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Ontario Reformer, 3 Aug 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922 ---- PAGE THREE I -- -- -- ---- Oshawa and District Jevening. in the Sunday School room, {Though the weather was warm there {was a record attendance. Many |thanks are due for the following (items: -- plano solo, Miss Cowdry; (recitation, Mrs. D. Handling; vocal No Concert This Week The regular Friday evening land concert which is weekly given in Alexandra Park, will not take place tomorrow ; night, The band instead will play at the park on Monday eve- ning.,. The Oshawa firemen, in or- der to have as full a program as possible for the big three days' fire- men's convention, have had this change made, -- Faces Two Charges Having been apprehended at Picton and brought back to Oshawa by P, C, Bullied, of this town, Earl Wesley Ryckman appeared in Polide Court yesterday charged with two offences, One was that he had stolen two ser- vice batteries from the Ontario Battery Serviee Station, while the other was a charge of false pretences by which he is alleged to have secured one ser- vice battery from the Prebto-Lite Bat- tery Service Station, In both cases the case was adjourned for eight days and the accused ordered kept in cus- tody, N ---- Mounties Passed Through Town A squad of twenty members of that organization which is best known under its old name of "The Royal Canadian North West Mount- ed Police," passed through Oshawa on Tuesday evening, The "Mount. ies" were a detachment from the Addressed BY.P.U,, {solo, Mr. *Ray Waram; lesson read- Fort William division, under In-|ing Mrs. Howard; pianist, Bernard spector Dann and were en route to | Howard, Two candidates for mem- Moncton, There are only ten mount- bership, received the right hand of ed police in Toronto and the squad fellowship, Mr. Gilehyist, was the of 20 attracted considerable atten-| speaker, taking for his subject-- tion in the Queen City, "The Age of the Church." The ad- dress was thoroughly enjoyed by all, W.C,T,U, Hold Picnic (and it was the hope of all present Among 'the many who enjoyed the that Mr. Gilchrist, visit. the Society pleasures of Lakeview Park on Tues- | #80 in the near future, day last were a goodly number of | the W.C.TJU, members, who ware Calling For Tenders holding their annual picnic and a| Tenders are now heing called for notable feature of this gathering was hy the Oshawa Board of Education far the presence of Mrs, Allen Trull, the the erection of a fire proof school senior members of this socity. Mrs. |huilding in the south east section of Trull is in her ninetieth year and|the town, These will he received up her sociable qualities are an asset till noon of August 14 and will be to any organization, Visiting friend: in bulk for all trades with the excep- from Toronto also were guests at|tion of plumbing, heating and venti- this enjoyable event. (lating. Separate bulk tenders wil) RRR KEE [be received for plumbing, heating Inter Trade Service {and ventilating. It is estimated that A circular has just been sent out the school will cost in the neighbor- to the secretaries of the various| "00d of $60,000, Boards of Trade asking for applica- | Tr tions from young men who would de- sire positions in the Trade Commis- sioners office, This would mean ex- tensive travelling to different coun- tries; Applicants are pass an examination accepted, Change Meeting Night As Monday is Civic Holiday and also {the regular monthly meeting night for required to the Town Council, the council meet- before being [ing will be held some other night in {the week, Mayor J. Stacey stated this {morning that he had arranged for the {meeting on Tuesday night but it is a probable that it may be held even later than this, owing to the Firemen's De- monstration, Mayor Stacey stated to- The Baptist Young their regular People, he meeting on Monday | No woman should have wrinkles or sage ging skin before she [Windsor Holding Wevnion is sixty. Lifebuoy skin young, bl Palm Pure, unblodshod, Oil and in the mal f dag » meme (doy that a meeting any later thax {Tuesday would hold up the pay of the town employees for some time, | Eastern Star Picnicked | The Order of the Eastern Star held an enjoyable picnic at Lakeview Park | on Saturday afternoon, when the Osh. | awa members and many visitors spent a pleasant afternoon. A sport program of sports was run off and participated {in by nearly all present, be Old | Home Week in the Border Cities and | the executive in charge of the reunion | is anxious that all residents of Oshuwa {who formerly lived in Windsor, Walk | erville, Ford or Sandwich should avail | themselves of this opportunity to visit {their old town and meet the friends lof former years who will be assembled from all parts of Canada and the United States. The reunion begins and ends on a Sunday. keeps