. Will Pay Less This Year The rate of pay for laborers on the Durham-Northumberland county roads this year has been fixed at 25¢ an hour, and 50c an hour for men and teams. This is about the same rate as is paid on the provine- ial highway, To Audit Town Books The corporation of Cobourg has received the information from the Provincial Secretary, that Mr. Gor- don A, Peters, chartered accountant, has been appointed to audit the books of the town for the past three years, Call to Norham Pastor At a meeting on Monday evening of the Quarterly Official Board of the Camborne circuit, an unanimous in- vitation was extended to Rev, J. F. Horwood, Mus; Bac,, Norham, to the pastorate for next conference year, to succeed Rev, Captain Harston, who has accepted an unanimous in- vitation to Woodville, - \ Proposed Conventions The executive of the South On- tario Educational Association met at the Public Library in Port Perry on Saturday afternoon, May 6, and arranged for conventions at the for- lowing times and places: Tuesday, May 23, Pickering; Thursday, May 25, Brooklin; Friday, May 26, Port Perry; Saturday, May Clare- mont, 21, 'MOVED! From Our Old Stand 23 Bond St. E. Let us show you our work, It is sure to satisfy you. New Method Cleaners And Dyers ng, %, 4 "= 7% NP IF YOu WANT MEAT 5 BOTH PURE AND A VISIT HERE WILL PROVE A TREA! of our meats make their appeal to the happy family circle where quality foods are appree- sted. Nothing but the best and lots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- jsfactory service. Our tele- phone is your friend. ib iA. SUDDARD SIM SOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 517 Old Girls' Meeting Plans for the coming year were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of * the County of Ontario Old Girls' Association held in the Whitby Library on Tuesday after- noon, Although nothing definite was decided, indications point to a year of useful work, The annual meeting of the Association was held in April and this meeting was for the purpose of making tentative ar- rangments for the year. At the meeting, Mrs. C. F. McGillivray res | ported that the window boxes for the public buildings in Whitby were | being filled and painted, There was a large attendance of the ladies. Band Concert at Whithy, The Whitby Citizens' Band gave a concert Monday night, under the dir-| ection of the new leader, LW. | Evans. There was a large turnout | of citizens, who showed keen appre- | ciation, Manager George Maundrell of the band thanked the audience for its reception, Those taking part in| the program, aside from the band members were: John Parker, Helen | Mitchell, M, M. Gibson, E. Copp, J.| Clarke, Ed. Kearney, Fred Landon and Harry James, Our own opinion is that eventual- ly prohibition jokes will cause more insanity than hooch ever caused -- Peterboro' Examiner | | He Is Satisfied | THAT'S WHY HE PRAISES DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Quebec Man Who Suffered From Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Backache Gave a Thorough Trial to Dodd's Kidney Pills, =e) St. Prosper, Dorchester Co,, Que.,! May 12th (S8pecial)--Mr. Joseph La-| rochelle, well known and highly ces-| pected here, is telling all his friends {of the satisfaction he got from the) use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I suffered for many years from | Bright's disease diabetes, bankache | and headache Mr. Larochelle staies, | "I took from 10 to 15 boxes of Dodd's| Kidney Pills. "I can tell you I am satisfied with the results. [I advise all who use| Dodd's Kidney Pills to take enough to! make them well." 1 Dodd's Kidney Pills have 'been in| use in Canada for more than a quar- ter of a century. They are known by the good they have done. Ask your neighbor. if Dodd's Kid-! ney Pills do not make healthy kid- neys. SHE DIDNT WANT T0 LIVE "] felt so ill and wretch- ed that I didn't care whether 1 lived or not." This was Mrs. W.'s experience, If you are not feeling well you should read says, "Unless you have actually ex- perienced what it means to be ill, really ill, you don't know what suf- fering is. I felt so ill and miserable that * didn't eare whether I lived or not. I am naturally of an active temperament and as a result I must have overworked mysclf, because 1 began to feel tired and weak after the least exertion, At times my £3 took on a deathly pallor. Las s all over. I was troubled fwith dull pains which at times produced pause sca. My body fell as if somebody had been pounding it---every bit of it pained. When I laid down at nights I could pot get into a comfortable position and the consequence was i got very little sleep. The pains, which followed sleeping in one po- sition for any length of time, gave me frightful dreams from which | awoke weak and perspiring. I eon- silted doctors and they told me that I was completely run down and needed something to build me up. Their prescriptions only helped me for a while. One day I found a eir- cular about Carpol and the state. ments in it sounded so honest and true and free from any exaggeration that 1 decided to try it. In six weeks after taking the first bottle I was as well as ever. If any one had told me that Carnol would do what it did foe me I wouldn™ have belieyed thew." Carnol is sold by your druggist, and if you can conscientiously say, after you have tried it, that it hasn't done you any good, return the emp- ty bottle to him and he will refund your money. 