THREE-CORNERED TIE IN BALL LEAGUE Coming from hehind with a whirl- wind finish the Business Men deteat- ed Williams by 6 runs to 5 Monday night in what was expected to be the deciding contest for the champion- ship of the Oshawa Indoor Baseball League, But Williams defeat created a three cornered tie for the leader ship and two more games will be necessary to decide the title and the winners of the A, 0. Felt Cnp. Williams, Pedlars and Business Men, each have won 11 games and lost 3. Last night's contest attracted the largest crowd of the season and was one worth watching, The Music Makers were in the lead for almost the entire route, holding their op ponents scoreless until the final frame when the winners came through with six counters, overcom- ing the lead with one to spave. It was easily one of the hest contests seen at the armories this year and the two remaining games, which will decide the championship, will undoubted- ly draw large crowds. 4 The draw has been made. Pedlars getting the bye. The first game he- tween Williams and Business Men will take place on Wednesday night at 7.16 with the winners of this game playing with Pedlars on Mon- day night of next week The ad- mission will be 25 cents, The teams were Business Men --- Alger. Ormiston, Bheridan, Marlow, Dobson, Rae, "Whinfield and Taylor. Williams McConnell, Carlyle, Snowden, Zibres, Holden, Fishleigh, James,Southwell and Flintoff. The score : ---- Business Men ..0 0 0 0 0 0 6-6 Williams.. ..., 19002 2 0 0b F.G. CHESTER HEADS FITTINGS BALL TEAM Fittings Ltd. again will be repre- sented in the Town Baseball League. At an enthusiastic meeting held in the office of the factory Tuesday afternoon officers were elected for the season and those present were of the opinion that they could place a strong team in the field. 'The mem- bers of the firm are very desirous that their employees should partici- pate in the league and have promised their hearty co-operation. Mr. Alex Storie has made provision for fi- nancing the team and a successful season is anticipated. VS The election: of officers resulted As follows: Hon. presidents--J. D. Storie, H. T. Carswell, A. G. Storie, W. G. Bowden, 8. Storie and F. Storie, President--F. G. Chester. Viee president-- C. Richards. Secretary treasurer--G. A. What- tam, Exeeutive committee--F. Chester, C. Richards and G6. A. Whattam. SUGGEST SCHOOL _ LACROSSE LEAGUE The suggestion has been made that a lacrosse league be formed in Oshawa to be comprised of teams from the various schools. Sueh or- ganizations have been undertaken in many of the larger towns in On-! tario and it should be a success here. With the large number of boys at- tending school several strong teams could be selected coaching, many players could be de- veloped. Amn old lacrosse enthusiast of this town has stated that he would | take pleasure in donating a suitable prize for the winning team. With two teams, junior and juven- ile, operating in the O.A L.A this year, Oshawa will be doing her share in bringing players along for intermediate ranks and with a league composed of younger players. the junior and juveniles could be strengthened each year. Oshawa is considerably handicapped in all branches of athleties in mot having an organized association to take the initiative and govern all classes of sport but possibly some of those who have shown keen interest in Camn- ada's National Game will take hold of the movement to get a school league in operation. LOCAL SOOCER CLUE PLAYS ON SATURDAY At a meeting of the Toronto amd District Football Association this week the following games were ar- ranged for mext Saturday for see ond division teams: Oshawa rv. To- ronto United, G.AU.V. rv. Tellers, Cowans v. Shamrocks, Sons of Eng- laud v. British Imp. Vietoria Umit- od rv. North Toronto. T. L. Nelsom has been appointed rcieree for the and with good | CPP PELRPEPES PHP OTP OPENING SOCCER GAME HERR ON SATURDAY a The local sporting season, which is expected to he far in advance of previous years will get away to a hig start on Saturday afternoon when Toronto United" and the Oshawa eleven will play a T. and D, fixture at Alexan- dra Park, The local squad have been considerably strengthened stnce last year and the brand or soccer they are capable of playing is sure to attract large crowds. The other branches of sport have made preparva- tions for the coming season, Town League baseball, jun- for and juvenile lacrosse, Central League baseball and rughy will furnish a variety of entertainment that can- not he equalled. TEEPE HPSS 200000 4P $4944 $4 ITI ITI ESRI SSS 2 22222 2 2 0 2 2 J PPP FSIS FEI EFF S "Tis sald Dame Fashion has some surprises in store for us this spring. Well, after that flapping footwear nothing will surprise us.