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Ontario Reformer, 8 Jun 1922, p. 9

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 ' PAGE FIVE a -------------- Dental Articles For Sale DR. T. C. CLOMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 281, OR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- ley Block, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 504. 89-tt DR. T. 8, TUCKER---DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, - 1-yr. DR, 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Fftore. Phone 959, 1 yr. UR, JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No, 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. DR. W, J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe, St. N. 26-1mos. Medical DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Siméoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. MecKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- | geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Bt,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. L. J, SEBERT, 73 BLOOR 8T., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and "Throat, Office ever Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 11556. Houss 2 to 4 p.m, or by appointment. 5 96-t1 DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store first and third Friday each moth from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and 'throat only. Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-| rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | veyancer. Money to loan. Office M% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. { D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Bolicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and | Criminal Law. Loans arranged. | Office, King St. Chambers (formerly ' Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- | awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | +619]. ! A Jf meer +' GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. | entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. dd F. Grierson, B.A.,, T. K. Creighton, B.A. | G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- | rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete. | Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen-' eral practige. Phone 63. H. E. MORRHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. | Solicitor, Netary Publie, ete. Office' 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- ! minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | Perry. 73-41 | | Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL | directors, embalmers, private am-| | interest. FOR SALE--PANDORA RANGE, ex- cellent condition, piano and other furniture, also Ford car, cheap. Ap- ply Bond Street Grocery, 27 Bond Blom A 28-b FOR SALE "SlildA NTITY INSIDE brick. Apply Alice 'St. -E, "gst FOR SALE -- BIX HENS, ALSO henhouse, 8 x 12, Cheap for quick sale, Apply evenings, 207 Court St. Phone H7-W, 28-c FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, good condition, new tires, $10 cash. Apply 49 Ontario St, 28-¢ FOR SALE---About 5M FT. 1 INCH new lumber, $256 per M. Apply A. C. Cook, Alice St, B. 28-f FOR SALE--ONE FRESH DURHAM cow, calved May 30th, 1922; also 1 brood sow, bred May 22nd, 1922, Ap- ply 217 Burk St., phone 645-W, 28-¢ FOR SALE -- FIELD OF HAY. AP- ply O. R. Hall, 213 College Ave. 28-¢ FOR BALE -- HAPPY THOUGHT range, with high shelf, in good con- dition. Apply 96 Agnes St., Oshawa. 28-h HAY FOR SALE--STANDING CROP with right to cut, cure and remove. In and close to the centre of Oshawa. {Apply to G. D, Conant, Barrister, &c., {Solicitor for the owner, 28-t-1 FOR SALE -- CABBAGE AND TO- mato plants. Jim Evans has a good supply on hand of winter cabbage, Don't go short. Tomatoes--Bonny Best, Newington's Pride, 10c dozen. 495 Simcoe St, 8., north side Pedlar factory. 