Ng » f Sporting Ne ------ ---- w Oshawa Golf Course Praised! Secretary of Canadian Golf Asso- ciation Writes in Magazine Praising It Oshawa's golf course is rapidly be- coming known as one of the fines! in the Dominion and prominent €an- adian golfers frequently visit Oshawa for the purpose of enjoying games over the local course, Mr, B. L. An- derson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Royal Canadian Golf Association writes the "Canadian Golfer" as fol- lows: "I spent a week-end at Oshawa recently at the Oshawa Golf Club, and had the pleasure of playing over the new holes in connection with the extension of their course, and I know you will be interested to hear that with the addition of these holes, this will make the course one of the most difficult 18 hole courses in the Dominion, "These holes begin with the 7th, which is a long hole, with a very nar- row fairway, driving over a river immediately in front of the tee. It requires a 190 yard carry to get to a slight plateau or level piece of turf which gives yon a full brassie shot to the green, the boundary fence be- ing on the right and the woods and river to the left. The green is very beautifully set in a bank nearly sur- rounded by trees. This hole might be shortened up a little to advant- age, The 8th, a slight dog's leg, re- quires another 190 yard carry to get on high ground, giving you a reason- able mashie shot to the green, which is on the top of a hill between the woods and boundary fence, which requires a well placed shot, The 9th is a real dog's leg, requiring a good 200 yard drive in order to get around the corner toward the green, which then becomés a mashie shot to eo beautiful green again surrounded by trees. The three greens referred to are beautiful rolling turf. The 10th is a mashie shot over the river to a level green, with boundary fence at the back and at the side. The 11th is a drive up the river with a 170 yard carry, then a full mashie or Jigger to a beautiful green. The 12th is again a drive across the river, re- quiring a mashie shot to the green with another background of trees The old 7th hole now becomes the 13th. ' On account of the narrow fairways on these new holes and the natural hazards, this, in my opinion is going to be one of the most difficult and at the same time one of the most beauti- ful courses in the country." ¥ "Hosiery Town Made Sport Comment The schedule committee of the Central Ontario League have arrang- ed dates for a number of postponed games with hopes being entertained for winding up the first half of the league not later than July 15, The deciding games will be played thie week and next and if there are any unplayed games after that date they will not be played unless they have a hearing on the championship. Postponed! games of July 1st, with the exception of the Oshawa-Port Hope game which was played Wednes- day, have been ordered as follows: Lindsay at Bowmanville, Monday July 10 at 6 o'clock; Cobourg at Pe- terboro, Wednesday July 12. The Lindsay-Coboury postponed game of Saturday, June 17, will be played at Cobourg on Saturday, July 16. The second section will start the third week in July. "Treat 'em rough' is the watch- word of the Oshawa artillery. They gave a fitting demonstration down in Port Hope yesterday pounding the sphere for twenty-two safe clouts including innumerable extra base wallops. When those Oshawa slug- gers get their eye on the ball, trou- ble is brewing for some one. Every man on the Oshawa team helped him- self to at least one safe hit and when the next issue of batting aver- ages is announced it would not he surprising to see some over hitting over the 1000 mark. Port Hope Guide:--There were all kinds of surprises in the Central League yesterday and had Port Hope defeated Oshawa, the surprise list would have been complete. But from the exhibition of yesterday we won't beat many teams. When an error occurs it appears to be the signal for the whole team to go up and they stayed up long enough in one innings te allow Oshawa to score nine runs. Three pitchers were used in an effort to stop the slaughter, but manager Rowden was the only one to make any showing against the visitor's hard hitting team. Up to this time they had bumped the ball to the four corners of the field and it was a regular procession around the bases. Port Hope Guide: --There's a sad- ness in Cobourg today and the wise ones are still busy trying to figure out just how it happened. The score was 11 to 6 and Leaside had the 11. It was pleasing news for Oshawa following their victory over Port Hope. Joe Welsh, the fat and hand some president, with the big smile and the warm handshake, was a: tickled as the kiddies when they had Lindsay Team Work heard about passing the examina- tions. Joe is a real good sport and |.while it is only natural that he likes to see his home team win, and still he always wants to win right on the Wedpesday afternoon by the score of | square. 