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Ontario Reformer, 29 Apr 1922, p. 7

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EE AR -- ee ee eet . T, C. CLOMENCE, DENTIST, Sitoe over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 281, DR. R, B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- |g ley Block, Simcoe St, 8, Phone 504, 89-tf DR, T. 8, TUCKER---DENTIST, OF- fice aver Hngg and Lytle's store, Phone 048, 1-yr, , PHILLIPS -- } office 'over Kyle's Grocery Store. Phone 969, 4-1 yr. ICE Drug Store, over Jury and Lovell's Phone 'No, 97, DR, TRRWIN, DENTIST -- 6N-| trance to office one door east of Detenbgck"s Store, Medical DR. C, B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94. . s We T, | R " Bast, Toronto, will bo at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEGBLY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon, Bar, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 1165, Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment, 96-t1 DR, A, A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2,30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-1 PR: P. T, BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, NURSING MATERNITY NURSING -- APPLY at J. A. Faulkner's, 113 Simcoe St. North. Mrs. Fallis. 11-¢ Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Offie 4% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone D. A. J. SWANRDN--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All brafehes of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 5167. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyaucers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton. B.A. G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simeoe St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on moksgages, conveyancing and gep- ral practice. Phone 63. , E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Frgaminations free at office. Dr. 8. M Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors MM. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-41 Undertakers & Embalmers JKE BU C0. -- NERAL directors, embalmers, private am- pulance; morgue and chapel in con- section; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St 26-1 yr # 7 To Rent TO RENT--AN 8 ROOM BRICK, with all conveniences and garage, just off pavement, and fairly close in, Necessary to aet quickly, Osh- awa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. E., Phone 798, 10-¢ 'rooms, 11-c BOARD AND ROOM FOR RESPEC tahle man, Comfortable place, con- venient to General Motors, Apply Mrs, Crawford, 271 Jarvis St,, north Mary. 11-¢ ONE "LARGE TE NT TO RENT 12x20 with flooring. Phone 1166-] 11 Apply 167 Nassau St, TO LET -- FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Bid 207 Simcoe St, 8, 12-2 R -- Ri AN A private home, eentrally located. Ap- ply 68 Ritson Road South, FOIL RENT -- BATHROOM FLAT of three unfurnished rosms, suitahle for light housekeeping, fully modern house. Box 8. Refodmer, 12-a Real Fstate for Sale REAL FHSTATE --- FOR YOUR summer home enquire ahout Windy Cove, just Wést of Bowmanville Beach, Beautiful front lots for sale. Moderate building restric- tions. F. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do- 'minion Bank Building, Toronte. : 144-may4 FOR SALE--THE BEST LOT IN Oshawa, 70 feet frontage on Simcoe St. N,, west side, hetween Mr, C. Mundy's and Mr. E. Bradley's. Apply R. L, Gray, at D. M. Tod's Bakery. 10-C GOOD BUILDING LUTS FOR SALE on Alice St, hetween Division and Mary sts, Will sell cheap. Apply 214 Division St. 10-G FAILM FOR = BALE--ONE HUN: dred acres, splendid residence, hot water heated, bath room, nice lawn, large harns with slings, stone sta- bles, two silos, twelve acres hard- wood timber, orchard," crop, stock, implements. Price $8,000. Terms. Title unemcumbered. W. C.Pollard owner, Port Perry. - house work, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 ™ PAGE SEVEN Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, must cooking. No washing, small: fami), May 1st, Ts. WANTRD -- understand Good Home, Duties te commence C, A, Bmith, 150-tf 0H COOK, general or working housekeeper. Apply Mrs, G. D, Conant, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 921. Tf WANTED--WOMAN TO DO CLEAN- ing and laundry work, Phone. 249, 10-¢ WANTED -- WOMAN TO HELP houseclean, Tuesday and Wednes- day, Phoné 666. 