" OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 CES TORN TO SHREDS For FINAL DAYS of ¥ OHNSTON Greatest Semi-Annual Sale BOYS' WASH SUITS "SUCCESS HAS CROWNED OUR EFFORTS" | 2ovszsioomersurs Any Suit nti ore: values | has been one of the most successful sales put on by this Store Hundreds of customers Made in Fine Grey Check up to $5. I been thoroughly satisfied. Our stock has been greatly reduced. We now find many | Tweed, sizes 27 to 36. OUT THEY GO | and ends throughout the stock. These we are reducing still lower and for the final of this Sale we offer still greater reductions. $1 98| | "DON'T MISS IT! YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO" $9.95 I Suit and Extra Bloomer | NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT SUIT---DON'T WAIT ANOTHER DAY MEN'S Men's Suits Men's Serge Suits Men's Suits Men's Blue Grey 20-- SUIT S--20 This lot of a val- Made from " wool Irish Serge Suits Wonderful Values ues in fine tweeds, homespuns Serge, best tailoring and Our best lines of Men's Tweed For the remaining days of Broken: Lines and -Worsteds Not all sizes trimming. Single and double and Worsted Suits, in any the sale we will continue our Assorted Patterns in each line, but all sizes in breasted models. pattern, color or style. Reg. special offer of any of our ' alues to 100 bést Blue and Grey Serge Regular up to $25.00 the lot. Sizes 36 to 44. Regular $35.00 Yauer $0 Suits. Regular up to $42.50 $24.75 $35.00 TTT OF THE®*DAYS WHEN, GRANULATED SUGAR FOR 98¢" Men and Boys Boys' . THE PRICES FOR THE FINAL DAYS Best Quality Serge Suits OF THIS SALE WILL LINGER IN YOUR Suits MARS COLLARS Pp Wool G MEMORY FOR A LONG TIME. THE Pls ; : 3 biden ure ool, uaranteed egular values up to a 10 15 Color. $16.50 values for VALUES ARE RED HOT. $18.50. Any Soe. sizes 14 to 1 $10.95 SO DON'T MISS IT | $12.95 BOY'S 2 IN 1 HEAVY ribbed Black Cotton Hose, =") Timid Methods Take A Tumble Here It Must Be Right or Your r Beye Cutten Jersey Suit Brown, Blue, Cardinal and White. Sizes 2 to 6 Years. Reg. $1.95 for DON'T MISS IT LI OL AWINH Clothing - FED IEIING $5" KPI» J. Losi widings ee - OSHAWA - WHITBY - BOWMANVILLE . -