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Ontario Reformer, 29 Apr 1922, p. 3

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a -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 Oshawa and District | 80 Water Services . During April 80 new water serv- ices have been. installed in Oshawa by the waterworks department, Twenty of these were installed for the Housing Commission and ten for local builders. "Eats" for Children's Shelter Considerable interest was shown this week in the demonstration giv- en in the Hydro Shop of how to cook with gas, An expert cook was in charge and all forms of cooking were done on a Moffatt Standard gas range, The cooking prepared at the demonstration was donated to the Children's Aid Shelter, Important Meeting Monday Next Monday night's Council meeting promises to be one of great importance, Several committees have held meetings this week and reports on important matters will be submitted. The report of the Board of Works which met Thurs- day night, is expected to deal with the season's paving program. Trade Commissioner Here PF, W. Cook, Junior Trade Com- missioner for the Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, was a visitor in Oshawa on Thursday, and met a number of local manufac- turers, He was conducted around the factories by Secretary McGibbon, of the Board cf Trade, and expressed himself as pleased with Oshawa's in- oo] __ Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ-MAH Is nn HEE to restore normal breathing, stop mucus jerings in the bronchial tubes, give nights of quiet sleep; contains no forming drug. $1.00 at your drug- ist's. Trial free at our agencies or write 'empletons, 142 King W., Toronto Sold by Jury and Lovell | Narn MOVED! From Our Old Stand 23 Bond St. E. dustrial activity, Commissioner Cook 4s making a tour of Canada hy way of gaining knowledge that will fit him for a pesition in one of the branches of the Department, Baby Clinic Growing A total of 93 mothers and babies attended the four sessions of the English clinic and 32 attended the non-English clinic during the month of April, according to the re- port of Miss Harris, No Story Today Because of the amount of adver- tising and news for today's paper, it was found necessary to omit the in- stalment in this issue of the inte- resting story "At the Villa Rose," The Reformer regrets having to dis- appoint its readers in this way, but a larger instalment will be publish- ed in Tuesday's issue, 32 Communicable Diseases According to the monthly report of Miss Harris, public héalth nurse, submitted to the Board of Health Thursday night, there were 32 com- municable diseases reported during the month of April. Of these 16 were chickenpox, 9 whooping cough, 2 scarlet fever, erysipelas 2, diph- theria 1, measles 1, tubercular men- ingitis 1. Made 3836 Home Calls A total of 336 home calls were made during the month of April by the public health nurses. This deais with all branches of public health, principally contagion, child welfare, tuberculosis and bedside nursing care. Tuberculosis is receiving comn- siderable time and attention, 22 cases receiving care in their homes and 13 patients in sanitoria. Hydro Meeting Soon. It was intimated Tuesday by Mayor Stacey that the joint meeting project, might be called next week after the Council meeting, Many Transients----14 Cobourg Recovers Loot Chief John C, Ruse of Cobourg has reccvered aaconsiderable amount of silverware in Toronto which was stolen' from residences at Cobourg. This includes a silver trophy, the property of Mr. J, B, McColl, and | some silver from the summer home of Mrs. J. A. Janney, Leadership Camp For Boys at Rice Lake This Season An event of considerable interest to older boys and leaders of boys' ac- tivities, is planned for the coming summer, when a Tuxis. Training Camp will be held on the shores of Rice Lake from July 10 tol7. The Rotary Club of Cobourg has chosen a fine site and is offering the camp for the above purpose, as well as for the use of similar organizations throughout the summer. The camp will provide a great opportunity for the men and .hoys of a sonsiderable district to get together for a week of camp life, sport and workouts on the Tuxis program; the underlying idea being, of course, to prepare those attending for live and sueccess- ful leadership among boys in their! respective communities, C. E. Plew- man, the well known Boys' Leader, is to he Camp Director. DR. BARKER ISA PHYSICAL CULTURIST Was Health Adviser to Former President Taft for Four Years Dr. Barker & not a medical prac- titioner but has been granted Uni- versity degrees as a Doctor of Hy- giene and Physical Culture, During the four years that Wil- liam H. Taft was in the White House Dr. Barker was his health adviser and under his direction, for an hour each morning President Taft follows ed a system of exercises that kept him in splendid physical condition, The late Chief Justice White, the late Senator Aldrich, former govern- ors Lowden of Illinois, Phillip of Wisconsin and Buchtel of Colorado; Frank A. Venderlip, banker and or- iginator of the War Savings Stamp plan; Henry P. Davison, prominent financier, and many other prominent men in public life have heen under Dr. Barker's eare, and by following his system of exercise and diet have greatly increased their physical ef- ficiency, : For several years up to the time he