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Ontario Reformer, 6 Apr 1922, p. 7

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\» y:. " Ne wt Ct ry PY OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 PAGE SEVEN Help Wanted--Female Real Estate tor Sale Builders and Contractors 'DR. T, C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St, West, Phone 281. DR. R, B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- ley Block, Simcoe St, 8, Phone 504. 80+ DR. T. 8, TUCKER DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. lyr, DR, 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery FStore. Phone 959, DR, JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 87. DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store, Medical DR, C, E. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR- [§ geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria |g St,, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR, L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR 8T., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by _appointment, 96-41 DR. A." A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear, 134-tf DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his -office-over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. ©N- of Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Soljeitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 516J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. Ek Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, ol G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office Phoues---Ofice 210, Res. 160. ET sen IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Egaminations free at office. Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. - North. SEE mm Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry, 73-41 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. Cel. 31 V. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, accident and automobile insurance in reliable companies. Phone 1046w. 9-6-3mo. Tire ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT #000 BUYS YEARLING THOR. Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros.,, Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 Musical Instruction HERBERT C. TRENEER. AT.C.M., organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to Accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc, apply oan Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jue 30 Efficiency slips away more quick- Is your efliciency effected? Our dependable examination will determine the conc! condition ol your eyes. If your eves ave subject to strain we can furnish you with the glasses you should wear for com- fort and visual enjoyment. Ri ncn ONE SINGLE HORSE COLSTER {dry building. Also storage for cars. Day WANTED AN EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. ~ Apply 162 King KE, or Phone 319, 3b -- IMAN'T look after 3 children. Apply 12 Richmond 8t, E., after 6 o'clock, 3-a WANTED -- COMPETENT COOK, general, no upstairs work, Apply Mrs. Chas. Schofield, 382 Simcoe St. North. 147-tf WANTED -- GIRL aged woman, must cooking. No washing, small family, May 1st, V understand Good home, Duties to commence Mrs, C, A, Smith, 150-tf RL for general housework, Apply 2338 Kendall Ave,, Phone 107. 160-t.1. COOK AND HOUSE PARLOR MAID for country home, to take up duties on May 1st. Reference riquired, Apply Mrs. R. Ray McLaughlin, Box 2356, Oshawa. 1-tf WAR . APPLY 103 Alevandra St. 1-d MAI VANTE FOR GENERAL fiovsework, Apply 103 Alexandra 1-d Wi NTED -- A GIRL OR WOMAN to help with housework. All time or part time. Steady position, Apply Mrs, D, M, Tod, 136 Simcoe St. N. 1-¢ Wh SARA Ro. adadBaddasiutok WANTED RELIABLE "WOMAN OR girl for general housework,--Apply, 124 King BE, 1c COMPETENT GENERAL MAID-- Apply evenings to Mrs, Errol Burton, 167 Agnes St, 1c WANTED -- WOMAN FOR WASH- ing and cleaning. 