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Ontario Reformer, 2 May 1922, p. 7

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a DPR. T. C. OLRMBNCE, DENTIST, ! Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King Bt. yon, Phone 381. ley Block, RA, st. 8, Phone 504, 89-tf DR. T fice over Hogg and Lytle's stove, Phone M8, 19, Phone 959 1 ye, aver 'Jury and Lovells Drug Store. Phone No, 97. DR. TREWIN, © T trance to Rg one door cast Detenbeck's Store. DR, C, gn Tn and G% Win Buildi Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110~ goon, Acooucher, Office and resi- dence; King Bt. East, corner Victoria Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. ; Best, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in aisodio of the eye, 13-1 yr Bu n. Bar, Nese and Throat, Office: over Dominion Bank, ag phone 3156. Hours 2 to 4 p.m, OF by: appointment. DR. A.: A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Loyell"s Drug Store every Friday from 8.30 to 4,30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and eat, 134-tt DR. ¥. 7. BRYANS, OF 160 BIOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office, over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose 'and throat only, 3 NG MATERNITY NURSING -- APPLY at J. A. pPaulkner'a, 113 Simeoe St. 'allis. North, Mrs. 11-e Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Soligr. Je Houtry Public, Con- veyanser, to loam. uy King St. yA Oshawa, Phone D. A. J. BW. Solieitor, Notary cer, ete. All bi Criminal Law, Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- irs Phones, Office 940; Residence of lie, Conveyan- of Civil and GRIERSON & ORBIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ote. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simeoe St.; Phone 13. J. ». Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, GD. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B--BAR- CKER--DRENTIET, OF Apply 1YA7 Agnes 8t., evenings, yie's Grocery Furs. [TRI3R Office | $3900 will give you an Apply "16% 'Nassau St, 11sc rooms, : RENT 12x20 with floating. Phone Het Ale Rn VY, WBLL BUILT garage, cement floor and dfiveway. "C Real Kstate tor Sale TO RENT. --, UNFURNISHED) Wanted--Female. WANTED -- GIRL, OR MIDDLR aged woman, must understand fegking. No washing, Good home, mall family, Duties to commence ay let. Mra, C, A, Smith, 160-tf WANTED -- RRLIABLR COOK, general or working honsekeenérn. Ar Mra. G, D, Conant, Simcoe 8t, one 921, 7-tf CAPABLE GIRL, ¥OR . UENERAL house work, 462 Simcoe St, N, 12h REAL FSTATE -- FOR YOUR snmmer home Angulre about Windy Cove, just Waeat Bowmanville Beach, Beautiful a lots for sls, Nodgrate biilding restrine tion oom 708, Dao- tn Bank gf Fear Torontea, R BALE on Alice 8t,, between Division and Mary "sts, Will sell cheap, Apply 214 Divisian St, 10-G FARM. FOR. SALE---ONE™ HUN. dred aeres, splendid residence, hot water heated, hath room, nice lawn, large hatns with slings, stone sta- bles, two silos, twelve acres hard- wood timber, . orchard, crop, stock, implements. Price $8,000, Terms. Title unemcumbered. W. C,Pollard owner, Port Perry. 12-1 112 or wonld divide Slpre in town, 19856 Celina '8t. ; 13h MA STWOONT, Robt, D. Preston, . Chambers, -66 King 8St. 13-¢ Price rent, terms, King St est, LO 3 just north of new school, frontage, 150 feet depth. Will smbdivide, Easy terfis., See sign, 13-c FOR SALE--LOT ON WILLIAM ST. with a barn. Robt. D, Preston, King 8t. Chambers, 13.c EE -- CELENT lots on Colborne Street. Robt. B;- Preston, King St. Cham- bers. ¢ 13-c FON BATE--FOUR GOOD LOTS ON Arlington Ave, overlooking Golf Grounds; Will sell cheap. For terms apply W, Stacey, Florist, Arlington Ave, 13-t1 AD N., 132 feet foot. building SPECIAL #5500 will Huy an 8 room house with all modern convemiences, conven- iently locoted. Terms easy. 8 room house with water and electrie lights, one block from car line. $300 down. $1800 will buy a four room house with water and_ eleetric lights, convenient to car line. $200 down. #300 will buy a nice lot in West- meunt on Pine St. - Apply Oshawa Real al Bains Rules C0 Co. 81 King St. East, Phone 793 or A. A. Farrer, Trenton, Ont, 61 OSHAWA REAL EST. SALES CO. 61 King St, E. Phone 703 $500 DOWN witL Bry A NICE 6 room pressed brick house, with all conveniences ek, } in 144-mayé | + | Institute, Box (95, WANTED -- A 000D LAUNDRESS 2 days a week, Apply Mrs, W, It, Gelkie, 364 Simcoe St, N 13-a WANTED--GOOD CAPABLE MAID for light houwie work, Apply 148 Colborne E. or phone 1043 w, 13-b AD- WALTER -- YOUNG * LADY, 38 Simcoe Bt. N,' Parker's Dye Works,. 