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Ontario Reformer, 4 Jul 1922, p. 7

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oR T, 0, OLEMENOH, DENTIST, e over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 231. . T, 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- store, 1-yr, fice over Hogg and Lytle's Phone 948, sun sALK--MARK, 5 YEARS OLD, colt, 5 weeks old. Call after o'clock, 124 Base Line Hast, 29-¢ FOR SALE -- 15 PURE BRED White Leghorn hens, laying strain, Apply P.O. B Oshawa. TR, 8, J. PHILLIPS -- DENT Office over Kyle's Phone 969, ST; Phone No, 97, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- uN. trance to office one door east Detenbeck"s Store. DR, W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to his residence, 201 Simcoe 26-1mos. St. N. Grocery ftore. 4-1 yr. un, JAMNS, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. of FOR SALN TCHEN RA with all water connections, good new, Apply Box "K", Reformer. 39-c FOR SALE---WICKER BABY CAR- riage, Cheap. Apply 154 Pearl St. College Hill, . R8-c FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED Irish terrier puppies. 155 Pearl St., College Hill, C 48-¢ FOR SALE -- LIGHT DRAY WAGQG- gon, Apply after 6 p.m,, James Gibson, 491 Simcoe St. 8. 38-c FOR SALE ~ A HRINTZMAN square piano, $35, also stool, Phone 978w, i 38-h FOR SALE -- ANY USD as Medical GAS range in our shop for only $10. The Hydro Shop, 15 King St. RB, 3 DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN | and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr FOR SALE--OFFICE DESK, ROLL top, large size, very complete with drawers and various compartments, Apply C. M, Mundy, Reformer Office, DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 04. DR, L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR 8T,, Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- 12-1 yr | tion in disease of the eye. DR. D, B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank. Telo- phone 1155. Houss 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. 96-1 DR, A, A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR, F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his | office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH VP. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone | L. A, J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osk- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 619]. GRIERSUN & CREIGHTON--BA it~ risters, Conveysucers, Notaries Pub- lie, etc. Office over Standard Bank entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A G. D. CONANT, B.A, - rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, » ~.!Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe South, Oshawa. mortgages, conveyancing and Bgen- eral practice. Phone 63. St., HE. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, | Y2ssing. We instruct and supply you FOR SALE Solicitor, Notary Pubiie, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Esgaminations free at office Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. a GR Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- Bineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-tf Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL | directors, embalmers, private am- | bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr | Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutpal and Uniom Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tot. 81 | Tire Repairing 38-d NEW LUMBER FOR SALE -WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH and dressed lumber, Ask for quota- tions, Whithy Luinber and Wood- yard. Telephone 12, Whithy, Ont. Jul2?7 FOR SALE--GRAMOPHONE AND 67 records. Will stell cheap for cash, Apply 22 Park Rd, S. 37-c FOR SALE--QUANTITY OF FUI- niture, best quality, Lalf price. Phone 1082, 25tf BERRY BOXES AND BASKETS get our prices on berry boxes and eleven quart and six quart baskets in thousand lots. Whitby Lumber & Wood Yard. Telephone 12 Whit- by, 36-1mos. FOR SALE -- BEST (EMENT blocks, 8 16 in. Cheap," Apply C. N.,, phone 1171-J, 44 Oak St, Ce- Dale. 37-¢ cabbage plants, also red cab! age. Jim Evans has a od supply, and tomato plants. 