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Ontario Reformer, 4 May 1922, p. 3

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Vews of Nearby Places TYRONE Miss Laverue Burgess was fuest of Miss Clare Woodley, Miss Helen Argue, Bowmanville, irisited with friends. Miss Marie Werry, Oshawa, was the lit home. I Mr. Phillip Bigelow. Toronto, [7isited at Mr, C. Bigelow's. Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto, visit- hd at home, Pleased to see Mrs. A, W. Clemens wome from Campbellford, where she vas visiting her parents, " . Mr, and Mrs, Harry Mercer visited uw Mr. W. Virtue's, Rev. W. 8. P. Boyce, Oourtice, was 'he guest of Mr. W. S. Staples Sun- ay. glad to know that Miss Evelyn rent is recovering from her illness. Rev, W. T. Wickett preached edu: ational sermons at Ebenezer on the bbath and Rev. W. 8. P. Boyce, B.H., B.D. preached two thought ul sermons here. A box social will be held in 8. O. , Hall on Wednesday, May 3rd. La- lies are requested to bring baskets ind gentlemen plenty of money to buy same. A good program is being Lrranged. Proceeds for mission. | Women's Institute met at the ome of Mrs. Tom Richards and all 'eport an enjoyable meeting, Mr. Wm. Hambly, who has heen Liling for almost a year, passed juibtly to rest on Sunday. He was in old and much respected citizen. Sympathy is extended to his daught- br, Mrs. J. W. Virtue and his son. r. Wm. Hambly. -- KEDRON According to the usual custom the edron Mutual Benefit Society have acided to discontinue holding meet- ngs during the summer months. he closing meeting for the season as held on Friday evening. Pres- ident Harold Mountjoy occupied the hair. After the business part of lhe session was over, the President alled upon several for speeches, Phose who responded were: H. L. ascoe, Rev. E. W. Rowland; R. J. uke, Ross Lee, C. Werry, H. F. Werry, Florence Luke and others, 11 of whom spoke highly of the well onducted and enjoyable meetings eld during the winter months and f the keen interest the community ad shown in their attendance, also f the splendid variety of programs yhich had' been put on, which re- ects great credit on the Officers and lhe committees who have been in lharge. Master Walton Pascoe gave mouth-organ solo, accompanied by rs. H. L. Pascoe at the organ, h¥eh was well received. Refresh- hents consisting of ice-cream and ake, were then served by the Social 'ommittee, and a very enjoyable me was spent, the meeting closed ith the Mizpah benediction. Miss Marjorie McGregor, who has een convalescing at her home here fter a very severe illness and opera- on, and who has not been feeling ery well the past few days, left on onday for Port Hope to consult her hedical advisor. It is hoped that er illness is not serious and that he will soon he on the road again p complete recovery. Mrs. R. J. Luke and Mrs, H. F. erry, were the guests of friends in ronto over the week-end. We are glad to see Mrs. E. Cole pt again and likewise others who ave been indisposed of late with bvere colds and other sickness; also eased to report that Mrs. Wm. tty has recovered enough to be bmoved from the Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ormiston and jldren, of Columbus, were recent sitors at John Mountjoys. Seeding operations and Spring puse-cleaning are the order of the y just now. Miss Kathleen eonlin was the est of Miss Gladys Brooks at Bow- ville for the week-end. The ladies Aid are holding their gular monthly meeting at the home Mrs. John Glover on Wednesday ternoon this week. The excellent sermons delivered Rev. E. W. Rowland the past 0 weeks on the Shepherd and his pep, have been very interesting d helpful. Mother's ® on Sunday, May 14th. 