292 King Sit. iB. Phone 652-W, _¥-b HAVE A POSITION FOR THRER i ladies or gentlemen, Yon may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another oppor- 190 Albert St. Apply 102 Church St. 3-¢ $800 FOR 30 FERT FRONTAGE, Huron St., Industrial Park, Oshawa, excellent site for home. Apply Box *"Q", Reformer, 3-0 ing lots. Terms, $1.00 down, per week, 167 Park Rd. N. Phone 446 REAL ESTATE -- $1.00 (Cove, just West of Beach, .Beautiful front sale. Moderate building tions, F. G. Dyke, Room 708, winion Bank Building, Toronto, lots North just north Frontage 230 ft. Depth 150 ft., per ft. Name and pick your frontage, over with till 6. Mdhday 9 a.m. till 6. Hurd owner. Look ror sign. terms. as House For Sale FOR SALE-- --~BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 rooms, bathroom, fireplace, wired for elécwrie stove. cation. Reason for selling, requires smaller house, balance to suit purchaser, seen by appointment. &. Phone 552-W, Can LOT FOR SALE, 42.2 x 09 FEET, FOR SALE--100 CHOICE BUILD-|--. Apply Alex. Hart, owner 143-t1 FOR YOUR summer home énquire about Windy Bowmanville for restric. Do- _144-mayt BUILDING LOTS ON PARK ROAD of new school $8 own |" Come and see and talk it e on Saturday 16th lpm. | _ Geo, Kasy hardwood floors, This house is situated in an ideal lo- owney Part ig Waison, Port Whithy. he | 202 King St. 2-¢ BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A new home, or repairing your old one, see me, lots for sale. I can give you easy payments and save you money.--(C, N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, 320 Park Road South, Box 500, Phene 5! B67. 130-3 mos. "NOTICE TO HOUSE OWNERS. HAVE US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON that hard wooed floor thinking about having laid. of house repairing done, will interest you. N. A. CAMPBELL, 300 Richmond St, "Phone 1203W, All kinds Our prices Auctioneer 1 also have fine building you have been | Live Stock a specialty. 167r1- 4 Bowmanville, WILL, T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT, Phone 124-6mos New Lumber for Sale Wi and dressed lumber, Ask for tations. Whitby Lumber & yard, Telephone 12 Whithy, Ont, at Port Whitby, out of elevator, suitable for al frame buildings, barns, eté, the for delivery April "Phone 3, HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH! H (uo- Wood- May 20 TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR BALE | Watson | kinds of! Quantity | ol belting, shafting and scales ready | 1st.--Apply, John | 1-tr FOR SALE -- NEW Dearborn Ave. 10th. Apply L. T84-r-23. HOUSE Possession Hancock, ON April phono 3-b 'Work Wanted RUGS WANTED, ALSO CARPETS, | draperies, pillows, mattresses, OR RENT with large St. FOR BALE roomed house and water, also Apply 218 Albert hen house, tunity like this one. For appoint: ment, phone 1021, WANTED AT ONCE EXTRA salespeople to help Saturday's or Sat- urdays and afternoons. Apply H. En- gel. Help Wantea--Male tf | FOR SALE { house, cheap, 20 x 24, electric lights {water and large cellar. | Nassau St., evenings ed frame house, electric lights. ply cor. Annis and Rowena Sts, phone 929-W, Fh MEN AND WOMEN--BE YOUR OWN boss, make nice income selling a line that speaks for itself, W. A. Benson, 3656 Euclid Ave,, Toronto. 3c WANTED--A CARETAKER FOR Alexandra Park. Apply to F. E. Hare. Secy. of Park Com., by 15th of April. Je MARRIED MAN on farm, will hire for one year, to farm work. Early riser. Apply Thos. Williams, Cedar Dale P. O. Rooms Wanted WANTED TO RENT BY 15th, flat of three centrally located, suitable for light housekeeping. P. 0. Box 101, Osh- awa. "APRIL Lost and Found LOST -- SILVER WRIST WATCH. Finder kindly leave at Umion Bank and receive reward. 3-a Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- A NEW COOK STOVE. Apply 328 Simcoe St. S. 3c FOR SALE--PLATE GLASS, EX- tra thick, size 5 ft. 11% in. x 5 ft. 9 in--$30.00. The Arcade. 2 reversible baby buggy. 185 Centre St. gear, $160. 3-a "WANTS WORK ! used | Sec | or four rooms, 2-¢ | FOR SALE -- A FINE LITTLE or OSHAWA POST OFFICE tage. Centrally located. {Apply N. A. Campbell, St. Phone 1203w, Easy terms. -- SEVEN clecuric lights A FOUR ROOME D | 300 Richmond 3b cleaning process. Damaged, ed and old furniture re-polished. W. | 1A Gerry, 102 Alice St, Phone 1186), | 143-m | to he cleaned by our thoroughly sanitary | scrateh- Apply X56 | Poultry For Sale 1-¢ |FOR - |FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX ROOM: fore atchine. Ap: Phone 1153-W. SALE ~-- BARRED $1 per ROCK | setting. 