495 Simcoe St, 8 north side of Pedlar's plant, 7- [5,000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, | dollars thousand delivered, | A. C. Cook, Alice St. E. | GUITAR FOR SALE SPANISH guitar can easily be changed into a steel, large size, good tone. Phone 462). . 37-1 CORNET FOR SALE--'CORN 4 instrument, practically new; trum- pet style, silver plated, can be used in band, soio or orchestra work, good case also. Phone 462j, Help Wanted--Male MEN WANTED TO CANVASS | from house to house. Good commis- | sion. Apply Ed Kelly, 27 Hall St. H 38-b | TWO YOUNG MEN OF NEAT AP- | pearance, for city and road work, " Cc n 3 9 Apply ) 37-tf fL.B.--BAR-| must have good education and sup- 'BE after present crop, full p ete. | ply references. Mr. Pierpont, phone 5191 i. 787-7. 28-b Loans arranged on | MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- §15 10 2% Solictor for the owners | $60 paid weekly for your spare time | writing showcards for us. No can- | with work. West-Angus Showcard | Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. | Pr ; : 334.1. AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE | Nursery fitm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We grow and sell the best only and want | | reliable, energetic agents for unrep- | resented territories. Write now. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y Help Wanted--Female WANTED--A GIRL TO CLERK grocery store. wages expected IN| State experience and Apply to Box "Vv", Reformer. 39-¢ WANTED--EXPERIENCED GEN- | eral and a laundress for two days of cach week. Apply 221 Simcoe St. | North, or P.O. Box 243. 39h | | WELL EDUCATED WOMAN WANT. | ed for position as proofreader. Might arrange part time. Apply to Mr. Alloway, Reformer Office. 27-u WANTED -- REI AABLE GIR! 2° woman for general houge, "2° 8 to ply evenings betwe- 28e 124 King gs 2 kil Houses For Sale | HOUSE FOR SALE --SIX ROOMS| and pantry, electric light and water, large lot. Apply 593 Mill St. opal | 37 | -- | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phoue 766. 11-1) FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552), night 552W. Rit son Road North. ole. Patents 5 RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- | tered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. 20-1 t FREDERICK H. SIMISTER, EX- pert Piano Tuner. Terms moderate. 109 Albert St. 36-c | St. South. $1,200--Park Road South new cot- tage, with well and pump. Lot 40° x 150'. $1,200, auarter cash. 325--One room cottage, well and pump. Lot 40° x 150°. $100 down. | Enoth Thompson Ltd., south of G T.R. tracks Park Road. 37-b FOR SALE 6 ROOM BRICK | house. All conveniences. Hardwood | floors. Possesgion in 30 days. Terms reasonable. Apply at 444% Simcoe 374.1. FOR SALE 6 ROOM FRAME house with conveniences. Lot 40 fL by 225 ft. Fruit trees of all kinds. Terms reasonable. Apply at 444% Simcoe Street South. 37-1. - "OR SALE 7 ROOM FRAME | house. Centrally located. With con- veniences. Garage for 2 cars. Pos- | session in 30 days. Terms reasonable. NG | - | rent, IR [= | ders will 0 Ne AS) EO ati ---- A AY OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1922 erp A EA Eh EE a rv a General Wants 8! PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY | 7 or 8 roomed house, good location. Rooms must be large, cspeelally liv- | Ing room. Apply Box "W", Reform- er, 39-b 39-¢ | SROOND HAND FURNITURE WANT-! ed. We are paying highest prices for! -- {good furniture, We are also selling |a good line of furniture, stoves, and floor coverings, Apply D, Dime, 66 | King St. W. Phone 271, 36-mos. WANTED -- SMALL SAFE, STATH | particulars to Box "M" Reformer, | 3.1, WANTED TO RENT -- 7 OR roomed house, unfurnished, T78-W, 3%c | WANTED - ACTIVE PARTNER | With about $300 for outdoor amuse- | ment stand, Apply Post Office Box 204, A8-h | HOUSE WANTED BY AUG. 1st OR before, 6 or 7 'rcoms, all con- | veniences, south or central, moderate Apply Box I' Reformer. | a Phone 30-h