OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1922 tl Boundy; Peterboro Ramsay and Macdonald; at Bowmanville, Rosevear son; Leaside at Lindsay, Kay Butler, ' ay 27th--Oshawa at Peterboro, BALFUUR [3 HEAD argest Wheel Ever i ¥ Nine The peo countries votees, at ae CYCLISTS' UNION 5: bigres for 4 of the pills have been game but if the does not wish to have Pasewemplre the secretary of the league must be notified 'two weeks before the date of the game. The) home team will be called upon to pay the umpire-in-chiet while the visiting team will pay the base of- ficials, The umpires have been al- jotted their games as follows: May 20th--©Oshawa at Leaside, Kay and Macdondld; Bowmanville at Port Hope. Gloster and. Butler; Cobourg at Belleviiie, Rosevear and' Wilson; Lindsay at Peterboro, Ram- say and Boundy. May 24th--Port Hope at Oshawa, { Barnes; .tler and Rosevear; - Bowmanville L Cobourg, Ramsay and Gloster; Belleville at Port Hope, Kay and Lindsay at Leaside, Mac- donald and Wilson, May 31st--Port Hope at Bowman- ville, Wilson and Boundy; Cobourg at Lindsay, Kay and Gloster; Peter- boro at Belleville, Rosevear and Barnes; Leaside at Oshawa, Butler and Macdonald. June 8rd--Oshawa at Cobourg, Rosevear and Ramsay; Bowmanville at Peterboro, Gloster and Butler; Belleville at Leaside, Macdonald and Wilson; Lindsay at Port Hope, Kay and Barnes. June 7--Bowmanville at Oshawa, Macdonald and Rosevear; Port Hope at Lindsay, Kay and Barnes. June 10th---Bowmanville at Lea- side, Wilson and Gloster; Port Hope at Peterboro, Macdonald and Butler; Belleville at Cobourg, Rosevear and Ramsay; Lindsay at Oshawa, Kay and Barnes. June 14th--Oshawa at Belleville, Gloster and Boundy; Cobourg at Help to find baffled the N the murderer who has X.Y. police for so long. "FIND THE WOMAN" A COSMOPOLITAN ATTRACTION FEA- TURING ALMA RUBENS, OF HU- For full information and help in solving this big mystery murder see "Find the Woman" MONDAY AND TUESDAY Selected Comedy REGEN Fri. & Sat. SPECIALS FOR THE FAMOUS SLACK ton PLAY '"THE SPEND DRTING WORLD Port Hope, Kay and Butler; Peter- horo at*Lindsay, Rosevear and Mac- donald; Leaside at Bowmanville, Wilson and Barnes, Juhe 17th---Bellgville at Oshawa, Rosevear and Gloster; Peterboro at Leaside, Macdonald and Wilson; Lindsay at Cobourg, Ramsay and Kay, June 21st--Oshawa at Lindsay, Kay and Macdonald; Port Hope at Belleville, Barnes and Boundy; Co- bourg at Bowmanville, Gloster and Ramsay; Leaside at Peterboro, Rose- vear and Butler, June 24th---Port Hope at Co- bourg, Kay and Wilson; Belleville at Lindsay, Gloster and Barnes; Poter- boro at Oshawa, Rosevear and Ram- say June 28th--Oshawa at Bowman- ville, Rosevear and Gloster; Cobourg at Leaside, Butler and Macdonald; Peterboro at Port Hope, Ramsay and Barnes; Lindsay at Belleville, Kay and Boundy. July 1st--Oshawa at Port Hope, Kay and Macdonald; Cobourg at Pe- terboro, Rosevear and Butler; Lind- say at Bowmanville, Ramsay and Gloster; Leaside at Belleville, Wil- son and Barnes. July 5th--Bowmanville at Lind- say, Gloster and Kay; Belleville at Peterboro, Rosevear and Barnes; Leaside at Cobourg, Ramsay and Macdonald. July 8th-----Port Hope at Leaside, Macdonald and Wilson; Cobourg at Oshawa, Kay and Gloster; Peterboro at Bowmanville, Rosevear and Bar- nes, Lonant, July 12th--Bowmanville at Belle- ville, Rosevear and Barnes; Leaside at Port Hope, Kay and Butler It's a lone vamp who does no | spurning. | A REAL HAIR SAVER IM your hair is falling out, pre- | maturely gray, brittle, lifeless and | full of dandruff, quick action must | be taken to save it. | Get from any drug or toilet coun- ter today a bottle of Parisian Sage! and use as directed--there's nothing | els¢ so simple, safe and effective. | "RBefo re going Lo bed I rub a little Parisan Sage into my scalp," says a| women whose luxurious, soft and! flully hair is greatly admired. "It keeps away all dandruff--my hair is never dry, faded or scraggly, but | retains its natural color and beauty." Parisan Sage is inexpensive, and | money refunded if not satisfactory. DAYS TO -- R-- 25 PAIR ONLY Large Size FLANNELETTE | Wednesday | { Victoria Un 2 0 Good Scores By Local Shooters At Balmy Beach HALF A DOZEN OSHAWA NIM. RODS AMONG WINNERS AT SATURDAY EVENT The Oshawa Gun Club was well represented at the Balmy. Beach shoot Saturday afternoon, among those attending from here being, T. Miller, 8. 8. Brooks, D. McKay, F. Rowden, W. Rowden and G, D. While none of the scores were up to the usual standard owing to the strong wind, the Oshawa shooters did remarkably well. In Class B 8. Brooks wbn second prize with a score of 128 out of 150. He was second to B, Hollingshead who secured 129, T. Miller came second in class C in the 150 bird event with a score of 114. T, Miller also won class C in the third 256 bird event, 8. Brooks captured class B. in the fourth 25 bird event while F. Row: den led class C in the fifth 25 'bird shoot. The scores were as follows: Shot at. Broke. R. Watt 150 121 W. Joselin 150 133 "J. Vance .. 