'The anniversary services of Ked- n Sunday School will be held the rd week in June, a good live pro-\ am committee has been appointed | charge of the program for the | pncert, and garden party, and are | eady at work. RAGLAN he farmers are busy seeding pse days after a long delay. We pe the weather will continue to favorable for them. r. and Mrs. J. Blight and family Brooklin, spent Sunday at Mr. Averys, r. H. McKinley of Oshawa vis- at Mr. W. Hodgson's one day week. | i. aud Wis C. Hodgson attended r. Pringle, i Mera) of | gle, of Brook A vif ig N Luke and family ore oronto and t y with relatives fly Epon . Lorne Stanton has purchased > yore car. hi . . Reeson and daughter , of Columbus, -called on Bh ID ng on Monday last. ge Sunday School meeting, which = have been held on Thursday of Jat week, for the election or or year, has tponed to a later date. he [iss Iona Hodgson, of Port Perry, ed over Sunday with her parents | | i e men of our community have a football team. There 0 rumors of the girls starting team. Mrs. J. Garfett, of Ennis- , visited with friends here on shall are pleased to see Mr. D. 0 again after his recent number from here attended ch at Columbus on Sunday ev- hen the contata "The Chal- Day will be observed lenge of the Cross," was presented by the ladies of Myrtle. Mr. J. Barker, who is staying with his brother at Mud Lake, spent Sun- day with his family, Dr. R. Ormiston of Toronto, made a brief visit with his parents here on Saturday, before leaving for Moris, Manitoba, where he will he- gin his new work. Miss V. Hyland spent the week- end at her home in Cadmus. A number from here took in the foothall match between Brooklin and Ashburn at Ashburn on Satur- day evening, Mr. and Mrs, J, Brooklin visited with on Sunday. The Sunday School class of Mrs. A. J. Grose met at her home on Saturday evening and presented her with a casserole and a beautiful bouquet of sweet peas, with the fol- lowing address: -- Dear Mrs. Grose, Uninvited, we have called on you this evening to express our ap- preciation of your faithful service and kindly spirit to us, You have been lenient toward our feelings and an inspiration of nonter thoughts in us. We hope you will be able to continue as our leader and teacher through many years to come. Thompson of friends here We ask you to accept this gift as| 1 token of our appreciation and esteem. May you know the joy of unending peace, happiness and pros- perity. Sincerely Yours, The members of your 8, 8, class. EBENEZER Mrs. Russell Gay is very ill with pneumonia, with Nurse Mounce at- tending her. All hope for a speedy recovery, ; Spring seeding is almost complet- ed in this locality. Mrs. Wm. Manning; Oshawa, and son. Dr. Gordon, of Toronto, visited Mrs. David Clarke on Sunday last. League meeting will be held on Friday might of this week when Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A, B.D, of Oshawa, King Street Church, will address the meeting. A good program will be furnished. Miss Flora Hawkins, of Oshawa, has been spending a few days with Miss Emily Pascoe. Miss Irene Oke has returned home after visiting friends and relatives at 'Port Perry and Blackstock. Mrs. Wm. Vinson, Jr. and Baby Eleanor are visiting the former's sis- ter, Vera, in Western Ontario. Mr. Harry Gay is reported again, On Wednesday last, April 26, Mr. Cecil Jeffery. Maple Grove and Miss Elva Vandyke, South Darlington, were married by Rev. W. 8. P. Boyce at the Courtice parsonage, All join in wishing them much joy. Sunday school was well attended on Sunday last when the Young Men's "Live Wire" class had charge. Next Sunday the meeting will be un- der the directions of the young la- dies "Sunshine class." Mr. Charlie Found has purchased a new driver. Mr. Roy Nieholls was in the city on Friday last on business. The Epworth League held their annual election of officers on Thurs day night last. . They are as follows: Hon. Presidents--Rey, Boyce and R. E. Osborne. Pres.--Mr. Cedric Parsons. 1st. Vice Pres.--Miss Lillian Hil- lier. 2nd. Vice. Pres. -- Pickell. 3rd. Vice Pres.--Miss Muriel Pen- found. 4th. Vice Pres.--Mr. Rufus Clarke. Secretary--Mr. Cecil Found, Treasurer--Mr. Chas. Oshorne. il Ww. 85 PP Miss Leta Sec'y-Treas.--Forward Movement --Mr. Clarence Penfound. | trip Cor. y----Mr, Elton Werry. Several from this vieinity attefhd- ed the wedding celebration glven in houor of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Trick at Oshawa on Friday night. Messrs. Roy Nicholls, Charlie and Harry Osborne visited friends in Bowmanville on Sunday last, Miss Iva Worden spent the week- end in the eity. The Ebenezer people presented Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pascoe (nee Miss Myrtle Blair) with a miscellan- eous shower on Friday evening last at their home, Town. Line East, Whithy, About 70 were present to show their appreciation and remembrance