28-¢ FOR SALE ---- EDISON GRAMO- phone and 160 Blue Ambrol records, $50. Apply 539 Albert St, 27-¢ FOR SALE--QUANTITY OF FUR- niture, best quality, half price. Phone 1082, 25tf FOR BALE--ONE NORDHEIMER piano, fumed oak touch and excellent tone, $600, clears for $400. sic Store, Oshawa, FOR SALE COMBINATION GAS |and coal stove, in use for only one {year. Apply 88 King St. W. Phone 381. ' [ Stalter's Mu- piano case, 11 stops, 6 Ave. 29¢ | ONE EVANS UP RIGHT PIANO AS good as new. Will sell cheap: for cash. Apply 289 Albert St. 29¢ SECOND MORTGAGE FOR SALE One Thousand Dollars, seven per cent Mortgage due in four years. Drew Street property. Discount 15%. E. Norman & Co., Bankers and Brok- ers, 18 Richmond St. E,, Toronto. | ARTICLES FOR SALE FLOOR | lamp finished in mahogany, complete | with electric fixtures, only $10.00. 60 Prince St. 29-a FOR SALE ALMOST NEW, MOF- fatt gas range, in excellent condi- tion. Five burners, elevated oven, with thermometer. Apply 84 Osh- awa Boulevard, Phone 1149j. 29-a | Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE-- A GRAY-DORT FIVE | passenger motor car in first class con- | dition. Apply 386 King St. E. Phon« | 5%4 J. 28-c | FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY R, C. Henry & Co. 16-t.1 ALBERT F. COX, PHONE 274J FOR new mare ears and trucks. 251 FOR SALE--ONE 1921 MODEL 490 Chevrolet, nearly new; two 1920 model 490 Chevrolets, overhauled | and repainted; one 1921 Model F.B. Chevrolet, new tires and in first class running order. These cars cam be seen at Harper & Clemens', 54 | Simcoe St. N., or phone 66 for a dem- onstration, 26-t1 FOR SALE CHEAP--1918 TWIN | Excelsior motorcycle cheap. Apply | « at 75 Elgin St, West. 251 Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE -- TWO LOTS French St., 33 x 94, Apply Box Cedar Dale P, O, . SPROIAL $5500 avill buy an 8 room house with all modern conveniences, conven- iently locoted, Terms easy. $3000 will give you an 8 room house with water and electric lights, one block from car line, $300 down, $1000 will bay a four room house with water and electric lights, convenient to car line, $200 down, $300 will buy a nice lot in West- mount on Pine St. Apply Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 61 King St. East, Phone 703 or A, A, Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 6tf FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER, TENDERS will be received up to 12° o'clock noon on the 17th day of June, 1922, for the purchase of the North halt of lot number Six in the Fifth Concession of Kast Whithy (about 110 acres). No tender ne- cessarily accepted. Privilege to plough after harvest and full pos- session 1st October next, For fur- ther particulars apply to J. F. Grier- son, Barrister, ete, Oshawa, On- tario, 26-g Board and Rooms TO LET--2 OR 3 PARTLY FUR- nished rooms for light housekeeplpg, phone 957). 28-h ROOMERS Agnes St. 29a LARGE FRONT BEDROOM, SUI'T- able for two young ladies or young married couple, breakfast if desired, 53 Kenneth Ave, 29-h 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NICELY located about 5 minutes from Gen eral Motors. Possession July 1st, Apply 312 Ritson Rd. N. ( 29a) (32-2) (36-a) ROOM AND BOARD, APPLY 109 ON 10, 27-¢ WANTED--APPLY 93 cage, very fine Rugular | 17-tf | Simcoe St. N. 29h FURNisHSD BEDROOM TO RENT. Apply 18% King St. E. 29a } Auction Sale AUCTION SALE TOF "HOUSEHOLD furniture. The undersigned has re ceived instructions from F. Blow, : a 23-1 193 Barrie St, to sell by auction, FOR SALE--DOMINON ORGAN, { Monday, June 12th, all of his house- octaves. | hold furniture, Price reasonable. Apply 119 Eldon cash. James B Terms 29a Sale 2 p.m. hop, Auctioneer, FOR SALE -- CORD AND Fabric Tires at 20 per cent. off regular prices. All sizes in stock.--Tiger Tire Sales, 160 King St. W. Phone = 22-tf et Wanted to Rent WANTED A Mr. Bartlett, Manager worth Co, Ltd. WANTED -- TWO OR THREE furnished rooms for light hou:-ekeep ing or board and room for three Phone 10465. 27-¢ HOUSE. PF. APPLY Wool 27-¢ Ww. Freckle-Face Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots Do you know how easy it is to re- move those ugly spots so that no one will call you f[reckle-face? Simply get an ounce of Othine- double strength, from your druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of freckles and get a beautiful complex- jon. The sun and winds of March have a strong tendency to bring out freckles, and as a result more Othine is sold in this month. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as this is sold under guarantee of mon- ey back if it fails tg remove the freckles. Help Wanted--Male INTELLIGENT AMBITIOUS HIGH School boy wanted to learn the print- ing trade. Apply Reformer Office. | 2741! bulance; morgue and chapel in con- |A POSITION IS OPEN FOR A GOOD mection; picture framing; St. South. Phone 2140. 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire N. A. McLean, Oshawa Ag Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar-! age, fimcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. Phone 766. HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATCM., organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to | accept a limited number of pupils in | Pianoforie, Voice Culture and Pipe st. King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 8075. 73-jue 20 | Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAX | dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone, 5525, night S52W. Rit- son Road North. i Try Rs Lost and Found [Street [OST BETWEEN QUEBEC A AND | #& Athol st.. 2 brown bag anics tools. Bailes garage. " of auto m Finder please notify y 29a Se -- =e - Su ia Royal, Niagara-om-the- Lake, will be opened June 15th. Golf bowling, fishing, tennis, dancing and boating. Write for reservations. 204 . Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. live Stock a . Phone 467ri-4 Bowmanville. -$mos Jmsurance Society, London, England.qer 44: Wik 11 Simeoe (clean-living man or woman. Perman- 2 ent. Residence" | pank Building. po 5 Stand- 28-¢ WANTED -- YOUNG MAN AXD young woman to assist our special sales force on Saturday nights. Not under 18 yeans of age. The Burms 291 References required. Work Wanted ALBERT F. COX FAMILY OR- chestra open for engagements. Phone 2744. 251 POSITION WANTED BY EXPERI- lenced gardener and truck driver. Or (would accept position in hardware Apply 102 Alice St. Oshawa. 25-0 GROCERY CLERK, MALE, SEEnS position in or mear Oshawa, exper- ienced, good ref: Dise when suited. Box K, Reformer. 2%c¢ WANTED --A BOY AT ONCE. AP- ply F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd., King "Ww. 29-b store. WELL EDUCATED WOMAN WANT od for position as proofreader. Might arrange part time. Apply to Mr. Alloway, Reformer Office. housework, can sleep at ply Mrs. J. G. Rutherford, 134 home. Ap- Celina 2811. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Apply to Mrs. H. A. | Felt, 160 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. { 284-1 w D FOR GENERAL office work. Ome with sténographic experience preferred. Apply Fit- | tings Lad. 29-a Notice TO MY CLIENTS: --THE SESSION of the Legislature is closing this week. Hercaftéf I expect to be im the ice regularly. Dated the 5th day June, 1922. W. E. NX. Sin- |clair, Bank of Commerce Building. 29a Can supply all kinds of Soft Drinks a: a few minutes' notice MRS. ARTHUR BROOKS Agent for O'Keefe's Phone 237w Immediate Delivery Anywhere June 13th, "him. j predicted and a record crowd will no will give them undisputed Poss Patents a RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg.,, Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys, Send for free booklet, 20-Lf FOR SALE OR RENT -- EIGHT roomed house, all 'conveniences and garage, Corner Albert and Albany Sts, : 27-¢ FARMS TO RENT, HOUSES FOR sale, lots for cash or easy terms, The Oshawa House & Land Co,, 38 Simcoe N, Phone 464-J or 464-W, 27-¢ FARM TO RENT--BETWEEN OSH- awa and the Lake. About 1206 acres in excellent state of cultivation., Ample buildings, Ploughing after present crop, Full possession Octo- ber 1st or April 1st. Apply to G. D, Conant, owner, 10-tf FARM TO RENT--SOUTH HALF Lots Thirty-one 'and Thirty-two, Fourth Concession, Darlington, 200 acres improved farm land Plough- ing after present crop, full posses- sion October 1st, 1922. Apply to G. I. Conant, Barrister, ete,, Osh=] awa, Solictor for the owners, 19-tf FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, Apply Box, "Q" Reformer, 27 COTTAGE TO RENT AT BONNIE- brae point, partly furnished or un- furnished, with all conveniences. Now building. Possession July 1st. Apply to G. D, Conant, Barrister, &e,, Oshawa, Ont, 20Lt FOR RENT---A FOUR ROOMED furnished apartment, centrally lo- ciated, all conveniences, for two or three