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Ontario Reformer, 4 May 1922, p. 9

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Oshawa oad District Large Customs Increase In Sompating the customs receipts for tlie Port, of Oshawa for April of this year with those for the same month last year, the records show an fucrease of nearly $160,000. This already points out tne great im- provement which has taken place in- dustrially. The receipts for last month alse show an increase over those in March of more than $25,- 000. The total receipts in April were $391,361.84. Too Much Florida Water, When a man gets terribly thirsty for something a little stronger than ater, it is difficult to imagine to hat extremes that person will go, In Police Court Tnesday afternoon #Harry 'Morris, of Toronto, was brought before Magistrate Hind for being intoxicated, When asked where be secured .his refreshments, he re- plied that he purchased some beef fron and wine and Florida Water in a Toronto drug store and it was this which caused him to be intoxi- TL IEE cated, A fine of $10 and costs was imposed' accompanied by a warning, Brock Tp, Memorial, The Council of tae Township of Brock have under consideration the' erection of a suitable memorial to the soldiers of the Township during the late war, Teo Do Street Sprinkling Town Engineer Smith has made] arrangements with sir, Aichin, who had the street sprinkling contract last year, to do the sprinkling this year with a truck until the question of the pick-up sweeper 1s disposed of. The committee appointed by the Council to go and inspect some street machinery in St, Catharines have not yet made the trip but may do sp this week. Local Improvement Petitions Not a few petitions for local im- provements, such as pavements, sidewalks and street grading are finding their way to the town clerk's ASPAN BY. SN SVa\VI®) 0d | Take a Spring Tonic Te build up after the cleanse the blood. To restore health and strength. We recommend a tonic proval of all who have used TE DRUG STOR Joo those aaye. 4 grin of them! MRS, STALTER AGAIN nterrod othe] PRESIDENT W.C.T.U. cil. meeting and referred to the | Board of Works, A meeting of the At the regular monthly meeting the W, C. T. U. held Tuesday 'latter body to consider the year's | paving program is to be held short- of ly. : afternoon, the following officers for. the year were elected: President--Mrs. A, J. Stalter. Vice- red J, Park. Corresponding Secretary -- Mrs, John Johnson, Recording Secretary--Mrs. A. R, Coyne, Treasurer----Migs M. Burns, Vice-presidents, from each church were elected, Mrs. Jas, Wilson for King Street. Mrs. H. Ashley for Simcoe Street; Mrs, W, T. Henry for Death Rate Higher Vital statisties for the month of April show an increase in the death rate and a decrease in the number of births, while the marriage reg- ister is a little larger than has been for some months, There were 27 births, 7 marriages and 18 deaths. ) . Fadtory Turned Over Mayor Stacey has completed the rebuilding of the Thornton Rubber factory and has turned same over to|the Christian Church; Mrs, "Harton the new owners, W. E, Phillips, Ltd. [the Baptist Church and Mrs. Geo. who are installing machinery pre-|Lander the Presbyterian church. paratory to more extensive opera-| The re-election of Mrs. Stalter to tions. The company now have fif-[the president's chair was unanim- teen men employed and will increase'ous and a tribute to the work she has done for the Association. re-election means that she will be in|. office when the provinciunl conven- tion comes here in October. During the ingefins a' duet rendered hy Mrs, Crozier, year will he presented at the next meeting, THE MILITIA ESTIMATES Belleville Ontatjb, Lib. it is per- haps natural that members who are hostile to Canadian participation in another war, should regard military estimates as the legitimate object of Dr their attentions, of defence organizations in Canada to the point of complete disappear- ance is wholly incons at the relatively small sum to he ap- propriated for the department of de- fence has no more effect on keeping Canada out of another war, would reducing for the Parliamentary restaurant, that number as the factory is - . CE A equipped. BE ---- o Mission is Closed - ' Closing his seventeen day evan- gelistic campaign in Oshawa Tyes- day night, Rev, Felix Powell, Ital- ian evangelist, has left for his home in Portland, Maine. Tuesday night a committee of the church presented the evangelist with a substantial cheque given by the people who have attended the services as a thankof- fering. The subject of the final mes- sage was "The Parting of the Ways," and at the close many came forward and confessed a