Real Estate For Sale { - FOR SALE----LOT 38 x 114, SPLLEN- did situation, on Golf St, | Goll St. 39-c $300" CASH BUYS GOOD BUILDING lot, 40 x 250, on Mill St.,, College | Hill,, Apply 105 Brock Sts W, 37-c FARM FOR SALE -- CONTAINING | fifty acres all arable, well culti- vated, good buildings and fences, Price $4,300, Terms easy. William | C. Pollord Barrister at-law Ux- bridge Ont, 38-1 We are agreeably surprised with the sales on Oshawa Park. Never had business so good, Bristling with ldevelopments, Lots selling daily Houses springing up--our low prices ----attract buyers strongly. Don't for- get country taxes and country air only minutes walk from the fou Houses and lots for sale restrictions. Beautiful side- ks run right into town. Splendid asphalt road gives fast transporta- tion for automobiles, rigs and bicy- leg oH The Oshawa House and Land Com- pany H. A. Butt, Pres, 38 Simcoe N, Phones 464), 464W., GOOW, To Rent FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED house to rent, in good condition, must be rented by the 10th of July Apply 62 Base Line East. 37-¢ FARM TO RENT----BETWEEN OSHA awa and the Lake. About 125 acres! in excell state of cultivation. Ample buildings Ploughing after | present crop. Full possession Octo- | ber 1st or April 1st. Apply to G. D, Conant, owner. 19-tf FARM TO RENT---SOUTH HALF Lots Thirty-one and Thirty-two, Fourth Concession, Darlington, 200 acres improved farm land Plo N= 8 to Osh- 19-tr 1 n October BD. 1s Conant, t, 1922. Apply Barrister, ete, ' Houses For Sale $ ROOMED COTT/ with large garden, Apply Box Reformer. FOR SALE - AG A NICE 7 ROOMED brick house. All conveniences. Elee- tric stove. Garage. Possession at once, Central location. Apply at 444% Simcoe St. S. 3 Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--CHEVROLET TOUR- ing car, in good Apply 22 Lloyd St. FORD TRUCK FOR SALE. APPLY R. C. Henry & Co. 16-t.1 FOR SALE---A GRAY-DORT MOTOR car in first class condition. will sell cheap if sold at Apply 386 King Street Eas 594j. once t, phone 39 v -- wh - si - FOR SALE- 490 TOU#4NG pour pletely overha ulegd ida: 0 of them new tires, and "ar. varruthers, -- Gen- cord ol 'ushawa or Phone 2 with Bok Y TENDER is hereby given that Ten- be received by the under- signed up te twelve o'clock noon on the 14th day of July, A. D. 1922, for the purchase of the residence lately owned by the late John Hoare on the north side of Colborne Stre in Town of Oshawa, This property about Ninety about One hundred and Thirty-seven feet, and is situate on one of the best streets in Oshawa. No tender ssarily accepted. Dated at Oshawa, this 29th day of June, A. D. 1922. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON. Solicitors for the Executor, Oshawa, Ontario. (39) (42) NOTICE wot the has a frontage of Salvation Army » at Mann's P. Man's Point was the scene of the] annual picmic of the Salvation Army Apply 314] Jday morning as space feet and a depth of = with wonderful elecutionary grace. Wanted MIDDLE AGED LADY WANTS PO- sition as housekeeper in gentleman's {home or to care for aged pair or lady. References if required, 74 | Fisher St. 38-¢ | Auctioneer WiLL. T. BAKER, HAM2TON ONT |Jdve Stock a specialty, Phun Bliss oe Bowmanville, 124-6mos Eoard and Rooms ro LET TWO FURNISHED oom, suitable for ladies or gentle- | men. Apply 76 Bond St, 39-a | ROOM AND "BOARD FOR A | man, Comfortable place; conven | fent to General Motors, Apply 271 | Jaryis St, 38-c [FURNISHED ROOM WANTED BY [young married couple preferabl with hoard. Please state terms and location, Apply Box A, Reformer 36-c TO LIT--A LARGE FRONT BE! room with conveniences and central Apply 178 Albert 8t, Phone 731}, 36-c TO RENT---A ROOM SUITABLE for two young men, 505 Albert St near Pedlars' Plant and Malleable. 