Aw ne Proc IIT A Se FR pan pe 10 Bal clare go ie Abi Ve A AA AAS Shop In Oshawa and Help Build All the News elp Whale It Is News ".UME 51--No, 29 Thursday and Saturday od at Oshawa, Ont, Canada Yearly Subscription $3.00 Single Goplos ¥ Conta City of Toronto Will Pay 20 Per Cent Cost Of Highway To Oshawa " | Agreement Has Been Reach- ed Between County Coun- cil and Queen City--Tor- onto Also Recognizes It Should Pay Portion of Cost and Upkeep of Secon- dary Roads. COMMITTEE HAS * DONE MUCH WORK As a result of conferences with the Minister of Public Highways, Hon. F. C. Biggs, and represent- atives of the counties of Ontario, York and Peel, the city of Toronto has decided to go into the provin- clal highways system and has agreed to pay twenty per cent, of the cost of the provincial highway to Oshawa, This has heen determined legally, and Toronto on this basis will pay for all the work done during 1921. The city also recognizes that it should pay a portion of the cost of construction and upkeep of suburb- an secondary or what might be term- ed county provincial and county roads within a reasonable area of the city, not to exceed 27 miles. How- TEN PAGES Two of | Five Samples Milk Are Condemned; Health Officials Acting Lander's Supply Tests Best This Month--Two Other Samples Classified As Fair ~--One is Condemned for Further Use and Fifth Dealer To Have License Cancelled, MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER DECLARES Of five samples of milk submitted by Sanitary Inspector F. C. Palmer to the provincial laboratories, and returned to the Medical Officer of Health, one shows a splendid milk supply and in some respects above the required standard; two others are fair; one has been condemned for further use and the other dealer under the Model Milk by-law of the Town of Oshawa, is to have his li- cense cancelled. Dr. T, W, G. Me- Kay, M.O.H., has given The Re: former the following analysis and comment on the respective samples: Above Required Standard The best sample is that of Lan- der's Dairy, a pasteurized milk sup- New Provincial Officer | For Ontario County Ontario County has at last been favored with the appoint. ment of a Provincial Police OMcer. Major L. C, Gibbons, who was a former officer in the Imperial Army and a member of the Royal Irish Constabu- lary with considerable experi- ence in the work of law en- forcement has been appointed to this district. He paid his first official visit to Oshawa on Tuesday. Major Gibbons Is well qualified for the position and should make a valuable addition to the Attorney-Gen- eral's staff of officials in this county. Besides investigating crimi- nal cases he will also work in conjunction with those working entirely in the interests of Ontario Temperance Act. Major Gibbons accompanied License Inspector Mason on a tour of the County on Tuesday, when he met several of the County constables, He will make his headquarters in Whitby, the County town. Pave Roads With Coal At County Buildings? STUDEBAKER STREET FLUSHER AND SPRINKLER This Is a picture of the outfit that will be bought if the by-law for $7,900 to purchase same is carried by the CORNONICATIONS Toco ceca oe, WHITEY SEEKS AND DEPUTATIONS GRANT T0 FIX UP ENGAGE COUNCIL OLD ARBOR ROAD Occupy All of Tuesday Afternoon Reeve Ellins Asks That $1,000 Be Provided For This Session and Most of Wednesday Purpose REQUESTS AID FOR SHOW W. A. Dryden Makes Appeal On Bebalf Royal Agricultural Fair That there was a ton of good conl on one of the driveways around the county buildings, coal that did not look as if it had been burned at all, was the information given the Council Wednesday morning by Reeve Morris, of Oshawa, while accounts for coal sup- plied this year were being read over in committee, Reeve Mor- ris stated that it looked like a serious waste of coal and should be investigated. Deputy-Reeve J, V. Hill, of Oshawa, promised to investi- gate on report on one county building where it was said that coal was extravagantly used, Mr. Hill said that he had noticed the coal on the Iriveway in question. DATA DESCRIBING ] County Council Guests Of Harbor Commission Members of Ontario County Council will on Friday after noon he guests of the Toronto Harbor