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Ontario Reformer, 27 Apr 1922, p. 2

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 sa . ---- [FORMER COBOURG | sPorrneres ~ | "WOMAN PASSES Mrs John Fitzgerald, who came Hshed y to Canada from Ireland 75 years ago 'Thu and afternoons) when the journey was a somewhat at wan by The Reformer hazardous undertaking, died Tues- Printing &0 P h . day y 1 the howe o ner daugnier, Limited, Charl dy, Port Hope Guide: ~ Poor old Belle.| M'8. Robert Kerr, Merson Av- dents; Manheim ville i8 having her troubles. Freddy ole, Toronto. She was 97 years urer;' A. RB. Alloway, Assistant Man-| Goyer has gone to Guelph and Mae: Pitzgerald tl ? ager, : Peeney Mills, the best hack stop in|. Air TUSECTAlS was a native o ¥ the league has taken on to himself COuRt Kerry, Ireland, t an early GEO. A, MARTIN +» « Saitor a blushing young bride. From hers|®® she came to Canada and after 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES; it looks as I® that entiusiastic root-|!!Ving for a short time at Hamilton .elivered by Carrier in Oshave or|er, Mr, Tice , will not have much yout with Rev hushand, to Sonoury. by mail ahywhere in Capada $3.00 fopportunity of developing his lungs| She live in a Doowrs or h x Ta 8 year, United States subscriptions |this summer. 7 |and on the death or her hushan $1.50 extra to cover postage, Single <.- |16 years ago came to Toronto to copies 6 cents, Bert Booth, manager of the iocal oe ih her Savgiger. One NY Central team had the hoys working. ' RETA » Of Rochester, N.Y,, OSHAWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27.|nicely Tuesday evening for the first|®Urvives her, NS TLY BLOCK ) t able, . He or some other employer Fifty Youngsters 'will. be glad to share the profit with at Lacrosse Workout you. Carnegie Institution Teaches _ (Hstablished fn 1871) An 'independent newspaper pub- every .other Although the Lindsay Post did not deny that Jack Oulette had left} Lindsay, it has peen learned that he is still in. the Northern Down and will remain there for this season, BRUTONS About fifty youngsters were out at the Park last evening endeavor: 2 $ Ing to get into condition for the op- ening of the lacrosse season, Man- ager Lovegrove will have no easy task picking out the stars for 'the regular line-ups of hoth junior and juvenile aggregations, The hoys have settled down to real stiff work and good results are being shown, On Friday evening Manager Love- grove wants to see a full turnott with every player in uniform, With such a large number trying to catch a place on either team there is a little shortage of sticks but this dif- fieulty will he remedied at once, Women that animals fed on foods lacki minerals die sooner than starved ani- mals, This shows the imperative need of minerals in foods, Yet mod- ern white flour and prepared cereals have little or no minerals, because the bran and fat are removed, Prof, Forbes, an authority on food chem- istry, ays: "The minerals of grains are in their seed coats (bran) and erm (life part). heat contains three times, and bran twelve times as much mineral as white flour." Yet, women give the family only those Seroals lacking mineral y pie wonder w Cl ren are y spindly or deformed, Roman own high grade Yorkie = 1 ND we prive cuntains all the valuable minerals On Sale for 2 Days this Week-end. J } 0 ree whole ns, and make yourself a profitable investment for| delicious, wine Sh porridge, It REMEMBER 2 DAYS ONLY--FRIDAY AND Jour employer, or why should he compensates for lack of minerals in SATURDAY eop you? Don't be at all afraid| common food, It also prevents con» In Our Men's Department you will find you will make yourself too profits| stipation, At all Grocers, " 2 bays INfTOOUCHOTY SALE Friday 28th and Saturday 29th We will offer as an Introductory or Get Sale our snize sok of High Grade Footwear Act Sela see our special groups e season's newest lines, uctions. These are not practice of the season, Tt is exs|, The remains were taken to Co-| pected that regular practise hours will be arranged soon, bourg for burial In St. Michael's Cemetery today. Last fall Council announced that the 'unemployed would be given work 'cleaning up the Pedlar pro- perty.," The men were given the work all right, and much of the de- bris was removed. The unfortunate The Oshawa Foothall team will not play Cowans in Oshawa next Saturday as announced yesterday hy the Toronto newspapers, The local team will meet Sons of England in Toronto, REASON ENOUGH Detroit Free Press: Bome of the soldiers who had served under Lord Byng took occasion to tank up in mE Tr-- celebration of his coming to Wind» sor, but the judge let them go, be- part of it, however, was that the job was not completed, To-day this splendidly situated block of land in the middle of the town, is in an unsightly condition, The by-law to purchase the pro- 'perty by the town