37-1 RENT 38-a FURNISHED OR Apply Box "K', Re- 39-c | | | | n FURNISHED ROOMS TO {Apply 1560 William St. BE, ROOMS TO LET unfurnished, former, [90 RENT--ONE ROOM, SUITABLE for one or Lwo, very convenient, good | locality. Apply 68 Church St. 39-tt I NOTICH E. Leveque 1s opening a shoe mak ing and shoe repairing shop at ¢ | Bond St. W, Hand made boot; a spgefalty, 38- NOTICE 'nion of Carpenters, No every second and fourt! P. Hall, over Burns Member: from cutside » report to the Secretary H4 Albert Street, 39-July31 Local | 2209 | ues shoe point | D plea retton, WATER RATES Waier rates may be paid at either he Dominion Bank er the Water | Works Office, | F. E. HARE, Sec. Water Commis sion 39-1 Paving Company Is 'nstalling Larger Plant To Do Work operation on Albert St. preparatory to paving that thorough- fare between Bruce and Fisher Streets, were not commenced on Mon had been anticipated by the Town Engineer's Department The ndard Paving Company o Otte . which has the contract fo: the paving, has already removed the 111° plant which they used he last year and are bringing in large: equipment for work. Operation are cxpeeted to start any day now. Ford Sedan is Slightly motor Grading St sm re the Damaged sult to ace which r in slight dons Ford sedan § red on King Goer da lay afternoon occur Street West, in front o acco store, when : runabounot driven by with Judgt MeGillivray , turned the Nort} nto d by Danforth corner n to the Ford M WwW 'nu Jean Kin: car Hirch Tor man 1 onto Dr the tor N brake Instead app pped on 1? : } dar celer: "v th was ag Ww foree hent fenr« , «wa Citizen Praises Program At Chautauqua Ottawa Citizen devoted mueci cellent what 26 regarding Ti e the ' This of Jun« program to program. 18 ins fix ne t day's MOVING RECITALS BY PROF DUXBURY STIR BIG CROWDS ist Heard at Chas by Mayor ed Fam: us Came aM rare : the weel ted Lo feeling ny Oltawans a atmospher end and were tran: realms of thought and sven spiritual exaltation. The medium of all this was Pro fessor John Duxbury. of London England, whe attracted many hund reds of people on Saturday evening to the great Chautauqua tent. Professor Duxbury gave a wonder ful recital from Les Miserables, Vie- tor Hugo's masterpiece, in which the meeting of Jean Valjeam and the bishop was graphicaly detailed and fied po new and second number was Shades' Ranquet, a whimsical representation of a supposed meeting on the astral plane of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Chris topher Columbus, Charles Dickens. George Washington Boswell, Bacon. Shakespeare. Raleigh, Tennyson Pope. Longfellow and many others, involving some discussion of the His 10 STOP CHILDREN | 'PLAYING ON STREED Council to Write Supervising Prin. cipal Re King Street Situation While school has been dismissed for the months of July and August, the problem of the education and ontrol of the child is ever with the citizens of Oshawa, and at last night's | of King Street East, in front of the school, the Council and as sion for the childr§n to use the street to the west of "the King street school as a playground, Upon fhe letter heing road Reeve Morris stated that he wanted to se ter of children playing on the street in front of the school, He stated | habit of playing there and that that motor driyers. He wanted to see a letter sent to the Supervising Prin-| cipal regarding the matter, Councillor Johnston then rose and stated that if any such action were taken as the banning of roadway) to the children, that it should bé made general, citing a case of child- ren playing on Athol Street, Deputy Reeve Mason thought that the Council might pass a by-law pro- hibiting the use of streets as play- grounds He stated that he under- stood that the caretaker at the King Street school would not allow the children the use of the playgrounds there except during school hours. This he thought was not right, as the property is public property and should be used for recreation. Councillor Hawkes here stated that hefore such a drastic action as that hinted at by Deputy Reeve Mason | were taken that sufficient play ground space should be provided for the *hildren. He then went on to tell of the conditions surrounding the child- ren at the Mary Street sehool, stating the speed motorists used going home for lunch and passing the school just as the kiddies were getting out was "ridiculous." The letter was finally