2-f Going East: $4500 WILL BUY A 6 'brick with all conveniences, ly located. Terms reasonable, {$6800 WILL BUY A LOVELY room brick with all conveninces, garage, and conveniently located, ! $4000 WILL BUY A 6 brick with all conveniences, parlor on hack, centrally and very convenient to Motors. This is a barzaiu. We have many more houses well as some lovely lots in and East. Come choice, OSHAWA REAL 61 King St. C. LYCETT, Phone 625 E. Phone 793 J. C. YOUNG, Houses Wanted April, ants, small family. Reformer. WANTED - or rooms, keeping. Apply Box "M™ SMALL HOUSE, suitable for light Apply Box "LL", Reformer 3-b ROOM nice- 8 ROOM | sno | located | General | as North | early and get your EST. SALES (0.! Phone 909-J | 3--b WANTED --ON OIL BEFORE 15TH | 3 or 4 rooms or flat, No 1e n-| 3-0 FLAT house- all conveniences State price and terms. or & room house, by May 1st. BOSTON Apply 228 FOR SALE CHEAP -- thoroughbred dog pups. Alice St. FOR SALE--LARGE COOK STOVE | with warming closet and reservoir. Apply Box "XN", Reformer. 3-1 FOR SALE--MORRIS CHAIR, OAK | rocker, mahogany bedstead, coal oil heater, two camp coos und kitchen table, electric light fixture and som? pictures. Apply 50 Aberdeen St. 5% o=-0 | FOR SALE -- TWIN CYLINDER IN- dian Motorcycle; International 2 1-2 bhp. gas engine and saw. Apply at 111 Bond St. after 5 o'clock. 3c PUREBRED BARRON STRAIN -- White Leghorns, large comb, English kind. Great layers. 15 eggs $1.50. 52 Pine Ave, off Park Road. 3a PIANO FOR SALE, CHEAP FOR cash. Reasons for selling, not suffi- cient room. Apply Chariton, 13 An- nis St., Cedar Dale. 3c FOR SALE -- FOUR ROOM HOUSE, | Also 2 lots for sale. Cheap for cash. | Apply Box 64, Oshawa. 3c oughbred Holstein bull, Pontiac Burkeyje, No. 46751. Le Roy Trull. Bowmanville. Phone Bowmanville 176-13. 3-f BARRED ROCK BEGGS FOR HAT- ching, from birds that are bred to lay, $1.25 per setting of fifteen eZgs. 349 Mary Street. 144-j FR SALE -- FOLR SURNER GAS stove with oven, complete. Apply Ormsby Apply 3-01 wood shed, electric lights and water. | Apply Box "0 HOUSE WANTED conveniences, tion. Occupation about May 1st. ily of two. Apply Box "R"" 3-¢ Reformer. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT. FIVL TO RENT, ALL central or north loca- Fam- 3c 2.00 p.m., Division; 8.45 p.m., all East. { Going West: 1.15 p.m., 17.00 p.m., Whitby, Port Perry | Lindsay Division; 8.45 p.m, | West, {A MOTHER GOOSE PARTY be held in St. George's Hall, Centre Street, on Monday, April 17th, from ments. Admission 35 cents, al { 150a-153a-155a FIRE ALARM BOXES | -~--Four Corners. } ~McLaughlin's. | 4--Pedlar's. | 5--Canning Factory. { 6-----Schofield Woollen Company. T--Fittings Ltd. | 8--Division and King Streets. 12---Albert St. School. ° i 15--Ontario Malleable Iron Co. 16---High School. 17--Hospital. 18--Bishop Bethune College. NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: 8.23 a.m. daily cept Sunday: 8.58 a.m. 1022 am. daily; 1.04 pm. except Sunday; 2.50 p.m. daily WANTED LARGE OR house central, by May 1st. lox "I" Reformer SMALL Apply 2-41 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until noon, April 17th, 1922, for excavation and con- struction of foundations for the new St. George's Church, Oshawa, ac- cording to plans and speciicatious which may be seen at the offices ul the Architects, Messrs. Ed:n Smith and Sous, Toronto, or at the office of | Ar. E. C. Hodgins, Stanuard Bank, Oshawa. pany each tender. Lowest or aay tender not necessarily accepted. Box 394, Oshawa Sealed tenders. accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 per cemt of the the construction of a Maternity Wing | 10 the west of the above Hospital buil- ding. The work will consist of concrete, ing and wiring. Plans, specifications, and conditions | governing the work may be seen at the of Montreal, Oshawa. "Tender for Hospital Wing" 18 Prince St. HATCHING BEGGS, FROM hE to-lay White Wyandottes, Nptin strain, $1.50 per 15 eggs; #7 100. H. A. Tenney, R. R. No. Cedardale, Ont. Phone 785-2-2 MATOMING BGGS FOR SALE Single combed thorough bred Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 for 15 eggs. Ap- ply 181 Albert St. Member of Poul- try Assoc. 3-b of Messrs. Langley & Howland, archi-| Toronto. Baa, Board and Keem tects, FOR SALE -- A ZINC TANED RE- frigerator and bedroom toilet set, (a each $5. Apply 282 Goif St. Phone 893. =D FOR SALE -- ONE KITCHEN range, Champion. Summit, with hot water front. Six octave organ, in first class shape. Cask or terms. 