--London, Ont,, Echo. : No wonder Lloyd George threatens to quit the game, He has had to play mostly niblick shots lately.--New York Tribune. Hon, Mackenzie King pronounced | against prohibition, and the immortal Committee of One Hundred did not ev- en oblige with a convulsive start!--To- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 ------ at S. S. Hockey League Had A Cash Balance SEASON WAS GREAT SUCCESS NEED OF 8, § ATHLETIC ANRO- CIATION VERY APPARENT The Sunday School Hockey Associa. tio ound up its business for the year at its executive meeting on| Thursday evening, The season has been a wopderful success, and it was desirous that a statement be made through the paper as to the success of | the league, so that all might know the financial condition of the Association, Over two hundred boys, comprising 21 hockey teams, played hockey in the Sunday School leagues, ~ Hockey was given a great boost by this organiza. tion this season, for after the O.H.A, geason was closed, local fans saw some great hockey, The executive have been a hard working group of officials for it is no ensy matter to handle twenty one hoe: key teams and bring them through the season successfully, | Charlie Hawkins handled the cdsh and Art. Petrie acted as secretary and together with the president, E. L, Pet- ley, were untiring in their efforts throughout the season, Mr, Petley started the organization and got the vision of Sunday School leagues in all ony sports, with the possibility of try- ing up to the Sunday Schools a large group of local boys who have drifted out and are very little interested. The vision materialized in hockey with the result that large groups of boys have been brought under the influence of re- ligious instruction, The Sunday Schools have heen loyal in support: ing their boys, and even greater inter- est should be shown if the churches hope to win thé boys of today as loyal helpers and supporters, Organized clean sport is the best point of con- tact to attract boys. It has heen sug- gested that a Sunday School Athletic Asgociation be formed to organize all ronto Telegram, (Continued on page 6) to Have Charge What was considered to be the) most enthusiastic meeting of la-! crosse players and supporters ever held in Oshawa took place Tuesday | evening in the Y.M.C.A. parlors. | The room was filled to cajacity, the! majority of those present being! voung players who. were eager to] get into the game, some of whom have wmever played before. The | meeting was a success resulting in | the decision being made to place! the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Asso- {ciation. iof young material available to form | two teams was shown when thirty- | ifive handed in their names. { Officers Elected An interesting discussion was| held concerning prospects fon the | jcoming season and everyone was of | {the opinion that they should have! {not only a pleasant but successful | iyear's activities. Officers were then | {elected as follows: i { Hon. presidents --G. W. McLaugh- | {1in. D. M. Tod, Chas. A. Robson and | {W. A. Coad. President--Cliff Marr. Register Players Through Local Ass'n { { Although the {Club have received permission from ithe Oshawa Association to play in 'the T and D.F.A. they must register tail its players through the local | organization. The secretary of the {club forwarded all players certificates i direct to the Toronto Association and | {they were all returned. Had they | | been filled out on Oshawa and Dis- | {trict forms and forwarded to Secre-| | tary Mason. he would have sent them | ion to the T. and D. The Toronto | | Telegram making reference to the | case says: "Oshawa United had better ! make certain before they take the field against Toronto United on Sat- urday that their players have been registered in accordance with O.F.A. rules, otherwise both clubs may get in Dutch with the governing body. Although playing in the T. and D. League with the comsemt of the Oshawa and District Association the Oshawa club must register its play- ers with its own distriet association. This situation has raised the ques- tion as to the body who shall deal with offending Oshawa players tak- ing part in a purely Toronto competi- tion, but it can be disposed of by the 0. & DF.A. conferring such au- thority on the T.