referred to the Board of Works and Reeve Morris' motion that a letter be sent to Mr. Garbutt re- arding the playing on King Street st, passed. T unci own Council (Continued from page 1) the forthcoming convention to be held in Toronto about September I. R. Smith wrote applying licenses for seven pool tables on yremd 15 King St... W . referred to the License and Printing Committee, Says He Has Gri rge Brasley addre arding what termed at a "'gries On June 28 assessed $10.50 in Police Court violation of the By-law was instructed ¢ E Ss for his iises S vance ed the Coun- he t the for Sanitary He on April move a privy from a cottage pnewed Street. He made arrangsyd and the sewer connections my F., Palmer. Magis arance in court Major Sanitagin te a remand of eight « = th he Band and Songsters, which was held Baconian theory of the zuthorship of & work was proceeding. Later when the work was going on, he was called into Court again and there the tary Inspector said that work was not heing done on the sewer. When Mr. Brasley asked him if he had been down to see the work, Mr. Palmer | replied, "No." ! Councillor Brown thought Mr. | with high backs, which must be placed against a wall, "The vent when a sink is surrounded on three sides with walls. adde ino drain boards at either end of the sink the to stand facing away from the light, should convince any reasonable in- divic houses should not the hi "rn meeting of the Council; the clerk was |the Ontario Housing Act allow instructed to write the Bupervising | great deal of leeway to the various Principle advising him that the child- Housing Commissions and, ren of the King Street East public! fore, while we approved of the plan school must not make a playground [in so far as the room areas, wert Mr, A, EB. Garhutt, as secre-| plumbing tary of the Board of Egucation, wrote | than we like the idea of d for permis-| rows of houses all alike as is the case case spite vent the Council take a stand on the mat- | sion not build it as a broom closet and put that dozens of children were in the!in the open where the worker will have spot was, as a result, dangerous for | conditions wor M | follows conve she CEess | enou and door-way on cess {ting in a small table or receptacle for the dishes to drain on. The gen- eral helo the s plaster on either side, able doul fron in a | these conditions, "lI would strongly urge the advis- ility ah outs or t the mak This few the sideration, pare faction that will arise if sion sinks in the Ww. opinion stated, "we are of the ont accu of crea that shou Vik done cour D were the bein th think houses or the ; RE . [ . Nomination» Port v Following the res} Reeve Rundle, of Port Pel night ago, the town council pointed Councillor Real ree: tem. 'to carry on the business a new reeve is elected, tion was passed as follows: ----------r -- Trouble From Vermin trouble with vermin 'fnd lation ig simply = aggravated These difficulties, ad to the fact that there can he and defective lighting, due to position of the worker who has lual that the sinks im these he located where plan shows them, slikes Plumbing Avrangements The powers given to us under a1 velopment; curmg some help for good definile road and there- ete, like the any more building * concerned, we do not arrangements considerable time and expense, solute conviction of his .In the Oshawa development. This sink recess will, in most 8, be built in as a cupboard in| W. . Real, W, WwW, > of all that can be done to pre-! Smallman." it so why should the Commis- | In dise with this Couneil term of office as reeve. M ings Crosier ssing the situation cupboard in the first place and the sink where it belongs, out tive to hroken rount the the with statement that he law by having an the municipality, » a chance or preserving sanitary and enjoy comfortable arrangements," Dallyn an electric light and water & hut when the king r. gave his opinion "The arrangement is not nt for the housckeeper as excludes the light from the re- , and the recess itself is not large 1gh to provide for a 'drip-bhoard, the adjacent openings