75 Bond St. E., Oshawa. wagon, also buggy for sale. 217 Apply Box "GG, TWO LARGE lady and give breakiast Reformer. and tea. Burk St. 2c ee -- Storage = FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN 5527, might 552W. Rut- |. North. aL willing to pay part of whole A marked cheque for 10%: | of the amount of tender must accom- H. 8. SMITH, Wardeu. (a value of the work, will be received, up Juma. 10 noon of Monday April 24, 1922, for | masonery, carpenting, plumbing, id office of the Hospital Treasurer, Bank | to be | clearly marked on the top left hand ourner of the envelope, which will be A | add wr FL 8 28 ren ve, Westmount, wish to thank Street East, Oshawa. The lowest, or any tended not mec- ily fliness of Mr. Daniel. WITH NICE, COMFORY- move and more troubled ower th room to spave in choice localily question what to do with would accommodate business man or! cept Sunday: 6.54 p.m. daily cept Sunday ;9.40 p.m. daily; p.m. daily. Going west: 4.44 a.m. daily; 5.56 | aw. daily; 624 am. daily; 1021! a.m. daily except Sunday; 2.45 p.m. | daily except Sunday: 4.44 p.m. daily: 729 p.m. daily except Sunday; 7.23! p.m. Sunday ouly;8.35 pam, daily cx-| cept Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Going east: 10 am. daily; p.m. daily except Sunday; 1203 607 a.m. daily; except Sunday; daily except Sunday; daily. Going west: am. daily a.m Don't forget Brutom's the Sth. | PENFOUND-KIRBY At the King | Street Methodist Church, Oshawa. on Tuesday, April 4, 1922, by Rev - Kirby, of 27 Park atoad, to Mr. Charles LeRoy Penfound, for-| merly of Oshawa. Sa CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. F. Daniel of 28 War- | the friends who called and have ll so kind during the recent long is tendered to the Men's Club of | {Simooe Street Methodist Church, Our British friends ave getting! Liora | Geonge. Evidently the only [coruce is 10 be patient and wait If the hill back of Nazaveth could give back its secret, of the lake on Galilee could. tell what it witnessed, if the desert places round about Je- rusalem could tell their story, if the Mount of Olives could speak out and tell what there, they would all tell ms, more than any- thing else, of the prayer life of our God. They would reveal its inter- sity, its unselfishness, its constancy, its Godly fear that made it irvesist- ible.--John R. Mott. F. T. Lanmble's adv. will be found near school, state particulars, 2 hawa P. 0, 150-01 'to-day on page A. Mails close at local postoffice at: 7.30 a.m., all East; Port Hope and Peterboro all West; and 1 WiLL Parish Easter 3 to 6 i} 14--Convent, Brock and Simcoe St. RAILWAY TIMETABLES GRAND TRUNK AND CANADIAN | ex- Sunday only; | daily | ex-| sen ox- 11.59 daily stops only for passengers for Montreal and beyond: 12.19 a.m. | 2a] 3 O40 p.m | 8.40! 5 pam. | dnity 804 pu. daily except Sunday. | opening, ! A. M. Irwin, Miss Ethel AAA Special thanks i | i 3-af While | | Toranto,--The ent a of the C. P, R, London Division in Toronto terminals gathered at the head of- fice, Simcoe street, in 'order to show their respect for former Chief Supetjitendent F, M., Rutter. Rich- Malloy, who occupied the chair, referred to the importance of the occasion and called on A. Maynes, division master mechanic, and Chief Bes atcher James Wansbury who, in their modest manner, and in the language of railroad men, presented Mr. Rutter--who has been trans- fe:ved to London--with a handsome Rod watch and chain and purse of gold, Vancouver. -- Alterations to the otel Vancouver, about which rumors have been rife for several n.onths, will certainly not he under- taken this year, declared Mr. An- | dew Allerton, manager-in-chief of Canadian Pacific hotels, "The. pres- ent hotel is quite ample to care for the business which is offering," said r. Allerton. "Even if alterations were required at present the execu- tive does nct consider this a suitable | tme to undertake building opera- | tions." Although there will be many special train loads of tourists tandled by the Canadian Pacific during the coming summer, the hetels will not be called upon to handle any heavier traffic than last year, in his opinion. Tight money wil! tend to keep :ourist travel down, he thinks, i Montreal.