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Ontario Reformer, 27 Apr 1922, p. 5

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0) OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922. ~ Dental To Rent i 38, DENTIST, Office over Andigon's Tailor Bhop, 19 King St, West, Phone 281, ley Block, Simeoe St, 8, Phone 504, TT geet DR, T, 8, TUOKBR--DBNTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, 1-yr, J, P Office over Kyle's Grocery Phone 969, roe Etore. 4-1 yr, DR, JAMBS, DENTIST -- OFFICH over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No. 97. pa ha DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- &N- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. T0 RENT--COMPLETELY FUR: nished house for summer months, in best Josality, Only careful ten- ants considered, Apply Box "L", Refor: \ 10-h TO R -+AN 8 ROOM , BRICK, with | 'eonveniences and garage, just off' pavement, and fairly close in, Neceasary to mst quickly, Osh. awa 1 Estate Sales Co, 61 King St. B., Phone 793, 10-0 TO. RENT UNFURNISHED rooms, Apply 1567 Nassau St, 11-¢ BOARD AND ROOM FOR RESPEC: table man, Comfortable place, con venient to General Motors. Apply Mrs. Crawford, 271 Jarvis St., north Maby. 11-¢ E Medical DR, C, B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1yr 9 ~-- PHYSICIAN, - geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Baturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEBLY, PHYBICIAN & Burgeon, Bar, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank, Tele- hone 1155, Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or y _appointment, 96-t1 DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drag Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tt DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sats urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of #ar, nose and throat only. NURSING MATERNITY NURSING -- APPLY at J. A. Faulkner's, 113 Simeoe St. North. Mrs. Fallis. i1l-e Legal JOSEPH P., MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- ristef, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone D. A."J. BWANRDN--BARRISTER, Bolicifor, Notary cer, ete. All bi of Civil and Criminal Law. Leans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa Phoues, Office 940; Residence GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Srisram, B.A., T. K. Creighton, GD. CONANT, BA, LLB --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged od mortgages, conveyancing and - eral practice. Phone 63. " HE. MORPHY, B.A. --BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. -Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- blie, Conveyan- |O: ONE LARGE TENT TO RENT 12x20 with flooring, Phone 1166-J : 11-0 TO RENT -- ROOMB, SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen. 109 Al- bert St, 11-a Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE -- FOR YOUR summer home enquire about Windy Cove, just West of Bowmanville Beach, Beautiful front Jots for sale. Moderate building restrie- tions, F. G, Dyke, Room 708, Do- minion Bank Building, Toronte, 144-may4 FOR SALE--THE BEST LOT IN Oshawa, 70 feet frontage on Simcoe St. N., west side, between Mr, C. Mundy"s and Mr. E. Bradley's. Apply R. L. Gray, at D. M. Tod's Bakery. 10-C GOOD BUILDING LuTS FOR SALE on Alice St., between Division and Mary sts. Will sell cheap. Apply 214 Division St. 10-G --3 horses, colt, 11 cows and young cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, machin- ery, tools, vehicles, eream separator, feed, stoyewood included; in thick- ly-settled section near school. church, stores; city markets; 100 acres loamy, machine-worked fields; 20- cow pasture; 10-acres woodlot; ap ple orchard; attractive 8-room house maple shade, lake view; fine 60-ft. basement barn, running water, poul- try house, other buildings. Owner unable operate, $6,950 gets all, part cash, easy terms. Everything read) for a big year. free. John C. Montgomery, Strou. Farm Agency, King St. Chambers a, Ont. 9-¢ There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, May 6th, on the premises, south-east corner of Colborne and Mary Streets, Oshawa, the following valuable real estate:-- A seven roomed, one and a hal storey frame and rough cast house with water, light and gas installed olds. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Sale com- mences at 2.30 P.M. TERMS OF SALE:--10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days Further terms and conditions will b made known on the day of the sal or can be obtained in the meantim« from vendors' solicitor. Dated April 24th, A.D. 1922 JAMES BISHOP, Auctioneer. A. J. Reynolds, and E. Saunders, Executors Estate Ann Reynolds, 150 ACRES ON IMPRGVED ROAD Act quickly. Catalog the property of the late Ann Reyn- | Houses For Sale FOR BALP--3 ROOM TOUSH, water, sewers, electfic lights, 3 lots, all in garden, strawberries, rasp- berries, and two cellars dug and lumber on place, 245 Gibbs St. W,, near Park Road, 9-¢ FOR SALE OR RENT -- 6 ROOMBED brick house, with every convenience. Apply 71 Medcealfe Street, Price $2,600, ' 9-0 FOR SBALE--SEVEN ROOM BRICK house. All modern conveniences, Good Jocation, Apply 61 Ritson Rd, N, or phone 941° W, : 10:0 fIOUSE FOR SALE -- 1 ROOM house on French St, containing wood shed, electric lights, water, and lot on side. Sell cheap for cash, Al- 80' 2 Jots 30 x 120 adjoining, $300 cash. if sold at once, Apply Box G4, Oshawa, 10-c FOR BALE--DESIRABLE CORNBR building lot near centre: of town. 176 Celina St.. Oshawa, 11h FOR SALE--GOOD HOUSE AND two lots on Westmount, garage and hen pen, also fruit trees. Apply Box "N", Reformer. 11-b Help Wanted--Female ANTED -- GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, must understand cooking.: No washing. Good home, small family. Duties to commence May 1st. Mrs, C. A. Smith, 150-Lf WANTED -- RELIABLE . COOK, general or working housekeeper. | Apply Mrs. G. D. Conant, Simeoe St, 8S. Phone 921. + 8 7-11] WANTED--RESPECTABLE YOUNG girl for light housework, must be fond of children; Scotch preferred. Phone 25-J or call ~ after 7 p. m. Mrs. Trayne, 64 Bond St. E. 10-b FOR SALE--3-PIECH MAHOGANY WANTED-- WOMAN TO DO CLEAN: | ing and laundry work. Phone 249. 10-0! SPECIAL | $8500 will buy an 8 room house With | all modern conveniences, conven-| iently locoted. Terms easy. $3900 will give you an 8 room| house with. water and eleetrie lights, one block from car line, | $300 down. . $1900 will buy a four room house with water and electric convenient to car line. dow, | $300 will buy a nice lot in West-! mount on Pine St. Apply i Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, | 61 King St. East, Phone 793 | or A. A. Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 611} OSHAWA REAL EST. SALES (0. 61 King St. E. Phone 793 200 DOWN WILL BUY A NICE 6| room pressed brick house, with all conveniences and ureplace, in! North. Reasonable terms will bel given on balance. $4200 WILL BUY A 6 ROOM BRICK | with all conveniences and summer | lights, | $200] lar Plant. i $6600 WILL BUY AN 8 ROOM; brick with all conveniences and garage, just off paved street, and | not far out. | [$7100 WILL. BUY A 7 ROOM| brick with all conveniences and | garage, on one of our main streets | and just a mice distance from the | centre of the town. Now is the time to buy your lot to get ready for your new house. We have some choice omes but they won't last forever. A C. LYCETT. J. C. YOUNG, Phone $25 Phone 909-3 | HARRY SALTER'S LIST FOR SALE--6 ROOM HOUSE ON| Drew Street. | 7 ROOM HOUSE kitchen on paved street near Ped-|= Articles For Sale FOR ' BALE. ONE KITCHEN range, Champion Summit, with hot water front, Bix octave organ, both in first class shape, Cash or terms, 76 Bond St, E,, Oshawa, parlor suite, Apply 124 Agnes St, FOR SALE--SPLENDID DIUVING mare, Good, fast roader, broken to saddle, quiet to handle. Apply eve- nings, Myles, Whiting Ave., Cedar Dale, exc 10h FOR BALE--1 SET BED SPRINGS, 1 parlor suite (cheap), 1 wicker haby carriage, 1 laundry stove, 1 hair cloth suite (would make good office furniture), 1 wicker go-eart (like new), 1 wheelbarrow. ,. Apply 31 Elgin Street, E. 10-¢ FOR BALE -- CREAM WICKER bahy carriage in good condition, Ap- ply 196 Athol St. 2, ; 10h ONE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE good as new. Apply 75 Rion Ave. 10-¢ FOR SALE WHITE RENAME RR- frigerator, Tapestry Rug 9 x 12, also Child's Reefer. size 6H. Apply 59 King St. E. 11-b BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE RE- vergibte gear. Apply 104 Church Street. 11-h TWO PONIES, BUGGY AND HAR ness for sale, all in first elass con- dition. Apply to Russell Luke, West mount after 6 o'clock. 11-¢ FOR SALE--A PANDORA RANGE in good condition, Apply hetween | six and eight o'clock, p.m. wt 40 Elgin St. East. 11 | FOR SALE -SPRING PIGS. ELMER | Ross. Ross Corners. 