for a either side of the re- preciudes the possibility of put- ar was settled in full." Nominations are to be hr Monday to fill the position and also to nominate a ) place Mr. Figary as cou' also resigned. ENFIE' Farmers were road work last v Mr. and Mrs. awa visited at Mr. L. CT lumber in new shes Mrs. G number noon a ner. P he! eg practice of building cupboard the sinks, especially where sinks are not built into the solid is objection- , a8 the moisture and splash un- itedly will give rise to trouble 1 vermin; and the fact that it is dark recess will only aggravate ng w rmiston's . Jn a Approves of Outside Wall insti of moving this sink to the examinatyons ide wall so that the drip-hoard able can be placed underneath window adjacent to the sink until. September. A res Phi in view of the resignation of Mr. C. A. Rundle as reeve of this village, we the undersigned, wish to tender him our sincerest regrets, and also to ex- press our appreciation for his serv- ices rendered on hehalf of Hydro de- his efforts towards se- practical constructhon; and the interest of the municipality in general, to which he has devoted And further, we desire to express our ah- honesty of purpose and integrity in all hig deal- during his (Signed) R. B. Neeve Rundle, in a letter to the press rela- had ae- ne ston entertained 3 Wednesday after- 4g in her usual man- sald: "I might say that I did owe the mu- nicipality for material, services, ana cconnt hooks were audited, and proper credits given, the account xt 1 their aniston, Osh- «8 drawn some for building a were ednesday and Thursday. sed Thursday night not to ing ideal working arrangement latter arrangement may 2d¢ dollars to the cost in e plumbing fixtures. 1 however, is tri d with the trouble ar Y oy he Jetters its policy recesses, as sugs in giving pursues H. Meadows, hi opin- hat they will become very dirty, mulate filth between the edge sink and wall and eventually a nuisance. Further we think is very poor practice and not be enco d; in fact that everything should be > 10 discourage it and we do dis- age » to the recess be. lation of sinks. te it 1d id it." . Commission Receive Copies r. McKay pointed out ther Was not casting any »-principles en We Test Eyes IT IX DONE PROPERL x used br g Removals Baggage 181 Monk St. Bell Transport Phone 431) } Phone 28 Phone 1101 Brasley should have asked the Sani § JURY & LOVELL, Lid', ; at stake and they had to do a dn ameunt of missionary work. ether or not the law was on their had' good common sense fon of competent peo- above forwarded to zr Com- tary Inspector to be present last night Councillor Brown and Mr Brasley | were getting into-a heated argument) when Deputy Reeve Mason moved that | the matter be referred to the Sanitary! and Relief Committee, and both Mr. 3rasley and Mr. Palmer be given an opportunity to aitend the Committee meeting when the matter being discussed. g The Town Property Committee will handle the applic on of the Bell | Telephone Company of C wnada for per-| mission to open portions of Avenue: Street, Quebec Street and Dearbourne Avenue to place thereon telephone voles and wires. | " Those present at the meeting last night Mayor Stacey, Reeve is were: of Athol St. on the DWELLING FOR SALE That fine brick dweiting on Ritson Road $., three doors south west side. Contains 8 rooms besides bath- room, separate ioilet and kitchenette. Fine verandah on the north and east sides. Splendid three-compartment cellar. Caan be seen at the premises, 50 Ritson Rd. South. Price £7,500. Morris, Deputy *Reeve Hill. 2nd Deputy Reeve Mason. Councillors Trick, Burns, Rowe, Hubbell, John- ston, Hawkes and Brown. Council will meet again on Monday night. -- Board (Continved from page 1) The Housing Commission, Dr. McKay stated, had held a meeting and had decided t9 go according to the plans, but the Sanitary Inspector had been given instructions not to pass on sinks placed in the recesses. "The Board will not accept it" de- 1st DER TWINE clared Dr. McKay. "It is a question 3 4 spi p! Shakes 's works a gin i ies on Saturday afternoon, despite the Shak speare"s work and mer £ of principles of housing conditions. Apply at 444% Simcoe St. 8. 