Commission. They will be shown the extensive works constructed there at a cost of over a million dollars and in the evening will be ten- dered a luncheon at the Sun- nyside Pavilion, The invitation to the Council from the Harbor Commission came to Warden Richardson, and on Friday afternoon it was weepted by the county legisla. tors, They will go to the city after 12 o'clock and remain un- til the evening, resuming the session on Saturday. SOME WIRING DEFECTIVE Uxbridge Township to Get Grant to Defray Damage Done by Storm ply, which stands distinctly in ad- vance of the four others. The but ter fat is above government require- ment the bacterial count is good for a summer supply, and the sample is free from colon bacilli. This stands to the credit of care in milking and handling the milk and pasteurization. All the other four samples show colon bactli present in the milk. While this may be from contamina- tion with manure or dirt off the ani: mals being milked, and not from human contamination, still it indi- cates the presence of bacterial or- ganisms allied to those found in the human being, belonging to the group of colon bacilli in the intestines and cilli which will give rise to diarroh- eal diseases and are first cousins to Ontario County Council is in ses- W.G.T.U ELECTS SUPERINTENDENTS Membership of Local Branch Now Totals 104--Reports Are Presented The annual reports of the several committees presented to a meeting gion at Whithy, and from the amount of business on the docket, the sess- fon promises to he a very important and busy one. The session 'opened Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. and should end Saturday forenoon. An adjournment, however, may be necessary. The session up until Wednesday evening was devoted to reading of letters, referring them to commit- tees, and hearing deputations, The County Property Committee was asked to deal with a report from | the Hydro Electric Power Commis- | sion's inspector at Oshawa calling | attention to defective wiring in the county court house, jail, governor's Reeve Eli Ellins of East Whitby ANTICIPATE SMALL VOTE SATURDAY Five Polling Places -- Booths ©! Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. That the vote on the two by-laws Township, that the Council should [on Saturday, June 10, will be ex-imake a special grant towards it ceptionally light, is the forecast in Township, will ask the County Coun cll at the present session to make a grant of $1,000 towards fixing up the old Harbor Road running from {the road going to the lakeshore and 'within the township limits, On this road, which is very much travelled, there has already been expended $8 .- 000, of which $2,000 was paid by the Town of Oshawa. East Whitby Coun- voted $300 this week toward- |gravelling it, but the township feel {that owing to the importance of the | road, the few grants received from {the County Council, and the amount {of money already spent on it by the | * STREET FLUSHER Life, With Reasonable Care, of Truck Said To Be Ten Years . Believing that the electors desire to know something about the Stude- baker street flusher, which the town proposes to buy, in view of the §7,- 900 by-law being submitted to a vote on Saturday, The Reformer' wrote the manufacturess, the Bickle Fire Eugine Company, at Woodstock, for information, and secured the foilow- ever, the city is willing to meet the representatives of Ontario, York and Peel counties to determine what that area should be, this new area to take the place of what is now covered by the York Highways Commission, un- der an agreement with the City of Toronto. It is understood from Hon. Mr Biggs that this agreement can be cancelled any time without any special legislation. The question of extending the sub- urban area contributed to by To- ronto has been before the County Council for several. months, and is one in which Warden Richardson and Reeve Jewett, of Cannington, as members of a special committee ap- pointed to deal with it, have taken ing data: "A motor street flusher consists Members of the Roads and Bridges Committee visited the road on Wed | nesday and the voting of the grant /of two distinet units--first, the seems almost certain. |chassis of truck, with its own engine Uxbridge Township and Port Per-{to carry the load, and second, a large ry Village are also asking for special [steel tank, electrically welded, to road grants for highway improve- | which is connected a centrifugal ments. pump, which in turn, is operated at > ns i the rate of 1.000 pump revolutions Want Government to Bear Cost per minute by am independent en- The County Council of Waterloo [gine of 50 horsepower. has sent on a resxuiion, read ou| "Avcording y the water. whether Wednesday, asking that the Proviu-|for flushing or sprinkling purposes, {cial Government be memorialized to {is discharged on the streets at high bear the entire cost of the provincial {pressure, from forty to seventy highway system, instead of levying a | pounds, according to the need. Ravin of the cost on the counties. | Four Hoads his letter was referred to the com-| " mittee on Legislation and will come! From the pump, lines are run to up for discussion before the session OW" flasher = hoads, two of them ends, ds the County of Ontario's hill amidships- in the oentre of the this year for share of provincial truck- and two of them at the fromt highway cost is $64.000_ (Al four or only one fiusher head To place the county houndary lines a ne Spiral " dusired, the top nader the = weil ; trols being inside of the truck cab, or the supervision of the county within easy reach of the driver--the roads superintendent and the muni- | whole outfit being operated by one cipalties adjoining them instead of [pan under the County Roads and Bridges | "The outfit will flush and thor- oe Wh Fora Shc (or. clean 6 fut purement' in len, of Reach Township, gave notice The ae eration ee 1: Wodnesday afternoon that he would |; ' " sine ton | 0 introduce on Thursday. Mr. McMil- we neu tut fy Mobic Ty vain urban area under the highways leg- lan stated that under the present ie OV arongh i islation should be declared around | ¥ ¥ od of all dirt and refus> twice a day | system the committee had experi-| 14 the residential pavements two | yoronto, to embrace a large portion enced much trouble and difficulty, a throe times 4 x . |of the area now included in the To- Jur: thooe times a Wook. ronto and York roads system and Ahaving to make many tri at ocon- siderable cost. He a that the High Pressure Peel and Ontario county systems, to municipalities adjoining oconld set- "There are also sprinkler heads which these two counties would be- 'tle all boundary matters themselves. | Which will throw water under high come participants. The warden has 5 . pressure about seventy feet wide and contended that Toronto's contribu- Socks Agviowltaral Grant as the truck travels at the rate of [tion to highway improvement is pro- . | President W. A. Dryden. of the [ten to twelve miles an hour when |portionately less, having regard to Theft roy Agricultural Winter Fair As- (Continued on page 6) population and motor travel, than sociation, Toronto, waited on the - {that of other municipalities, and has of Cedar Dale, [County Council yesterday afternoon {instanced the town of Oshawa, which [to ask for a grant of $1.300 towards lis paying one-seventh of the cost of {the first annual livestock show to de | {the Ontario county system, which ex- hold in Toronto this year in the hig | tends from Lake Ontario to Musko- larona erected a cost of over a mil- {ka district, as well as paring ander {lion dollars. Mr. Drydon stated that {the provincial roadway scheme. jonly on Tuesday of this week, after The report presented by the spe- {many difionities, had it heen decid cial committee on the suburban area lod 10 hold a show this rear, and he question is as follows: bolieved that it would he one of the heen: that it has ft Tosa Boor hind likely to. by AR. {largest ever staged in the province. cooled soon after milking may The divoctor advised that owing |™ pace hae hoon absont from |The abject of the Association in hold- have been older milk tham is wise to to the closing of the department in |, <AFEHE (IC le hut on his ve- | NE such a show was to encourage make use of in hot weather. which these men are working, it {every hranch of agriowiture, of Ome of the W.CT.U., held in Simcoe Street Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon, showed that last year was one of marked progress, The mem- bership of the local branch mow numbers 164 and hopes are entertain- ed for it being greatly increased this coming year. During the year $345 was raised for all purposes and the society is in a Mourishing condition. Werthy of. special mention were the flower, fruit and delicacy depart ments, the report of which showed that wonderful strides had been made. The Mothers' meetings on Moral Education, held by ladies of the Baptist Church, also presented a splendid report of the year's activi- ties. The local branch has donated generously to sustaining the Travel- lers' Aid, having seat 2.4650 soap wrappers to 'Willard Mall, the Travel- | lors' Aid receiving a half oceat on | each. a keen interest, making several trips to Toronto in connection with it. Wednesday afternoon a report was presented to the Council by Reeve Jewett, embodying the facts already noted in this article, and the report was adopted unanimously. City Should Pay Shar 5 The contention has always been that the city of Toronto should con- tribute towards roads east and west of (he city and as well as a territory 60 miles north as at present, be- cause of the fact that a large percen- tage of traffic over the roads im the county east and west originates im' Toronto and that city is largely ben- efited therefrom. The proposed ar- rangement which may be entered in- to. and which may be extended, does not mean so much in cash as it does that a better class of roads will be built and maintained in this and ad- joining counties, from which all places on the various routes will ben- efit, while it will in the end moan a big saving for the county in road expenditures. Oshawa's Big Road Bill Warden Richardson has advocated his visits to the city that a sub- typhoid organisms. Active bacilli of the colon group present im milk which have given so much anxiety ingly apt to cause those intestinal /iseases of midsummer which par- "a larly attack young children, and ich have givem so muhc anxiety to thinking peope all over the world as to the best means of checking the severe death rate in milk consuming infants and young children. The 'best of the other four sam- ples is that of Horne's dairy, which has the same fat content of that of Lander's Dairy, but has double the number of bacteria per cubic cemti- meter and shows the colon bacilli present. This is an unpasteurized supply. The mext best sample is that of George Hart, of the Oshawa Dairy, who, according to Dr. McKay, has fallen down very considerably in the laboratory return of the examination of his milk samples. While the fa content is the same as that of Lan- der and Horne, this milk shows nearly 108 times the bacterial count of that of Lander's milk, and shows colon bacilli ppesent. A properly pasteurized milk, the M.O.H. says, should have eliminated the colon ba- citlus. Everything in this milk points to the possibility of inefficient pasteurization, impentect previous cleaning of the pasteurizers or of the receptacles in which the milk has been held. That is, inefficient ster- lization and possibly lack of suffic- jent care in bottling and capping. and cooling the milk after pasteuri- sation. It wery probably indicates that this milk was mot brought 'to the dairy for pasteurization iw as clean a condition as it should have "Gentlemen: "On behalf of the Committee re Suburban Area. 1 report as follows: "On February 1st, 2nd and Sod. in company with Warden Richardson, 1 interviewed Mayor Magwive, of the city of Toronte, and after explain- ing owr jon, Mayor Magwive thought that the best plan would be for the city of Toronto to try and have the agreement between the city and the York Highway Commission cancelled. We also had a conference fesidonge aid House On Luge. a | municipal circles, Officials aver Bridges, instructed at the January {that it is i long while since they session 10 examine Beaverton bridge, | Rave heard as little discussion of any \ {by-laws to he voted upon. presented a report recommending | es : that the Department of Public High-| While there are normally nine ways be asked to send an engineer | polling subdivisions in Oshawa, to examine the structure, said to he |there will be only five polls on Sat- defective, and report to the Council. | Wrday. one in the south west ward, The members of the Finance Com- two in the south east ward, one in mittee and Reeves Morris and Pink-{the north west ward, and one in the ham were named a sporia. commiiiow | NOTH cast ward. They are as fuis to equalize the County Assessment lows: roll for 1922 South West Grant to Township {Street School Reeve Owen Davies, of Uxbridge, | ret urning officer, moved Wednesday morning that the South East Ward: The first polt- Finance Committee he asked to |ing subdivision consits of all that make a substantial grant to Ux-|part of the ward lying to the north bridge Township 0 nelp pay for [of Bruce Street 40 the side lots bhe- damage dome to roads and bridges twoen lots eight and nine and also by a storm on August 1st, 1921. The [all lots seven and eight in the first resolution was carried. lconcession between King Stret and Iavited to Conferemoe the Base Line: at Miller & Libby's . | A letter was read from the Mim ishop: A. S. Mcleese, deputy return- Superintendents Elootod {ister of Education iaviting the ing officer Superintendents of the various | County Council to send delegates to South East Ward: For the second departments were elcted, as follows: {3 conference to be held in Toronto (polling division, subdivisions four Evangelistic--Murs. P. Goyne, Mrs. jon July 5th and 6th, to consider a land fige being united; wt Albert Willis. {number of questions, principal |Street School: ( harles P. Davis, Flower. fruit and delicacy--NMprs. [Among them that of secondary edu- deputy utara int he ar, . Hulk: H. Hopkins and Mrs. J. E. Kelly, [cation for rural schools, and ways | North West Ward: At Town fa) ;) Zducation----N Witterick jand means of raising money for | P H. Punshon, deputy returning of- Moral Education ns. '|such schools. At this conference fioor. Parlor Meotings--Mrs. R. J. Ro {430 Minister hopes to submit tenta North East Wand: At Mary Street bortson, Mrs. W. A. Luke, Mrs. A. live plans. The invitation will be |School: D. W. Parks, deputy re- y. ek; Mrs. H. A. Porter, Mrs. | considered by the Educational Cowm- turning officer. McMartin. { mittee, The polls will be open from $ am. Scientific Temporance-- Mrs. Leth- County Melps Blind Mon pom bridge. : Wednesday morning Reeve Owen | Citizenship--Mrs. A. Jacobi. Davies, Uxbridge, presentad a me- | Law Eaforcoment--Mrs. Bebbing- port on two blind inmates of the ton, Mrs. Law. House of Refuge, recommended by | Temperance in Sunday Schools -- Dr. Chas. F. McGillivray, House of | Mrs. Johas. Refuge surgeon, to 'have special | withmr Jackson, Missionary - consideration of the Council. The was placed under arrest last night by Wright g report stated that both mon were the local police and in Palice Count ila < now in the Institute for the Blind (his morning was charged with the Willard Hall-- Mrs. at Brantford, and a letter from the leit of a sum of money. Jackson Mrs Whit Wis ----, director was presented stating that {pa: hoon wanted by the authorities gs i de W. Drew one of the mon, named Veitch, Was|jpore for several months. The ac od Cross- rs. EK. . . Systematic Giving--Mrs. R. Ben- Ward: Earl At Centre Moore, deputy until 1 -- -- Mrs. Crosier, Mes. | commvG EVENTS VOTE AGAINST THE on Saturday, June the tenth, and help koop down the taxes. Rate- 8. Clifford, Mrs. BY-LAWS doing well and earning money mak- | cuced was remanded for eight days. ing baskets, but the other, Grogan. in aA. J. Swanson is defending the was not doing well and was not o_o uc0d with Crown Attorney Fave- payer. 2% a SIMOOE ST. HOME AND SCHOOL Club Concert Tuesday, June 13th, at 8 pm, in the school. Admis- sion 16c. 28a Press--Mrs. H. King. : Travollers' Aid---Murs. Witterick. Will Avtond Convention with Mr. Molean, deputy-minister of highways, who theught our best plan was to make some avrange- ment with the city of Toronto and then come to the Department to have it ratified. oa "On February 3rd we interview members of the Board of Control and explained our proposition roughly. also that a mew and equal- ized arrangement would not cost the city of Toronto any move than at present. This idea was voceived by city vepresontatives move favorably. "On June 2nd and ed, 1 again ; of representatives from Ontario and York counties and the city Toronto for the puvpose of de- signing 2 suburban avea suvround- Preliminary preparations were made for attending the county ocon- vention which is to be held in Whit by on June 16th at which twenty delegates from Oshawa will he pre- sont. Mrs. E. Lick and Mrs. J. Lethbridge weve apointed veporting secretaries. The special speaker at the convention will be & Wright, of London. Wednesday's meeting was nnmber- ot among the most successful held for some months and the attendance was large. During the afternoon Mrs. Jack Smith vendeved a solo with Mrs. J. MH. McBain at the piano. ter-Chanch League Schedule Has Been The schedule for the first halt of the Church League has been complet- ed hy the executive, the dates and games being as follows: June 9, Simcoe St. vs AN PA. June 12, Y MCA. vs S. Oshawa. June 15, Christian vs Simcoe St. dune 19, Mone 22 dune 26, duly 10, Simone St. duly 13, YMCA. ws Simcoe St. duly 27, ANP.A. ns Christian. duly 20, King St. v= §. Oshawa. ed the Tuesday St. jtwo statements given witier oath hy would he necessary to return them to the County. Reeve Davies reported that an agreement had heen entored into whereby the men would he kept at Brantford for another six months The veport was adopted. Forciguer Sut for Trial on a Perjury Charge Before Magistrate Willis in Whit- by Police Court on Tuesday William Oskobernik, 'an Oshawa foreigner, was charged with perjury and was lcommitted for trial at the General Sessions of the Peace to he held in Whithy in dune. Oskobernik was gharged in Oshawa Paice Court with intoxication a week age du his story as 10 where he obtained the liguor was mot satisfactory and a sentence of two months was imposed for aot disclosing the name and an addition- al thirty days for the offense. On request, accused was azain brought before Magistrate Hina and he told a different story which was considered unsatistactory and charge of perjury followed. On Magistrate Hind filed the 4 and Oskobernik declar- the first one to be false and the #0 De covrect. Magistrate ovdieved that accused he sent ¥ jturn, the arvest followed. with my week-end. it. American Boy. Aones--1 never know what to deo Bones Why not keep your hat on [the {which livestock was the chief hub of ithe wheel The show would alse linclude educational and other fea- ltures. Mr. Dryden said that both Dominion and Provincial gor- lornmonts had agreed to contribute {annually for ten years $25.000 each, {while several other ten-year sub- {sorviptions had been given hy promin- inont citiaons and firms in Toronto and elsewhere. It was hoped to of- for STHHN0 in prizes and bring ont ithe best livestock tne country could iproduce. It was pointed ont that On- {tario county was the banner county [ana had hoon for years in the prow- ince in all hranches of agriculture, {leading in live stock partioniacly. The county wonld honefit from the show move than York county, he thought, and he hoped that a grant would be made. Without disc the reg was veferved to the Agricultural Committee for a report. QUALAFIED Ray--Af 1 were a Doctor, 1 would specialize in hone surgery. May--Well, you've certainly sot a zood head for it.--"Topics of the Day" Films." Messrs. Robert Henderson and George Jacohs have heen invited to play with the Scarbore Golf Clad in the Toronto and district golf cham- trial. hi in Toronto on Satarday. Both players THERE WILL BE A RUMMAGE sale held in the St. George's Parish Hall, Centre St. on Friday after noon June Sth. Sale to commenos at 2 o'clock. CQOME AND HEAR DR. MARGARET Patterson of Juvenile Court, Tor- onto, speak in King St. Meth. Church next Sanday morning at 11 o'clock. She will also address the Sunday school in the after- noon at 2.30, 29 | THE ANNUAL CHILDREN'S DAY services of the Christian Church and drills, and in the evening a Song Story hy mombers of school. ORGAN RECITAL IX SIMOOE ST. Mothodist Church, on A dune 12, at 815 pam, hy Miss L. hy have accepted the vitation. . Condemned Winter's milk, while rich in fat. i dH! ! : my £ i : i i 2 2 4 ! | | | : : ! ¥ i £ : J | : i : i ¥ 2 hit i d i i J