Tr ---------------- News of Nearby Places ENFIELD Miss Irene Ashton is home for her i\.idays from Toronto, Miss Hilda Mackey, Brooklin, at L. C. Pascoe's, Miss Bessie Pascoe is visiting at Brooklin, Miss Alberta Page is home from the United States. Mr. Tonkin" of Bowmanville, preached here last Sunday. Mrs. W. Ormiston, Miss Nellie Ormiston and Mrs, Moffat, Columbus, at Messrs, Fred and Will Smith's, Mr, Stephen Page is under the doc- tor's care..... NORTH OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were in Bow- manville on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins of Whithy, formerly of North Oshawa, spent Fri- day here, Miss Eileen Scott and Master Ger- ald spent a few days with there aunt Mrs, Will Huggins Church St. The Unity Club held their picnic at Lakeview Park Saturday. Everybody enjoyed a good time, A number from here spent the 12th July in Lindsay, and report a good time, Mrs, Hall was in Toronto on Wed- nesday visiting her husband, who is improving nicely and expects to be home soon, Miss Francis Barrett has returned home after a pleasant week's visit in Port Hope. Remember the North Oshawa 8.8. picnic to be held in Dennis's grove Saturday July 22nd, north of C.N.R. Bring your baskets and join the happy crowd. Mr. Dan Jacks is still on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. The services were taken Sunday evening by a number from the Salva- tion Army. Mr. C. Bailey opened the service, Mr, Crawford lead in pray- ers, Mrs, Coedy read the lesson from the 1st Chapter of John while the collection was taken Mr, Coedy sang a solo that was very much enjoyed by all, Mr, Myers gave his testimony and Mr, Balley gave a fine address. Mr, Myers will take the services next Sunday evening. Mr, Myers is an excellent speaker and we hope to see a full house next Sunday. Mrs, Alex Garrow spent Sunday in Cedar Dale with her mother Mrs. Brant. : ; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vallant, of Whitby, spent Sunday at William Glover's, Messrs. Norman and Walter Gil- to clear at reg. $6.95 and Khaki; reg. $1.75 clear at 20 doz. Men's Sport Shirts, reg. $2.25 Men's Athletic Underwear, reg. $1.35 15 doz. Men's Knitwell & Penman's Combination Underwear; reg. $1.95 25 Boys' Suits, Wool and Cotton Tweeds, in a good selection of Brown and Grey Mixtures; reg. Men's Grey Suits and Blue Serges, guaranteed not to fade; reg. $37.50; to clear at Boots to clear at 15 Only, Men's Grey Suits, specially tailored; reg. 100 pairs Boys' $23.50; to clear at 15 doz. Union made Men's Overalls; reg. $2.25 .... Men's Khaki Comb. Overalls; Men's and Young Men's Gabardine Caps, all shades; reg. $2.25 Also Big Specials for Friday and Saturday in Boys' Jerseys, Knickers, Bloomers, and First Long Pants Dominion Clothing Co. Phone 1151J | Week End Specials 100 pairs Men's Black and Brown Boots, reg. $5.50; 75 pairs Men's Oxfords, narrow and square toes; 20 Doz. Men's Work Shirts, made of heavy Duck 10 doz. Men's Raw Silk and Striped Silk Shirts; reg. reg. $3.95 solute Diec! Come in and examine it when you are in town. We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence any» we J. V. HILL, OSHAWA, ONT. Phut the berries seem to be scarce bert, Charlie Lee, and Arthur Wray with Mr. Thos. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hawkins spent Sunday with Mr. pnd Mrs. Thos. Solomon, WHITEVALE The Women's Institute picnic will be held on Mr, Geo. Burkholder's lawn on Saturday afternoon, July 22, instead of the regular meeting day. A cordial invitation is extended to every woman in the community, Miss Irene Pugh entertained a number of girl friends on Wednes- day last and they had a very enjoy- able time. Miss Hall of Orillia, 1s spending a week with Miss Irene Pugh. Rev. Mr. Howard, of Wheatley, a former pastor of the Baptist Church, accompanied by Mrs, Howard, called on some of his old friends in this community. Miss Lily Gorden visiting her brother, and others, Mrs. Frank Hopkins, of Cleveland, Ohio, is renewing old acquaintances, it being forty-two years since she was a resident of this place. Her name formerly was Annie Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKay and family spent the week-end at his par- ents, motoring out from the city, ac- companied by the Misses McKay, who have been visiting in Toronto the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs, Wol- phine Tompson, spent Sunday with W. H. Major. The cherries have been plentiful of the city, is Mr. E. Gorden, in this vicinity looking dry. Monday's Globe chronicles the death of