desire to live anew. The campaign has been attended with great success, and considering its length. the attend- ance has been most gratifying. a "168 TRG wy RY Ope Tp Whodpitg' Coug Mocsles Coushiand in Town at Present The was' hnson and Mrs. The annupl reports for the dare,' But the impairing mer tent. Slashing |*®" tect wrong. the than the appropriation The attention of the citizens of the town is ealled to the faet that whoopingcough, and quite. prevalent in Oshawa and: the surrounding district, with the usual summer-time disregard of ghedical or amy gspecial velllance of the afflicted children, . McKay, M,0.H. "The cakes are not being reported, and no effort is being made to pro- other children, It is not only contrary to Jaw, 'but to humanity. these diseases are capable of and many times do. produce serious com- plications, which, occurring in deli- cate children, permauent disability, right to remitid 'tlie ------------ cough' that thé been recommended Vabtcine' measles and time again, nursing sur- to!d the Refor-!crue from its use, tered except by a "This is all Both a child attending school." by 'the cial Board of Health for the treat- are pent of this disease Is very valuable, ts worth having heen proved time may lead to death or 'Perhaps it' woifld be pertoctly people children' ate affierea" "With whooping which whbse has Provin- The local Board of Health maintains on hand a plenti- ful supply of this vaceine of issug in order that no one may be de- prived of the benefit which will uc- It may be obtain- ed free of charge simply by asking for it, but it is not to be adminis- phsiciun, "Every person. mothers and school teachers particularly, should the watch for every suspicious cough lasting more than a couple of days, and particularly: when exhibited by recent be "on To long winter months, that has received the ap- Cedardale (Continued from page 1) Oshawa," Chairman Matthews said, and he made reference to the streets it. Although it has been just a short time on the market, we are receiving every | day praises of its wonderful work, | PEPT Is an all-round Spring Tonic and Blood Purifier. It contains Cod Liver Oil Extract to build up the lungs, | Iron and Maganese for the build up the worn out body THE REXALL STORES JURY & LOVELL SIRF ONA § | conversations with | 1] blood, Malt to generally tissues. F. W. THOMPSON Men's. Fu Boots and Shoes cGILL CLOTHING rnishings | wells, ete. including the Base Line where the Town had agreed to be responsibie for damages due. to accidents and One ratepayer protested against the present situation on the Base Line and advised the residents to get a lawyer to look into their case but not to seleet ome in Osh- EVERY SUIT IN THE HOUSE REDUCED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 25' SUITS, REGULAR $21.50 Friday 'and Saturday $16.12 SUITS, REGULAR $25.00 Friday and Saturday $18.75 SUITS, REGULAR $29.50 LADIES' SUMMER VESTS 50 dozen first quality strap shoulder Vests to he sold at a price that will mean a quick clearing 25¢ each 27-in. FLOUNCING The finest Swiss Mercerised Muslin, very neat patterns. Reg. $100 yard, for 68c Yard 18-in. FLOUNCING For children's Dresses and Underskirts, a fine Swiss Lawn with just the very daintiest em- broidery patterns you could wish for. Regular I | stated he could get no satisfactory taken in annexation. {|F. E. French. the East Whithy rep- 1200 Pairs of Men's Boots and Oxfords, Good- year Welts, all sizes $4.95 H amendment, and after taking a vole, awa, Mayor Not Interested - Mr. Jackson spoke of numerous the Mayor but answer which he thought showed the amount of interest which was being Mr Dean quot- ed the Mayor as saying: "Cedar Dale does not want Oshawa hut-Osh- awa wants Cedar Dale." The dis- cussion developed into an argument over a box drain which was causing water to enter Mr. Dean's cellar but no satisfactory solution was reach- ed. Mr. Matthews thought the village would be in a good position if they remained in the Towaship. Coun. resentative for that section, received $45,000 each year to be spent there and necessary improvements could be made. Mr. Doyle objected to the meeting being influencéd in this manner. He did not propose to stay in the same position for ever and ever without any samitary convemiences. Four- fifths of the cellars were flooded with water and it would net be long before the private drains would be stopped. Chairman Matthews aver- red that if four-fifths of the cellars in Cedar Dale were in that condition nine-tenths of the cellars in Oshawa were in a similar position. Amendment Carries At this juncture C. Gibson made a motion that the agreement be for- warded to the Township Council which was seconded. Joseph Staple- ton contended that the meeting was out of order. He was of the opinion that the ratepayers shduid vote on the annexation gquestion® before any representation was made. E. Pow- ers followed this statement with an amendment to the motion to the ef- fect that the agreement be withheld and let the Town of Oshawa come 10 them with terms. Mr. Stapleton averred that from personal observ- ance, SO per cent. of the ratepayers were opposed to annexation and in that case the whole thing was out of order. Mr. Pankhurst seconded the the amendment carried by a small | majority. Ladies' Patent one-strap Shoes, low heels $3.95 Ladies' Brown, Black or Patent Pumps and. Oxfords, sjpes 2%; to 7,, On Sale $2. 