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Ontario Reformer, 20 Jul 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIG Foshan Yar ard AA "North of Fifty-three by BERTRAND He rolled away in his car, and Hazel watched him from the window, a trifle puzzled. She recalled Bill's remark at luncheon. In the light of Brooks' -explanation, she could see nothing wrong. On the other hand, she knew Bill Wagstaff was not prone to jump at rash conclusions, If he objected to certain manipula- tions of the Free Gold Mining Com- pany,. his objection was likely to be based on substantial grounds. At any rate, she hoped nothing disagree- able would come of it, So she put the whole matter out of her mind. She dressed, and went whole-heartedly about her own af- fairs, Dinner time was drawing close when she returned home. She sat down by a window that overlooked the street to watch for Bill, Six passed, ' The half-hour chime struck on the mantel clock. Hazel grew im- patient, petulant, aggrieved. Dinner would be served in twenty minutes, Still there was no sign of him, And for lack of other occupation she went into the hall and got the evening paper, which the carrier had just de- livered. A startling headline on the front page stiffened her to scandalized at- tention, Straight across the tops of two columns it ran, a facetious cap- tion: WILLIAM WAGSTAFF IS A BEAR Under that the subhead: Husky Mining Man Tumbles Prices and Brokers. Whips Four Men in Broad Street Office. Slugs An- other on Change, His Mighty Fists Subdue Society's Fin- est, Finally Lands in Jail. The body of the article Hazel read in what a sob sister would describe as a state of mingled emotions, William Wagstaff is a mining gent- leman from the northern wilds of British Columbia. He i8 a big man, a natural born fighter. To prove this he inflicted a black eye and a split lip on Paul Lorimer, a broken nose and sundry bruises on James L. Brooks. Also Allen T. Bray and Ed- ward Gurney Parkinson suffered cer- tain contusions in the melee. The fracas occurred in the office of the Free' Gold Mining Company, 1564 Broad Street, at 3.30 this afternoon. While hammering the brokers a police officer arrived on the scene and Wagstaff was duly escorted to the city bastile. Prior to the general encounter in the Broad Street office Wagstaff walked into the Stock Ext change, and made statements about the Free Gold Mining Company which set all the brokers by the ears. Lorimer was on the floor, and re- ceived his discolored optic there. A reporter was present when Wag- staff walked on the floor of the Stock Exchange. He strode up to the post where Lorimer was trans- acting business. "I serve notice on you right now," he said loudly and angrily, "that if you sell another dollars's worth of Free Gold stock, I'll put you out of business." Lorimer appeared to lose his tem- per. Some word was passed which further incensed Wagstaff, 'He smote the broker and the broker smote the floor. Wagstaff's punch would do credit to a champion pugilist, from the execution it wrought. He im- mediately left the Stock Exchange, and not long afterward Broad Street was electrified by sounds of combat in the Free Gold office. It is conced- ed that Wagstaff had the situation and his three opponents well in hand when the cop arrived. None of the men concerned would discuss the matter. From the re- marks dropped by Wagstaff, however, it appears that the policy of market- "Unconscious for Hours Ina Puddle of Water" "I had a very bad accident last sum- mer," writes Mrs. S. of New Brunswick, 'While out driving my horse swerved suddenly and I paid nothing more shu Irecovered consciousness, sufferin most agonizing pain in ev. rt my body. A doctor was choi apie me and I soon lost consciousness again, Finally I did waken up suffering intense iin and then they told me that I had lain unconscious at the side of the road ina puddle of water for hours before [ was y picked up. . They told me that I had my forearm broken, my 1 dislocated and two ribs fractured a that I was mot 10 be moved for at least.