months. Would suit young couple or business girls, Apply Box R, Reformer, 29¢c Houses For Sale OR SALE--HOUSE, 301 ALBERT St, containing 6 rooms, 3 piece bath room, furnace with hot water con nection, electric light and gas. Can be seen at any time, 28-c A BPLENDID, 6 ROOM BRICK house with sun-room and all mod- crn conveniences, with fixtures. Oak floors down stairs, large lot good location, central, price for quick sale, $3600 only $1100 cash, Lycett & Young, 61 King St. Oshawa, Ont, 3200 BUYS AN 8 ROOM HOUSE laid out for two families, would rent at forty per month, can you heat this for an investment. Lycett & Young, 61 King St. Oshawa, Ont. WHY WANDER THE ~STRETS with no where to lay your head, when $700 down will place you in a nifty 6 room brick house with all city convenience, hardwood floors down stairs, fireplace French doors,)cement drive. Deep lot, good location. Lycett & Young, 61 King Oshawa, Ont. E. E. St. E Bowmanville (Continued from page 4) accidentally hit the ball, Hooper of Bowmanville, got into a similar pre- dicament and was called out. Beld- ing had three putouts at first, three runners being thrown out at the in- itial corner. Evans had ten and Saunders at second had five. Row- den had ome at second and the re malnigs outs went to the fielders on ies. Tied for Second Place Dy winning yesterday's game Osh- awa kept pace with Belleville and Lindsay and they are now tied with the Greybirds fgr second place and a half game behind Belleville. The crucial game the first half of the schedule billed for Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park when Tony Bakogeorge's Northerners in- vade Oshawa. "Teddy" Gallagher will probably be Manager Booth's selection to bring the Greybirds to earth with Johnny Oulette opposing The best game of the season is of is doubt be on hand when the curtain goes up. A win over the Greybirds ssion of the second stall and if Cobourg is successful in turning the tables on the Bay of Quinte delegation in the Ferry Town. Bert Booth's clan will be tied for the loftiest position in the RENT FREE | Enquire Regent Theatre Next Monday or Tuesday percentage 'column with the Trunks. Belleville Next Week On the following Wednesday Osh- awa goes to Belleville for their first clash with the Goyerless Trunks to say nothing of Williams, their new star hurler, The race for the first half is still close and indications are that some play-offs will be in order to .decide the first section, Leaside, Port Hope and Bowman- ville are being considered the weak teams in the circuit but the breaks have been against them and they are due to take a fall out of the leaders, Victories for Belleville next Satur- day and Wednesday will give them a marke advantage while two wins for Oshawa will give the Motor Town men a little margin to work on, The score: Bowmanville AB R Stark, 3b. ..,...B Wilson, ef ,, ..2 Moise, 2b ,. .b Piper, 88 .. ....4 Corden, 1b fi fli4 Bates, c¢ vers Moore, If , Hicks, rf... .... Mingeaud, p ,. Hooper, cf Chambers, Dat EEE RE TR BE 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 COP moo Homo ~ SCommTamacsD Cocoomo muon RP - p Totals Dobson, If Twigg, 3b Evans, ¢ Rowden, ss ,. Gallagher, rf Saunders, 2b Pair, cf .. Belding, 1b Patton, p Totals .39 11 14 Score by innigs: Bowmanville ,.0020000260-- Oshawa 01072100x-11 The sa nmary fome run, Row- den; three base hits, Hicks, Galla- gher; two base hits, Gallagher, Saunders; stolen bases, Chambers, Belding, Patton, Dobson, Fair, Ev- ans, Rowden; sacrifice hit, Row- den; double play, Moise to Corden; bases on balls, off Mingeaud 1; 1 IMPERIAL Li) GASOLINE Imperial Premier Gasoline will give you greater mileage per gallon or per dollar than any other motor fuel which you can buy: Because it is not pos- sible to get good mile- age or permanent, trouble-free service from your car if you useonckindof gasoline this time and some other kind the next: And even with the most careful car- buretor adjustment, you cannot mix two or three kinds of gas- oline of varying den- sities in your tank and expect anything like good results; Imperial Premier Gas- oline can be con- veniently obtained everywhere IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Canadian Capital