11-a FOR SALE- HORSE & HARNESS and light lorry, reasonable, Harris, | Harmony Corners Apply after si 1h IRISH Cop Apply Frank Mi-| Hen ORGAN, | FOR SALE--N"B blers seed potatoes chael- phone 16 re. FOR SALE--DOMINION i ase. i weelle n -- | Plano case, in excellent eondition, al RHODE bargain. Forenoon or evenings, Park Road North FOR SALE baby carriage, good condition 71 Colborne St. E. 11 FOR SALE "GREY WICKER BABY carriage, cheap, in good condition Apply 209 Burk St 11a Calas Al 99 KING ST. FE AND! save money on that paint, paper or] tinting joh. Wall paper 10¢ roll and up. Workmanship guaranteed 11-h FREE TRIAL--JOHNSON LIGHT. speedy, outboard motors. Hyde pro pellers, aceessories, cut prices, free deliveries. Large variety engi new, rebuilt. Canoes Bice tors. Free Catalogues. ia Boat and Engine Exchange ® 7 ronto. 6-8- 61 el CREAM also Ouk Apply WICKER | heater, in | TATCHING EGGS, FROM | sur | Oshawa. Male or Female ATTENTION -- SITUATIONS NOW occuring for Inspectors Weights Measures; Food; Immigration, Eggs. Also clerical positions. Full infor- mation free. Canadian Civil Service Institute, Box 0695, Toronto, 7-8 I HAVE A POSITION FOR THREE ladies or gentlemen. You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another opportunity like this one. Fer appointment, phone, 1021. 10-¢ WANTED OFFICE CLERK, MALE or female. Apply R, C. Henry & Co, Coal Merchants, 24 King St, I. 11-a New Lumber for Sale TIMBER AND' LUMBER SOR SALE at Port Whithy, out of the Walson elevgtor, snitable for all kinds of frame buildings, barns, ete, Quantity of belting, shafting and scales ready for delivery April 1st--Apply, John Watson, Port Whithy, 'Phone 3, 1 Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $360 cash, Apply 458 Albert Street 131-t1] FOI SALE ~~ CORD AND FABRIC | tires at 20 per cent. discount off re-' eniur prices. AN sizes in stock. Tig | er Tire Sales, 160 King St. W, Phone | 9 6-1mos. | FOR SALE CHEVROLET F. B.| roadster 109 Brock St. E.| 8-f Apply { { = | Poultry ---- | BRED-! Wyandottes, Martin un, $1.50 per 15 eges; $7 per! 100 H. A. Teuney, KR. 'R. No. 1,! CrEdardate Ont Phone -F85-244 | April 30] ISLAND RED EGGS FOR | From carefully selected | citing. Apply Edgar or Hoge & Lyte, | 1450.1 o day White hatching fowl. $1 Horn, Wa Hampton, TWO LOTS On Alma St, 3 min. from Simcoe and Alexandra Park. Farticulars re terms apply: W. A. Grooms, 125 Alma Street; or at Hogg & Lytle's Store, King West. O INQUIRING AFTER Stray Stock A w= a Work Wanted W,. C.'JARVIS---PRACTICAL BOOT and shoe repairer, 13 Prince Street, Repwired while you wait, Ladies and gents rubber heels put on in a few minutes. All work promptly and neatly executed, 10-¢ WANTED--BY COMPETENT MAN position as caretaker and gardener, Thorough knowledge of plants and flowers and shrubbery, Landscapé work a specialty, Also good deliv- eryman, Box "0", Reformer: 11-a GENTLEMAN WANTS WELL FUR- nished room North Simcoe or viein- ity. Apply Box 2 Reformer, 13-b Pure, Raey Sugar Candy on sale Saturday at Welsh's. A treat for the kiddies, 11-h There will he no war tax on tiek- ets purchased for Jack's Wife, Price H0¢, The, and $1. Children Mat- inee 206c. 11a LOST--AUTO LICENSE NO, 1698068 in or near Oshawa, on Friday last, Finder will he rewarded hy leaving at Reformer Office. « 10. Music, Good Things to Eat, Dain« ty Service, Klegant Surroundings, at Welsh's Saturday night, 11-h Oshawa is more like New York every day. Six piece orchestra at Welsh's Saturday night, 11-b AN EXPERIENCED DIPLOMAT Ottawa Journal: The Turk knows his Europe. All he has to do is hold a long knife between his teeth, look fierce and wait with much patience and in good time the diplomats are willing to talk things oyer with him, . fminsfet Hote ---- /] The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada Centrally situated, close toshops and theatres, Fireproof. fence, Finest cuisine, till midnight. double room, with bath, $4.00. ble. to Tbe. Home comfort and hotel conven- Cosy tea room open Single room, with bath, $2.50; Breakfast, Luncheon, 66c. Dinner, $1.00, Free taxi service from traingand boats. Take Black and White Taxis only. 240 JARVIS STREET Write for booklet TORONTO, ONT. day Jree. And 1 worker Do You Want to Cut Your Chore Time in Half? In the ordinary work of the farm you must pump more than 4 tun of water a Why take the time and trouble to do this work when the wind willdo it for you A Toronto Windmill will cut your chore time in half can recommend it as an efficient an occasional oiling. And it costs noth- ing to run. And if you want a real water service, with running water under pressure every- where, you'll be interested in Toronto Pumps and Toronto Water Systems. Let me tell you about them. OSHAWA - Make money for you. It needs little attention outside H. J. OGDEN ONTARIO lo Little Thinds ON ATHOL ST. | 3 Sy | that add to your comfort W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C. Vendors® solicitor Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa 19-12-14 There will be offered by public anc tion the following parcels of Oshaw: real estate on Saturday, April 29th 1922, at the premises, 143 Celina Street. Sale commences at 2 p.m. 1. Two story rough cast house, 5 rooms, with water, at 138 Albert Street. 