150 P. Morgan 150 I. Leighley .... 150 S. Brooks .. 150 T. Miller . .. «150 D. McKay .... 150 W. Hughes 150, H. Sikes 150 C. G. Graham . 150 D. LeRoy 150 WwW. Kay 150. 1. Pickering .... 150 E. G. White 150 W. Hollingshead 150 C. N. Candee.... 150 Geo. Jennings 150 J. Jennings -. 150 \. R. Gooderham 150 Colborne 150 . H. Gooderham 150 v. Long : 150 . W. Burke 150 3. Turner 150 MeNichol 150 G. Austie 150 G. Scott 150 Dr. Jordan 150 W. Barnes 150 M. Goodale 150 J. Montgomery 150 T. Hogarth 150 W. Edwards G. Conant W. 0. Rawden T. Rawden . Fenton Woodrow . Gordon . Bauks ". Gordon E. Davis J. Booth Howard . McKenzie 7. A. Simmons . E. Warrington G. Neill . W. Cooey Pike .... i. Mclutyre . W. Petrie . Hooey Raw J. A. McKenzie . . 25 FOOTBALL STANDING | P D J | Oshawa in 3 3 British i ih A A. A 1... & 2 #4 Telfers . 0 COTO Or EE EEE Ee EE Ee Ee EEE Ea i Cowans . 2 0 Toronto Un 1 0 i N. Toronto LU | Morning | 8.30 a.m. Sof Bag... 0 0 MN Saturday's Results Telfers. 9; Cowaus, 1 British Imps. 5: Victoria United, 1; ed, 0. Sons of Eagland, 2; Oshawa, Shamrock, 4; G. A. U. V., 3. Toronto Unit- -- SPORT COMMENTS | Tony Bakogeorgé has ween appoint- ed manager of the Lindsay Grey: birds for this sdason. But as he will be absent for the. first -part of the schedule on account of business in' Barrle, "Tubby" Williamson will take his place. = With "Tubby" on the coaching lines visiting teams are as- sured of a noisy time in the Noprth- ern Town. Peterboro Central Leaguen: are arranging for the use of Exhibition Park to practice till Riverside Park again appears above tae suriace, Percy Ecobichon, who last year lined up with Cobourg. Will play with the Petes this summer, He has already signed with Jake Solomon's team. -------------- SNAPPY PRACTICE HELD SATURDAY The best practice held so far hy the local Central League team took place on Saturday afternoon when quite a number of the players were out, One of the new faces to be noticed was "Ted" Saunders who al- though he did not go south on the regular training trip, was in excel- lent form. The way he snapped the ball around the bases gave fans to understand that he will fill up a cor- ner of the infield very nicely. Fair and Belding have been out to prac- | tice regularly and they, too, are whip ping the sphere around in great style. There are many ball players who have not come out to practice but it is hoped to have them all lined up this week. The season is fast ap- proaching and it will not be long before manager Booth will be called upon to select his bunch to subdue North Toronto, 0 the Leaside Athletics. THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Buck Jones in "STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER" Al St, John Comedy "Small Town Stuff' TO-NIGHT & WEDNESDAY Last Showing of "Go and Get It" yet New Martin Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ° Eugene O'Brien in " Chivalrous Charlie Charlie Chaplin in "The Adventurer" ALSO Big General Motors Picture AND : VAUDEVILLE PRICES 10c-25¢ "A Real Bicycle For a Real Boy 149 HY don't your bicycle to school any more, Bill?" "Well, Dad, everybody laughs at it. The other boys ride rings round me, and call it the old bonest k J" "Hmm! How long have you had it?" "Why, it's three years, now, Sal a you ride You got it second-hand, Dad --remember?" ""That's right! 'What kind of bicycles have the other boys?" "They're nearly all C.C.M.'s. The best ones are, anyway." "I see. What make would you like best?" "Why, of course, aC. C. M., Dad, every time!" BLANKETS White with Blue or Pink Borders, priced for WEDNESDAY at 8.30 for $1.79 Pair Dad Offers Him One for Passing "Weil, now, look here, Bill. If "Well, there's never any loose- you'll pitch in at school and pass mess or tightness when you're your exams., I'll get you one of pedalling. You feel that every sin- those C. C. M. Bicycles. How docs gle bit of i you put on the that strike you?" pedals counts for speed. "Dad, I'd do almost anything for aC.C.M. You just watch me!" vAud the £. C. M. dosn't tice a I've heard See Them In The Window 250 yards Heavy White Saxony Flan- nelette, 30 in. wide, priced specially : Wednesday at 8.30 for 15¢ yd. No Phone or C.O.D. Orders 25 PAIR Extra Large Size FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Same as abowe, priced for WEDNESDAY at 8.30 for $2.49 Pair it i H ogk L I | E § on a R bt 1 } Br 3F 11; 500 yards heavy quality 34-inch wide Factory Cotton that sold at 25¢ yard will be priced for Wednesday at 8.30 for 15¢ yd. Xo Phone or a. Orders H. ENGEL'S Simcoe St. N. \ iE x ; i} f i No Phone or C0.D. Orders "The Bicydles with the C.C.M. Triplex Hanger" Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited Montreal, Toronto, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vancouver brush te insure » Fair Trial. MAY 4,5and 6 FRED FLINTOFF & SONS