¥ J "«{\s Phone 948. \ / "DRA Dental C PR, T, 0. CLEMBENOB, DENTIST, Alison's Tallor Shop, Office Ki West, Phohe 331 P DR. fice over HOEg and Lytle's store. ye, DR. 8, J. PHILLIPS -- 1ST; omce over Kyle's Grocery Etore. Phone 959, «1 yr. DR, JANES, D DENTIST ~ OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No, 87, OR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- #N- trance to office ome door east of Detenbeck's Store, DR, W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe Bt, N. Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal Bank to hig' residence, 201 Simcoe St. N 26-1mos, Medical R. 0. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, imcoe St. North, Phone 657. 110-1yr R, McK --- P CI Sova, Accoucher, Office and resi- ence, King St, Bast, corner Victoria $t., Oshawa, Phone 94. R. L. J. BERT, 73 B R Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr LY, PHYS Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, Office ever Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 11566, Hours 2 to 4 p.m, OF by appointment. 96-tt A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third ¥riday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation. in diseases 9 the nose, throat and ear, 34-tt DR.'F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 aod Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat: urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. 0 B.A.--BAR- rister, hia Notary Public, Con- veyancger, Money to loan. Office Uk ing St, East, Oshawa. Phone > > J. BWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- eer, etc. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loapd arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 6195. | GRIERSON & CRBIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveysucers, Notaries Pub- Je, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. E Grierson, B.A,, T. K. Creighton, LA, G. D. CONANT, B.A, LL.B BAR rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simeoe B8t., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Netary Public, ete. Office 11% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. iF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors ry GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- miion Land Surveyor and Civie En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231, Suec- cessor to late W, E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 7341 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO, -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Insurance Wellington al and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, fimcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 | 134 Barrie St, Aa OSHAWA, ONTARIO, i a EL HURSDAY, JuLy 6, 1922 "™ A Lead Articles For Sale FOR SALE---MARE, 5 YEARS OLD, colt, 5 weeks old. Call after 6 o'clock, 124 Base Line East = 39-¢ FOR § SALE_BABY CARRIAGE IN gooll condition and néw tires. ' Apply as 30-0 FOR SALE--PLA AVER PIANO AND rolls, Bargain for quick sale, Also household furniture, rugs, beds, dresser, linoleums, etc. Apply 67 Kottheth Ave, 39- LE -- G oT ALNUT oun suite . New, Hall price, $65, 4 upholstered chairs, half price. Electric table lamp, Kitchen cup- board, Call'dt 14 Bond St, 40-a PARTNERSHIP FOR SALE IN poultry ranch, near Oshawa. Apply Box 112, Oshawa. . i; FOR SALE -- 16 PURB oa White Leghorn hens, laying strain, Apply P.O. Box 405, Oshawa. 39-c € | good furniture, 'General Wants WANTED TO BUY -- 6 OR 8 ROH. ed house, all conveniences, centr: located, reasonably priced. Apply "R" Reformer, I WILL BUY OR RENT A TENT -- WHat have you got and how much do you want, Box "Q'" Reformer, 40.c SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANT- ed, We are paying highest prices for We are algo selling a good line of furniture, stoves, aid floor coverings, Apply D, Dime, 56 King St, W. Phone 271, 36-mos. WANTED -- SMALL SAFE, STATE particulars to Box "M" Reformer, ' | 83-1, WANTED TO RENT--A HOUSE IN good locality by August 1, Apply Ross Douglas, Bell Telephone Co, 40-c OR SALE -- KITCHEN RANGE with all water connections, goed as new, Apply Box ""K', Reformer, 39-c FOR SRLE--WICKER BABY C BY CAR- riage. Cheap. Apply 164 Péarl Bt, College Hill, 38-¢ ALE -- THOROUGHBRE Trick terrier puppies.' '165 Pearl St., College Hill, 38-c FOR FALE -- LIGHT DRAY WAG- fon, Apply after 6 p.m, James Gibson, 491 Simcoe St. 8. 38-c FOR SALE -- ANY ,K USED GAS range in our shop for only $10, The Hydro hob. 15 King St. E 38¢c FICE . top, large size, very complete with drawers and various compartments. Apply C. M, Mundy, Reformer Office, I 38-4 LUMBER ¥OR E HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH and dressed lumber, Ask for quota- tions, Whitby Lumber and Wood- yard, Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. Jul BERRY BOXES AND BABKETS get our prices on berry boxes and eleven quart and six quart baskets in thousand lots. Whitby Lumber & Wood Yard. Telephone 12 Whit- by. 36-1mos. GUITAR FOR BSALE--SPANISH guitar can easily be changed into a steel, large size, good tone. Phone 462). 