at $50,000 was passed by the people with the ob- jéet of haying it for a park and a site for a 'municipal building. As it now stands the property certainly cannot be used for a park, and the money invested in it is standing idle. It is reported that the Council does pot intend to do anything further toward cleaning up the property this year. Surely that is not good busi- ness, the sort which councillors should expect ratepayers to approve. EDITO RIAL COMMENT Oshawa business men will appre- ciate the action of the post office department in providing another fast mail to New York and the Eastern States. The new mail closes more than two hours later than the other midday mail, which has been used by business houses heretofore to send most mail matter to New York, and is therefore a real convenience. The extra mail service is keeping The new Leaside Athletic Assoc- fation have written President Han- ley, of the O,A.L.A., asking permis- sion to draw frfom city players, as there are np houses at Leaside in which the boys working at the-Lea- side plants can reside, If they fulfil their obligation to *'keep off"' play- ers conngeted with other teams there is" ho go 3 why "they should not request granted. CENTRAL LEAGUERS HAD A WORKOUT| A £00 Cube wb 'wilkyelh. feat ured the opening. 'workout' of the local Central team Tuesday evening at Alexandra Park. About fifteen players were out, and indulged in a light fielding pragtise., . Manager Booth: had wh Fa twisters warm- ing up, "Teddy" laghéf and Pat- ton, and if their present form is any indication, it will. n be long be- fore they aré"; fhe them over. Oshawa will he same class as Leaside this year, as Manager Pea- cock of the Toronto Club stated he would have "just a real good ball team" to place in the Central League. Among the other players were Fair;, Belding, Dobson, Legge and Silliphant. \ TIME 10, DROP IT Simcoe Reformer:" Hasn't Easter have. .their with Oshawa's increasing importance as an industrial centre. . i And still there has been no move| on the part of any civic body or of-| ficials to move the bodies of veter-| ~ans buried in the Union Cemetery to the veterans' plot. Are the heroes! of the Great War to be forgotten so! soon? | The screen door season is near at hand. Meantime swat the fly! It is stated that the "Ancient and Honorable International Order of | Henpecked Husbands" has existed in| England since 3897 B. C. An Abused | Wives' Club should probably date from about the same time. Ee ---------------------------------------- a ret, R SOUTH OSHAWA INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 00. SNAPS $4500 WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL 6 roomed brick home--practically new--hardwood floors downstairs --all modern conveniences--half a bldck from street car, side drive. This is a bargain. $3800 WILL BUY A FINE 8 ROOM- ed house, on paved street, house in excellent condition, all modern conveniences, gas stove goes with house. Lot 77 x 100, barn could be used for garage, side drive, good garden, only 2 minutes' walk to the Malleable and Ped- lars. This is a real ¥ $3000 WILL BUY A GOOD HOUSE and acre of fine gardening and a {the matter of the bill, I hope, doe- IN Monday outlived its usefulness as a holiday. The churches give it no visible observance. Why should the banks and public offices, It's sim- ple nuisance and should 'be scrapped. HIS HOPE Boston Transeript: "Your wife | has imaginary ailments, so I'll just | give her some imaginary medicine." "And---er--you'll be consistent in tor." so fio i Reserve your seats Saturday morning at the New Martin box of- fice for Jack's Wife, at 10 o'clock sharp. lieving the coming of Byng was ex- cuse enough for the starting of the bung. FLOPPERS AND FLAPPERS Chicago News: Fewer "floppers" among parents would mean fewer flappers among the girls. Dad and mother need a course of exercise to convert their rubber spinal columns into something less yielding. 2 At the first sign of falling hair don't wait another day but go to your druggist and get 2 bottle of Parisian Sage, the one really efficient hair saver. Parisian Sage is a scientific prep- aration that supplies hair meeds, It stimulate new hair to grow, or noth-| ing to pay. It is easy to use, and the | first application makes the hair and | scalp look and feel 100% better. if you want to save your hair begin using Parisian Sage to-night. It's met expensive and all drug and toilet counters sell it with guarantee of | money refunded if not satisfactory. ------------------------------=-------- new arn with three stalls, drive shed, good well. Only six min- utes from paved street. This is one of the best buys for the mon- ey in Oshawa. $2200 WILL BUY 10 ACRES OF the best of gardening land, only i mile from town limits, a small house on land. Will some day he divided into town lots. A good investment. $1000 WILL BUY 109 FEET OF 'land, will make two good lots. Will sell 100 feet or two 50 feet | lcts separately. This is in Osh- section. Pure Barley Sugar Candy on sale | Saturday at Welsh's. A treat for the kiddies. 