-- The C. P. R, Windsor | Station, Montreal, and the Grand Central Stution in New York are now forty minutes closer to each | other, as the Delaware and Hudson Railway have decided to accelerate |; the night train from Montreal so that the departure time will be 9 p.m., instead of 8.20 p.m., although the al time in New York will be the | me, namely 7.30 am. The train will also be elevated to the dignity i of a name instead of being as it has | wtherto been merely a number, and will henzeforth be known as the | 5 Limited. According to |= Fitz Simonds, of the = Del aware '& Hud:on Rai Iway. pros- | pects of travel from the United | ates to Canada during the coming | 4 cellent, and the steadily icreasing volume of passenger busi- ress has induced the management of his railway to go to the additional xpense of accelerating the service between Montreal and New York. LF Montreal. Montreal harbor is one | f the finest in the world, and it' has a fine old custom of hororing | the captain of the first trans-Atlao- * vessel that arrives there when the shipping season open About fifty years ago Capta Howard. then harbor master, originated the idea of presenting a tal! sik hat to the first Captain to arrive with a trans-Atlartic shin of anv kind freight or vassenger, or both pas s nger and freight. For about | thirty-five years the custom con { tinued--the f: captain to arrive every soring got his tall =ilk hat. | About fifteen vears ago silk hats some of .their ponularity as | fashions changed. A' that time Mr M. P. Fennell, junior, now Genera! Manager of Montreal Harbor, con- e rat lost | ceived the plan of prese: san ain of the first trans | ith a gold headed cane, A The voeue. The JH a ng the old silk hat. cane custom cont presentation of the gold Wi cane $ an interesting event in Montreal shipping circles. Last yea: the pre- | tation was made by the president | ! of the Montreal Harbor Commis sioners on board the ship of the | wir ing captain in the open air, where the moving picture men coul d} record the incident. > St. Joha, N.B.--A scheme that intended to prevent wcilitate the forwarding of unae- ompan ied women and girls their Canadian port of debarkation to their Canadian nues in is i1_migration and Ngers arriving on Can ships at Mont real, c or St. John. In order to prevent confusion when all pas- sengers are hastening to leave the | ship, and to prevent inconvenience | to women and girls, it has been : arranged that the matron aboard the | ship shall supply each unaccom- panied woman with a small ribbon for use as a special means of identi- fication. Thiz ribbon will be worn | at the time of landing. A ved rib- bon will identify those proceeding west of Ontario and a blue one those destined for that province. Passen- zers proceeding to anv other oi will wear > white ribbons. there are snerial government a vellow ribbon in addition tp | oa one will designate a party for | Saaknotrhewsn: sky blue in addition | to red for Manitoba. and brown in addition to ved for Alberta. In ad- dition to a staff of stewardesses on sll Canadian Pacific shins there is | also 4 matron whose specia' duty i= | to attend to the welfare ~f women | and children travelling alone. ! demic disc 'continue as to the status of the self- |governing Dominions within the] British Empire it is plain that Brit- e | [aim considers that they {the Genoa Economic 2-b until Old Age gradually wears him is thought that they will be ROOM AND BOARD FOR --Fwo down. --New York [Evening Post. both |gentlemen. Apply 207 Court St [take a most useful part in the work! of the gathering. The resources of | the Dominions should go a feng way; toward the rshabilitation of Europe once an arrangement can be made as Re . It tured products, if these could not be, paid for. said 10 be confident of a smnocessfui | outcome of the conference. Some | ing effort of his public career. F. T. Lamble's adv. will be found loday on page 4. ~ { that precious community spirit, {the mistakes and | from | destinations has | ! { been arranged by the department of colonization, and | | will henceforth be adopted for all FEARS NEW ARENA WON'T GET SUPPORT Editor The Dear Sir:--We have been shouting for a real rink for years, Oshawa has needed one very badly and of course it would pay. Now we have an op- portunity to secure something much better than it was ever hoped for, if only the shouters will all buy a share or so, I am afraid Messrs, Preston and Smith will soon find that the makeup of the typical Oshawa sport will put the frosthite on this splendid scheme, This kind of sport strikes me as