2. Two story rough cast house, 5 rooms, with water, at 143 Celina Street. 3. Two story rough cast house, 8 rooms, with water, at 147 Celina Street. The properties are subject to moath- iy tenancies and will be put up sep- arately, subject to a reserved bid im hot water heating. | ROOM HOUSE ON DIVISION ST. | ROOM HOUSE N PEARL ST. ROOM HOUSE ON BRASSEY ST. ROOM HOUSE ON VERDUN RD., | furnace, electric light and water, $1000 down, Jtis the little things that have made the Cunard. Canadian Service famous --the helpful attentions and personal courtesies of the officials - - the variety of the menus--the very excellent cooking --the ng-room service running water, hot and cold, and a thousand and one other details which add to solid comfort and enjoyment for the passengors. The trip down the St. Lawrence --theee delight- ful davs of ever changing sc wil 4s only ah of the seasons why you should sail to Ewcope from M l by the Cunard-Canadian Line. See She Ounand agent ia your tows, or write for 1 Information Folder to The Robert Reford Co, Limited General Agents Montreal Toconte Quebec St. John NB. samipations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. N---ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- ines, Whitby Phone 231. Sue- 'cessor . E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. "When 2 YOU use Canadian' Fence Your fence troubles arc over once you get "'CANADIAN™ fence made by THE CANADIAN STEEL AND WIRE QOMPANY, LIMITED. FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE, per- fectly galvanized and with the famous CANADIAN" knot. Let us show you this fence and the "AMERICAN Gal- wanized Steel Fence Post. 2.300, halance rent. Lots om Jarvis St, 40 x 110, $240. ! Money to loan. | MH. SALTER, 24 Royal Street Houses Wanted OWNER WHO WANTS A GOOD, careful tenant or who has house for sale, please communicate immediate- ly with P. O. Box 745, Oshawa. 10x WANTED T0 RENT -- A SMALL house or bungalow. appy Box "G", Reformer. 10 WANTED -- SMALL flat, with conveniences phone $25. as | Phone 185 | 10-0 We can sell you this fence as cheap @s you can buy fence anywhere. J. V. HILL, Oshawa, Ontario © HOUSE OR Apply 19 per cent. on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of the sale, or can he obtained in the meantime from the Vendors' solicitor. Dated April 10th, 19¥2 JAMES BISHOP, Anctioneer. RALPH J. ROBINSON, G. B. MOTHERSILAL, Executors of C. N. Rab- inson Estate, Vendors. Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS deal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson age, Atos Bt. South. amieson Bros., Phone 766. AT Gar- Tires for "we LS NOW IS THE TIME - TO ACT We have Building Lots in all parts of the town at reason- able prices. Terms if desived. You can commence operations at once and soon be in possession of your own home. LLU afi : i. a it i * § No fear of the landlord raising your rent or giving you ' -- { natice quit. Building restrictions very reasonable. On dates given below a Chi-Namel Demon- | ; : COME strator will exhibit and test the world For further particulars see us. List your Home with us for Quick Sale. famous fine of ChiNamel Quality Enamels, Paint and Varnishes in i OURSELF Office Open from 9 a.m. to 6 pam. Evenings by appointment. our Chi-Namel Come and CONVINCE Y' that Chi-Namel G Stove. Products can be baked, boiled, hammered and otherwise severely handled without dimming their brilliance H. A. BUTT Pres. | i y i L113 1] fe i ¢ ik if 4 i i ¢ k it } p i Fe "or soft wood floors, doors, furni- ture, woodwork, walls, ceilings, radiators, screens, porch furni- ture, autos, motor cycles and bicycles, stove pipes, etc THIS FREE COUPON guiities bearer to ane 30 cent our Stove, upop purchase of a 25c Varnish Brush to insure a fair trial or will be accepted as 30c upon purchases of larger cans of Chi-Namel Products. Name oo t ¥ A i «| I il i | : it Address MAY 4,5 AND 6 FRED FLINTOFF & SONS

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