Mrs, Ben Madill. She was the daughter of the late James and Elizabeth Pugh White, having been born at the old White home here. Her eldest son is a teacher in Peterboro's Normal School. There are two other sons near Tillsonburg. Also her hus- band is left to mourn her loss. Arthur Collins, a former teacher of Green River, passed away in Tor- onto during the week. His wife, Lil- lie Hoover, in her childhood days was a pupil of our village school. She has our sympathy in her bereave- ment, Mr. W. J. Turner's class and others of the Baptist Sunday School, are in- tending to motor out to Scugog Is- land Thursday for their annual pienie. THORNTON'S CORNERS The raspberries are reported to be a light crop in most places this year. The open winter was hard on the plants, Miss Lena Lofthouse friends in Toronto. Mrs. J. F. Mould, of Orillia, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. F. French. The recent showers were a great benefit to gardens and berries. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bailey of Toronto, visited this week at Mr. Jas. Luke's. Misses Ruby and Evelyn Calhoun, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with their sister, Mrs. E. Bagg. Mr. Kenneth Bayes, of Toronto, visited this week at Mr. J. Luke's. The Sunday School picnic will be held at Corbett's Point, Thursday, July 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallis and fam- ily have our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement. Congratulations to all our entrance pupils and teacher, Miss Jean Calder, on their success on the recent exams. The meeting of East Whitby Coun- cil and ratepayers last week decided not to drain the road near the school as it is not necessary. The pasture along the Toronto Eastern line is going to seed. It will soon be a wilderness of many kinds of weeds. Mr. Edward Pascoe is visiting at his son's, Mr. O. Pascoe's, at Al- monds. Rev. Mr. Cotton, of the Christian Church, Oshawa, will be present and deliver an address in the Sunday School next Sunday afternoon, July 23rd. A large attendance is looked for. Miss Palmer of Trenton, is engaged to teach the school for the coming term. The following are our successful candidates on Entracce Exams.: Jas. Lewington (hon.),. Marion Thompson, Clarence Luke, Walter Buss and Herman Scott. There were no failures. MYRTLE Motorists beware--a traffic cop has been noticed patrolling this road. It is high time too, as many drivers evi- dently mistake the sign "Speed limit 20 miles per hour" for "This is a good road for speeding' and there are many and gardens are is visiting 41 SIMCOE Oshawa CASH Grocery Not Special, But Our Regular Price ON ST. NORTH Fruit Wine Pints Wine Quarts Imperial Quarts Zine Glass Covers Wine 2 Quarts - Imperial Pints - Rings - . - Rubber Rings 8c a doz. 2 Jars $1.15 doz. $1.25 doz. $1.70 doz. $1.30 doz. $1.65 doz. 25¢ doz. for 15¢ 25¢ doz. W. J. Harlow, Prop. near idents in quence. Mrs. Wm. Hoar has returned from visiting her daughter mear Chicago. Mr. Murray Tarves motored down from Lions Head with his family and they are spending the vacation with his parents here. Mrs. Dake, of Toronto, has decided to remain here for the summer and is making her home with Mrs. Frank Briggs. Miss L. Slaughter and Miss M. Me- Cleary returned to the city on Sunday after visiting with Mrs. Park for a couple of weeks. motored to Utica and spent Sunday, --_------ r---- ----_--~ -- Brooklin, and Ruby Cooke, Myrtle (equal), (High Pass)--Betty Donnelly, Myrtle, and Morgan Rowland, Brook- lin (equal), : Introductory (1st Class Honors) -- . Kenneth Headen, Columbus; (han- ors) Jessie Herron, Myrtle; Levi Arksey, Brooklin, " (High Pass)--Florence Grills, Co- lumbus. Theory Primary Rudiments-- (1st Class Honors)--Blanche Cooke, Myrtle. Marks obtained 95. COLUMBUS Miss Orchard, of Enniskillen, has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, Fred Hedden, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Ashton visited friends in Markham on Sunday last. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, held their monthly meeting at Mrs, C. Hayes', Services in the Methodist Church will be held at 7.30 p.m, on Sunday next. Rev, Mr, Latimer delivered his first sermon on Sunday evening last in the Methodist Church, and was highly appreciated by all, We are sorry to report the sudden illness of Mr. Thos, Stabeck, who is very low at time of writing. Mr. McVicker, of Toronto, of the Department of Highways, called on the Reeve and Clerk on special busi- ness this week. Haying season is nearly over and the farmers are quite pleased with the results of their labor and are now commencing to cut their fall wheat and alsike clover seed. They report a good average crop. Visitors over the week end: Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Ellins, of Toronto, at his brother's, W, L. Ellins, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, of Tod- morden, at Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. March- ington's, The congregation of the Method- ist Church is exceedingly sorry to lose the services of Rev, Chas. Adams, who has won the friendship and esteem of every one who has been enjoying the privilege of listen- ing to his pulpit ministrations the past two years. Owing to {11 health he is compelled to retire from the min- istry for at least one year. Though not physically fit for his duty in the past year yet he has not slackened his pace. TYRONE Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa, vis- ited at home. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and son John visited at Mr. Raymond Davey's. Mr. Allan Annis, B.A., and Miss E. Neff, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis. Master Leslie Russel has come from Toronto to spend the summer with Master Ted Woodyard dt Mr. Halfacres. Mr. and Mrs. Aikins, Billy and Norman, Miss M. Dexter and F. Piken, all of Toronto, were guests at Mr. Wm. Halfacre's. Mrs. M. J. Werry was called to Oshawa last week on account of the serious illness of her mother. All present enjoyed the W.M.S. quilting and six quilts were quilted. Further donations will be appreciat- ed as the ladies are sending a bale to Miss Jackson's mission. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mrs. F. G. Byam, Mrs. A. E. Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. John Percy, Mrs. L. A. Toole, of Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Wesley Clemens. Miss Ethel Skinner, of Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. Levi Skinner's. Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Miss Elleanor and Master Brent, of Haileybury, are holidaying at Mr. Wm. Brent's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hudson of Peterboro, visited his father, Mr. Nelson Hudson. Sadness was felt when it was known that Mr. Chas. Hooper of Tor- onto, had passed away. Our heart- felt sympathy to his beloved wife and members of the family. The funeral at church was largely at- tended and was conducted by Rev. T. W. Wickett and Rev. A. McLaugh- lin, of Pontypool. Among those at- tending the funeral were, Miss Marg- aret and Mr. V. H. Hooper, and Mr. J. H. McPeeters, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Heard, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heard, of Whitby: Mrs. Geo. Sanderson, Ascola, Sask.: Mr. C. R. May, Windsor, Mr. Morton and Orton Goard of Little Britain; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann, of Salem. Sympathy is also expressed to Miss Velma Staples in the loss of her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Laura Staples, widow of John Staples. The funeral at church was largely at- tended on Tuesday. BETHESDA Master Roy Oleson has come down from London and is spending the summer holidays at his father's farm. Master Ted Wilson has been spend- ing a few days with his auntie, Mrs. Howard Couch. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Misses Florence and Alice, attended the annual Werry Picnic held at the Philp homestead, Cartwright, and report a splendid gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wight, Black- stock, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii. Werry. Mrs. Johns and Master Ralpld Misses Theoda and Winnifred Cole, and Mr. J. R. R. Cole motored to Thornhill on Sunday and visited Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Johns. Miss Rhena Westington, Plain- ville, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Silas RAGLAN 'The following is the report, in order of merit, of promotion examinations, 1922, for 8.8. No. 9, East Whitby: Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.--Lloyd Thompson (honors), Madeline Vallant. Sr. IIL. to Jr. IV.--Irene Barker ] - Jr. HL to Sr. II.--Jla Wilson. Sr. IL to Jr. IIL.--Reta Bray (hon- ors), Gordon Barker (honors), Arth- . {ur Ormiston (honors). Jr. 11. to Sr. Il.