98 A limited stock of the new Van Hessen Collar for men J.C. McGILL 12 King St. East | satisfaciory termination. ' The meeting did not come to a as a num- ber of those present were. strongly in favor of annexation. However, il Hthe Town of Oshawa does not faked steps on their own initiative, Cedar Dale will undoubtedly remain with the Township for the time being, at least. THE CASE OF THE EDITOR The Press, Lomond, Alberta-- A youngster whese father was edi- tor of a small town daily, was asked to write a composition on Profes- sional Men. i "When an editor makes a mistake | there is a lawsuit and swearing and a big fuss; when a doctor makes one there is a funeral, cut flowers and perfect silence. A doctor can use a big werd a yard long without him or anybody knowing what it means: bait if the oditor uses one he has to spell it. A doctor can 50 10 see al- other man's wife he charges for the visit: but if the editor goes he gets | a chatge of buckshot. When the doc- tor gets drunk it is a case of being overdone by the heat and if he dies | it is from heart trouble; when the H editor gets drunk it 1s a casc of 100 i much booze, and if he dies it is the jim-jams.. Any old college can wake {a doctor; an editor has 10 be born." DIFFERENT TONE "wWovder what the tenor of her thoughts may be?" ss in love with that baritone with the black. mustache." --Hudson Observer. | | | | Friday and Saturday $22.12 SUITS, REGULAR $32.50 Friday and Saturday $24.37 SUITS, REGULAR $37.50 Friday and Saturday $28.12 SUITS, REGULAR $39.50 Friday and Saturday $29.62 SUITS, REGULAR $43.50 Friday and $32.62 SUITS, REGULAR $44.50 Friday and Saturday $33.37 SUITS, REGULAR $48.50 Friday and Saturday SUITS, REGULAR $53.50 Friday and Saturday $40.12 (7 dn SUITS, REGULAR $45.00 Friday "and Saturday $33.75 SUITS, REGULAR $47.50 Friday and Saturday $35.72 SUITS, REGULAR $49.50 Friday and Saturday $37.12 75¢ yard for A Swiss heavy to 58-in. wide. $1.25 yard. NATURAL First quality, numerous other uses All ready to be made for the Brown, with a neat 49c¢ Yard HAIR RIBBONS FOR BOBBED HAIR Hair Ribbon quality in a full range of colors 29¢ Yard HEAVY DRESDEN RIBBONS in light and dark colorings Special 39¢c Yard HAIR RIBBONS Of best quality in Gingham, plaid patterns * Week-end Special 48c Yard Bleached and Half Bleached Table Damask Four different patterns to choose from, An exceptionally good value at Week-end Price $1.07 Yard a heavy evem weave, 34-in. wide. Splendid line for curtains or boys' suits and the Special 95¢ Yard NEW SUMMERY VOILES warm weather, 49¢ Yard of exceptional 54-in. PONGEE SILK to which this silk is put. up into dainty eool dresses 40-in. wide, Navy and figured pattern. A BATH TOWEL SPECIAL 10 doz. Bath Towels at a price that can not be duplicated when once sold out. A heavy absorbent cotton in colored, natural and cream, with fine red stripe pattern. 18" x 36". Regular 85c¢. v Special 58¢ Pair CHILDREN'S SUMMER SOCKS All sizes 514-7V, finest quality Lisle, in White and Cadet Blue. Week-end Price 29¢ Pair The "Marvel" Silk Lisle Hose, Navy Only, Double soles, wide garter tops, 81/2 and 9. Regular 75¢ 49¢ Pair The Duplex Curtain White only, 21% yds. long. Two curtains in one with a joined 36 Pairs to be sold at a ridieulcus low price. tingham Net, 52-in. wide. valance effect. Only $1.69 Pair 20 Pair Cream Net Curtains side and bottom, Special $2.49 Pair Handsome border on 15 Pair Dainty Scotch Net Curtains With an exceptional pretty border design, Cream only, 52-im. x 21% Regular $7.50 pair. 90 Curtain Panelling Filley Net with French fisure design in Cream. $249 Yard Curiain Serd With fancy drawn border in Cream and Wiite, for bedrooms or kitchen. 45-im. x 21; made in fine Not- yds vds Regular £3.50 yd. for 32-im. wide. Just the thing HOSIERY VALUES FOR SPRING WEAR Super combed fine cotton Hesiery for Chil- "dren, double yh SCOTCH BUNGA- of a, wery fine auality. in Cream only. A dainty scal- loped border. Striped and

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