for services rendered in the past by hoth bride and groom. Many and varied were the beautiful and useful gifts they received. The groom re- plied suitably for himself and bride, thanking all for their kindness. The evening was then spent hy play- ing games and masic. Light refresh ments were served. BETHESDA Mr. J. R. R. Cole made a business trip to Toronto on Monday, Mrs. Howard Couen 1s ill, Her mother, Mrs, W. J. Bragg, is with her. Miss Bertha Tamblyn, 19 Dunbar Road, Toronto, is the guest of the Misses Cole. Miss Tamblyn also vis- ited in Bowmanville and Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. H, N. Scott made a to Toronto this week and brought hack their baby son, Roy, who was in St. John's hospital for | an operation. Several from this vicinity attend-| ed the Moffatt Motor Show in Bow | manville and report a splendid ex- hibition of Oldsmobiles and Oakland cars and auto accessories. The par- ade at night was headed hy Orono's popular hand. {ain on THORNTON'S CORNER The Farmer's and evening May will take place. of the late A. Howard Powell, an address, Mr, attend. Oliver Hezzlewood show piteures, in the city a few days recently, Mrs. Jas. ited in Toronto last Sunday, interested ome, persons gins out last week, Mr. Geo. jnite poorly is around again, COLUMBUS The Church service at was largely attended ed very much hy all, ippreciated by the sacramental serviee 10.30 a.m,; ing served at sage by the pastor, Community Club, will hold a meeting on Friday 6th, and a general cleaning up of the grounds around the Public School and Sunday School Flower seeds will be planted, and also a tree on the Sunday School grounds, in memory A speaker will be present and deliver 'Phis date being Arbor Day a large number are expected to is going to officiate and afterward at 8 o'clock, Mr, Tipper will he present with his moving picture machine, te Mr. Geo. Lofthouse visited friends Luke and children vis- The play grounds are heing pre- pared, now for summer sports, All are invited to We are pleased to see Mr. I. Hug- after his serious illness Reeson who has heen the Methodist on sunday evening last, and was enjoy- A liberal col- lection was received, which will be Women's Mis- gionary Society. Next Sunday morn- i will be oh- gpecial sing- ing by the choir and a special mes- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ashton, Jas. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ash= ton, Oshawa, motored to Little Brit-| Sunday last to visit their] PAGE ELEVEN mother, Mra, John Ashton, who is nearly 90 years of age. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. James, of Osh- awa, visited at his mother's on Sun- day. Miss L. McLean was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman, Tyrone, visited his "rother Fred, on Sunday. Mrs. Booth, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Goodman, My. and Mrs. Jno. Medd, Utica, visited her Mother, Mrs, Philip Stone, on Sunday last, Quite a number from Raglan at- tended the services on Sunday ev- ening last. Mr. Jas, Ashton has moved into his new home, and Mr, Jno, Heslop has moved on the farm which Mr. Jas Ashton has vacated. MYRTLE Mr. Gordon Adams, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents. The Sacred Drama: "The Chal- lenge of the Cross' was given in the Columbus Methodist Church last Sunday evening by several of the women of Myrtle. Mrs, Lewry, who was to have taken the part "Evan- gel," found that, owing to the crit- ical condition of Mrs, W, Bright, {whom she is nursing, she could not (Continued on page 14) pronounced since many women took an active part in the war operations. There is to be a women's Inter national meet in France this year and, the "weaker sex' pre going right in for sports, It seems that the bicycle is a very appropriate medium for athletic desire, recreation and diversion among young ladies be- cause many of them are going in*for it, They are going in for it collec tively and they are naving a fine time, . Medical authorities have heen say- ing that man will lose the full power of his arms and legs if he persists fn driving a car continuously for every little distance that he wants to travel, The doctors are advising the people to remember their exercise and sug- gostions are being made to