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Ontario Reformer, 8 Jun 1922, p. 10

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Brooklin (Continued from page 4) the ball was deflected into the net, putting the T, and D, men ahead 2 to 1, The score remained unchang- ed when the whistle blew at half time, Add Three More Brown added another just after the second half opened following a combined effort, and Sturch narrow- ly missed scoring a goal on a penal- ty kick, the ball striking one of the posts and bouncing out. Sturch gave a pretty exhibition throughout the second half and was always in the limelight, Hayball also displayed some clever work, Brooklin put all their strength in the game during the closing stages and obtained a free kick but the ball was directed right at Bouckley and he had no dif- ficulty in clearing, Sturch got the next goal with a pretty shot from the side which dropped just under the corner of the har, Sturch also fig- ured in the last one, when Ne pass- ed several men and slipped the ball over to Hayball, who scored. Referee Good Referee Nelson handled the game -and he was declared to be one of the best officials in the game, This was his third appearance in this district this season and he is always given a hearty welcome, Nothing escapes his eye and his strictness keeps the game clean, On two or three occa- sions this year he has warned play- ers and spectators alike but one warning was sufficient and he has gained the respect of all soccer fol- lowers in Oshawa. SOC IAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites tho ~o0-opera- tion of Its readers in contributing ftems to this column, Send us & posteard or "phone 35, --Mr, C, V, Wilson spent the week-end with his parents in Bow- manville, --Mr, Harry Stinson visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stin- son, over the week-end, A -----Mr, Willle Manuel, of Point Anne, is spending a week at his home, King Stree. West, --Mrs, J, Ho.t and children of Chicago Ill. are visiting Mr, andMrs, F. Swithenbank, --Miss Sadie Pender returned to Oshawa on Tuesday after spending a few weeks at her home in Renfrew. --Dr, and Mrs, C. W, Coulter, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting the for- mer's sister, Mrs, Wm, Donald, on Athol street, : ~Mrs, J. Hynes, with Misses Kathleen and Evelyn of Renfrew, are spending a few weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs, Lyons, Verdun Road, . --Miss Mildred Gliddon, of the Standard Bank staff, is holidaying in London, St. Thomas and Por! Stanley. --Mr. Herbert Moore, of Lindsay, has been transferred to the Oshawa office of the Canadian National Tele-| hid pu "s' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 Data (Continued from qage 1) 9 sprinkling, it means that every street in Oshawa will have sprinkling service as well as the hard pavements being thoroughly cleaned. There are also attachments on the outfit for oiling the streets so that it makes a combined flusher, sprinkler and oller all in one machine, "The life, with reasonable care, should he eight to ten years for the truck and double that time for the upper or flusher unit as the latter has practically no wear." City Engineer Stanley Shupe, of Kitchener, formerly of Oshawa, states - that the flusher there "is proving very satisfactory as the work is done better and at the same time more economically, The cost of operating on a ten hour basis is $18. Area cleaned with one gallon of water approximately 6 square yards; cost of cleaning 1,000 square yards, approximately 814 cents or 2% cents per foot frontage per year for 160 applications." "NEW LUMBER" We have all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, shingles, lath, floor- ing, ete, give us an apportunity to quote prices on your requirements, Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard Phone 12 Whithy, © 29-1 mo. MRS, OC, SAWDEN PASSES Mercy H. Bennett, wife of Charles Winn--Belt---At Oshawa Monday, June 6th in St, George's Anglican Church. Miss Allison Lenore Belt, daughter of Dr, and Mrs, Belt, to Dr, Nile Hughes Winn of New Hamburg, 29-a CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. A. McBrien wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness shown during the lingering illness and death of their mother, also for heautiful floral tributes. 