37-41. CORNET FOR SALE-- CORNET" instrument, practically new, trum- pet style, silver platéd, ean be used in band, solo or orchestra work, good case also. Phone 462). 37-11 HAY FOR SALE--STANDING CROP of mixed hay; about five loads. Ap- ply to G, D. Conant, Oshawa, 40-b FOR SALE -- LARGE CHAIR AND rocker, upholstered in best tapestry, new, $45; steel Daverport and mat- tress, $15; upholstered tapestry chair, $15; electric table lamp, a beauty, $165; dressmakers model, $2.50; Ci WANTED -- TO RENT A HOUSE, Would want 1 year or longer of leage, Apply to Post Office Box 132, 401 PRIVATE PARTY WANTS TO BUY 7 or 8 roomed house, good location, Rooms must be large, egpéelally liy- ing room, Apply Box "W", Reform- er, 39-b WANTED TO RENT -- 7 OR 8 roomed house, unfurnished, Phone 778-W, 39-c HOUSE WANTED BY AUG. 1st OR before, 6 or 7 rooms, all con- veniences, south or central, moderate rent. Apply Box P Reformer. 39-b __Board and Rooms _ GOOD BOARD WITH ROOM, #8 week, 132 1 Brock St. Bast, 40-a ROOM AND BOARD FOR A man. Comfortable place; conven- Apply 271 38-c ient to General Motors, Jarvis St, ROOMS TO LET--FURNISHED OR unfurnished, Apply Box "K", Re- former, 39-e TO RENT--ONE ROOM, SUITABLE for one or two, very convenient, good locality. Apply 68 Church St. 39-tf To Rent : FARM TO RENT--BETWEEN OSH- awa and the Lake. About 125 acres in excellent state of cultivation, Ample buildings. Ploughing after present crop. Full possession Octo ber 1st or April 1st. Apply to G. D, Conant, owner, 19-tf FARM TO RENT---SOUTH HALP Lots Thirty-one and Thirty-two, Fourth Concession, Darlington, 200 acres improved farm land Plough- ing after present crop, full posses- sion October 1st, 1922. Apply to G. D. Conant, Barrister, ete,, Osb- awa, Soliector for the owners. 19-tf | bridge Ont. ___ Real Estate For Sale FOR § SALE-- '38 x 114, 114, SPLEN, YI 8 situation, on Golf St. Apply ad 40 pe FOR SALE -- BI fifty acres' all 'arable, well 'eulti- vited, good buildmgs and fences. Price $4,300. Terms easy. William ©. Pollord Barrister at-law Ux- 38-1 LOTS CAN BE HAD ON HILCREST; Sub-Division, delightfully situatéd lo- cation for $26 to $50 per lot. This property is within the City Hmits. Re- gistered plan, Indisputable tftte, For particulars apply to Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 60 King Street East, Oshawa, Phine 408, We are agreeably surpriged with the sales on 'Oshawa Par Never had business so good, Bristling with developments. Lots selling . daily ouses springing up--our low prices i-attract buyers strongly. Don't for- get country taxes and country air only 8 minutes walk from the four gdorners. Houses and lots for sale. Sensible restrictions, Beautiful side- walks run right into town, Splendid tf. | Pigher St, 38-0 Automobiles For Shle FORD TRUOK FOR SALE: APPLY "t R. C. Henry & Co. 2 ¢! FOR SALE--A GRAY-DORT MOTOR car in first class condition," will sell cheap if sold at once. Apply 386 | King Street Bast, 'phone 594). % -C FOR. SAL TE -- ONE TON FORD truck. Apply 190 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 47. 40-1 Work Wanted MIDDLE AGED LADY WANTS PO- sition as housekeeper in gentleman's home or to care for aged pair or lady. References if required. 74 L A 15 A old, wants position as nurse girl. Ap- ply 167 Olive Ave, 40-a NOTIOR Local Union of Carpenters, No, 2209, meéts every second and fourth Tuesday in K. P. Hall, over Burns' shoe store. Members from cutside points please report to the Secretary, Dp. Stretton, 54 Albert Street, ie 39-July3l dsphalt road gives fast tra ta- tion for automobiles, rigs and bicy- eles, The Oshawa House and Land Com- ny H. A. butt, Pres, 88 Simcoe N, Phones 464J., 464W,, 08W, LoTs FOR SALE -- GREAT, BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard, Cheap, with reasonable restrictions, Water, sewer, and sidewalk. Apply Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East, Office phone 1282, t.f, LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT, BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer, and sidewalk. Apply Russel Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East, Office phone 1232, t.f. Houses For Sale FOR SALE 6 ROOM BRICK house, All conveniences. Hardwood floors. Possession in 30 days. Terms reasonable. Apply at 44435 Simcoe St. South. Li FOR SALE 6 ROOM FRAME honse with conveniences, Lot 40 ft. by 225 ft. Fruit trees of all kinds. Terms reasonable, Apply at 444% Simcoe Street South. 37-t.1. FOR SALE 7 ROOM FRAME house. Centrally located. With con- veniences, Garage for 2 cars. Pos- session in 30 days. Terms reasonable, Apply at 444% Simcoe St. 8. 