wanted to] let Nr. Smith have a license until October 1st, but after further consid- eration it was thought wise to refer the matter to the License and Print- made in the regular way. KIRK GOLD MINES O00. LTWD. A number of shaves in above com- pany for sale at advantageous price. Company owns vainable property in Kirkland Lake, Algoma District. LUX Apply XYZ, co Jd. 4. GIBBONS 1AMITED, 119 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ont. "| HIGHER THAN EVER TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE | the Watson of | Quantity | of belting, shafting and scales ready | for delivery April 1st.--Apply, John | cleaned by our thoroughly sanitary | cinsive evidence that Oshawa is mot | ex-| + Fouad.' j was dec CUSTOMS RETURNS Figures For Fiscal Year and For Last Month Show An Increase Customs receipts from the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1922, for |the port of Oshawa, show an in- crease over the previous twelve months of $228,856.87. Figures |given out this week from Ottawa {show a decrease of $64,000,000 for the entire Dominion. which is ron- only one of the leading industrial | centres in Canada but one of the most progressive. During the past few months local customs receipts have heen steadily mounting until they ithe former high level which they at- tained a few years ago but which later dropned owing to a general in- ldustrial 'depression While "business has appurently fallen off consider- nhiy in many industrial cities, in- dustries in Oshawa have been hucjor durin :] months tl ver befor p year's custon int r $2,901.16 while previous 5 1 L 1 Month were AR $244,145.650 362,336.17 194,204.92 219,111.11 187,884.15 173,892.42 196,620.39 176,878.27 236,050.83 April, 1921 May, 1921 June 1921 July, 1921 , Angust, 1921- ,, September, 1921 October, 1921 November, 19521 December, 1921 Ju puary, 1922 .. Fahruary, 1922 Mareh, 1922 Receipts for "the show an increase reary o 19,442 Com 1k month: of March over those in Feb- 7-17 0 $ Bec the Ch and the man who resigned villing that such action should be t k ' Coun. s0 Preston was not satisfied with this explanation, declaring that the resignation should come before the Council and not left in the hands a committee. There was too mueh committee work and too much pub- business transacted that r ber of the Council ww about, Hill, in presenting his committe firemen imvestigation 1 ) criticized v hard nme to kr » Chairman finding of that the unduly yO ke «d when the erit ' 1hlie pre The Mayor Explains Mayor Stacey state 1at fron | Committee's report it appeared i the Water Commision was being cen- He did not think that there was any intention 'in the remarks made at the Water Commission meeting in question to cast any reflec- tion on the firemen. Anything that he had said personally he considered was perfectly justified and he not going to take it back Mayor stated that after the fir was learned that the steam «ntine the lake was not started alarm was given, but only » power gave out and the gine stopped He wanted whe was responsible fo- tion of affairs which he considered | was serious and required attemtion The n the town had alwa) en told by the underwriters pare for eight there only ms had app ss dt | sored. yas The ion the eloctrie to this condi- again iy of 108 of hree at 1 wer The Mayor thought it was more imagination than anything else on the part of the firemen thai they were being criticized. Town Clerk Hare told the Council that the question of having the steam pump in readiness at the pumping station had been dealt with by the Water Commission, who had | given orders that the pump was to he kept in readiness and started on the order of any citizen during a fire, Wants Five Engine Out Coun. Trick advocated that fire engine should be taken out to exery fire, in it might be re- guired He believed that it was still capable of rendering good service. Deputy-Recve Hill stated that this questi Council te «de- te ther oo had decreed that the > was not worth tak- ing but af the Council desired, » would that it done u mean a tle ext expense exira team would the case wa 30 ordor he C town the best ont mn. Trick thought that the should endeavour to get (of the equipment it had. With this the Council concurred. although | nothing definite about the engine] ided, New Five LL EC TTR Equipment A recommendation by the Fire ing Committee and have a veport and Water Committee that the fol- (= {lowing new equipment be purchased |E {tor the fire Scpartment » was adopted: 1200 feet 23% inch hose; 2 hydrant spaners; 19 line coupling kevs, 4 | pairs rubber boots, 2 firemen's duck coats, 200 feet chemical hose, 11% lclay pipe, § belts, one | every fireman's house. Five Team Ready It was decided to keep the fire team ,omployed as mear the five hall {as possible, so that delay in getting jout the ladder waggon, which was a | handicap to the firemen, might be avoided, { TT GC TT TUE have reached it! at | when the know | 40 gallon | {chemical tank, a aire and bell 10] Ee ee FEI AAA SEVEN Are You Interested In POULTRY? Every member of the Oshawa Poultry and Pet Stock Asso- ciation and all citizens are invited to see the Government system of poultry raising demonstrated on canvas in the Town Hall on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Sixty pictures showing Government Poultry Department at work. ADMISSION FREE EE TT ET TL LR SC ---- LLLLLTLETS HUHNE HNN SHH | NOTICE To The General Public All the shoe repairers of Oshawa will close every Wednesday afternoon, com- mencing April 5th, during the summer months, Oshawa Shoe Repairing Shops | | Farm & Garden Seeds We have a stock of choice seeds for both Farmer and Gardener. Our Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa are "No. | for purity." Buy from us and you will get the best. Get your supply of Flour before we have to advance prices. We have best grades at lowest prices, Hay Made from rain, as flour, pure corn. you tiied our new Feed for hogs and cattle? it is as meally as pea meal, as fine ite as middlings, and better hog feed tham as w Cooper-Smith Company Just South of Post Office Phone 8 Celina St. Hm " rm fi Introduc ing who will give a brief address TAKE pleasure in addressing you at momentous time, preceding as it does an occasion of the greatest importance to every man and woman in Oshawa and dis- trict. What occasion you ask? What's momentous about this time, you say. let me remind you that on SATURDAY, 1922, wiil be opened Friends, APRIL, 8th, Oshawa's Exclusive Electrical Shop - and the finest of its kind between MONTREAL and TORONTO } You are cordially invited to be present at the opening, and take tea with us from 3 to 5 o'dleck p.m. isit the shop any time on SATURDAY --it will be an education for you and a pleasure for us. But 1 see my time is getting short so 1 will close by again reminding you of the date--Saturday, April Sth-- thank you. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The Electric Shop Phone 1075 52 Simooe St. N. LLU TLL LTTE REELED EER TLL LR TR LTE TITTY

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