29-a T f Five WO 0 ive (Continued from page 1) between the city and the York Coun- ty Highway Commission can be can- celled without any special legisla- tion, The city of Toronto has agreed to' a suburban area so far as the provincial highway is concerned as far as the Town of Oshawa, This has heen legally determined and To- ronto will pay 20 per cent. of the entire cost, "Your committee recommend that upon the odoption of this report, that the following per diem anr mile- age accounts he paid: Warden Richardson, 5 days. Warden Richardson, 40 miles, W. Dixon Jewett, Eliminating the Perhaps --Perhaps a vacuum cleaner will clean satisfactorily; perhaps a washing machine or an electric iron will give you long service--perhaps an electric range, is made, just right and has all the gqod points it should have, but are you sure? . You are if your household appliance has been tested and approved by The Electric Shop, and you bought it in Oshawa at THE ELECTRIC SHOP where you can get SERVICE and where only the best electrical merchandise is sold. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES THE ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 1075 52 SIMCOE N. BAAYE, sv rsrv rst r areas arr ey 25. W. Dixon Jewett, = | graph, Company. Wassell and Mrs, | Sawden, passed away in her 49th [130 miles. Rose Wassell of Cedar Dale have left Year at her late residence, 32 Woody-| All of which is respectfully sub- for a trip to England and will return Crest Avenue, Toronto. She was the mitted. about the end of August. Before daughter of A C. Bennett of Bow- leaving the South Oshawa Methodist |manville, and spent her earlier days Sm ---- . . er Choir of which they have both heen id that locality. For the past 30 faithful members presented with a|Y€ars she has been a resident of Tor- leather hand-bag each. They gave |onto. She is survived by her mother, each of the children, Winnifred and | 81x brothers, two in Vancouver, two Winnie a little purse each, in: Galt, two in Oshawa two sisters) --Mr. George Salter left Tuesday in Toronto, Mrs. J. Clark and Mrs, | * morning for Buffalo preparatory to | F. Downing, her husband, Charles starting on the the | Sawden, three daughters, Mrs. Ed-| Boss--The only thing you can use I can use |your head for is an eraser.--Mutual Magazine, Clerk--Oh, you're using the add-|[a minute, ing machine, aren't you? Clerk--Oh, never mind, Boss--Yes! But you can have it in |my head. The line-ups were: Oshawa--Goal, Bouckley; backs, Payne and Robertson; half backs, Sidaway, D. Brown and E. Brown; forwards, Hayball, Sturch, Nichols, Gow and Lyons, Brooklin--Goal, Boyes and Cook; Mantle, Medland and Middleton; forwards, Cramond, Semple, Bent- ley, Waddell, and F. Mantle, ---- p------ Beckett; backs, halt backs, P. ENRY SPENCER, well-known and respetced citizen of Wa- tertown, N. Y,, who reports he has gained 15 pounds since he began - taking Tanlac and always tells his friends how this medicine restor- ed his health, "My friends often say: 'Never saw you looking better; what are you doing for yourself?" and I al- ways tell them: 'Well, I am taking Tanlac now," recently declared Hen- ry Spencer, 415 East St., Water- town, a well-known and highly re- spected citizen. "For more than a year," he said, "I seemed to be run down all over. From 160 pounds 1 fell off to 135, lost my appetite and my stomach gave me no end of trouble. The lit- tle I ate caused me to bloat with gas and I was subject headaches. I had no energy and it was all I could do to get around the house. I had dizzy spells when everything would blur before my eyes and I had to catch myself to keep from falling. "Well, now, I have gained 15 pounds, feel better in every way and can work as well as ever, since tak- ing Tanlac. I relish what I eat, with a fine appetite, and gas, indigestion, headache and dizziness are complete: ly gone. Yes, sir, I just can't say two much for Tanlac." Tanlac is sold by all good drug- gists. RENT FREE Enguire Regent Theatre to dull, heavy trip around Great Lakes which is being held un der the auspices of the Buffalo Cour- ier. Mr. Salter was included among {the twenty firemen who were suc {cessful candidates in the recent vot- ing contest held by the Courier. Mr. | Salter, ranked seventh on the list, MORRISON--COX At three o'clock this afternoon, [the home of Mr. William B. Cox, 227 | Dearborn Avenue, was the scene of |a very pretty double June wedding {when Miss Mildred Charlotte, daugh- ter of Mr. William Cox and the late { Mrs. Cox, was united in marriage to {Mr. Kenneth Loyal Glide, son of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Glide, Elgin Street East, and Miss Evelyn Mary, also a daughter of Mr. W. B. Cox, became the bride of Mr. Malcolm Arlie Mor-| rison, son of the late James Morri- son and Mrs. Morrison, 215 Court Street. The double ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. A. M. Irwin and the brides entered the drawing room on the arms of their father to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March played by Miss Florence Cox, cousin of the brides. The ceremony took place underneath an arch very [prettily trimmed with peonies. The | {drawing room was beautifully dec- jorated with peonies, ferns and bridal | wreaths. { Miss Mildred Cox was charm-| | ingly attired in a dress of white taffeta silk with bridal veil caught {up with orange blossoms and carry- ling a shower bouquet of bridal roses. | GLIDE--COX | 1The bridesmaid was Miss Eva Glide, sister of the groom. She wore a dress of lemon crepe de chene and carried a bouquet of pink roses anu fern. The groomsman was Mr. Gor- don Cox, brother of the bride. Miss Evelyn Cox wore a dress of white silk crepe de chene with bridai veil trimmed with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Hambly, cousin of the bride, was attired in a dress of ivory silk land carried pink roses, The groomsman was Mr, Lorne Plummer, {cousin of the bride. Misses Joseph- |ine Glide and Lorraine Knowles made charming little flower girls, (wearing white lace over silk and car- | irying baskets of sweet peas. ! During the signing of the register | | Miss Maud Salmon sang very ac-| |eeptably. After the ceremony a| {dainty wedding dejeuner was served at which almost one hundred guests {sat down. The tables were taste-| {fully decorated with streamers and | {the Cox family orchestra furnished | delight! music. At seven o'clock the happy couples left for Toronto by motor, Mrs. Glide travelling in = suit of navy blue tricotine with hat {to match. Mr. and Mrs. Glide will, enjoy a trip to Buffalo and other | American cities before returning to {make their home in Oshawa, while) Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will visit | Kingston and eastern points. | The young couples were the recip- | {ients of many beautiful and costly | gifts, testifying to the high esteem | in which they are held by a host of | friends. { ward ham, son, P, 8. Hughes, Mrs. Elliott Alling- Miss Helen Sawden, and one Sawden, of Toronto. Are you "Run-Down"' "All-in" 'Fagged-out"' --in shape to contract a serious Greatest Tonic is what you Don't run on your worn- out nerves. Tone up! Geta tle today. For sale by all Druggists 16 oz. bottle $1.50 58 On the Steps of the Altar, or for the Commencement Stage June is the 10 Reasons Why! You Will Buy Your Dry Goods at the Arcade No sentimental sob stuff about buying home, your own common sense will show you where to buy. You can sometimes pick up a bargain in Toronto, but for real values the year round we undersell any catalog house-- for that matter, every one anywhere--This is a broad statement but we prove it every hour. We Some Irresistible Specials for Friday and Saturday HERE THEY ARE! Raw Silk with Polka Dots 10 pieces of this lot. Natural Raw Silk, ground heavy quality with Polka Dots about size of 5c and 10c pieces. Different colors for Sport Skirts or Dresses. Reg. value $2.00. Friday & Saturday 98c yd. Colored Rajah Silks 98¢ You know this, extra good line in Cadet, Champagne, Pinks, Rose, Blue, Brown, etc., for dresses, skirts or draperies. Wonderful washing and wearing qualities. Reg. price $1.50. Friday & Saturday 98c¢ yd. 3 