@ morth or six weeks. Being of 20 active athletic build and accustomed 10 a lot of exercise, I soon became "» ] W. SINCLAIR ing Free Gold stock was inaugurat- ed without his knowledge or consent, Be that as it may, all sorts of rum- ors are in circulation, and Free Gold stock, which has been sdld during the past week as high as a dollar forty, found few takers at par when Change closed. There has been a considerable speculative movement in the stock, and the speculators are beginning to wonder If there is a screw loose in the company affairs. Wagstaff's case will come up to- morrow forenoon. A charge of dis- turbing the peace was placed against him. He gave a cash bond and was at once released. When the hearing comes some of the parties to the af- fair may perchance divulge what lay at the bottom of the row. Any fine within the power of the court to impose is a mere bagatelle, compared to the distinction of scien- tifically man-handling four of so- clety's finest in one afternoon. As one bystander remarked in the clas- sic phraseology of the street: '"Wagstaff"s a hear!" The brokers concerned might con- sider this to have a double meaning. Hazel dropped the paper, morti- filed and wrathful. The city jail seemed the very Pit itself to her. And the lurid publicity, the lifted eyebrows of her friends, maddened her in prospect. Plain street brawl- ing, such as one might expect from a cabman or a taxi mahout, not from a man like her husband. She invol- untarily assigned the blame to him. Not for the cause--the cause was of no importance whatever to her --but for the act itself, Their best friends! She could hard- ly realize it, Jimmie Brooks, jovial Jimmie, with a broken nose and sundry bruises! And Paul' Lor- imer, distinguished Paul, who had the courtly bearing which "was the despair of his fellows, and the man- ner of a dozen generations of cul- ture wherewith to charm the women of his acquaintance. He with a black eye and split lip! So the paper stat- ed. It was vulgarg Brutal! The act of a cave man. She was on the verge of tears. And just at that moment the door opened, and in walked Bill, CHAPTER XVI. The Note Discordant, Bill had divested himself of the scowl. He smiled as a man who had solved some knotty problem to his entire satisfaction. Moreover, he bore no mark of conflict, none of the time in Vancouver, reports that the working satisfactorily. LIKES B.C. SYSTEM Woodstock Sentinel-Review,--Hamil- ton's chief of police, who spent some British Columbia method of dealing with the liquor traffic seems to be It yields a good revenue to the province, and he saw no drunkenness among either natives or visitors. Premier Drury, on the other hand, saw nothing in British Columbia to change his pre- ference for prohibition as it is in On- tario. Probably it would be possible to find difference of opinion even among the people of British Columbia, What many people mean by sticking to a principle is simply clinging to a fixed idea, Note the ague in The Hague -- Washington Post, Band Program For Friday Evening The band program for Alexandra Park, Friday, evening by the Regl- mental Band is as folows: 'God Save the King" 1--March, "The Federal Skaggs. 2--Overture, "Enchantress," Dalby. 3--Serenade, "The Old Church Organ," Chambers, 4--Selection, "Bonnie Hare, H--Sextette from "Lucia-di-Lammer- moor," Donizetti, Intermission 6--Fox Trot, "Stumbling," Confrey. 7---8election, "The Bridal Rose," Lavelle, 8--Valse, "When Francis With Me," Violinskli. » 9--Intermezzo, "After Sunset," Pryor. 10--March, "The York Firemen," Crumbling. Wm. Gale, Bandmaster, Guards," Scotland," Dances FOR BEAUTY It is not generally known that ladies who are unable to visit Beauty Specialists can obtain treatment in their own Homes for positively no expense. Dr. Northy Du-Maurier, D.D.,, M.E,, H.A,, the eminent French Skin and Beauty Specialist and = DSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 0 J MAN AND HIS JOB Winnipeg Free Press. --Civilized man today permits the state to have authority over his life. tablished tribunals Properly es- say whether he shall live or die if the point is at No. 5--LAKRE LOUISE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Of all the lakes in a world of lakes, Iiauise is probably the best known and one of the most beautiful, Paint- ers have tried to transfer its beauty to canvass and poets to verse, but hoth have failed to capture all its elusive charm, for it is rarely the same for long. Thousands yearly make a Little Trip to this Little Lake tucked away in- the heart of the big mountains, this 'Little Lake that is the queen of Lakes in the Rockies of the Canadian West, It surely lives up to its ad- vertisement in every particular. How do you reach it? you ask, Via an Imperial Limited Express of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, or it may soon be via aeroplane as well, for already a flying man has made his bird-like passage over the G00 miles of moun tains in a few daylight hours, Landing at Laggan station, a little elecyic car takes the traveller up a winding road and a steep one to the upper level, where the little tarn lies, Who will ever forget the first glimpse of its shimmering surface, faced by towering giants of the Rockies and bordered on* the west by the glacier and mountain ridge of Victoria, It is a