many men and women to get out on a wheel or walk, Well, now, cycling is so much faster than walking and so many pleasant rides through city or country can he taken on a wheel that riding really has it over walking, Incident- ally, cycling is no more expensive than walking 'because hicycle tires do not cost more than a pair of shoes and they last thousands of miles lon- ger than the footwear, Bicycle rid- ing beats paying doctor's bills a mile. There is a doctor in the Temis- kaming district who pdrseribes a . five-mile bicycle ride 'fdr 'himsdlf daily. He has done this for years. (Continued from page 9) ~-- people about the bicycle riding activi- ties of Miss Robinson and of the fine health that the young lady enjoys through riding a wheel, Miss Robin- son has become such an enthusiast, in fact, that she has asked the bi- cyele sport authorities to stage girls' races so that she may be able to com- pete. Requests for have also come young ladies in whom are also hockey devotees, girls' bicycle races from a number of Ottawa, several of speed skating and One is Miss Char- lotte Forde, dhe lady skating cham- pion of Ottawa, Miss "Dot" Reyn- . olds, Misg Giles and others. These young ladies and others have joined the Roamer Bicycle Club of Ottawa, and are now clamoring for bicycle racing events for ladies. These girls took many country rides last summer and two of them plan to spend their two weeks' vacation next August in a 300--mile bicycle tour from Ottawa to Toronto. There is a strong athletic tendency among the young ladies of Canada, Great Britian, the United States and other countries, this having become Answer the Puzzle A147 8a (NINN FIND THE MOST OBJECTS BEGINNING WITH "8" You will find all kinds of "S" objects in this picture, even though it is small. If the pic- ture doesn't print plainly in your paper, write for larger and clearer pic- ture. ANYONE CAN ENTER provided that they have no connection with Mayer Co., Ltd. Your answer must be mailed by June 10th, 1922, and prizes will be awarded to the persons sending in the nearest correct answer as shown in Jist of prizes below. In case of ties, duplicate prizes will iven. Webster's New International Dictionary will be used by the three independent judges in deciding the winning answers. No master or pre- determined list will be used by the judges, but their correct list will be made up from all answers submitted. Do not vse obsolete, hyphenated or compound words. Neatness, style and handwriting have no bearing on deciding the win- ners. The contest is merely a test of skill to acquaint more people with PENCRAFT Pens. Names of Prize Winners and the correct list of words will be mailed to everyone making a purchase. Participants agree to accept the decision of the judges as final and conclusive. PENCRAFT FOUNTAIN PENS Pencralt Fountain Pens are famous lor their easy writing qualities and thous- ands of them are giving satisfactory service every day. The purchase of a $3.00 Pencraft Pen makes your answer-eligible for the $30.00 Prize. The purchase of a $6.00 Pencralt Pen makes your answer eligible for the $1,000.00 Prize. If no money is sent, your answer will be eligible for the $20.00 Prize. If yo@have no need for a fountain pen, you may also qualify your ist with a $3.00 or $6.00 order of Laymore 25 "M s the lazy Hens 7 : 15 Lay." $ ral y 5 Start wirking on the picture puzze now, al I ee hm ps & | ks \ J THE PRIZES No Purchase $3.00 Purchase $6.00 Purchase . $300 150 75 50 40 See how many 'S"" Words you can find. MAYER CO, LTD., TORONTO, ONT." » » = . Dept. 35 ANNOUNCING AN Extraordinary Bargain In Men's Suits and Hats For Friday and Saturday Selling 100 Suits for your choosing. All sizes from 34 up. Most of them one only of a kind. Materials are in Worsteds, NR anid ro" 2 a» haar SN SUN NY So B < ~< PR a SSS SSNS SSRN TY pros a TL CUT PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO / i PRES SS SS Tweeds and Navy Serges. This is the biggest clothing bargain offered in Oshawa for years. ON SALE FRIDAY MORNING 19.00 A Hat Sale to [atch The Suit Bargain All the best selling shapes and popular colors. Tans, Browns, Greys, Gredd Black, Navy. Sizes 6% to 7% and plenty to pick from. Your choice EAR OSHA

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