decided to work under the aus- pices of Rotary, Dr. Baker devoted his winters to lecturing to the gen- The district coves the tedritory from Belleville and Picton on the east, to Whithy and Oshawa on the west, and extends north to Camp- bellford and Peterboro--Rice Lake | being quite easy of access and very | central for the whole area. Very successful and enthusiastic camps | have been held in other districts in | recent years, and great satisfaction | is being expressed on the formation of the Rice Lake Camp. A commit-| | tee, representative of the district, is | {in charge of details, and expects to | have some interesting | announce- | [men tc make in the near future, of Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby | WHITBY FAVORS | representatives to consider action on the question of Hydro Radicals, par- ticularly the Toronto & Eastern I've Gained 18 Pounds and Feel Like a New Person Since Taking TANLAC from the food you eat, thereby building ie hots tem. At all good druggists, pr DON'T LOOK SHABBY your Ganments, braperies, curtains, etc. n ry Cleaned iperior method, and they just like new and have that fresh appearance which you much desire. You will not be disappointed if you sand them 10 n C. E. Aldsworth Quality Cleaner and Dyer Cor. Celina and Athol Sts. Goods called for and delivered. Mail orders receive special and prompt attention. PHON NE 549 Have "1 FURTHER PAVING] Whithy Revision Court, at'its ses- | | | | { onte el BEAUTY COMPACTS S. There's a large size Jontedl es for the deessing wd abc, $100, Gost JURY & LOVELL LTD, Seess. gion Thursday afternoon on the | assessments for the $100,000 worth | of asphaltum pavement laid last year | { on more than a mile of the Kingston | road and Brock street, confirmed | | Engineer E. A. James' apportionment { | of frontages, except for two trivial | | frontages. There is a strong move- { ment to go ahead this year with the paving of the two portions of Brock | street now forming part of the Pro- | | vincial Highway from Whithy to| { Linsday, between the Canadian Nat- | | ional and the Canadian Pacific stat-| { ions, which will make two miles of | paving. A run over the Kingston road be- | tween Whitby and Toronto found the bad places that had developed during the spring break-up repaired and the | "going" better than it ever was. | { Work on the construction of the big| | viaduct carrying the highway over | the Highland Creck ravine is rapidly | progressing. Northwest | (Continued from page 1) i Dr. McKay strongly advised the] Board of Works to construct a storm sewer in the north end of the town | to take care Qf all the water in that | area bounded by the Park which had been finding its way into the sanitary | | sewers. Inspector Palmer stated that if | the Parks Commission wanted to drain Alexandra Park the draining could have been carried into the creek by going through the golf giounds. There was too much storm water finding its way into the sen | itary sewers. Only last Board ment ing he had been instructed to order all persous draining rain water from | their roofs into sanitary sewers 10 disconnect at ounce. Dr. McKay stated that the discov- | ery made by the inspector was just | another striking example of the need iof a Town Planning © Commission { which would see that things were done systematically and properly, in- stead of work like this which had been done in the past. Pay Clinic Doctors The question of retaining doctors to be in attendance at bay clinics 52 weeks in the year was brought up the Board might set aside a certain amount of money each year for this purpose. For the past year several local doctors have given their sep: vices free, but now that another year is opening it was a question whether or mut they would waant to that service. The matier was left for further oomsideration at another NOW HE PRAISES DODD'S KiD- | NEY PILLS. Manitoba Man Bun Down and Out of Sorts Finds the Reoweody Me Nooded in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Morden, Man., April 28th (Special) --*1 fed like advising everyone to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Such is the statement of Mr. 1. D. Dyck, whe lives on R. R. 2 near heve. Mr. Dyck has used Dedd's Kidney Pilis and found them good. "1 had been dragging along for the few years" he says, "8ill 1 wasn't le to do the chores. 1 tried two tors but they seemed to me no goed at all. | ! | | i { { | { eral when upon the initiative of John | occasion that requests came in from | | led the telephone, but he is mot re- by Dr. McKay. who suggested that|™ eral public on health for the Inter- national Committee of the Y, M. C. As, and in the summer months he! was on the Redpath Chautauqua! platform. and became their leading health Jecturer. During these years he delivered over 3,000 lectures, and addressed over 1,600,000 pemsons. Dr. Barker first came to the at- tention of the Rotary clubs in gen-| Napier Dyer. then First Vice-Presi- | dent of the International Association of Rotary Clubs, he delivered before | the 1919 International Rotary Con-| vention at Salt Lake City his now famous address on "A Father's Re-| sponsibility t> His Son. So profound | an impress was made by him on that | Rotary Clubs in all quarters for the! Doctor to speak in their cities. Dur- ing the 1919-20 season Dr. Barker delivered his series of addresses in| 65 cities of Rotary and in the