noble setting for an incompar- able nature picture. And the beauty of it is that the Lake takes on as many aspects as there are changes in sky or cloud. Every passing wind or shrieking gale alters its face, Moreover, it takes on all graduation of shade, deepening as the twilight comes and darkening the night spreads its sable mantle over an alpine world, World travellers join in the opinion that Louise is the most exquisite | mountain tarn in the world. That is € as 8 \A one. The éye takes in 'a Sweep of scenery that includes an infinite vari- the wild flowers that border the trails to crests up toward the heavens, sty of the Creator's handiwork, from the eternal hills that lift their Other trafls there are that guide issue. about the idea of permitting the state Is there anything revolutionary to have a say about his job and his working conditions? There is violent opposition to the idea, but it might work out pretty well in actual prac- tice, THAT WAS TWO SUMMERS AGO A few days ago, both girls were mar- ried,--a double affair you Kknow,-- both looked exquisitely pretty, and both had lovely hair. Moral: Invest $1.00 in Dr. DI Maurier's Hair Tonic, b The hotel problem is being dealt with by the Drury Government. The problem with most people is to find the money to stay at the summer hotels. -- Kingston Standard. the pilgrims who wish to worship at nature's shrine to loftier levels, to Mirror Lake, without any visible out- let, and upward to Lake Agnes, where you'll hear the whistle of the marmot and see in the distance the tracks of bruin or*of the mountain goat and big horn sheep, while the lazy porci- pine waddles out of your way. Krom the shores of Agnes a stupendous can- vas is unfolded, One seems to be standing on the roof of the world, with other ranges stretching to the most distant horizon, But this is not all. Magnet roads lure the visitors to yet other delect- able regions. There are both road and trail to Paradise River and Valley, with Sheol guarding the entrance, Mt. Temple hemming in the vale on one side, and the Bishop's Mitre across the way. Leaping mountain torrents sing their song through the forests, cold and still rivers of ice cover the lower: slopes of Hungahee and Pin- nacle Mountain, and snow-covered passes lead to neighboring valleys, such as the Valley of the Ten Peaks, where nearly a score of Cordillerean giants are lined up like soldiers on pirade, telling of gigantic upheavals when the world was made, On this Little Trip too you may get even closer to nature by camping out, living under a tented home, sleeping on a bed of balsam boughs, drinking the real mountain due from the skies, and laying up a rich store of mem- ories and health for the coming days. (Copyrighted by British & Colonial |a big claim but not an extravagant Press Limited.) WHEN 18 A MAN DRUNK? | Kincardine Review. "When is a] founder of'the famous Beauty Clinics throughout the world has been pgr- suaded to meet the demands of the general public by putting on sale at all drug and departmental stores, the preparations prepared from his French formulae that have been closely guarded and have made his name famous for 20 years. The preparations in question con- sist of Hair Tonic, Face Astringent, Face Powder, Skin Food, Vanishing Cream, Cold Cream, Massage Cream, Tooth Paste, One of the only simple, effective and rapid cures of pimples, liver spots and freckles is Dr. Du-Maur- fer's Astringent Lotion. conventional scars. of a rough-and- tumble fight. For a moment Hazel found herself believing the Herald story a pure canard. But as he wglk- ed across the room her searching gaze discovered that the knuckles of both his hands were bruised and bloody, the skin broken. She picked up the paper. "Is this true?" she asked tremu- lously, pointing to the offending headlines. | One Enemy of | . the Hydro | By J. E. MIDDLETON Before "Hydro" came to one of the municipalities of Ontario a private plant was in operation making an average charge of 10 cents per kilo- watt hour. But this rate was applied "Substantially correct," he answer- ed coolly. "Bill, how could you?" she cried. "It's simply disgraceful. Brawling in public like any saloon loafer, and getting in jail and all. Haven't you any consideration for me any pride?" "Yes," he said deliberately. "I have. Pride in my word as a man. A sort of pride that won't allow any bunch of lily-fingered crooks to make me a party to any dirty deal. I don't propose to get the worst of it in that way. I won't allow myself to be tarred with their stick." "But they're not trying to give you the worst of it," she burst out. Visions of utter humiliation arose to confront and madden her. "You've insulted and abused