11-b | Reserve your seats for Jack's | Extra Special--1.,000 pounds of | Pure Milk Chocolate Buds on sale all day Saturday at Queen Mary | Chocolate Shop. 11H § NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY REE is guaranteed to stop falling hair and |} ENGEL OFFERS A SALE OF LADIES' SUITS Regular $35, $40, $42.5Q, $50 & $52.50 for $19.90 These are not picked over garments but are freshly made, newly-arrived merchandise which 'we purchased from an overloaded manufacturer. Only 33 of them have to go at one Price A Small Deposit will hold any Garment Till Wanted A Few LADIES' HATS to clear at $1.98 See our New Stock of Dresses Footwear for the same make and style. ¥* » tive buyers. * * * » MONG our $8.00 Empress lines are sev- eral exceptionall y smart street slipper 8. One goodyear welted fancy two buckle style may be had in Chippendale Brown or light * | weight Black Calf. Having a very pretty |- sport heel of medium height it is one of our most popular street shoes. For the flat heel followers we are showing a smart swagger Oxford in light weight Black or Brown Calf- skin and a one buckle one strap Chippendale Brown Slipper. They have welted soles, and the price is $2.00 lower than Toronto prices Several of our best selling lines are much lower i price and the styles include those suited to more conserv. The Slater Shoe is the source of real satisfaction Men's Fine Footwear. There is more quality and style combined, for the price, than any other line of Men' Boots we know. Ask your friends about the "Slater." French toe and spray is the last word in both style §| comfort, a combination long sought after. In e | Oxford or Boot Style it proclaims a well shod foot. > 2 =» a Hurbuts for Children are a worth while im Hurbuts will not seem so expensive. ~ - THE BU eet OSHAWA --mr IGH PRICES do not al- ' ways express high gual- * Our policy has al- priced this old policy can be est appreciated. * » » in Toronto for $10.50. GROUP1 . 87.95 This Group contains our Astoria Lines; a Brown Calf Bluch Belgian last, Black Calf Bluch Belgian last. Black Calf Bal re- cede. Last "Fryer," brown Calf Bal recede last "Fryer," brown Calf Bal French last "Larue." brown Calf Oxford *La- hue" last, This will in- troduce many men to our famous Astoria Line, of which we are sole agents. introductory Sale $7 95 . ROUP2 . This Group $6.75 contains a and every a Goodyear welt. general purpose Also shoes for best wear, in fact some of our very best selling lines are included in this lot. Priced specially for our : ntroductory Sale $6 75 LJ] GROUP3 - This Group contains a splendid line of Men's Welts in both black and brown with a new brown Calf Oxford shoes for fine wear, factory wear and farm with a really splendid assortment. Priced to make and keep friends. «:ntroductory Sale $5 45 » GROUP4 - $395 This Group contains a line of general Purpose shoes that for value ean not he equalled in the country also some splen- did menonite grain Blu- chers strong and Durable for Country Wear the men who select from this Group will become friend of this store, «ntroductory Sale $3.95 LISLE ENGLISH SILK SOCKS WOOL SOCKS CASHMERE 39c 55c 98c BOYS $295 - GROUP! One dandy bunch of shoes for Boys. Just ser- vice lines to save parent money and get acquaint- ed with us and our Boys' Department. introductory Sale $2.95 Look at this brown Elk Blucher Medium Recede toe with rubber heels. Same style in black Elk. A splendid mahogany Calf line neat last for introductory Sale $3 95 . H IN OUR WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT We are Introducing to our City a New Price Level in Ladies' High Class Footwear it GROUP1 - $695 Ladies--this lot will be the talk of Oshawa it will include: Patent turm 1 stp Slippers, Vice turn 1 stp Slipper, Satin turn 1 st Slipper, black Suede 1 stp patent trim walking heel, Koko Brown Calf 2 stp Welt, Koko Calf 1 stp Welt, fine Vice Kid Oxford Welt and many of our other high grade Lines. See the window. Jatroductory Sale $6.95 GROUP2 - $595 This lines are some of our new single strap and Oxford Patterns in both black and brown and Pa- tent. Some growing girls lines that mother will sure take advantage of buying at this splendid price nmviectory Sele Gis G2 ! ! GROUP3 - $395 These are all new lines good styles in both staple and dressy line. Cushionete Kid Bal rub- ber heel, fine Kid high laced, Bal Mahogany Calf Oxford, Mahogany Calf 2 strap Patterns, lots more. See this line. Jatroductory Sale $3 95 GROUP4 - $345 This lot contains Dong 2 strap line, Dong Kid Ox- ford, Patent Oxford low heel, Patent 2 strap line, Dong Oxford and others of equal value. See these early Friday A. ESE a dt ok fe i

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