3 to 1 at Lindsay. The visitors put up a fine argument, their young pitcher, Somerville, turning in a great game. He bad good support, and not an earned run was red off him. In the seventh, Chambers relieved Som- erville, and was batter for two safe hits and two runs. For the Grey- birds, Ouelette twirled a great game, .baving fourteen strike-outs. The game throughout was snappy, with good fielding features. Local Golfers Break Even In Peterboro' Tourney After motoring all the way to Peterboro' Wednesday morning and playing over a comparatively strange course, a party of Oshawa golfers managed to break even with their Peterboro opponents, each * team capturing eight games while two were tied. The Oshawa men arrived in Peterboro in time t oplay over Some seven or eight holes before lunch, which was served at the the tournament which occupied the afternoon Mr. Robert Henderson, of Oshawa, was successful in capturing of cigars which was offered best gross score. Mr. Hen- cover the 18 holes in 72. lowest score ever made on the 4 5 HH | course. The scores for the day's play were: 0 R. Henderson 1G. Jacoh i § enuomntonfu sane bf ; B hele dt i LL i Al : me Hi masmosetueFoommuman | Eng EP OOD HH | D I i AN ie ily Oshawa | ¢rength. Peterboro. have protested the Belleville game of Wednesday last when the two teams played a 3 to 3 tie in ten innings at Riverside Park, on account of an alleged bad decision of the umpire. If Peterboro wins the 'protest they will claim the game otherwise it will be replayed. The postponed game between Bow- manville and Port Hope at Port Hope has been arranged for Satur- day, July 15. : Umpires for today's games are: Oshawa--Kay and Rosevear; Lea- side--Gloster and Wilson; Rowman- ville--Boundy and Barnes. Judge: Willis--Didn't your wife bawl you out last might when she woke up when you came home? Gillis--No; I fooled her. I stood in the hall an hour, delivered a lecture on "Civic Righteousness," told a bed- time story, and sang three grand op era selections, and she thought she had forgotten to turn off the radio. The real trouble with life is just the same as with a time-table--by the time a mam has figured it out, the train jis gone.--Parkerburg News. A sensational character, much excite- ment was provided, and right from the outset it could be moticed that the two teams were of almost equal Prior to the game Bow- manville were leading the eastern section because of having played Today's Game Is Important Cobourg Hooks Up With Locals This Afternoon--Gallagher And Derry to Pitch The first real test for the Oshawa Central League Baseball team will be staged at Alexandra Park this afternoon when Cobourg will be here itor the deciding game for the cham- pionship of the first half of the sche- dule. The oppoging pitchers will he Derry for Cobourg and 'Teddy' Gal- lagher for Oshawa, With both of \them at top form, this game should easily be the sensation of the season. The Ferry Town were off color again- st Leaside last Wednesday and Piper, who started in the box, was hit hard but Derry, the Easterner's star twirl- er will to-day do the hurling fqr Dick Turpin's would-be champions. Both teams need a victory in the } worst way, It Cobourg loses they will be out of the running and if Osh- meet defeat Bert Booth's hustlers still have a chance, although they have no more games to play. In that case some of the other teams will have to be good enough to trim the Greybirds and the Derry-Tyson com- bination, The race is the closest in the history of the league and despitc the several blow-ups of the majorit: of teams it has been an exciting onc Leaside's victory at Cobourg came 2. somewhat of a surprise but that To ronto team 'will bear watching in the second section. '"'Lefty' McGuire, their star pitcher, is becoming fast- er every game he plays and he wil soon be in the same class as Oulette Heckman and others. The schedule for the second hal! has not been drafted as yet but it i: likely the committee will get to worl some day next week. Throughout the second section the eight teams will experienced in the first half, Although this year it is Lindsay's turn to claim the C.0.B.L, champion Must Define Territory for __ + City Teams Aimed Directly at Leaside--Must Have Uniform Residence Rule 1% The Ontario Amateur Baseball As- sociation held an important meeting in Toronto Wedndsday evening. Mat! ters of interest locally as well as matters that will have a local effect were dealt with. It was pointed out that owing to the fact that players resident in Toronto are playing with Leagues adjacent to Toronto, the question of defining a territory for the T. A.B.A. and the B.A.B.A. is a matter that will have to be taken up at the next meeting of the executive. This refers directly to the Leaside team in the Central League, which is drawing its players from the city of Toronto where the greater number are actually living. A strict ruling should be made in that case. One Residence Rule The question of the residence rule was also dealt with at some length and it was decided to have this mat- ter dealt with more fully at the next full meeting of the Executive. It was the unanimous feeling of the members of the subcommittee that the residence rule of every League attached to the O.B.A.A. should be the same as the residence rule of the Association and that it should be brought into effect next year. [It is not unlikely that a special meet- ing will be called in the fall to deal with this matter. At present every League has its own residence rule and very few coincide with that of the Association. Owing to the trouble that has been experienced in the past and already this year no téam affiliated with the 0.B.A.A. will be allowed to play with any team not affiliated. Cobourg Fan Is Dissatisfied At Umpire's Work Says Toronto Official Ought To Handle Leaside Games Despite the fact that Umpire Me- Donald, of Toronto, has officiated in seven