7-122 With The Results| Pastor. every word of her letter, Sho | OSHAWA, ONTARIO; SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 PAGE THREE" AMONG THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN St, George's--Cor, John and Centre, Rev, ©, R, dePencier, M.A, 39 Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 8 f.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 4 p.m.--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month.) 7 p.m.--Choral Evensong. Monday, 7.30 p.m. -- Teachers' meeting. Wednesday, Club, (sec- 7.30 p.m, -- Boys' ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m,--Sunday School, Tuesday, 3 p.m. -- Mothers' Un- ion. Wed. and Girls' Club. Thurs, 7.30 pm, -- CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CHURCH Athol Street Rev, T, J, Logan, Pastor SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 11 a,m.--Fellowship meeting, 2.30 p.m, -- Sunday School and Bible class. 7 p.m.--Gospel Service Mr, James Bryant (Happy Jim) converted blacksmith, London, Eng- land, will preach both morning and evening, : Monday, 8 p.m.--Mr. Bryant will give his life story. Tuesday 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Praise, Thursday, 8 p.m.-- Bible study. Saturday," 8 p.m. Open air King St. Everybody Invited BAPTIST Emman=el Baptist Church--King E, | Rev, «. L- Marton, B'th, Pastor | Residence. 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m,--Public Worship, All are cordially invited to these services, CHRISTIAN Centre Street, near King Rev, E, T. Cotten, Ph, B,, Pastor Parsonage 169 Athol St. E., Phone] 847). | SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 11 a.m.--Mothers' Day Service, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Tues.,, 8 p.m.--Annual meeting. Wed., 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting, i Mr. Roy Bennett leader. | Public cordially invited. Church| CHRISTIAN SCIENCE i 18 Simcoe St. N. | SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. { 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. - Public Wor-1 ship. Subject, 'Mortals and Immor- tals." . 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting, when testimonies are given of heal-| ing through Christian Science. | You are cordially invited. KING ST, METHODIST Rev. A.M, Irwin, B.A., B.D, Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. EK. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. The School 2.30--Sunday Mothers' | Day. Public Worship. Rev. F. M.D., Toronto. Epworth League. | Prayer meeting. Choir Practice, | PRESBYTERIAN i Simcoe St, South, Cor, Bruce Street, | Rev, G. Yule, Minister. Residence the | Manse, 65 Simcoe S,, Phone 493. SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. | il a.m.--The 3 p.n.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.-- Public Worship. | A cordial invitation is extended to | all to attend these hearty welcome awaits you. i Friday, 8 p.m.-- Choir practice. 7 p.m.- C. Stephenson, Mon., 8 p.m. Wed., 8 p.m. Fri., 8 p.m. | SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. HM. McBain, B.A., Minister SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 11 am--Dr. ¥. C. Stephenson, Toronto. 3 p.m.--Sudday School and Men's i Club. Wd p.m.--Mothers' Day Service. The Boy Scouts will attend in a body. Monday, 8 p.m.--Epworth League. Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock the Annual Congregational meeting and reception to new members. Wednesday, 7.30--Prayer Meeting. | Seats free---Welcome. 1 MEN'S OWN > ------ SERVICES, SUNDAY," MAY 14th. Brotherhood Federation of Canada | Branch South Oshawa Methodist. Meeting with Class "EIRRA™ 2.30 p.m. Bible Study, also Special and Vital Subjects. up-to-date. | Sold by Wm. H. Karn Oshawa, Ont. | Stained to ferneries, McCu To The Public Reed (wicker) furniture made to order. t your taste. Lamps, rdiniers and trays. gh & Rae $St., Oshawa | THE SAINATION ARMY i Adjutant and Mrs. Graves, Com- | manding Officers [ SERVICES, SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. 3 p.m.--Praise meeting. 7 p.m.--salvation Meeting. Young People's classes directly in the morning at 10 o'clock. yada School and Bible Class at 2%Wp.m. Monday night Salvation meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and | Life Saving Guards. 