12-a CAPABLE GIRL #0it_ GENERAL 462 Simcoe Bt, N. 12h Houses Wanted OWNER WHO WANTS A GOOD, careful tenant or who has &ouse for sale, please communicate immediate- ly with P, O, Box 745, Oshawa, 10-¢ WANTED TO RENT -- A SMALL house or hungalow. apply Box "GQ", Reformer, 10-¢ WANTED -- BMALIL. HOUSE OR flat, with conveniences. Apply phone 925. , 11-¢ WANTED -- AT ONCE BY MAR- ried couple, no children. 5 or 6 room- ed house, modern conveniences, cen- tral preferred, 94 William St, E,, phone 569-7. 12-h Articles For Sale FOR BALE -- ONB KITCHEN range, Champion Summit, with hot water front, Six octave organ, hoth in first class shape. Cash or terms. 756 Bond St, E., Oshawa, FOR SALE--3-PIECE MAHOGANY parjor suite. Apply 124 Agnes St. FOR SALE--SPLENDID DRIVING mare. Good, fast roader, hroken to saddle, quiet to handle, Apply eyve- Myles, Whiting Ave., Cedar 10-h FOR SALE--T SET BED SPRINGS, 1 parlor suite (cheap), 1 wicker haby ecarriage, 1 laundry stove, 1 hair cloth suite (would make good office furniture), 1 wicker go-ecart (like new), 1 wheelbarrow. Apply 31 Elgin Street, E, 10-¢ FOR SALE--DESIRABLE CORNER building lot near centre of town. 175 Celina 8t.. Oshawa, 11-b SOUTH OSHAWA INSURANCE & REAJ, ESTATE CO. SNAPS $4500 WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL 6 roomed brick house---practically new--hardwood floors downstairs --all modern couveniences--half a block from street car, side drive. This is a bargain. $3800 WILL BUY A FINE 8 ROOM- ed house, on paved street, house in excellent condition, all modern conveniences, gas stove goes with house. Lot 77 x 100, barn could be used for - garage, side drive, good garden, only 3 minutes' walk to the Malleable and Ped- lars. This is a real snap. $3000 WILL BUY A GOOD HOUSE and aere of fine gardening and a pew barn with three stalls, drive shed, good well.. Only six min- utes from paved street. This is one of the best buys for the mon- ey in Oshawg. $2200 WILL BUY 10 ACRES OF the best of gardening land, only house on land. Will some day be divided into town lots. A good investment. $1000 WILL BUY 100 FEET OF land, will make two good lots. Will sell 100 feet or two 50 feet lots separately. This is in Osh- awa's best residential section. J. A. BICKELL E. L. PETLEY Phone 115-3 124 SPECIAL $5500 will buy an 8 room house with all modern conveniences, conven- iently locoted. Terms easy. will give you an $8 room house with water and eleectrie lights, one block from car line. $300 down. $1900 will buy a four room house with water amd electric lights, convenient $200 down. $300 will buy a mice lot in West- mount on Pine St. Apply Real Estate Sales Co. to car line. "insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A.M Mclean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Tel. 21 Tire Revaiving ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 Musical Instruction HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATC.M., organist and choirmaster of the King $7100 WILL BUY prepared to Church, is Auctioneer WILL. 7. BAKER, HAMPTON ONL. Phune Live Stock a A 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-Smos Osha 61 King St. East. J or i Ne Bley ws $500 DOWN WILL BUY A NICE 6 room pressed brick house, with all conveniences and mnreplace, in North. Reasonable terms will be given on balance. $4200 WILL BUY A 6 ROOM BRICK with all conveniences and summer kitchen on paved street near Ped- lar Plant. $6600 WILL BUY AN 8 ROOM brick with all conveniences and garage, just off paved street, and not far out. A 7 ROOM brick with all conveniences and garage, on one of our main streets and just a mice distance from the centre of the town. Now is the time to buy your lot to 1 get ready for your new honse. We have some choice ones but they 3. C. YOUNG, Phone 309-4 FOR EAE SEVER ROOM BRICR mod Good location. Apply. Pg Ritson Jd. 1% mile from town limits, a small | FOR* PALE -- CREAM WICKER haby carriage in good condition, Ap- ply 196 Athol St. E. 10-b ONE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE good as new. Apply 75 Eldon Ave. 10-¢ FOR SALE WHITE ENAMEL RE- frigerator, Tapestry Rug 9 x 12, also | Child's Reefer. size 5. Apply 59 King St. E. 11-b BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE RE- versible gear. Apply 104 Church Street, 11-b TWO PONIES, BUGGY AND HAR- ness for sale, all in first class con- dition. Apply to Russell Luke, West- mount after 6 o'clock. 11-¢ FOR SALE--A PANDORA RANGE in good condition. Apply between six and eight o'clock, pom. at 40 Elgin St. East. 11-b FOR SALE--HORSE & HARNESS and light Jorry, reasonable, Harris, Harmony Corners. Apply after six. 11-b MINION ORGAN, piano case, in exeellent condition, a bargain. Forenoon or evenings. 64 Park Road North. 