games in which Leaside have taken part in the Central League this year, a Cobourg baseball fan, who desires fair play only, is begin- ning to wonder way a Toronto um- pire can officiate when a Torontc team is playing. In other words he is criticizing the schedule committee of the league for allowing McDonald to umpire the Cobourg-Leaside game in Cobourg last Wednesday, Thi: game was the seventh Leaside game for McDonald and until Wednesday no complaints had been made con cerning his work. Donald was one of the umpires ap- pointed for that game and the Ferry Town won but no criticism was forth- coming from Dick Turpin's Wednesday's contest was a much dif- ferent story and the fact was umpiring gave that Cobourg fan an idea. In a letter to the Editor following: "Dear Sir: bourg baseball know: can umpire a game when a Toronto team is playing? ronto, umpired here Wednesday and gave the most weird exhibition eve: seen in Cobourg. He motored fron Toronto with the team, and was ab sclutely rotten all the way throug! the game. Kay in Peterboro; Rosevear umpires in Port Hope. Barnes never umpire A few fan would like to Boundy o: in Cobourg It's Different A Substitute Will Disappoint --it does not rub off or soil the clothes. 'NUGGET White Cleaner You | the outfit, If antee you | - |. LOOK HERE! MEN! "i Something Different! A Complete New Outfit of tailored-to-measure suit, cap, shirt and boots, for only | $22.50 or $25.50 Think of it! Only $22.50 or $25.50 for complete Three Payments Satisfaction Guaranteed We have no "cheap" goods. We make your suit from your choice of a big assort- ment of woollen materials in a large range of patterns--any ored to your thorme made--black or brown, broad or pointed toe. Cap and shit are best quality and sure to please. See the Samples -- That's All We Ask Call at one of the stores listed below, or phone or write and our salesman will come to you--and remember. from head to foot! You Wish! wish and tail- style you The boot are Haw- sure. --awe guar- complete CANADA Re get very little rest and a more stren- | uous time may be expected than wa: | When Cobourg visited Leaside Me-| ship, other teams are in there fight- ing hard, including Oshawa and with the first half title practically within the grasp of the locals, Bert Booth's artists have every chance of walk- ing away with their seeond cham- pionship in two years. Final Bowling Game Unlikely It is unlikely that the final be- tween D, A. J. Swanson's rink and H. P. Rogevear's rink of Port Hope, Jor the Eaton Cup---the Consolation trophy in the Oshawa bowling tour- nament--will be played, The hour heing late when the second semi-final match was commenced Wednesday evening, H. P. Rosevear, who quali- fied for the final decided not to wait but accepted the prizes for the run- ners-up and the Eaton Cup together, while the second prizes are being held by Mr. Swanson's rink. The | first prizes consisted of fruit stands | while the second prizes were Pyrex silver pie plates. Mr. Swanson"s rink | is composed of A, Walton, L. Steven- son, Sam Woods and D. A, J. Swan- son. | OF COURSE | She--John, do you believe in long engagements? He--S8ure, why shouldn't a young couple be happy as long as they can? --Film Fun, as they please. Now Mr. President {of the Central League, we want tc Igive you fair warning that the base all fans of Cobourg will not stand Not for a Toronto umpire having any thing to do with a game when Co {bourg is playing in Leaside or Lea- Iside is playing in Cobourg, and as for this umpire McDonald, it would be just as well for him to stay away from Cobourg altogether. Mr. Editor I am not connected with the Cobourg baseball team in any way, only I dc like fair play. Just one of the Co bourg fans." =-------------------- Rowden Makes Perfect Score At the Gun Club Making a perfect score out of 25 birds, Frank Rowden won the dis: tinction of being the third member of the Oshawa Gun Club who has ac- complished that feat, at a twilight shoot held Wednesday evening. Many good scores were made and the members are of the opinion that the early evening is the ideal time to missed only three birds out of 25 in the first squad, the other members began to take notice, Rowden, how- ever, got down to real championship form in the second squad and com- pleted a further 25 birds without a single miss, With 47 broken birds out of 5, Rowden headed the list with "Pop" a close second with 46, The latter also was in rare form with two lots of 23, Dave Stewart finish- (Continued on page 6) shoot during this season of the year, This was only a practice shoot, but on Wednesday evening next, the Club will hold a regular shoot when it is hoped to have a hig turnout of members, Toronto shooters are ex- pected here hefore long and local squads, it is hoped, will be in shape to meet them, Rowden Equals Record Frank Rowden's new gun was working in fine style and when he Exi10¢ BATTERIES Begin Auto Supply Co., Ltd. Cnr. Bruce and Celina Sts, Oshawa. - camp. | McDonald | of the Cobourg World he writes as { things a Co-| How is it a Toronto umpirc | McDonald, of To- | You never heard tell o | never | but the old Hog Town, Toronto, can | come in, and the first year do just | MACDONALD'S (reg 4 & vir Depend on KingGeorge'sNavy-- It's guaranteed to be the finest chewing tobacco made--and if is! You can bank on that! what's more And --at the new low price of two plugs for 25cts.-- it's a value you can't equal !