the are used | wma Present Building Mr. Nelson Baird, who has just com- pleted a two storey building on Sim- | coe street south, a part of which he | is using. as a confectionery store and {the second storey as an apartment, is contemplating erecting a second build- ing of similar dimensions next to it. The number of applications he has re- ceived from people both in Oshawa and from out-of-town shows that there is 'a great need for an apartment house here, AT THE GRAND So far as Shirley Mason, the Wil- liam Fox star, is concerned, all the censor boards in the world couldn't bother her. She will not appear in a role unless it is sweet amd clean. "Phere is enough sordidness in the world without my contributing to it," she declares. Miss Mason is thé star in "Queenie," which will begin a run at the Grand theatre to-night. Brown started out without a cent; He's rich now and still rising, Some say 'twas luck; some say 'twas pluck; He says "twas advertising. otock * St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar, 10 Jbs. for 80c, $7.75 per 100 Special Blend Tea, mixed, 45¢ Golden Haddie, 23¢ Lyle's Golden Syrup, 30c tin Also full line of Fresh including Lam land Harper 54 SIMCOE ST. I. ANNUAL Taking Sale il Groceries 72 oz. tin pure Maple Syrup, $1.45 Marsh's Grape Juice, 35¢ bottle Welch's Orange Marmalade, 25¢ jar John Eagle's Marmalade, grape fruit, lemon, pineapple and lemon, 30c jar - Peerless Soap, 20 bars for $1.00 cals, yi black and tin & Clemens Butchers and Grocers PHONE 66 SPECTACULAR FEAT OF BUICK ENGINE Ran For Several Minutes Duri..q| Test With Water Travelling | On It Branch managers, assistant branch managers and local executive officers of the McLaughlin Motor Car Com- pany, who are meeting here this week in thelr annual convention, were giv- en the opportunity at noon to-day of witnessing a spectacular feat, A Me- Laughlin car operated by the ordinary Buick engine was driven for several minutes with the engine entirely un- covered, the hood having been remoy- ed, with a heavy stream of water pouring down upon it from a four inch | hose attached to a hydrant, The hose was turned upwards so that the water fell steadily upon the engine as If travelling in an exceed- ingly heavy downfall of rain, The water slid not effect the work of the motor in the. slightest, which is re- | markable considering that unprotected | engines have not been known to stand such a test, The demonstration had | been arranged that the branch manag- | ers might see it first, before giving public exhibitions, This demonstration shows that the Buick engine, with its vital points protected by the equip- ment used in connection with fit, is ible to stand a test which other mo- tors will not, The convention commenced Monday and will be brought to a close to- morrow, Those in attendance from | various cities throughout Canada are Messrs, McAlary, St. John; Catudal and Price, Montreal; Pratt, Belleville; Ricketts, Toronto; Anderson, Hamil- on; Barajor, London; McKenzie and Mcleod, Winnipeg; Parsons, Regina; Lawrence, Saskatoon; Hawkins, Cal gary; McDonald and Ross, Vancouver, Startip Cancelling Machine Installed In Local Office £0 great has been the increase in handled at the Postmaster J. necessary the volume of mail 'local post office, that @ Tamblyn has found it to install an automatic stamp can- elling and post office marking ma- thine. This may he operated by ither hand power or electricity and | while at the present time it is be-| ng run by hand power it will be con- | nected up with a power supply in| he immediate future. The machine) an handle as many pieces of mail in | v day as a person can feed to it. | In explaining the apparatus to The | Reformer this morning. Postmaster | Tamblyn pointed out the necessity | f Oshawa people stamping all their | 'etters in the upper right hand cor-| 1er in every case, and not half way | down the right hand side of the en-| velope. While The Reformer was | watching the machine a few hundred | ircular letters issued by a local con-| cern were going through the mail, | and many of these envelopes had the tamps elsewhere than in the upper | right hand corner. As a result the lerks had to sort out these letters | ind cancel them by hand. The busi-| ness at the post office is so heavy | hat the installation of the machine, | which came from Stanford, Connecti- | 'ut, will not mean the laying off of | my of the clerks. On the contrary | it will simply help in qasing the bur- | len of work involved in the handling | Werrd & ecial Lines You Will eed During Holidays The low prices which prevail during this season end selling, by no means represent the value of the merchandise to you, All assortments consist of quality goods,--our regular stock. .As our primary aim is to clear our summer stocks, we have made im- pressive reductions which mean a most favorable opportunity