7.30 pm. -- Also cotiage prayer | meeting at 8 p.m. . Saturday--Praise meeting pan. at 8] INFILXENCE F GOOD i "The mest hardened criminal, or! the most dlous individual, must stop and think, if the thought of mother is put into his mind." --Bill- board, Cincipnati, O. Open Bonfives Are i Minister, QC granting citizens, orvices and aout the ese of an iron receptacle, ex- sponse wade by the citizens. A Three Day Housefurnishing Sale neatest patterns imaginable. able and easy to launder, to 76c. per yd. Plain or scalloped edge. 59¢ Yard For Drawing Rooms, here exceptional patterns of highest art he used, bedroom ing. very even weave, Heavy SCOTCH BUNGALOW CURTAIN : NETS All beautiful filley nets in the Regular up Sale Price 48¢ Yard DOUBLE MESH NETS This range in- cludes some of the prettiest shadow pat- terns you could possibly wish for, only thing cheap about it is the price, THE BETTER NETS Sitting Rooms, Libraries, and the varicus other rooms where you want something just a little bit better than ordinary. You will find quality coupled with that will dignity to any room in which they may All are grouped at one price, Sale Price 98¢c Yard DAINTY MARQUISETTE Can you suggest anything nicer for a than a Marquisette Curtain? Then there are so many other windows «+ that one can use this delightful curtain- You can have your choice of either a fancy border or plain tape edge. mercerized quality in white, cream or ecru. Sale Price 38¢c Yard SCOTCH LACE CURTAINS With a fancy border running down side and across bottom, cream only, 45" wide and2% yards long, -72 Special Value at $2.95 Pair Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A timely sale of House Furnishings when the goods are most needzd. This will mean the saving of many dollars to every thrifty housewife, as this sale 52" wide. covers all grades up to the very best Nets, Blinds, etc. Early shopping would be advisable in order to avoid dis- appointment. very Very dur- EXTRA LARGE SCOTCH NET PANELS Can be used as panel curtain or by the pair, as there i8 a border pat- tern on both sides of ®urtain. Regula: price $7.50 pair. Sale Price $5.95 Pair The CHINTZ AND CRETONNES wide, suitable for side curtains, boxes, and the many other uses that this goods is generally put to. Regular price 58c¢ and 65c yard, Sale Price 49¢ Yard apr ab add DRAPERIES 50° WIDE The colorings are printed through, mak ing them practically fast color, ful Oriental patterns. Drapery enough to split. Special Price 89¢c Yard Jeanti wide THE DUPLEX CURTAIN Two curtains in one, a wide valance at top joining the two separate curtains, measuring in all 52" wide and 21 yeard long. A Sale Price $1.39 Pair Eight Only Large Down A Saving on Window Blinds Best quality Opaque Oil Colored Window Blinds, with the famous Hartshorne roller, 37" x 6', Plain White, Plain Cream and Plain Green. Specially Priced $1.29 Window Blinds with dainty lace insertion in Cream and Green only. Regular $2.00. Sale Price $1.29 The Duplex Blind--White and Green or Cream and $22.00, Special Sale Price Green. Best quality oil colored opaque, . ( Sale Price $10.90 Each / $1.58 Filled Comforters Coverings of finest. quality Sateen, panelings to match. A saving of from one-third to one-half regular Prices range from $15.00 to price, Taboo After To-day The order issuec ny Wire Chief A. . Cameron, as deputy-tire marshal, in order to clean up their premises, the privii-ge of burning refuse in the open air with- pires to-day The Chief stated yesterday that he was very much pleased with the re Every- where yards had been cleaned up, the accumulation of rubbish during the winter disposed of, particularly in the business seotion, and a desire shown everywhere to co-cperate with | the fire department in the work of fire prevention. Not one call | was received by the deparment during the life of the order for a fire caused by the lighting of a bonfipe. After today the use of 2n iron receptacle for burning in all cas- es will be insisted upon. a ah a "ARAL WANA St. Lawrence Sailings QUEBEC --GMERBOURG--SOUTMAMPION -- HAMBURG 1G dune 43 duly 11. May Judy 25 Empress of scotland May IRPOOL Eapress. of Britain Eaupress of dadia MONTREAL LIVERPOOL 10lJune 16July 14 2jdune 30[July 28 May Judy 5 Noutlrose May Moutealm June Aug. 15 Tunisian May 2W0jduue 17 0uly Corsican May 2ilJune 2§July 22 June Slay 1. Melagatua June 7 «++. Scolan MON x ITMAMPTON ANTWERP May 24 June 21 July 19 Melita dune Tuy DAug: 2. -Minnedosi June 10 Scandinavian INOA Montreal SE. AVNN BOSTON --MAVANA-- KINGSTON Nay i6[dune 18 Sicilian Apply Local or Ml. B. BEAUMONT, Gen. ., Pass. Dept, 1 St, KE, Toreale : detalde 2105 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAMLWAY Lraflic Agents Empress of France | Under the most trying conditions men always choose KING GEORGE'S NAVY CHEWING. Its big plugs of moist, tough, full flavored tobacco mever fail to satisfy--that's the reason. Sold