37-4.L : rain of the morning. Upwards of into representations of how most of | WILL THE PARTY WHO PICKED We have the very best quality of Binder - It is said that a Russian Host is in- sulted if his guest goes h A lot of American salesmen will begin wondering if trade relations evjer, ever will be resumed with Russia Kansas City Star. We require speed-wagon truck to make trip to Toronto each Thursday afternoon. Can sup- ply driver if necessary. Load { under one ton. Apply Reformer (3311) i sober. | up fountain pen in Royal Bank last | Friday, please return same to Royal | | Bank, Oshawa, or Kyle's Store, Ce- dar Dale. Souvenir. 38-b one hundred people gathered to par-| the author's named would have writ- ticipate in the outing, but the mora- | ten the nursery rhvme Tack Horner, ing rain prevented an early start and and his famous plum episode, : it was meecessary to have dinner im; The large audience showed in no the Army Citadel, Simcoe Street | uncertain manner its fine apprecia- CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Butler, 214 Gibbs Street, wishes to thank her friends and neighbors, also the employees of the Pedlar factory for and sympathy, also the floral tribute, during her recent sad bereavement. . a%-a To Rent COTTAGE T0 RENT -- BOX- niebrae Point. ive. rooms, large yeranda. 1 conveni- ences. Possession July ist. Apply to G. D. Conant, Bar- rister, & C., Oshawa, Ont. 35-1 their kindness South. In the afternoon, however, tion of these wonderful memory ithe pleasure seekers were able to| feats and of the dramatic mannerdén | motor to the lake shore. where a! Which the pieces were presented to | program of races and various other the audience. The reciter's com- events were run off manding platfcrm presence and ex- Among the out of town people ceeding genialty added much to the present at the picnic were attractiveness of his program also. Capt. Annie Bryant, am Oshawa girl Washod ard Detighhd | now stationed at Montreal; Capt.| A4 the hong y 3% ii 00] i gq 0 js | program. Mayo ant heartily wel- {Connie Coull, Mount Dennis: Mes.) omed Chautaueua again to the city |Arthurs, Miss Lillian Goodall. Miss | {who were If they are passed the people will say, if trouble arises, the Board sanctioned them, and there will be perpetuation of the same condition." Dr. McKay stated that he had ob- tained expert opinion from some of | the leading men in-the province, in- cluding James Govan, well known architect, of Toronto; F. A. Dallva, director of Sanitary Engineering Division, of the Provincial Board of Health and W. H. Meadows, chief, Division of Plumbing and Drainage. of the city of Toronto. Mr. Govan, in writing to Dr. McKay, said in part: "In all our residence and hos- ry a and cordially expressed wishes for jena Watson, Mr. R. Keith, Mr. and {3 0" 0 0 ei Amirable com- | Mrs. Boltow- and Miss Olive Craw-| nity enterprise which introfuces ford, ail of Toronto, and Mr. and | _ | Mrs. Stubbias, Lindsay». Miss Craw-) s0 p of entertainment and instruction, ford is an Oshawa girl who spent the week-end in town. | and which are available by no other | means. : | | The musical features of Saturday's ! program are dealt with in the Cit- izen's music column. Be not a tool for wise man nor fool. mony delightful and varied forms | pital work for years past every ef- | fort has been made to get plumbing, | such as sinks, etc, not only out of | | recesses but also away from the | | wal so that it can be got at om] | every side. b tremely difficult in house work and, | therefore, the manufacturers of} | sims, etc., continue to make them This, of course, is ex- Hig Twine. it is made in Canadian factories by Canadian workmen. Our price is cut to the quick. Oxder early as our supply is limited. Our Poultry Mash makes early winter layers, our Poultry Scratch goes with it to make a thoroughly balanced feed for poultry. Cooper-Smith Company Flour, Feed and Seed Dealers

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