Canadian Workmen Oshawa Cash Grocery OLD QUEEN'S BLOCK WEEK END SPE CIALS Salada Tea at old price, Rose and Minto packages and all Bulk Teas at old prices for balance of this week. 55c Ib. Also Lipton's, Red St. Lawrence Sugar, 10 lbs. 65c, $6.45 bag. Brighton Creamery Butter, 34c Ib. Considering the advance in price of Teas and Sugar, you will do well to lay in a good supply of both at the old prices. ---- ---- struck out, by Patton 11, hy Minge- aud 5, by Chambers 3; hits, off Mingeaud 7 in 4 2-3 innings, off Chambers 7 in 4 1-3 innkggs; wild pitch, Chambers; left on bases, Bowmanville 5, Oshawa 6. f 5 "jams and CL E jellies always. OU know only too well the uncertainties of jam and jelly making, The fruits you succeed with are those containing an abundance of pectin, and it is this natural element, pectin, that makes jelly "jell," Certo simply supplies this natural element in handy form to enable you to have the correct amount of pectin and thus make sure of success always--and with any kind of fruit, You succeed the first time to get perfect jams and jel every bottle, And you get more from the same amount of fruit. Why? Because Certo supplics sufficient pectin to jell all the fruit, Therefore you don't have to boil away the fruit juice for half an hour or more just to arrive at the jellying point. With Certo it is necessary to boil but one minute. The Certo process saves--you get more lly and. jam--and (important) you don't oil away the flavor. Result--perfect jams and jellies, Certo Recipe Booklet with every bottle, At your grocer's. How to make delicious trawberry Jam 4 level cups (2 lbs.) Crushed Berries, T% leveled cups (3% lbs.) Sugar. 1% bottJe (scant % cup) Certo, Crush well, in single layers, about 2 quarts ripe berries, using wooden masher, crushing each berry, (Discard all green parts), Measure crushed berries into large kettle, Add sugar and mix well. Stir mixture hard and constantly. Bring to vigorous boil over RUSS co hottest fire. Boil hard 1 full minute, con- hd 4 od ®l tinually stirring, Take from fire and add Certo, stirring it in well, From time jam is taken off fire let stand b minutes only, by the rlock, before pouring. In meantime skim, stir a little to cool ehghtly, then pour i) uiekly. Douglas Packing Co., Limited, Cobourg Belling Agents: W. G. Patrick & Co., Limited, Toronto snd Montreal Umpires--MecDonald, Toronto, at the plate; Gloster, Toronto, on the bases, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY makes perfect jo a it and you never fail ics. Free recipe book with JUNE SPECIALS 10 doz. Boys' Wash Suits, reg. $1.75 .. Boys' Khaki Knickers, reg. 75¢ Boys' Balb, Combinations, reg. $1.50 . Boys' Blouses, guaranteed ; reg. $1.00 . Boys' Scout Shirts, reg. $1.75 Boys' Khaki Bloomers, reg. $1.75 Raw Silk Shirts, with collor; reg. $6.00. Sale ; i Youths' Long Khaki Trousers, reg. $2.00 .. $1.49 Men's heavy Duck Work Trousers, reg. $2.98. $2.00 Men's Chambray Work Shirts, to clear at .. 79¢ Men's Blue Serge Trousers, reg. $7.00 ..... $5.00 Men's Light Grey Summer Suits, $32.50 .. $23.50 Men's Rain Coats, to clear at Boys' Boots, all sizes; reg. $3.50 Boys' Tennis Shoes, all sizes; reg. $1.75 . .. Men's Bal. Underwear, per garment Also other Specials in Men's Fine and Work Boots, Oxfords, Straw Hats and Silk Shirts. Dominion Clothing Co. 68 KING ST. W. KING ST. CHAMBERS Phone 1151) $1.25 50c 98¢ Te $1.00 $1.25 AUCTION SALE Seven Acres of Choice Building Lots Saturday June 10th At2P.M. Situated 34 of a mile east of the Brook house on the Base Line road. Lots already laid out. These lots overlook Lake Ontario, are high and dry. an are in an ideal building location. , The offer of sale by auction gives every workingman in Oshawa a chance to procure a site for his own home at your own price. The sewer runs only a short distance from this property. The pavement is being laid and will run within a few minutes walk. Street cars will eventually 'run up Ritson Road. Only a short walk from Pedlar's, Malleable fron and Parke's Foundry. | 25 of purchase price down, and three equal payments to cover a period of three months, without interest. 10; discount for cash. JAS. BISHOP, 2ic

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