our best friends --to say nothing of giving us all the benefit of newspaper scandal. We'll be notorious!" "Best friends? God save the mark!" he snorted contemptuously. "Our best friends, as you please to call them, are crooks, thieves and liars. They're rotten. They stink with their moral rottenness. And they have the gall to call it good business." . "Just because their business meth- ods don't agree with your peculiar ideas is no reason why you should call names," she flared. "Mr. Bfooks called just after you left at noon. He told me something about this, and assured me that you would find your- self mistaken if you'd only take pains to think it over. I don't believe such men as they are would stoop to any- thing crooked." "So Brooks came around to talk it over with you, eR?" Bill sneered. "Told you it was all on the square, did he? Explained it all very plaus- ibly, I suppose. Probably suggested that you try smoothing me down, too. It would be like 'em. "He did explain about this stock- selling business," Hazel replied de- fensively. "And I can't see why you find it necessary to make a fuss. I don't see where the cheating and crookedness comes in. Everybody who buys stock gets their money's worth, don't they? But I don't eare anything about your old mining deal. It's this fighting and quarrelling with people who are not used to that sort of brute action--and the horrid things they'll say and think about us." "About you, you mean--as the wife of such a boor--that's what's rubbi " + | with discrimination. One consumer | whose . goodwill was supposed to be | valuable to the company was served at a rate uncommonly low--a flat charge per annum without meter measurement. When the "Hydro" service was in- stalled the general rate was cut in two, but it was applied with justice to every sort of service. As a result the light and power bills of this one consumer were more than doubled, and the proprietor went off in a {coruscation of disapproving remarks. his anger was not eased when he dis- covered that protests were unavail- ing. The rates in every "Hydro" municipality were fixed by the Pro- vincial Commission and the regula- tions governing the service prevented all manner of discrimination and |special treatment. From that day the consumer in question was a settled enemy of the Hydro-Electric Commission, and of the individuals composing it. He ex- erted his influence to break public confidence in the system. He de- nounced the principle of co-opera- tive municipal ownership. He pro- phesied ire things. He declared that the rate for delivered power was a burdensome method of indirect taxation. He said that the town and all other towns joined in this Electric Folly were likely soon to be wallow- ing in a bog of debt. He fed fat his personal grudge by seeking to un settle the public mind. Fortunately the majority of con- sumers after examining their month- Iy bills and regarding the improved nature of the service, paid no atten- tion whatever to this earnest Prophet crying in the wilderness. They sus- pected the existence of a Senegam- bian in the woodpile. tem developed rapidly. The load increased. The first year's operations showed a surplus. Still one consum- er complained, and his complaints were duly recorded and broadeasted by the journalistic advocates of Pri- vate Ownership. He seems to be a person of great weight and infiu- ence except where he lives. He does not seem even to suspect that he is a comic figure worthy of the pen of Moliere. Discrimination is the bane of Pri- vate Ownership so far as the Elec- trical business is concerned. Im a Canadian city which could be named the kilowatt-hour rate for lighting is 4 cents, but the City Hall pays 7% cents and a mewspaper office is ac- commodated for one cent. The infiu- you raw," Bill flung out ly. "You're acquiring the class psy- chology good and fast. Did you ever think of anybody but yourself? The petty-larceny incident of my knock- ing down two or three men and be- ing under arrest as much as thirty minutes looms up before you as the utter depths of disgrace. Disgrace to you! It's all you--you! How do you suppose it strikes me to have my wife take sides against me on snap jude- ment like that? It shows a heap of faith and trust and loyalty doesn't it? Oh, it makes me real proud and ential consumer ana the manufactur- er in a large way gets special consid- eration and the Little Fellow pays more than his due Nothing of the sort i= possible throughout the Hydro- Electric System. Every consumer is sure of fair treatment. glad of my mate. It does." "If you'd explain," 'Hazel began hesitatingly. She was thoroughly startled at the smoldering wrath that The local sys-|- man drunk?" is a question that has| | frequently come up in court, It came {up in the Kincardine police court on Monday. M. T. Huffman says he heard la Toronto policeman give the best | answer, "A man is drunk," he swore, | "when he does some thing he wouldn't | do when he was sober." This test is | inadequate in that it does not admit | of freakness and whimsicality, The abolition of the bar has remov- ed a famous test. "A man is drunl when he wants to kiss the bartender good-night." GRAMMAR v. VERACITY Boston Transcript.