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN OUR SILK DEPARTMENT Emb. Taffeta Skirt Pure Swiss Taffeta Skirt Lengths, prettily embroidered; some straight others scalloped at hottom. Made of chiffon taffeta. One each. Navy with green, henna or gold embroidery, and black with black embroidery. Reg. $8.50. Friday & Saturday $6.19 yellow with fancy tops. Girls' Mercer Lisle Sox 39c¢ pr. These are what you usually pay 60c for in most stores. Two lines--one white with pink, blue or brown stripe tops, the other solid colors of romper blue, brown or Bright silky mercerized lisle All sizes 41; to 91; in the lot. Value 60c pr. Friday & Saturday 39c pr. 50 Doz. Fine Mercerized Lisle Hose A lucky mill purchase of this lot of Extra Silky Lisle Hose. 40 doz. black and 10 doz. brown. soles, heels and toes. Extra nice quality that sell every- where at 50c regular. Friday & Saturday 33c a pair All double 42-inch extra quality of Curtain Nets. The same grade we sold 21 pieces of in less than 3 days. You can't equal it anywhere under 55¢ a yard. Friday & Saturday 39¢ A better grade of Nets, finer mesh, handsome designs, extra wearing and shing quality. 5 designs. Regular price would be at least 75¢ a yard. Friday & Saturday 53¢ yd. 3 SPLENDID SPECIALS FROM OUR CURTAIN NETS 39¢ 53c and 69¢ 45-inch. fine Curtain Nets. All new designs. Dainty patterns. Very strong and durable. Same grade as usually sold at $1.00 a yard. Friday & Saturday 69¢ yd. Heavy All Wool Cream Cheviot Serge $1.59 56° Heavy Fine Cream French Serge $2.79 yd. This splendid Sport Cheviot Serge is what you want for golf or tennis or street wear. Extra good quality and very scarce goods. Reg. price $2.25 yd. 52-inches wide. Friday & Saturday $1.59 yd. Notice it is 56 inch. Feel the beautiful quality of the finest wool in this, real French. First we have been able to get for years. You will like this line. Reg. $3.50. Friday & Saturday $2.79 yd. Next Monday or Tuesday MORGAN--F ARROW gh. A very pretty wedding took place blushing in King Street Methodist Church | brides = this afternoon at 2 o'clock when Miss | and girl | Gladys Irene, daughter of Mr. and | graduates [J Mrs. Alfred Farrow, 65 Wilkinson take the BR Avenue, was united in marriage to J ns a a {Mr. George Morgan, son of Mr. and "Bruton's Shoo" is ready | Mrs. John Morgan, 239 Bruce Street. | dainty slippers of white kid {The bride, who was given away by | sain ut peamtal oN white ® her father. looked charming in a cloth that are dreams of dress of white taffeta silk. trimmed viduality and charm, popular- with sequins and georgette and car- ly priced. ried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Mr. George Henley played the wed- ding march. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. A. M. Irwin. The bridesmaid was Miss Edna Farrow, sister of the bride, wearing pink satin, fyimmed with sequins, and ® carrying a bouquet of carnations and roses. During the signing of the re- gister, Mrs. ©. D. Friend rendered very beautifully "Because." Following the ceremony a dainty wedding luncheon was served and reception held at the home of the bride's parents for about forty guests. The young couple left on the after- noon train for Toronto and on their return will reside on Ritson Road | South. The gifts were nimerous and costly. | month when Ny -- A GRAND CLEARANCE OF LADIES' HATS See our windows to-night and choose your new Summer Hat at a very low price. Sport Hats, Street Hats, Sailor Hats--put out at 2 prices. One lot $2.95, one lot at $4.95. For the campus or promen- ade, or if the honeymoon trip takes you to the sea shore, our sport models are in such wvar- iety to assure you of a won- derful selection. Prices. Range in Reigskin Burk and red skin $6.00 to $11.00 in Sport styles $5.00 to $8.50. You all know how cosey our rest room is--you all know how well lighted and aired the store is--It's an ideal shopping place and you always find the new things here--and you always get THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Thos. Miller & Sons PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Lsd Phone 28 Phone 1101

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