PAGE TEN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1922 F FLANNELETTE BLANKETS The hest standard quality, Three sizes: BIG RANGE OF NEW GINGHAMS 27"WIDE, 25¢ YARD Some of the newest and nicest designs one could wish to wear are in this pretty selection, Then they are so moderate in price that the cost of one or more smart summer dresses will bear quite Jightly .upon your purse, Gingpams are in the front rank of fashionable summer fabrics, smart, gay and colorful, yet in really good taste gnd so satisfac- tory to wear, Easy to laun- der, too, and after ea®h tubh- bing their freshness and "BUY AT HOME CAMPAIGN" STARTING THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1st This is a forceful demonstration to the public of the advantages of buying at home. While we know that a great many are buying more and more at home, we wish to particularly reach those who are not yet convinced that by! shopping in Oshawa they not only have excellent choice, but actually save dollars and cents by doing so. Com- pare our prices with city prices--you will be surprised, for, in many cases, we not only meet their prices but are lower than prices quoted for the same quality in the city." When next you have shopping to do, give the merchants in your home town the first opportunity. We ask for everybody's hearty co-operation in this campaign. PURE LINEN ROLLER .TOWELLING 25¢ Yard White with Red or flue hor- der. Irish make. A firm durable weave. Very desir- able for kitchen or general household use, WHITE VOILE BLOUSES $1.00 Very neat and daintily trim- med with tucks, embroidery and lace, Peter Pan collar, short sleeves, Sizes 36 to 42, A BETTER BLOUSE $4.95 Many fancy Crepe de Chines, Georgettes, Habutai and ete, are included in this range. Values up Yo $7.50. Beautitul combinations of colorings and dainty trimming. GODDESS FRONT wholesomeness is renewed of By like the morning. . . Note again the width and Women's Italian Silk Lisle Hose price for this quality Ging- Knitted from selected yarns, re- Women's Fibre Silk Hose Well made, neat appearing ®|' Hose, knitted from lustrous fibre silk yarns with deep mer- cerized cotton tops, garter LACE CORSETS HALF PRICE A Special Clearing of num- hers that We are discontinu- ing in this line. Regular $3.50 to $6.00. Now $1,756 to $3.00, being exactly half price Ribbed Top Silk Hose Knitted from high grade thread silk with deep fine 1-1 ribbed mercerized cotton tops, cotton heels and toes, and silk plaited Women's Ribbed Top Lisle Hose Knitted from choice mercerized 2 ply lisle yarns with elastic fitting deep 1-1 ribbed tops, ham is excellent value, NURSES STRIPED GALATEA 24c Yard _ inforced soles, heels and toes. Nurse cloth is such a useful material and is priced so low that merely to read about it is te feel that just now one could use many vards to advantag: House , nurses' uniforms, , rompers, children's and various other irments for everyday wear can he made from nurse cloth, Such garments will look neat and wear well be- cause nurse cloth has a smooth finish and attractive patterning with good medium weight, Nurse Cloth washes easily and successfully, 40" FIGURED VOILES 39¢ YARD Each pattern is distinctly new and cach one will look pretty made up. The effect is neat and summery, showing what real looking rocks can he made of thes inted vpiles. Any of the fesigns can be simply trim- med with the new trimmings of the season, and it will add to their dignity. The grounds in these patterns are Navy, Brown and Copen. BEST QUALITY HABUTAI SILK 36" wide - $1.33 Yard Firm in texture and excep- tionally well finished is this good quality Habutai Silk. Attractive for blouses, dresses or children's best frocks, while its good wear- ing qualities make it well suited for foundation or slip linings. A splendid summer ly good _ silk at moderate cost. PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING 29¢ Yard Heavy absorbent quality, White or Brown and White Stripe. Sold regularly at 3b¢ yard. A hose that is always in great demand owing to its proven durability and neat appearance. Black, White, Navy and Brown. 49c Pair reinforced heels, soles and toes and seamless throughout. Especially domfortable for those who desire elasticity in upper part of legs. 65¢c Pair soles. The special "ribbed top" feature ensures comfort to the wearer and increased service. Black, White and Navy. $1.59 Pair welts, reinforced cotton heels and toes, fibre plaited soles, and seamléss throughout. Black, Navy and Smoke. 68c Pair Fancy Cuff tops. CHILDREN'S PLAIN LISLE SOCKS Elastic fitting and plain knit, seamless feet with reinforced heels and toes combine to make these attractive and comfortable for wee tots. White and Cadet. Sizes 4-8. 29¢ Pair ' CHILDREN'S FANCY TOP SOCKS OF MERCERIZED COTTON ; : Véry dainty, attractive and well made socks, knitted from fine mercerized cotton yarns, with neat turnover cuffs and colored pattern tops. Sizes 4.8, A, 39c Pair of 3 Pair for $1.15 PRINTS - - CRUM'S ENGLISH AND FINEST TAFFETA. PRINTS All fast colors, for less than the low grades, for Women's House Dresses, Aprons, Children's Dresses. 