--Jean Thompson (honors), Violet Thompson. Mildred I. Somerville, teacher. Mrs. May has returned to her home er PAGE SEVEN of weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Wm, Kellington. Mr. and Mrs. F. Seldon, Whitby, visited at J. Reeson's, and J. E, Not- tingham's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, M. Hodgson and family of Oshawa, and Mrs. McCullough, of Montreal, spent Sunday at Wm, Hodg- son's, A number from here motored to Lindsay and attended the Orange cele- bration last Wednesday, Mr, Walter Rahm and Miss Loverne Griffin, Enniskillen, were guests of Miss Irene Vallant on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Finley and daughter, Worothy, Toronto, are spending their vacation with the latter's mother, Mrs, ray. Mr, and Mrs, Ladesieor and daugh- ter, Margaret, and Miss Wilma Bur- nett, Oshawa, visited at J, H. Plat- ten's on Sunday. Miss Edna Thompson, Toronto, visit- ed at D, Thompson's recently, The annual Sunday school picnic which was postponed because of the rain on July 1st, will be held Satur day of this week in the usual place, Mr. Harnden's grove, Miss Mona McCullough, Montreal spent a few days at Wm. Brent's re cently, ee -------- Turkey's harem attendants are on strike, Women are harder to manage everywhere these days.--Toronto Tele- gram, Dinner Is Doubly Welcome when the meat ig good and well cooked. We can guarantee the goodness and tenderness of our meats; you will take care of the cooking. Try a choice cut of our prime Beef for dinner to-night, and please the hungry mouths. W. ATKINSON Cetarrbal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local plications, as they cannot seased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu- tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is imperfect hearing, and when it is entire. 4 closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your Dsarin may be destroyed forever. mation and restoring normal condi. tions Circulars free. All Druggists, ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Toran: Oblo, HERE'S FROM AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH A former Canadian Minister of Finance in his Disappearing Propeller Boat ON'T you agree that the folks who own a motor boat are the ones who get the best fun out of their vacation spent by the water? And this is just the ideal boat. In ddition to its fi d de- vice--sutomatically raising the pro- safety--these boats have raceful y are sre beautiful boats with lines and elegant fittings. built--strong and They are scientifically and safely built--with propeller in midships, stabilising the boat end adding to its speed. Their value is possible because we specialize in three models only and have immense production. 8 your vace- Over 600 in wae on the Muskoka Lakes CE Eee LE BOATS DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT Co.Ltd = 92 King St. W., Torente, Ont. U.S.A., Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. b Shows Or our mow Mandsomely illustrated folder will give you an adequate idea of their splendid con- struction and wonderful value. Wehaveslsos ry Ser th first at a priev Write to-day. 4 Here's to the girls, God bless 'em, no matter how they dress 'em.--Bos- ton Shoe and Leather Reporter, But then anthracite coal always was hard coal to get.--Kincardine Review, that mother was right.--Toronto Tele- gram, It's a national disgrace fhe way some women neglect the lawn while their husbands are on vacation,-- FF cid iin i bol, ur I inflamed you have a rumbling sound or | CATARRH MEDICINE acts | through the blood on the mucous sur- | faces of the system, thus reducing the in. Atchison Globe, Other things may be scarce. But there is always enough castor oll, smallpox and trouble to go around.-- Arkansas Thomas Cat, Some men are sane and others thought Delorme would not he pro- nounced ingane--Kincardine Review, About this time, any number of June brides incline to the opinion 4 4 - Y Westminster ¥) The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres, Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven fence. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.50 ; double room, with bath, $4.00. Breakfast, 60c. to 76c. Luncheon, 66c. Dinner, $1.00. Free taxi service from trains and boats, Take ¢ Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet 240 JARVIS STREET . - TORONTO, ONT. DEFERRED RATE TO THE UNITED 1.900 [€90107,5} PER WO FROM ONTARIO QUEBEC NEW BUNSWICK NOVA SCOTIA ROR OR VA SEN SN OY 3 3 OF SRY 0) 2D ON TRANS-ATLANTIC iRAPH MESSAGES T 124 1S.-1S.. Tk FE QUOT PELE H A' I ( NY MARCONI OR C.P.R. FILE AT T RAPH OFFICE A EL i" mT INI tL pp "ASTORIA SHOES | "Gosh! These All-Leather Astoria Shoes take a purty shine!" = | COTTMcHALE-~ LONDON , ONTARIO S ee 12 North Simcoe | at Goodwood, after spending a couple DONALD'S