--The editor pois- ed his uencil. "You say here that Mr. Longbrow is lying at deaths door. | We'll just make that 'laying'." | "But that's not good English," pro- tested the reporter. "No," replied the editor, "but it's | better to make a grammatical error | than to offend Longlellow's relatives, { His reputation for veracity is notori- | ously bad." | ee ------------ AN UNPOPULAR SPORT [ Detroit Free Press.--Senator Swan- son complains because the paper give to congress, If congress would tend to business with the single-mindedness of a good ball team it could get more space, A BEACH CYNIC Dallas News.--A Galveston widow says that the latest proposal she has had was from a life guard, who said the more he saw of bathing beauties the more he admired housekeepers. AWFUL POSSIBILITIES London Advertiser.--"A husband is responsible for the debts his wife in- curs before marriage, according to the decision of a Los Angeles court."-- News item. You fellows can quit worrying over your mothers-inlaw and start laying awake nights thinking about your wife's dad if this holds good. Just imagine some nice evening when you were taking life easy and at peace with all the world having the old gen- tleman walk in on you with a pile of bills a mile high and casually remark: "Here are the bills for a few of the things Katharine got before she was married, and the law says you have to pay for them." It surely is a wise old bird who looks up his best girl's charge account before he lets them two pages to sport and half a column start the wedding march, | i { PAINS IN | They are Mexico. YOUR BACK? toms of overworked vital or- gans and should be regarded as a warning. Generally the digestive system may be dis- ordered and then you are most likelyto find theideal measure of relief in Tanlac, the cele- brated tonic and system puri- fier that has brought health and happiness to so many hun- dreds of thousands all over the United States, Canada and Tanlac is sold by all good druggists oftentimes symp- of good soap is A full-size, full-weight, solid bar "SURPRISE" flared out in this speech of his. TO BE CONTINUED Best for any and all household use. is it protected later) in all Twelve Thousand Miles At least must be travelled to bring "SALADA" to your table. skilfully is it prepared, so carefully Yet so at the delicate leaves reach you (but a few weeks eir tender freshness. To really enjoy tea at its best, insist upon "SALADA". has this delicious tea--Ask for it. SALADA" Your grocer Il young and feel young. nice is to take proper care Don't put off getting it. wiser. Oshawa Keep Your Youth As long as you have a good head of hair you will look The only way to keep your hair KOREEN The Wonderful Hair Remedy, will arrest falling hair, remove the dandruff and make your hair thick and glossy. vou see in the bald-headed row waited too long. kept falling out but they paid no attention to Your friends with the thick, vigorous-looking hair were They took precautions. Procurable at Jury & Lovell's of it. The comparatively young men Their hair t. Ontario Face Powder Hair Tenie Face Astringent (To the trade; this concession on the part of Du-Maurier Beauty Pre- to be construed as prece- dent. These articles are of too high a class to-per- mit of their sale as fea- tures.) DU-MAURIER BEAUTY PREPARATIONS Vanishing Cream Tooth Paste During the week of July 17th to July 22nd, Jury & Lovell's Drug Store and F. W. Thomp- son's Drug Store, distributors of Du-Maurier Beauty Preparations, are authorized to present free of charge a full-sized package of Du- Maurier Tooth Paste, with pepsin, to every purchaser of any other of the eight aids to beauty and rejuvenation. parations, Limited, is not I Skin Food Cold Cream Massage Cream m= ---- -- During the week of July i 17th to July 22nd, Jury & Lovell's Drug Store, ¥. W. Thompson's Drug Store are authorized to deliver, om presentation of this coupon, and purchase of one or more of Du-Maurier Beauty Pre- parations, (other than Du- Maurier Tooth Paste), ome package of Du-Maurier Tooth Paste free. i Name Address 1 Du-Maurier Beauty 1 INO Preparations, Limited

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