30c, 35¢, and 40c yard. 23c Yard The material with a thousand uses. bottom. Reg. 40" wide, scalloped edge nets. SCOTCH BUNGALOW NETS Will give splendid wear and launders easily. This is an opportunity to secure a pair of Curtains at a low price. 5 yards is sufficient for almost any window and allows for hem top and Cream only. Regular 45¢ yard. 29¢ Yard - 29c Yard / COAT VALUES UP TO $32.50--Now $14.95 Spring Coats like these are useful all summer long for motoring or for the chilly nights. These include all the leading styles and shades and are exceptionally well made. The price is so small that you simply can't resist buying one. GEORGETTE CREPES | & CREPE DE CHINES 40" Wide - $1.69 Yard All-Silk summer fabrics of good quality, particularly adapted for pretty blouses, frocks, combination and trimming effects. They come in a firm sheer weave, and although dainty in appear- ance will give very satisfac- tory service. All the leading colors are in these ranges, | | TAFFETA DRESSES 1, PRICE A wonderful opportunity of getting a first quality Taffeta Dress at a price that is so small that it almost ceases to be an object at all. The leading season's fashions coupled with clever workmanship make these dresses very desirable indeed. | 40° ALL WOOL SERGE 79¢ YARD Navy, Brown and Copen. De- cidedly good value and par- ticularly adapted for every- day garments is this English made all-wool Eerge. A fab- ric you will make no mis- take in getting for girls' school frocks, women's dress- es or separate skirts, as it is unusually durable. 50" ALL WOOL SERGE $1.00 YARD Brown, Navy, Copen and Gray. An all-wool serge in a medium twill and soft finish, which will fashion attractive looking dresses for either misses'. or women's wear. Although not a high priced serge, it will make up with smart appearance and give splendid wear. | WOMEN'S CORSETS Fine White Coutil, four hose supporters, well honed, Regular price #1.25 and $1.50. Sizes 15-25, Special 89¢ PINK COUTIL CORSET An inexpensive comfortable corset for slight and medium figures, elastic top with low bust. Suitable for summer wear. Sizes 22-27 Regular $1.75, for $1.25 WOMEN'S SUMMER VESTS Fine cotton ribbed quality, short sleeves or strap shoul- der, : 25¢ each WOMEN'S SUMMER VESTS of a fine quality, with either short or no sleeves. 3 for $1.00 WOMEN'S COMBINA- TIONS Umbrella and step in styles. Ribbed and plain knit, sleeveless and comfy cut. Sizes 36, 38 and 40. .88¢ Suit CHILDREN'S. WAISTS "Little Beauty" make, a rib- bed drill that is very dur- able. All sizes. 2 49c each ~ TABLE OILCLOTH Standard quality, in Plain White and Colored. 45" wide ......... . 46¢ yard 54" wide PLAIN OIL OPAQUE PLAIN OPAQUE SHADES WINDOW BLINDS $1.25 each 79¢ each Plain White, Cream or Green, of strong Opaque Cloth, mounted on reliable spring roller. A serviceable shade, supplied complete ready to hang with brackets, nails and ring pull. 37" wide 70" long. Women's Silk Dresses on 1-4 off Regular Price The most useful costume of a lady's wardrobe, suitable fot street wear, afternoons, and any little informal affair in the evenings. Especially when they are made in such good taste, as these are, and the prices so re- duced for this special event. : Silk Dresses Regular $14.95 Now $11.22 Silk Dresses Regular $18.50 Now $13.87 _ Silk Dresses Regular $23.50 Now $17.62 " Silk Dresses Regular $27.50 Now $20.62 Silk Dresses Regular $32.50 Now $24.37 Silk Dresses Regular $39.00 Now $29.25 ' Serviceable Oil Opaque Win- dow Blinds in plain colors of White, Cream or Green. + These are mounted on Harts- horne spring rollers, and will give satisfaction. Com- plete with brackets, ndils and ring pull, ALL WOMEN'S © SUITS One-Half Price : This includes every Suit in the department as we must make room for other goods coming in. Now is your opportunity, as this brings the most expensive suit quite within range of anyone's pocket book. ¥ou will find nothing but the best quality materials combined with the leading styles and clever workmanship. Suits Regular $21.00 Now $10.50 Suits Regular $25.00 Now $12.50 Suits Regular $29.50 Now $14.75 Suits Regular $32.50 Now $16.25 Suits Regular $37.50 Now $18.75 Suits Regular $43.50 Now $21.75 Suits Regular $47.50 Now $23.75 Fl FE THREE 200-YDS SPOOLS COATS' SEWING COTTON Ric Rac Braid, two sizes, medium and wide ...... 4 yds. for 10¢ Clark's Anchor Crochet Cotton, all sizes 2 balls for-15¢ Princess Pat Hair Nets, capor fringe shape 3 for 25¢ Children's and Misses' Elastic Hose Supporters, rubber fastener, Common Pins, sheet of best quality brass pins, assorted sizes, 5c sheet Silkine, all colors .. 2 for 16¢c 2 balls for 16¢ Hair Pins, barrel shape, box of assorted sizes, strong Japanned $1.00 WORTH OF NOTIONS Bias Tapes, 6 yds. on a card 15¢, 18¢, 20¢ card Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton, ecru and white, all sizes .... 10¢ ball white and black, all sizes 25¢ pair Mercerized Darning Cotton, black white, navy and brown pins, 40 pins to the box per box Se PAGE 3 FOR PARTICULARS REGARDING SPECIAL PRIZES AND CONTESTS DURING BUY AT HOME WEEK AT THIS STORE a -- a-- a = -_-- A ------ ----