18-n WANTED --GIRL TO ABSIST IN ooking and kitchen work. Apply Mea, R., 8. McLaughlin, Bimcoe St. , 18-c eleaning. Apply 20 Prince St. Male or Female ATTENTION -- SITUATIONS NOW occuring for Inspectors Weights Measures; Food; Immigration, Eggs, Also clerical posgitions, Pull infor- mation free, Canadian Civil Service Toronto, WANTED -- TWO REFINED MEN or women, 25 years of age or over-- who want an opportunity to. fit themselves for responsible position with rapidly expanding organization ~where hard work and initiative will be recognized. Apply to Seere- tary, Room 5, Standard Bank Bldg. 18-11 SA Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $350 cash, Apply 468 Albert Street ~~ 131-tf JOR BALE -- CORD AND FABRIC tires at 20 per cent. discount off re gular prices. All sizes in stock, Tig: er Tire Sales, 160 King St. W, Phone 9s. 6-1mos. FOR BALE -- CHEVROLET F. B. roadster. Apply 109 Brock St. E. 8-1 FOR BALE--CHEVROLET 490 TOUR- ing car, 1917 model, good running con- dition, 4 good tires, real bargain. Ap- ply 94 Oshawa Boulevard. 12¢ FOR SALE -- 490 CHEVROLET touring car complete. Apply to D. C. Haverson, Drew St, FOR BALE CHEAP--I918 EXCEL- sior motoreycle. Just overhauled. Apply 115 Alma St. See FOR BALE -- LADY'S SUIT. IN first class condition. Apply P. Box 26, Oshawa, or phone 291-r-5. 13-¢ FOR SALE--1920, 490 CHEVRO- let touring. -Slipecovers and bumper. In good running condition. Cooper Smith Co. 12-H North. Reasonable terms will be given on balance Bt, | $4200 WILL BUY A 6 ROOM BRICK Phones~---0Ofice 210, Res. 160. : BE SICK. TAKE CHI practic Spins! Adjustments and get well. office. ~ | $6600 WILL with all conveniences and summer kitchen on paved street mear Ped- lar Plant. BUY AN 8 ROOM brick with all conveniences and garage, just off paved street, and not far out. 7100 WILL BUY A 7 ROOM brick with all conveniences and garage, on one of our main streets and just a mice distance from the centre of the town. Now is the time to buy your lot to get. ready for your mew house. We have some choice omnes but they won't last forever. A C. LYCETYT, Phone 825 3. C. YOUNG, Phone 909- J down, balamee as ; rent. Clarke St. Approxi 3.000, Apply SIE. Copp, Whitby, Ont. FOR SALE SIX ROOMED wn Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- ONE KITCHEN range, Champion Summit, with hot water front. Six octave orgen, both fn first class shape. Cask or terws. 75 Bond St. E. Oshawa. TWO PONIES, BUGGY AND HAR- ness for sale, all in first class con- dition. Apply to Russell Luke, West- mount after ¢ o'clock. i1-¢ -- NiON ORGAN, piano case, in excellent condition, a bargain. Forenoon or evenings. 64 Park Road North. 1l-¢ FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER baby carriage, also Oak heater, in good condition. Apply 71 Colborne St E 11-¢ FOR SALE -- ONE DRIVING OUT- a horse double or Ningle. Phone 12-¢ or SALE -- FAMILY ~ PONY, found suitable for children to ride or drive. Apply Box Z. Reformer. 13-b FOR SALE--LYON BUMPER, NEW, never been used, cheap. 475 Sim- oue St. Nonth. Phone 830-W. 13-¢ 7-8 FREI * Board and Koom GRNTLEMAN WANTS WELL FUR- nished room North Simcoe or vicin- ity. Apply Box 2 Reformer, 11-h A OR light housekeeping by voung couple, Bfate conveniences, Apply hy letter to Box "R'", Reformer. WANTRD--BY A REFINRD YOUNG eouple 2 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, located and reasonable, Reformer, BOARD AND ROOM TOR RESPRC- table man, Comfortable place, con- venient to General Motors. Apply Mrs, Crawford, 271 Jarvis 8t,, north Mary, 11-¢ TO RENT---ROOM AND BOARD IN private home, centrally located, Ap- ply 68 Ritson Road South 12-¢ he 'Houses 'Wanted OWNER WHO WANTE A GOOD, ecarefnl tenant or who has house for pale, please communicate immediate- Jy with P, 0, Box 7405, Oshawa, © 0 TENT ---- A BMALL house or hungalow. apm¥ Box "GG", Reformer. : 10-¢ WANTED -- BMALL HOUSE OR flat, with conveniences. Apply phone 925, 1]1-¢ ANTED - HOUBE, 1 June 1st, P. 0. Box 745, Oshawa. 4 13-¢ Apply Box U, 12a 0 RE Apply : Work Wanted WANTED--BY BUSINESS GIRL, A position in office, Apply Box 8, Whitby. 