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Ontario Reformer, 4 May 1922, p. 6

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PAGE FOURTEEN WHITBY COLLEGE C+ HS NONUNENT Add Eloquent Tribute Paid 'To Late "Dr. Hare at Whithy on © Friday Afternoon At. the funeral in Whitby Friday ft -the late 'Rev. Dr, J, J. Hare; Brincipal Emeritus of the Ontario Ladies' College, Rev. Dr, Graham re- ferred to the epitaph "Look around ou for my monument," over the mb of Sir Christopher Wren in Woatminutor Abbey, as an apt sen- 1 ment for the epitaph of Pr. Hare, who for many years devoted all of his best energies to the building up Pt one of Canada's finest educational institutions, ti. Words Live After Hin +. The present Principal of the Col- lege, Rev, Frank Farewell, speaking the funeral services, said that Dr. re, when visiting the college last #are, when visiting the college last June, was full of enthusiasm about ithe coming golden jubilee of the cpllege in 1924, and had prepared the baccalaureate sormon' for the closing exercises on that occasion. '! "THis sermon ~j¢- now in my Wands," sald Rev. Mr. Hare, "and will be 'delivered, but by another Wwpice."! ff Revi Chas. Manning, formerly stor of the Methodist Tabernacle In hitby, gave the closing prayer. Other speakers were: The President 44 the college, R, C, Hamilton of ronto; Dr. Chown, who read the first lesson, and Rev. E. T. Tarking- tén of St. Andrew's Church, Whitby, 'who read Gospel fselection. , Mrs. A. W. Jackson and W, J. H. Rich- dson sang, and the college choir, pesied on the platform, took part In the| singing. Miss Kate Wright esi at the organ. The papl- sarers were Dr, C, F. McGillivray, 5 G. Whitfield, Fred. Hatch, W, J. A Helpfull Hair Hint You ean easily clean your head of dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and beautify it, if vou vse Parisian Sage, A lady visiting friends says "Par. islan Sage is the best thing I ever used to make my hair wavy, lus- trous and abundant. It also keeps away all dandruff and immedciaely glops itching scalp." 'This, inexpensive invigorator is sold at all good drug anl toilet coun- ters. Be sure you get the genuine Parisian Sage (Giroux's) as that has the money back guagantee printed on every bottle. SHILOH STOPS THAT COUGH For grown-ups or children. Safe, sure and efficient. Small dose means economy and does not up- set the stomach. At all dealers, 80c, 60c and $1.20, . 4 Brew This Fine Spring Tonic Yourself Brew a cup of this gentle and effec- tive remedy and take it before going +10 bed, three times a week, for a while. CELERY KING It will purify the blood, make you feel igorou vi s and begithy at a cost of only a few cents. Give it to the chil- dren, too, "All druggists have Celery King, large packages, 30c and $0c. Greenwood ;of Mitchell, W, J, H, Richardson and R, N, Basset, Reove E. R. Blow represented Mayor Fred N, Burns and the Town Council. Ap impressive Scene, - iT 'Interment took place' in the fam- {ly plot at the Union Cemetry. The body reached Whitby in the after- noon from Rochester; N,Y, where Dr, Hare died, and his son, Prof. Frank Hate, and Mrs, Hare accom- anied the remains from Rockford, Ill, where Rev. Dr, Hare had made his home during the past few years, The Trafalgar Daugliters and Col- ege Alumnae representatives form- 3d a double line on either side of the great hall of the college when he body was borne to the Assembly Hall, Many prominent Toronto people, former students, and large numbers of town: eaple. as well as Oshawa citizens iilled the hall to overflowing, Tae floral tributes were many and magnificent, cover- ing the casket, The students each dropped a white carnation on the Oiler and followed the funeral pro- cession to the entrance of the col- lege grounds on its departure to the final scene of the obsequies, A sheaf of telegrams and letters, expressing regret and sympathy from promis nent people all over Canada and the United States, was read by Rev, Mr. Farewell, The following ladies, representing Toronto Chapter of Trafalgar Daughters, were present at the funeral: Mrs. J. C. Webster, Mrs. W, O. Forsyth, Mrs, A. R.. Riches, Mrs, W. W. 8loan, Mrs. R, J, Curry, Miss Mary B8core and other "ex- pupils, Women's ' (Cntinued From Page 9) Coun, Brown stating that he was sure the women only wanted te co- operate rather than interfere with the Sanitary and ReHef Committee, The town it was true had lots of foreigners, but the quicker they were Canadianized the better, ° Mayor Stacey stated that the women only wished to co-operate.in this work as they had in other work of benefit to the town, and the Ccun- ¢il iad no right to ignord the*assists ance of such organizations. as: the Local Council, Red Cross, ete. They helped greatly in the winter and without that help the town would