37-tf. rug, 12 x 12, new, $22.50; Kitchen cupboard, $4; side table, $1.50. Every item a bargain. Apply 14 Bond St. West. 40a ___ Help Wanted--Male MAKE MON] MONEY AT HO AT HOME -- "$15 / TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instryet and supply you with work. - esb Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bidg., Toronto. 834.1 MEN WANTED TO CANVASS FROM house 'to house. Good commission. Apply Ed. Kelly, 27 Hall St. 40-a A Good Steak or Roast you like to have with your din- ner, and if you erder it at ! Atkinson's you will positively make no mistake. Our meats are all carefully selected by us for quality, and every custom- er gets the benefit. No inferior cuts here. W. ATKINSON 12Church St. - Phone 938 AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You ean sell in country, town or city. We grow and sell the best only and want reliable, energetic agents for utirep- resented territories. Write now. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y Help Wanted--Female GIRL WANTED FOR OFFICE, ONE with typewriting experience prefer- red. Apply Fittings, Limited. 40-a COOK GENERAL--NO STAIRS work, willing to leave town for Aug- ust. Apply 224 King St. West. Phone 503. y 40-c WANTED--A GIRL TO CLERK IN grocery store. State experience and wages expected, Apply to Box "V", Reformer. 39-¢ WANTED--EXPERIENCED GEN- eral and a laundress for two days of each week. Apply 221 Simeoe St. North, or P.O. Box 243. 39H Lost and Found LOST -- ON TUESDAY EVENING A brown club bag with the imitials "C.M.C.L." Finder kindly return fo the Police Station. 40-a Toronto Globe: If the ills of South- ern Ireland need a little rough sur- ery, it is better that Irishmen them- selves should perform the operation. Storage RNITURE BTORED IN CLEAN or huan: Diy Drone 553. phone" 5523, nighr Areva Rit on-t.L. Patents AND MAYBEE, KENT RIDOUT four in an afternoon in the Northern Town. "Ted" is surely setting the pace in the C.O.BL. ¥ thoroughly from top to bottom is what happens to your gar- ments when sent to ms. Dry cleaning is an art with us and we employ a process that has given exceptional satisfaction since our first venture in the business. A trial will convince you. PARKER'S REPAIBERS 36 King St. W, Dominion Stores Limited WATER RATES Water rates may be paid at either the Dominion Bank or the Water Works Office. F. E. HARE, Sec. Water Commissi oy y A . tic neer WiLL, BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Wh Stogk, a. epecialty. oobi Bowmanville. ¥. Leyeque is operiing a shoe mak- ing and shoe repairing shop at 8 Phene Bond St. W. Hand made boots a 124-6mos specialty, 38-¢ --A young man with a good fair education to learn business part of the bread business, Apply in own hand writing or personally, at D. M. Tod's Office Cor. Bond and Church Sts. v (40a) 39-b WAR VETERAN TWITH gid CASE Robt. Gill, Who /ho Fought in Boer War and Burmah Says Tanlac Overcame His and Actually Built Him Up from 98 ta 148 Pounds in Weight "It was the best thing I ever did in my life when I began taking Tan- lac," declares Robert Gill, 1173 Dundas 8t.,, West, Toronto, Ont,, a well-known tailor and veteran of the Boer War and Burmah Campaign in India. * "I chad suffered with rheumatism for three years and had pains in my limbs, joints and back, in fact, all through my body, and even my bones seemed to ache to the very marrow, My kidneys worried me a great deal and my stomach got out of order and I hardly knew what sleep was, I had no mind to eat or work, lost weight until I actually didn't weigh ! but ninety-eight pounds, and was just "a physical wreck. | "When I got hold of Tanlac, I star- | ted picking up, and now, it's an hon- est fact, it has knocked my troubles | sky high. I actually weigh one hun- dred and forty-eight pounds and don't remember when I was in better health. Tanlac is a world beater." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. To-Night Friday Saturday Matinee and Night 2---BIG SHOWS:--2 FOR ONE ADMISSION Pictures 7,15 to 8,15 "Fishing Time"'--'"Custard's Last Stand" A Few Minutes to Wait and Then THE MILTON-ST. CLAIR PLAYERS PRESENT "A Terrible Tangle" A LAUGH A SCREAM A gi MARTIN T-H-E-A-T-R-E The coolest town spot in Special Matinee for the Kiddies FRIDAY NIGHT TEUR SATURDAY 10c 25¢ 35¢ 2 BIG SHOW SHOWS--2 FOR ONE ADMISSION Next Monday--Tuesday--Wednesday--*'A Country Boob" - ZINC JAR RINGS FOR JARS ¥ PARA WAX 15¢ 1 Ib. pkg. RUBBER RINGS Po BEST PASTRY FLOUR $1.05 24.1b. bag Black or Mixed 49¢ Ib. | | SUGAR 20 Ib. Cotton Spesial Blend | | $7.65 Brick Brick Brick Have you ordered Brick for that mew house? If not see or phone the Argue-McLaughlin Coal Co. Agents for the INTERPROVINCIAL BRICK CO. Brick Always On Hand 110 King Street W. Se ARTE RR MTT FR a ae 4 1 Phone 1246 July 6--Adg. 6