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Ontario Reformer, 3 Aug 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Ser -- News of Nearby Places {| Mr, Thos. Luxton and mother have moved back into the village. Mr. and Mrs, Down, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at their daughter's, Mrs, Har- old Hayes, Mrs, Clark, of Oshawa, has beén spending a few days at Mr, and Mrs. H. Hayes', Mr, Jas, Ashton sports a new rubber tire buggy. maid and Bernice visited at W. Hos- weeks with friends camping in Wau- Hoskin's and W. Armour's, bashene, Mrs. Jos, Armour, of Courtice,| Mr, and Mrs. B. Bayes and Mr. and visited at W. Armour's and D, Jack's, |Mrs, Newberry, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. White, of Oshawa,|over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James and Miss Maude Jennings of Chicago, | Luke, visited at Jno. McGregor's, Mr, and Mrs. H, Lick entertained a Mr. Jno. Lawrie and Wilfred, Mar-|few friends at their home last Friday fon, and Bernice, and Mr, Neill and (evening, Indoor and outdoor games daughter, Greta, of Oshawa, were |were indulged in, after which a dainty visitors at A. D, Van Dyke's on Sun-|luncheon was served to all and a very day, enjoyable time was spent, Mr. Arthur Ormiston and daugh-| Mr, Authors, of South Oshawa 8.8. ters Myrtle and Verna, of Enfield, |gave an address to the Sunday school Miss N. Ormiston and Mr, Hyslop, of {last Sunday. All appreciated his in- Master Logan Willard, of West Tor- onto, is holidaying with his grand. mother, Mrs, Robert Collacutt, Miss Leyla Wilkins visited Mr, H, Foley and attended the Base Line Sab- path School picnic. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Moyse of To- ronto, and sons, Robert and Norman are spending their vacation with Mrs, Moyse' parents, Mr. and Mrs, R, H. Collacutt and visiting other friends. Rev, and Mrs, Harvey A, Strike, of Ottawa, were calling on friends in this vicinity, Prof, and Mrs, John Squair and Miss Marion Squair of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, F, L, Squair and called on other friends, Mr, and Mrs, R, H, Collacutt accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs, Norman Moy- se, motored to Cannington and visi- ted Mr. R. Osborne, Mr, and Mrs, Stevens, Mr, and Mrs. F. L. Squair and son, Lawrence, were in Port Hope recently, Rev. B, A. Tonkin preached accept- ably at this appointment on Sunday. Harvesting is already under way and the managers of the Byndicate met at Mr, Robert Collacutt's to ar- range for early threshing. COLUMBUS Mr. P, @, Purves 18 beautifying his residence with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Thos, Shortridge, and his staff are building new cement sidewalks in the village. Mr. Fred Gilroy As erecting a new arage. E Mr P, G, Purves and Mrs, Wm, Purves has been spending a few days at Peterboro. Mrs. McWinters, of Toronto, had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCullough. Mrs. McLauchlin, of Hamilton, 18 spending a few days at Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Cook's. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Marchington, of Montreal, are spending their holl- days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Marchington, Mr. Adam Stabeck and son, of Woodville, spent Sunday at his broth- er's, Mr. Chas. Stabeck. Mr. and Mrs. Redman, of Detroit, are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jno, James. EAST AND WEST AGREE The two letters which follow show the broad field covered well-known medicine. Women know some in own neighborhood--praise Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- ul medicine for "> | | 1 5 13 1 i i i ESS i tar si tks ol KEDRON Misses Florence, Augustra and Olive Luke gave a delightful little lawn party to about twenty-five of their girl friends on Thursday after- noon of last week. A very pleasant time was spent in playing games, music, baseball, etc. The Sunday School pienie, which was held in Mr. Wesley Hoskin's beantiful grove on Saturddy, July 20th, was a decided success, The grounds were most picturesque and shady and proved an ideal spot for the occasion. The afternoon was spent in playing all kinds of sports, such as baseball and football games, foot races, etc. The results of the races are as follows: -- Married women's walking race, 50 yards--1s6t, Mrs. Rowland; 2nd, Mrs. W. Hoskin; 3rd, Mrs. Van Dyke. Married men's race, 50 yards--1st, E. Mountjoy; 2nd, H, L, Pascoe; 3rd, R. J. Luke, | Girls, 11 years and under, 20 yards --18t, Lorraine Love; 2nd, Fern Lid- gett; srd, Elda Mountjoy. Oipls. 7 years and under, 20 yards --18t Ruby Hancock; 2nd Eleanor Gibson; 3rd, Florence Love, Boys, 7 years and under, 20 yards --1ist, Frank Hoskin; 2nd, Walter Davis; 3rd, Percy Mountjov Girls, 15 years and under, aU yards --18t Ruth Cole; 2pd Marie Cole; 3rd Ruby Armour. Boys, 11 years and under, 20 yards --1st, Morgan Rowland; 2nd, Lorne Hoskin; 3rd, Gordon Davis, Girls, open to all--1st, Helen Cole; 2nd, Marie Cole; 3rd, Ruby Armour. Boys, open to all--I1st, A. R, Scott; 2nd, Ross Lee; 3rd Harvey Pascoe. Girls' three-legged race--1st, Helen and Ruth Cole; 2nd Bernice Werry and May Armour; 3rd Ruby Armour and Marie Cole. Boys' (under 12) three-legged race --1st, Ralph Davis and Lorne Hos- kin; 2nd, Gordon Davis and Howard Hoskin; 3rd Elgin Glover and Fabian Conlin. Girlss' relay race--I1st, