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Ontario Reformer, 8 Jun 1922, p. 7

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Oshawa and District Making Annual Collection, | Miss nie Wilson, representing the B, B, missions in Ontario is in Oshawh making her annual visit for donations from residents, Debentures, Nine tenders were received by the | Corporation of Cobourg for the pub- ile school debentures, W. C. Brent & Co,, for $102.76 for 6 per cent,, debentures was accepted, J Lives on Verdun Road Miss Hazel Hurlbert, one of the Oshawa young ladies who passed her nurses' examinations at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, resides at 227 Ver- dun Road, and not on Simcoe St. as stated in Tuesday's paper, Chautauqua Coming The Chautauqua this year will be in Oshawa from July 6th to 13th, in- clusive, under the auspices of Osh- awa Rotary Club, which organization took steps some time ago to bring this popular and high class summer entertainment to the town, regard- less of whether money is made or not, There is an exceptionally fine program this year, 1 NE --_-- Small Fire This Morning Shortly before noon to-day the fire department was called to the home Rm where a small blaze occurred in the back kitchen, The fire is sald to have been caused by rags left on the back of the gas stove while the lat- ter was In use, The damage was about $60, The fire was extinguish. ed with the small chemical equip- ment, The offer of | Re-engage Teachers, At a meeting of the Brighton Board of Education, Mr, Langdon was re-engaged as Principal of the public school at a salary of $1,600 per annum, and. four lady teachers Sete re-engaged at a salary of $1,000 each, Stalter "Y" Met The Stalter "Y" met in its reg- ular monthly session Tuesday even- ing at the home of Mrs, E, W, Drew, King Street East, when a Jarge num- ber were present, The meeting was opened by Vice-president, Mrs, Weir, and was followed with an excellent recitation given by Miss Henderson, A talk on the opening of the new Willard Hall by Mrs, Stalter was of much interest, The next meeting will be held Saturday, June 17, at 2 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Stalter, King Street East, when their first quilt will be made and arrangements completed for the following meeting -- Kodak adds to fun and keeps it--in pictures. ~N With You Be sure your next holiday plans include a Kodak. We have the one you want, and the film and accessories as well. Kodaks $6.50 up. Brownies $2.00 up YOUR FILMS You may have a fine Kodak but if your films are not devel- oped and printed by experts you do not get the results that you deserve. Ewery film receives the same careful attention. Let us point out your mistakes and show you how to take good pictures. Boys! An Electric Train Given Away Boys! to the boy who brings in the largest number of Tiny-Tot Coupons are given away with Tiny Tot Talcum, Soap, Soothers and Baby Pants. Boys! Get your mother to buy win this beautiful Electric Train. See our window. Tiny Tot goods and Contest June 1 to 30. e Develop and Print hem best. 2 EK REXALL STORES F. W. Thompson nr --_ SKIRT SPECIALS For Week End ONLY Skirts, worth $4 to $5, for $1.50; also a Homespun large stock of Blouses in Voiles Silks, Georgettes and Tricolette, prices range from $269 up to $6.50. Pt Do Cinta: ad Organs fis ASD wr to $11.59, Fancy Dresses in Silks, Canton Crepe and Crepe Net, all the very latest styles; prices range from $17.50 up to House Dresses, $1.25 up $4.50. to $250, worth as high as Nightgowns, for 9c and 98¢c. Another line of fine up to $5.50, for $1.50 up to $250. Also White Under- i aud Peiucens Slips. 6 wp to S250) wont done We buy new goods all the time. Af you trade with us we gan. Tay Schwartz - 136-138 SIMOOE ST. S. worth $1.25 and $2.00, Nightgowns, worth Two Men Slightly Hurt by Explosion of Conductor Pipe Two men were slightly injured about 7.80 o'clock yesterday merning while at work in the plant of the Pedlar Péople Ltd,, Simcoe Stree' South, when a conductor running down from the roof inside the build: ing and connecting with the sewer outside, exploded. Mr, Robert Ro- binson and Mr, Frank Barnum, who were working about fifteen feet from the pipe, sustained slight cuts the former receiving a cut on the chin and the latter on the arm, Both men were not seriously hurt anc will be able to return to work al most immediately. The conductor pipe is used fo: draining the roof into the sewer anc the sewer is connected with the ace tylene gas generating building, It is thought that a quantity of the gas had worked its way into the sewer and instead of going out direct hac taken the easiest course and entered the conductor pipe. It is not know: definitely what caused the gas to ex plode but an official of the com pany told The Reformer that a light ed match outside the building woul have been sufficient, but the actua cause cannot be determined. Thi pipe itself was blown to atoms anc the injuries to the two employee: resulted from being hit by the flying pieces. p Coats $14.95 These have been well picked over, but 'there are still many exceptional bargains contained in this line, as an early inspection will show you, Buy At Home Campaign A GRAND CLIMAX OF A STUPENDOUS EVENT Children's Hats for Summer In color combinations of Rose, Blue and White, Regu- lar $1.00 value for 39¢ Children's Cotton Hose Black and White, a fine 1/1 rib; will give excellent service, as they are made to stand the wear and tear, such as children know how to give, All sizes, 5-10. Special 25¢ Pair Just Two Days Left Of one of the biggest and most successful cam- paigns we ever entered into, The success is due to the co-operation of the public, and we feel gure that many out-of-town shoppers have be- come convinced that Oshawa is big enough to compete with any city, both as to varieties and All Suits at Half Price Thig wonderful offer ends on Saturday night. There are still a few suits left, and it will pay you to take full advantage of your opportunity, prices, During this ten-day campaign we have Large Atiendance at Closing Meeting Simcoe Street Club Members of Simcoe Street Hom: and School Club turned out in larg: pumbers Tuesday evening for the closing meeting of the school term and one of the most interesting pro grams held this year was presented Besides a number of pleasing musi cal numbers reports from the vari ous committees were received anc a report of the Home and Schoo convention in connection with thy Ontario Educational Association wa: | given by Miss A. M. Waldron. Two circular letters were read showing the wotk being done by other Home and School Club: | {throughout the Province and Mis: | | Waldron's Teport dealt particularly with the manner in which teachers and scholars can help each other | all branches of' educational work |The musical program consisted of a | {piano duet by Norman Williams and | (He rbert Cooper; a piano solo bh)! | Norman Williams; recitations by | Gordon Johnston and Vernon Wil ison and a vocal selection by Lottic | Arnold. At the close of the pro-| gram the refreshment committe: | served ice cream and cake, a delight | | ful social time being enjoyed by all | | Ito be held in the form of a picnic at| |Oshawa-on-the Lake, when it is hop- | ed all members wil be present. Al vote of thanks was eemdered to Mrs. Drew for the use of their home. The {meeting closed with dainty refresh- jaan being served by the hostess. THEATRES made man ynew friends, which we are proud to add to our patrons. We intend to keep add- ing to the numbers, by giving the best values and prices possible, If we don't happen to have what you want in stock, we will get it for you, as we are in direct touch with the manufacturers and the wholesalers at all times. Dainty Gingham Dresses $2.95 This is a very seasonahble offer, as these dresses are so cool and peat- looking. They are just made for the hot weather, Organdie collar and cuffs, some with contrasting colors of Chambray for trimming and Ric Rac Braid, You will want at least a couple of these to take you through the season, White Wash Skirts For summer outing. Made of White Gabardine, fancy pockets, buttons and fancy stitching, trimmings. Just what you want for the many picnics this coming season, and only $2.48 Remnant Sale Of Curtain Scrim. Due to the big rush on, curtain goods, many ends have been left, | yard to 5 yards in a piece. They are now to be cleared at 10c Yard Special Friday Morning 9 o'clock 10 pieces good Canadian Wash Prints 15¢ Yard Only 100 Yds. of Pongee Silk Will be sold at this price. This is a first quality silk, 34 inches wide. Suitable for Shirts, Bloomers, Waists, Curtains, etc, Special 95¢ Yd. 50 Pieces Fancy Hair Bow Ribbons Plaids and plain colors. Regu- lar up to 60c yard. A special offer for Friday and Saturday 39¢ Yard ALL GODDESS CORSETS Half Price These lines are to be cleared out completely. For instance: $6.00 Corsets for $3.00 $5.00 Corsets for $2.50 $3.50 Corsets for $1.75 Be sure and take full advantage of Summer Vests for Women, Watson Make The name that stands for gual- ity. They have strap shoulder, short sleeve or evening style, in White and Pink. Sizes 36, 38, 40. AT THE REGENT Not even forgetting "The Right of! Way," it is hard to recall a Bert Lytell picture in which the Metro star has been seen to such advantage | as in "The Right That Failed," his mew Bayard Veiller production, | which opens tonight at the Regent] Theatre. The story, by J. P. Mar-| quand, adapted to the screen by | | Lenore Coffee, is a smash-bang tale | of the prize ring, full of fresh ob- servation and characters that are [new to screendom. [| Mr. Lytell plays with debonair | charm as the "highbrow" prize ring hero; Virginia Valli brings beauty | {and distinction to the role of the | society girl engaged in an unconven- | [tional courtship; Otis Harlan, the, {rotund veteran of the Charles Hoyt! |farces, is a rollicking tippler of the | |old school; De Witt Jennings is dis- | tinguished and courtly as the hero- ine's father; Max Davidson is a joy- | ous "lowbrow" champion, and Philo | McCullough a decorative and convic- ing lounge lizard. The photography | is by Arthur Martinelli and the art | direction by A. F. Mantz. Joseph | Strauss is production manager. { In addition to this master attrac-| tion two big time waudeville acts] will be presented Eva Burke in her | novelty musical saw act and Billy | Pilson character entertainer in new! and original characters. There will | be the usual comedy shown and! splendid music by the famed Regent | orchestra. Coming next Monday, ! Whitney's musical Revue a bevey of | beautiful girls. TTTAY THE NEW MARTIN TT Bert Lytell will be seen in another | of those entertaining crook dramas | when "Alias Ladyfingers," a Bayard | Veiller production for Metro, comes | to the Martin Theatre on Thursday | for a 3 day run. f This latest Lotell picture is a dis- | tinct departure from the more vecent | veleases of the Metro star and gives | Mr. Laytell a character somewhat similar to that he portrayed with such widespread success in "Alias Jimmy Valentipe" when that stage success was made into a picture. Unlike most of the usual run of crook dramas, "Alias Ladyfingers" deals with the caveer of the orphaned child of a family of wealth whe by accident is brought to the attention (of a notrious safe breaker. Because of the little lad's delicate hands, which earn him the name of "Alias Ladyfingers," he is educated in the risky art of opening strong boxes. His proficiency gains him a national reputation with the police who, while trying to rap him, learn that the d safe ker is the heir the fortune of his grandmother. The waluable pearls of that grand- mother become a lure to who is ignorant of his relationship, and his entrance as a thief into the home where he is being sought as the heir brings about complications which make "Alias Ladyfingers" one {liot, 35c each or 3 for $1.00 | ' _ this offer. 3 Lb. Comforter Batts Of exceptional quality. Open up to full size comforter. Pure white cotton, soft, deep, and fluffy. Just the kind you would like to snuggle down into. A durable quality of printed cambric covered comforters that would be ideal for summer cottages or camps. They are well filled with good cotton batting. Size 2 yards by 2 yards. Silkoline colorings. Special $3.90 SEE SATURDAY'S REFORMER FOR RESULTS REGARDING CHILDREN'S CONTEST of the screen. A notable cast support Mr. Lytell | in this production, including Ora | Carew, as leading lady; Frank El- Edythe Chapman, DeWitt Jen- | nings and Stanley Goethals. Lenore [in such a short time. The produc- | J. Coffee adapted it from