& D. Presidents Howard and Holland witli hold a Oshawa Football | Junior and Juvenile Lacrosse This Year Club is Re-organized at an Enthusiastic Meeting Tuesday Night--CIiff Marr is President--Earle Lovegrove ition, supporters may of Both Teams 1st vice president--Willlam Clap- per. 2nd viee president--F. E Ree. Sec.--Alex. Hall. Corr. Sec.--0. M. Alger Treas.--A, Galley, secretary the Y.M.C.A Coach and grove. Executive committee -- G. A. Nixon and E. Doherty. Oshawa's success in intermediate Ellis, of manager--E. Love- Shine, two teams, junior and juvenile, in and juvenile lacrosse last year has made the followers of the zame bere That there is any amount eager to resume operations although it is doubtful whether or not Osh- awa will have an intermediate team this year. In any event the town will be represented in the O.A. L.A. and the young lads are deserving of the support of all lacrosse fans strong Executive The officers of the club are men who know the game thoroughly and who are capable of coaching the players properly. Earle Lovegrove, a member of last year's intermed- jates, who were runners-up for ihe championship, has been given ful! control of both teams. He will man- age and coach the players and select the teams which will represent Osh- awa. William Clapper, another in- termediate, is actively connected with the club, having been elected 1st vice president. With such men as these at the head of the organiza-' feel satisfied that the affairs of the club will be well and efficiently looked after. The juvenile squad last year was composed ely of High School students, the majority of whom are again available. The students have already indulged in some practice,! and they may be seen every day ou | the High School grounds swinging the sticks im fine style . There are some fine players among them and they are sure to make good in the 0.A. LA. The interest shown by the young-} sters was indeed very gratifying to the officials, who are looking for- ward to a big year in both junior and! juvenile sections. MUST SEND IN BONDS J. G. Nott, secretary of the Cen- tral Ontario Baseball League, has mailed this week the bonds for the) various clubs to fill out and return! along with their entrance fees. Bow- | manville is the only club so far which has seat im their cheque of $15 for entry but it is expected ali} the others will be forwarded prompt- | iy as all clubs are enthusiastic over the coming season an@ are keeping busy making preparations for the confab on the subject this week ™ PAGE FIVE | For Style and Quality, LEEDS LEADS | Unusual Offer SATURDAY ONLY One Day Sale BLUE SERGE Fast Color, All Wool Only 62 Lengths " To Be Sold Order Taken Saturday Will: Be Finished For EASTER ORDERS | As Early } In The Day As You The finest investment that any man can make.. A. firmly woven, long wearing, all wool serge--a Suit that can be worn on every occasion during any season of the year. And at a price that makes the opportunity doubly attractive. : Our GUARANTEE It goes a great deal further than the average "Statement of Satisfaction." We can afford to makes it strong. We are not backing up some one else's quality and workmanship. We are not taking any chances. We are backing up our own. Leed's garments are made by our own tailors under our own careful supervision. We check every detail of the work, stitch for stitch, seam for seam. The Leed's triple inspection system replaces the usual double or single inspection. This means triple sureness--triple certainty of value. We can sell these clothes under the broadest guarantee because we know they are right. Reasons Why We Save You from $10 to $15 on Every Suit WE SELL FROM MAKER TO WEARER. WE OPERATE OUR OWN STORES. WE DO A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS. WE TAILOR OUR OWN CLOTHES. WE HAVE TREMENDOUS BUYING POWER. WE GUARANTEE FIT AND WORKMANSHIP WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST SE WE ARE WHOLESALE TAILORS--NOT AGENTS. LINE OF WOLENS IN CANADA a wee °% - 13 SIMCOE ST. S. - sii § | --