fall of 1920, after the board of directors of the ILA. or R.C had become thoroughly convinced of the great) value of Dr. Barker's work, he began | to devote his entire time to the Ro- | v THREE 2) Not a M inute too Soon to Choose Your Summer Frocks HE varieties of styles and f color combinations are reater than ever as our aily arrivals will show you, According to the big fashion centres Tub Frocks of Sheer Voiles and exquisite Organdies will be in greater demand than ever during the coming season, Kncwing this, we have secured an assortment of the prettiest and best quality Frocks that are obtainable, and what is still more important, at prices that are within anyone's means. Wonderful combinations of color, delightful bits of lace and ribbon trimming, with a relief of handsome embroidered dots and designs, all combine to make these Cool Summer Frocks not only very desirable as a season- able costume, but also a very necessary garment for every woman that wishes to be well dressed. By choosing now you will have the first choice. It will be a pleasure to show them to vou, also all the accessories that go to complete one's summer costume. tary clubs. Dr. Barker's addresses deal with fundamentals of character and right | living and he has an ability 10 en | tertain, interest and convince that is| most unusual. i BUT IRISH KEEP cont Springfield Republican: Prohibi- tion and unemployment are among the causes assigned by the bureau of immigration for the present outward tide. In the last eight months 25.000} Poles have left and ounly. 5,000 have; come, while the corresponding fig- ures for Italians are 42,000 and 39. 090. On the other hand, immigra-| tion from Ireland has not been check- | ed, despite the establishment of the Irish Free State. Don't fail to see Mrs as "Jack's Mother" in "Jack's Wife" May 1st, 2nd and 3rd. i { 1 { Dr. Alexander Graham Bell invent. spousible for the party line. Laugh? ! Laugh? well in Jack's Wife. | FABLE WRECK SHVED | FROM EARLY GRAVE [I couldn't sleep, my ner- ves were all unstrung, I was steadi ily losing weight | wages do. and fifteen. tween the seven Both my IE aad myself have denied oursel | the sorubbing and the this was tg also i Hi : : fink 4 3 Gl | T Hy 2 ig £ 2 gil j I h 1 i shel ] g 8 2 "ER 8 H eB mn 55 =5 { | "Then an advertisement led me to wy Dodd's Kidney Pills, 1 am so | much improved that 4 feel dike telling | everyone 10 use them." | | Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy | 1 pl Ei | { 1 | iH {hed life. i Fo i District Deputy Clatworthy | A. M., had a visit Tuesday evening from R. Wor. Bro. J. T. George, of 12a! port Hope, District Deputy Master of District No. 12. accompanied by { Bro. i large turnout of the members. You | whirh was well exemplified and ian- can't help it if yom see Fred Cars- | teresting, 12-2 | carried out around the festive board, | featured by speech and song. Short addresses were delivered by Bro. George, District Chaplain, Bro. Elliott. P.D.D. Dr. Kaiser and others. nouncement nas made by Dr. Kaiser | regarding the used by the lodge. is which contains its history. had been sigued by His Excellency Lord Byag Governor General, who was in change of all the forces including the Cana- dians at Vimy Ridge. to the interesting amd historic ralic was securod through the courtesy of Le. 0. Cliltord, MP. (of the arothren and | gave two numbers. GENERAL MOTORS | lishing new works at Hendon. Mt is | their intention to assemble the Buick Clievrolet, Oldsmobile and Oakland cars in the new works... These well- Do i now ,--and avoid disappointment UNPOPULAR Detroit Free Press: * 'I never can { like that mam." "Why mot? He's all right." "I know he's all right. but I cam't like him. "He's never done you any harm." "Not at all, but I disiike him just | che same, He's the man my wile is always wishing 1 would try to be ONTARIO MOTHER HELPS DAUGHTER Mothers--watch your deughter's health. From the time she peaches the age of twelve matil womanhood is established she meeds your care and advice. Meny women have sul RW. Bro. George | Paid Lodge Visit | Cedar Lodge. No. 274, & A. F. Grand He was | District Chaplain There was a (Rev.) Elliott. After the work of the evening, the Fourth Degree was D. B. A very welcome and hearty am- Vimy Ridge gavel The scroll that within the handle of the gavel Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound 1s a spiendid medicine for girls and women. For aearly Silty years it has becn helping mothers and daughters. Let it help you and your daughter. Hamilton, Oatanio.--" "When my dang The signatune Solus were vendered by a number the guartetic WORKS AT HENDON 'Says the illustrated London News: 2 General Motors, Ltd., are estab- A TAS CORSET ats npr" se in - i lish Jewish families, to Miss Helena Orr-Lewis, following on the pecemt marniage of Sir AMved Mond's dan- ghter, is father evidence that, at any rate among the wealthy classes, the alleged race exclusiveness of the Jews is disappearing. . SHOULD BE ONE MAN ANNWAN Uf you ave going to have your house wicod you will want it done sight. You can depend on our workmanship. We guarantee it, and use only fiost class, standard matesials. Let us estimate on your wiring. 'Our prices are sight. Ww, A. Killoran 34 SIMCOE N. Ellis, 3 tario Municipal Electric association, says in oriticism of the pursonnel LA NSS

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