12-0 (reneral Wants wanikD ---- PROPERTIES sale. List with Robt, good service. King St. Chambers, 66 King St. West, Phone 223-J. 13-: INTER I. ARRI GE Reynaglds's Newspaper--The gagement of Sir Albert Stern, a mem- ber of the families, to Miss Helena Orr-Lewis, following on the recent marriage of Sir Alfred Mond's daughter, is fur- ther evidence that, at any rate among the wealthy classes, the alleged raze exclusiveness of the Jews is disap- pearing. FOR D. Preston for on- ONLY 100 TRUE Dr. Frank Crame--8ir Auckland Geddes said the other day that the average government official was be- low the Jevel of intelligence of She average official in business. is only too true that the electoral me Lh ods of democracy tend to produce second-rate law-makers and govern- ors, Must he centrally leading English Jewish | | | a "IN MEMORIAM: FOLLRST-~In: memory: of my husband, Cheater PFallest, passed away May 2nd, 1921, Yet still the mortal in us Craves him mortally, And naught shall stay Phat eraving til], on gome pr We too shall slip Do, clay And find'him there a rin ns ¥ +X Upon the Heavenly dear who WIFE, BON AND an en, : ft day FOLLEST-In memory of Chester Follest, P, M, of L.T.B.A, Vietoria Lodge 56, who passed away May 2nd, 1921, The silent grief that in the Heart, No human hand can trace, i For many an aching heart is hid, Behind a smiling face, 15-a PRITND, of MORRIS--In loving memory Lance Corporal' Alfred T. Morris, | killed in action May 3rd 1917 at] Fresnoy. Wife and children, 13-a ~ CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs, John Bone wish to thank their friends and relatives for their kindness during the iliness and death of their twin daughir, Mery: algo for their flowers, 3-a SPORT COMMENTS Hillerests of Toronto, Ontario Am- ature Baseball champions have writ- ten the Oshawa Club asking for a game for next Saturday to he played in Oshawa. Whether they will be in- vited here is another matter. The local team have had only two or three light practises, whereas the Toronto aggregation have played together for at least two seasons and they have been practising steadily, Then again the opening of the Central League shason is less than three weeks away and injuries to players might result, : EASY Tales: George, yon should get married," advised the Married Man. "It is wonderful to have a home waiting for you when you return at night, there is ecstacy Wayside 0. = prope: your « Ow pe ruddy in the tepdlar way. Such aus: pueshaped fog 3100. OUR PRICE COMPLETE ONLY S599 PER iid ly il out bed ho jet pon i RL Se Buiiding Costs Are Down---it's A Goad Time » GH in the past few years soascity of labpr and nos 400 Sar oenituns hue 'have discoucage? verbudy 'nahie that prices a uilding re viel alt ae ~p .e Bug demand 8 bound to cause higher tor shee plage #310. Sapte payed 1404. is mach So THIS COUPON GOOD FOR $$00 THE MALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited. Momilton. Canada A am enclosing with this $540 dor which g ie fared Ap AME econ mpm gm ---- i ge . NE VT in oaring for a garden and a lawn, | you can raise a dog from a pup, ehfl- | y [CHOICE "Men: with smooth faces seem 10 he dren are adorable and no trouble at | the rule," all, a wife Is an inspiration, and even if she does get suspicious, can. always talk her out of it." "1 could if. could Me like Xow, can," sald. the Bachelor, thoughtful Vor We have a stock of cheice seid for both Farmer and Our Red Cloves, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa are Jiom us and you will Gardener. Re) 1 for purity." a oly a ol prices, Have you tried our new Feed *for hogs and cattle? 'Made from pure grain, it is as meally as pea meal, as fine as flow, as white as middlings, and better hog feed thes pure com, Phone 8 You | rush a wir s complexion oft," "he best ginces owen prices, Cooper-Smith Company Just South of Post Office "Why has the mustache gone out?" "It wouldn't de' mow, It might ~Kaphas City, Journal, 'nAPORMER WANT ADS PAY get the best. before we have to advance Celina St. The --¥Fox Trot ax Trot Ens. E Mer at --~Fox Trot et Trot Farewell. My Granada) ® {Spads) Serenade) TTT EL on (Ace 11, EH. Sothern Ek wre E. H. Sothert-Julia Xl. dole EH. Sothern-f. Mackowe The Latest Records Are HERE Come in and bear the latest in Popular Dance and Song Records ' 'A complete line of Red Seal Records stocked D.A. TAIT'S MUSIC STORE Queen's Hotel Block Phone 11383 Shkmcoe St. N, TITTY Now on Sale "His Master's Voice- Victor Records for May DANCE RECORDS (I Lowe But You)--Fox Trot P. Whiteman Orchestra | " pa Woiteman and Hho Onchestes rT fi Orcheatts of { ac re Paul Whites ate LBB BESS Sb CERRO Victrola at any "His Masler's Voice" dealers Sanatactuned fy Bertiner Gomm p pions Con. Jamis; Monteont {Complete line of popular Records now in stock. Splendid assortment of Children's Records. Buy some for the kiddies. They will enjoy them: D.J. BROWN Phoue 149 Jeweler. Optometii © = King St. West

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