11-e J Male or Female ATTENTION -- SITUATIONS NOW occuring for -Inspeetors Weights Measures; Food; Immigration, Eggs. Also clerical positions, Full infor- mation 'free, Canadian Civil Service Institute, Box 696, Toronto. 7-8 HA A POSITION FOR THRE ladies or gentlemen.. You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another opportunity like this one, ' For appointmeént, phone, 1021. 10-¢ New Lumber for Sale TIMBER AND LUMBER #OR SALE at Port Whitby, ont of the Watson elevator, suitable for all kinds of frame buildings, barns, ete, Quantity of belting, shafting and scales ready for delivery April 1st.--Apply, John Watson, Port Whithy, 'Phone é Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first claps shape, $360 cash, Annly 468 Albert Street 131-tf Tun PALE -- CORD AND FABRIC tires at 20 per cent, discount off re- gular prices, Al sizes in stock, Tig: er Tire Bales, 160 King St, W, Phone 03. 6-1mos, FOR BALE -- CHEVROLET ¥. B. roadster. Apply 109 Brock St, E. 8-f FOR SALE CHEVROLET 490 TOUR: ing car, 1917 model, good running con- dition, 4 good tires, real hargain, Ap- ply 04 Oshawa Boulevard, i 1-tf W. C. JARVIS--PRACTICAL BOOT and shoe repairer, 13 Prince Street, Repaired while you wait. Ladies and gents rubber heels put on in a few minutes. All 'work promptly and neatly execnted 10-0 WANTFED--BY BUSINESS ( GIRL, A position in office. Apply Box 8, Whithy 12-¢ wy spas PE. FE, AND save money on that paint, paper or tinting job. Wall paper 10¢ roll and up. Workmanship | guaranteed. 11-b Poultry JATCHING EGGS, WHOM | o-lay White Wpyandottes, strain, $1.50 per 16 eggs; 100. H. A. Tenney, R. Cedardale, Ont. arenas spd "BRED- Martin $7 per B. No 1 Phone 785-2-2 April 30 RHQDE ISLAND RED EGGS FOR hatching--From carefully selected fowl. $1.50 a setting. Apply Edgar Horn, Hampton, or Hogg & Lytle, Oshawa. 148-t.1. FOR SALBE--S. C. SINGLE COMB Rhode Isitnd Reds, hatching eggs good laying strain. $1.50 for 15. Member of Oshawa Poultry and Ret Stock Assn. Apply 181 Albert St, 12-1 Board and Koom GENTLEMAN WANTS WELL FUR-| nished room North Simcoe or viein- | ity. Apply Box 2 Reformer. 11- bi WANTED -- THREE ROOMS FOIt light housekeeping by young couple. State conveniences. Apply by letter to Box "R", Reformer. WANTED --BY A REFINED YOUNG | couple 2 nicely furnished rooms for FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER baby carriage, also Oak heater, in good condition. Apply 71 Colborne St. E. 11-¢ FOR SALE -- ONE DRIVING OUT- fit, horse double or single. Phone 70. 12-¢ FOR SALE -- PRIZE BIRD, 8S. C. Rhode Island Red rooster, Bargain. Apply 200 Celina St. 12-a FOR SALE -- WIRED FRAME- work for chicken run, already set up and other equipment, also quarter cut oak hat rack. Apply 222 Ken- dall Ave., or phone $87-W. 12-a HERBERT RASPBERRY BUSHES-- Fifty cents per dozen, $3 per hundred. Maple, Japan Walnut Plum trees fifty cents each. W. H. Kirby, Park Road South. 12a Lost and Found LOST--AUTO LICENSE NO. 159868 in or near Oshawa, en Friday last. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Reformer Office. 10-¢ "Oshawa is more like New York every day. Six piece orchestra at Welsh's Saturday night. 11-b There will be no Amusement tax on the tickets for Jack's Wile 12-a light housekeeping. Must be centrally ! located and reasonable. Apply Box U, Reformer. 2 Efficiency slips away more ¥ quickly through faulty vision jf than from any other cause. ¢ Is your efliciency effected? th Our dependable examination will determine the exaet condi- tion of your eyes. If your eyes are subjeet to strain we can furnish you with the glasses you should wear for comfort and visual emjoy- | ment. | When We Test Eyes It is JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. "Phone 28 "Phone 110 Phone 117) SOUTH OSHAWA E. L. PETLEY, Dst. Manager REAL ESTATE We have already sold several lots and houses and are prepared to advertise your property and guarantee a quick turnover. We are well known to the town of Oshawa, and on our past veputation respectfully solicit the do J A dhe Shoenuity to, : "He profits most who serves best" SERVICE Frompt, Careful, Honest Service guaranteed you in our business dealings J. A. BICKLE REAL ESTATE CO. We beg to announce to the people of Oshawa that we have Opened an Insurance and Real Estate Office at the above address, and are prepared to write all lines of insurance in the best of companies. Give us a call | 430 Simcoe St. South INSURANCE AND (SEA EE | heen for a century or two, but no "about [ | | | | FEROCIOUS ARINE ANIMAL The most fergulous marine animal in 'existence today, is the "sea eel" or California spotted