be- ing composed largely of native son and spectator. As the latter he pays at the entrance, has to be convinced that the home team can win a game, he bets against them and lets them know it. He denounces the rink but an appeal to subscribe toward a new one finds him cold. As a native son he does not know what the Stanley Cup stands for; he always bets 2 to 1; has no earthly use for coaching or the proposed arena. His class of hockey does not require either; he longs for the return of the good old days, A number of small towns of 1000 population and over consisting most. ly of retired farmers but blessed with have accomplished wonders in providing themselves with fine rinks. Oshawa, with 12,000 people and nearly as many cars, is not built that way, If it had been, we would have won three or four championships. Our good teams, well coached, have lost out in the pinch to teams backed by real com- munity spirit. I have watched sport Sporting Reformer: -- { from the Ancient Capital to Victoria jand I know what the local class of sport will do to any team when an extra effort is required to win out, The local arena project calls for the support of all red blooded people | in Oshawa, It may have to be aban- doned because of the painful lack of | support. Should the present ice box not be available again, we tate back io the old iwo by Hollow; play old time four hockey; will grav- | ini Nr FUNERAL § SERVICE OF LATE MRS. HARE Mrs. J. J. Hare, for years Lady Principal of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, who died at Rockford, I11., on March 11, was buried at Whithy Wednesday. The funeral service was held in the auditorium of the college, and many former pupils [from all parts of the Province were present. The service was conducted by Rev. ¥. L. Farewell, present Principal of the college, assited by Rev, F. HH. Howard and Rev. Edward Turking- ton of Whitby, and Rev. EK. A. Chown, both of Toronto. The girls of the college paraded to Union Cemetery, where interment took place. Rev. Dr, J. J, Hare was the first Principal of the college, and held that position for 41 years. During most of that time his wife was Lady Principal. Dr. Hare and his son Krank and a nwmber of other rela- tives were here for the funeral, defy the world, barring Brooklin, Ont. and Whitby (south of Brooklin). Then the native sons' dream will have come true, That is about our real level as a hockey town anyway. Yours hopefully J. Robertson. Oshawa, April 5th, 1922. The public executioners of Ger- many have gone on. strike. They say they cannot aflord to behead criminals at cut rates.--Richmond, Ind., Item. On Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. E. FP. Cawker, King Street E., entertained about forty young people of the King Street Church, when a most enjoyable eve- | ving was spent by all. Over there in Ireland they find is easier to furnish a grievance than a | government,--Toronto Telegram. i SO OSHAWA Auto La i LI Mr. Auto Owner: Livery 2 i] { undry & TT 161 King St. West. Now is the time to have your car looked over and tuned up, so as when the roads are good and the weather is fine you can get out and enjoy it. Don't delay in getting it done now, so you will be prepared. No job too Give us a trial. We will Our livery consists of three cars. of condition in every respect. at reasonable rates. without drivers to keep these cars in patrons will be assured the road. Order ybur car early, so you won't be disappointed. small; no job too large. do our best to please you. In the best For hire with or Our aim is best condition, so as our of little or no trouble on W. B. and G. M. Cox. In Why Keep Wishing ? own Home. Others have taken our advice and are to-day on Easy Street. A wish- bone may be alright, but if you want something worth You can have your while you must have back-bone. If you have a little money and a determination to succeed it will pay you to see us. We have the most attractive proposition whereby you can have that home which you have been planning and desiring to secure. Building Lots in all parts of the Town. Exclusive Agency for Five Sub-Divisions. Take advantage now Terms to suit. List your House with & of our Special Discount Sale. us for Quick Sale. HA BUTT a SEW re. HOUSE #® LAND se Premier Lioyd George is Mgr.

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