have been greatly handicapped in its relief work. Coun. Preston stated that letter writing and discussion would not el- iminate existing problems in the foreign action. If local organiza- tions wanted to co-operate let them send in some definite plan of action. Coun. Moffat opined that the printed resolution probably did not set forth correctly the real purpose and intention of the Local Council of Women. He was sure that inter- ference was not intended. Coun. Alger stated that the Coun- ¢il should send a letter of apprecia- tion to the women for their co-opera- tion and public interes: snown in the past in many things. Coun. Trick gave Coun. Brown eredit for the hard work he was do- ing. but he did not think the women meant apy harm, rather was theirs the idea of co-operation. Coun. Burns still stuck to his contention that a Teronto judge in a case at Sudbury bad ruled that municipalities had no power to pro- hibit the employment of white girls fn Chinese restauranis. No matter what the statutes said be took it that 2 judge's ruling was final until it was ruled out. It was finally decided that the Re- lief and Sanitary Committee be ask- ed to draft a reply to the Local Council of Women. « OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 'Nearby Places (Continued from page 11) attend, Mrs. Grose of Raglan, very kindly took the part, Mrs, Grose was the guest of the parsonage for tea on Sunday. Mrs. Fishen 1s making many changes inside and outside of her home, We are glad to hear the whistle of the p.m, train (G.T.R.) once again, This will be a great con- veniepces to the students attending the Whitby Collegiate, Carmen Rodd has undergone an operation for affective tonsils, it was performed in the hospital at Oshawa, where he will be remaining for a week, i Mrs, Donnelly, Miss Hazel Adams, and a few of her pupils; Misses J. Gordon, Blanche Cooke, Florence Adams, Dorothy Harbron and Mast- er Harry Donnelly and Gerald Har- bron, attended the recital of Muriel Kerr,--famous child pianfst, held in Hastup Hall, Toronto, last Monday night, (Contianed from page 10) what he would think, 1 was too afraid that I should love him. No, I could not speak; I had wot the courage. That made me still more angry with myself, and so I~I quar- relled at once with Harry, He was surprised but it was natural, wasn't it? . What else should one do under 'such circumstances except quarrel. with the man ope | ? {really quarrelled with him and said things which I thought and hoped would hurt, : "Then I ran away from him lest I should break down and cry. 1 went to the tables and lost at once all the money I had except one note of five louis, But that did not con- sole me. And I ran out into the garden, very unhappy. There I he- haved like a child, and Mr, Ricardo saw me. But it was not the little money I had lost which trougled me; no, it was the thought of what a coward I was." "Afterward Harry and 1 made it up. and I thought, like the little fool ZION School started this week and sev- eral new pupils have come in, Miss Cruse is somewhat improvad after her throat operation, She spent her holidays :in Cobourg. > Miss Doris Stainton had tonsils and adenoids removed recently at her home by Drs, Slemon and Fer- guson, Doris has since been visit- ing her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John H, Trull, Bowmanville, A large crowd attended 8.8. last Sunday, 86 being present, The mis- slonary Superintendent arranged a program and Miss Janle Trevail and class of girls took par. " No service here next Sunday morning, Quarterly service at Hampton instead, Mr. and Mrs, F. W, Langmalid at- tended the y "Jack's Wife" in Oshawa Monday night. Miss Jessle Balson, Oshawa, has been spending a week at home, The hox social and concert held last week was a real success, The program consisted of readings by Miss Doris Barrowclough, Oshawa, Miss Orma Flintoff,: Zion, Solos, Migs Vida Langmaid, Oshawa and Mrs. Thos. Martin, Zion; piano duet by Misses Bertha -and Lucy Northcott; piano solo by Miss Irene Pascoe, All were heartily encored. The boxes sold well, realizing over $40. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lander, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and Joyce, Misses Vida and Sybil Langmaid and Mr. Foster Snowden, all of Oshawa, at- tended the concert. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson visited Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Sulley in Osh- awa on Sunday, Many people are suffering with colds, acting somewhat like the Flu. ding is fairly well on and weather like the present ought to hurry it on, The 8. 8. boys have started to practise football, . Miss Beatrice Leach has taken the | job of looking after the church. Mr. 8. G, Chant will soon have his barn ready to raise. Mr. Norman Leach is the contractor. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Trick, Oshawa visited ber brother, Mr. G. H. Arm- our on Sunday. The average busband's idea of an ideal clinging gown jis one that will cling to his wife about three years. --=Seattle Post-Intelligencer. If the modern novelties, merely called a spade a spade, it wouldn't be 20 bad; but they take a rake and make a hero of him.--Kansas City Star. Trouble is said to be brewing again in Ireland. From the looks of things the. Irish home-brewers must be a particularly active lot.--Brock- ville Recorder. -- GOSSARD : Brassieres 59¢ or 2 for $1.00 pi -- F. T. LAMBLE ~~ Money Saving Specials For Friday and Saturday Ladies' Summer Vests 29¢ Made of fine White Cotton, in four styles, Pink or White. Extra Special 29¢ each attractive Polly Prim style. Extra Special 79¢ Made of very Low Prices Aprons 59¢c each small Check Print in a neatly- fitting, cadily laundered style. Regular 85c / FANCY BATH TOWELS These Towels are heavily woven and very servicesble, they ate procussble with Pick, Blue. Mauve and Gold. Sizes about 21x38 inches. Special 69c each 'T was, that he wanted to ask me to | marry him, But I would not 'let him [that night, Oh! I wanted him to ask me-- but not that night. Some- 'how I felt that the seance and the tricks must be all over and done with before I could listen or answer." The quiet and simple confession touched the magistrate who listened to it with profound pity. He shaded his eyes with his hand. The girl's sense of her unworthiness, the love she had given so unstintingly 'to Harry Wethermill, the deep pride es, L| she had: feit in-the delusion-that he loved her too had in it a irony too bitter, But he was aroused to anger the man: : haplnat he mademoiselle," he sald, But in spite of himself his voice trembled. Hy ; "So I arranged with him that we should meet on Wednesday as Mr, Ricardo heard." "You told him that you would want him on Wednesday," said the Judge, quoting Mr, 'Ricardo's words, "Yes," replied Celia. "I meant the last of all these deceptions would have been spoken. I should be free to: hear what he had to say to me. You see, ,mongleur, I was 's0 sure that I knew what it was that he had to say! to me" and her voice broke upon the words. She recov- ered herself with an effort, 'Then I went home with Mme, Dauvray." On the morning of Tuesday, how- ever, there came a letter from Adele Tace, of which no trace was after. ward discovered. The letter invited Mme, Dauvray and Celia to come out to Annecy and dine with her at an hotel there, They could then re- turn together to Aix. The proposal fitted well with Mme. Dauvray's in- clinations. She was in a 'feverish mood of excitement, (To be Continued) -------------------------- After riding elephants and shoot- mg tigers in India, the Prince of Wales now has to face the ordeal of coming home and getting mar- ried,--Brockville Recorder, ""When a wet collar is nowadays it is imppssible to say off: hand whether or not the freshets are to be held responsible, iii reported spring. into Water is sali; to-be tinding. its way tainly ov. . does look Like wat aple 8 Some it' ¢er~ --Guelph Herald, x TONIGHT ---FOR MEN ONLY Dr. Chas. E. Barker Will Lecture In Simcoe St. Methodist Church at 8 p.m. All Men over 16 Years of age are invited to hear Dr. Barker to-night. He will speak on the subject 'A Father's Responsibility to His Son." This is a rare opportunity to hear an eminent orator talk on a subject of vital interest to all, Come and Bring a Friend To help defray the expense of Dr. Barker's trip an oppor- tunity will be given for those who wish to contribute. Rotary Club of Oshawa iii derful values. with all those We have had the bi Summer Dresses Are In A splendid showing of everything new in Gingham, Organdie, Voile, Ratine and other materials made by Canada's premier dress house-- shown exclusively here--and won- Individual styles-- _dainty touches so dear to the feminine heart. SEE THEM IN THE WINDOWS Clearing Prices on all Coats, Suits and Skirts season in Ladies' Ready-to-wear that we have ever had--but the stock is still fairly well assorted--Now we are putting them on sale at prices that will clean out every garment. You know when we make a statement like this that you can always depend on getting exactly as we say. bY 'Billie Burke Dresses These garments are 30 well known throughout the Canadian trade that com- ment hee is almost unnecessary. They are splendidly made, good fitting, good materials, guaranteed fast colors and moderately priced--for house, porch or afternoon wear--only at the Arcade in Oshawa. Come on i--See our splendid showing--make use of our Rest Room--and save on every purchase. ~T. Miller & Sons THE ARCADE rll 1 il

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