moray. Th commonly observed specimensTFe about three or four feet lon, and the size of a man's wrist. Their mouths are provided with néedle-like teeth, and their jaws are 80 strong that cutting off the anim- al's head does not have the slightest effect in releasing its hold, Release can only he achieved by cutting the head to pieces so that the jaws can- not hold together. Stories are told of fishermen being driven from their boats when a large specimen got. loose after being hauled up, and these stories may easily be credited considering the disposition of the small ones which are common to the California coast. Some of those found in the deeper water reach a length of six to eight feet, and a weight of 100 pounds. The animal can actually tie itself in a knot, and makes use of its extraordinary sinuosity for holding objects which it Is eating, and for twisting and coiling around 'rocks, BACK TO PHARAOHS In exchapging the Turkish title of Sultan for that of King of Egypt, Ahamed Fuad 1., asserts the nation- hood of Egypt with a virtual hard back to the Pharaohs. Sultans, Khedives, Valis--the Turkish name for vice-roys--and Beys there have king has reigned in Egypt since times s0 distant as to streteh away into the shadowy Biblicat era, "King" of Egypt has a homely, British ring that will remind Ahmed Fuad and his people of Britain's material in- terest in Egypt's destinies. But Pharoah was the ancieni title of the Egyptian soverelgns--originally a | proper name like Caesar, adapted to 1a heriditary monarchy. "AFORE DAWN," MARYFE London Observer: "George Weash- ington," said the small boy from his history, "was bornFebruary 22, A.D. 1732." "What does A.D, stand for?" quired the teacher. The small boy pondered. exactly know," he pondared dark, I guess." I don't] "Alter Musie, Good Things to Kat, Dain- ty Service, Elegant Surroundings, at Welsh's Saturday night. 11-b You will miss a treat if you don' see George Finley as "Dad's Boy" in Jack's Wife. 12-a TWO LOTS On Alma St, 3 min. from Simcoe and Alexandra Park. Particulars re terms apply: W. A. Grooms, 125 Alma Street; or at Hogg & Lytle's Store, en-| THAT 18 TRUE Boston Transtript: According to Mrs, Asquith, the American newspa- pers "pay too little attention to what say. and too much to who I am." t if Mrs, Asquith were not who she is, it is to be doubted whether anybody would pay much attention to what she says, Pure Barley Sugar Candy on sale Saturday at Welsh's. A treat for the kiddies, 11-b "All 'the world loves a lover." See Bert Smith make love in Jack's Wife, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 12-a Musie, Good Things to Bat, Dain- ty Service, Elegant Surroundings at Welsh's Saturday night. 11h Say, girls! Leave your hearts at mhome when you go to see Alex. Hall in Jack's Wife! 12-a T-- GREAT PASSION PLAY IS RESULT OF VOW The dhelaimerean Passion Play ---a dramatic representation of the sufferings of Christ, which is to be presented this year after a delay oc- casioned, hy the war, originated from a vow made hy the inhabitants of the little Bavarian village in 1633, with the hope of staying a plague then raging, The original text probably was made hy the monks of Ettal, hut the parish priests have since carefully revised it. The music was composed hy Rochus Dedler in 1814, The play is given by amateurs in a purely rev- erential spirit, and not for gain, al- though great gain is obtained from visitors these days. It requires a cast of ahout 700 persons, In 1901 an $80,000 playhouse was erected especially for the presentat which is given every 10 years. /The first performance was giwen in 1634, ~--when you can have " Our Protected Element? O™= coils in your Electric Range Elements mean constant vigilance, anxiety and worry-- McClary's Protected Element means easy assur- ance instead of vigilance--even-minded security in place of anxiety--no worry--no accident, Then why risk the satisfaction and pleasure you tricyRange when you can be sure of Both with MecClary's Protected Electric Ranks 'oronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, should have in an Elec Elements? St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Ca ry, Saskatoon and Edmon! 57 You Have a E. L. PETLEY THE LONG- to Expect More You pay a good deal of attention to your choice Right one, write us or our nearest district distributor. District Distributors: The Universs) Battery Co., Limited, Oshawa, Ontario EXIDE BATTERIES OF CANADA, LIMITED Exide MADE IN CANADA BATTERIES E BATTERY FOR YOUR CAR gc pn A A cr

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