for you, Boys' Holiday Wash Suits When planning the boy's wardrobe for the holiday trip, plenty of neat appearing wash suits must be included, They soil easily, and quick changes are frequently needed, Here is an exceptional offer of suits in Sailor styles and various other equally popular lines in White with Navy collars, Blue striped Galatea and Linen suits 2 to 6 years, Regular $2.95 and $3.75 Friday and Saturday $1.95 Clearing Lines of Pure Thread Silk Hose Regular $1.75 & $2.00 and $2.25 pair in- cluding Plain and Rib top in Light and Dark Grey, Taupe, Sand, Navy Blue, and Heather Mixtures Special 98c. Pair Girls' White Ribbed Cotton Hose The proper. hose for vacation wear, sizes 6--10 Week End Price 19¢ Pair Ladies' Jersey Knit Bathing Suits Navy with Red, Orange, or White trim- mings. All sizes up to 42, Regular $2.26 for $1.58 each Girls' Sweaters For Fall Belted styles with close fitting neck, turn down collar, sizes 26--32 in shades of Heather, Lovett Rose, Scarlet, Paddy, Navy, Cardinal and Chinese Blue ' $3.50 each Dresses or Aprons. FRIDAY MORNING SPECIAL AN OLD TIME PRICE 15 Pieces of Prints for 15¢ yd. Don't make a mistake, this special offer is for Friday morning only. Fifteen pieces of Light or Medium patterns in a good sturdy Canadian Print suitable for House Kiddies' White Cotton Socks With fancy cuff tops, both cool and com- fortable looking, sizes 54 to 8 Special 23¢ Pair -- Ladies' Nightgowns In fine White Nainsook, square or round neck, trimmed with embroidery trimming Special Week End Price 95¢ each 250 Women's Summer Vests A splendid quality cotton Vest strap shoulder or short sleeve, Cumfy cut style. Reg. 35¢. each Special 25¢ each Boys' and Girls' Swimming Suits Navy Blue with Red and Yellow trimmings Reg. $1.00 Special 78¢ each Two Pieces Only Swiss Spot Organdies 38 in. wide Paddy and Mauve. The seas- on's most popular fabric. Reg. $1.35 yd. Friday and Saturday 68c yd. Boys' Balbriggan Drawers The famous Zimmerknit make, sizes 24-- 32. Knee length. Week end special 29¢ garment Boys' Shirt Waists For Quick Clearance In plain White and striped paterns with either sport or turn down collar. Reg. $1.00 and $1.25 Special 58¢. yd. of Oshawa's outgoing mail. Pictures at Regent of Firemen's Cruise of The Great Lakes , Manager Harry Pomeroy of the Re- gent Theatre announces that he has been fortunate in booking pictures of the big Firemen's tour of the Great Lakes, which was held under the aus- pices of The Buffalo Courier. Mr. George Salter, of Oshawa, was includ ed in the twenty firemen who took part in the tour from this district. The pictures contain many senational incidents and will be particularly in-| teresting consindering that the Fire- | men's convention is to be held here | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of | next week, the same days as this pic- | ture will appear at the Regent. | This will be shown in connection | with the leader, Thomas Meighan in "Our Leading Citizen." Owing to the | program being so long there will be | only one performance at might, com- | mencing at the usual hour and con- | tinuing until 11 o'clock. "There will be no advance in prices. New Pump House . Engineer at Work ---- Mr. Milton Napper, of Petrolia, Ontario, has assumed control at the Oshawa pumping station at the lake in succession to Mr. D. Shaw, who has left the service of the Water Commission. Mr. Napper's appoint- ment dates from August 1. He is a man exceptionally well experienced in this kind of work, having been as- sociated with such plants as he now controls for over thirty-five years. Mr. Shaw has served about twelve years at the local pumping station, this time being divided into two terms which were separated by a few years absence. Mr. Napper has recently been, working in South America for the British Oil Company. During his engineering experience he was sngin-| eer as the Petrolia Pumping Sta-| tion, which derives its water from Lake Huron. He was also engineer with the Southern Pacific Railway oil pumping stations in California, besides which he is thoroughly ac-! quainted with steam pumps having! been connected with steam Dumping plants at various places, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE REXALL STORES Week-End Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OUR PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY OUR SERVICE SAVES YOU TROUBLE Car .Owner's Special! Nonolio Car Polish Qt. Tin Reg. $1.50 $1.19 CUT RATE Drug Prices 50c¢ Fruitatives 40c¢ 25¢ Fruit's Sm'l 20¢ S50¢ Milk of Magnesia 25¢ Baby Own Tab 20¢ 25¢ Carters Liver Pills 20c 50c Dodds Kidney Pills 40c 50¢ Chases Nerve Food 40c¢ 25¢. Chases K. & L. Pills 20¢ 35¢c. Nerviine 30¢ 30c Electric Oil 25¢ BATHING CAPS New and Attractive Styles. 35¢. to $1.35 © LORIE TORPEDO SOAP Lilac--Lemon 2 for 25¢

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