the story tion was a condensed version of a {by Jackson Gregory. Arthur Mar- Broadway success and athough sev- [tinelli was photographer and A. E. Freuderman, art director. powerful dramas of the | The Royal Chef ended | nesday night. The play was much {by the choruses. Mr. Bell the producer is to be con-|proved an instantaneous hit. |awa in a long time. iplay was fully explained. its three of principals could not easily be im- {day run at the New Martin on Wed- | proved on and they were ably backed Mr. Fred Bryant in enjoyed by all those who saw it and |the Part of Kamo, the Court. Dances hose gratulated on the results he obtained | who failed to see The Royal Chef mis- sed one of the cleanest as well as the funniest musical shows run in Osh- Miss Bradbrook {eral characters were eliminated the {the pianist handled the score of the The cast [opera in a most efficient manner. Is Now a Healthy Boy "Fim a puny; delicate he child, my a strong a hoe hecoge 4 One mother writes: --If you had seen my little Johnny four months ago and you were to see him to-day, you would never believe that he is the same boy. Then he weighed only 49 pounds. 9 - To-day he weighs $0 pounds, almost double what he weighed four months Vote "YES" On the Money By-Laws On Saturday To the Ratepayers of Oshawa; FA 1B..Ri HINES Ladies and Gentlemen, -- EEE RE {iF ER EL FE 0; oS Just a few words on the by-laws that will require your vote on Saturday June 10th. First, 1 desire to make it clear that either money bylaw does not, or will not, affect the amount of money that will be spent on either the street or the park, as both must be done. The cost of cleaning the streets, with the proper equipment, will be a saving in your taxes. We spend each year about $8,000 trying to clean and sprinkle streets. And still we ave mot giving proper service to those who pay for it. in acquiring the new sprinkler and flusher our engineers estimate we can save about $2000 per year, besides paying the debentures on the machine; also we will save thou- sands of dollars each year by relieving our paved streets of the continual soaking and sprink- ling, which has proven wery injurious to any kind of pavement. Re the bylaw to complete the Pedlar Park clean up. Your Council has already spent, in addition to the debentures for the purchase of this property, about $9,000. it is estimated Bo scyvie bok sence Shasand sore ho propsly fide the scling oud grading aud svi: the municipal property as a beauty spot for future generations. Voting for this bylaw a Nie a al Whi Ach 20d tir. funn of taxes will be spread over a period of years rather than upen the present taxpayer for the amount at the present time. Supporting of the bylaws will not increase the amount of money that will be spent--it will simply spread the payments over a number of years and lessen the present burden of taxes. Support economy by woting for the by-laws. Yours truly, : od nr JOHN STACEY, Mayer. P.S.-- Purchase of the street flusher will not be charged to ratepayers mot mectiving street sprinkling or flushing service. ago. His trouble first started with a cold, which we mever noticed because he was strong and like all boys of his age occasionally caught cold. After a ile we began to notice that his cough, instead of getting better, was A vy. worse, that he was looking pal losing weight. He seemed to be tired all the time, had no energy todo any- thing. Before he ca bt this cold he had no trouble with lessons and remained at the head of his class without ® much study. But we began to notice a change. He didn't seem to care whether he knew his lessons or not and A seemed to interest him. He so much and 50 hard at times that his face he would he sowild suely J a Bae hough mixtures didn't Astin ad nally, $n Sespers- tionand asa fied Cooma, Carnol, he has become as stroug and healthy as he has ever been." Caruol is sold by your druggist and if Jona: conscientiously say, after you ve tried it Jn. shan i has'nt done you any good, return the empty bottle and a wy I Jour aoney. 1-122 Sold By Wm. MH. Karn, Oshawa, Ont. Stops headache in 20 minutes Ay RENT FREE Enguire Regent Theatre Next Monday or Tuesday

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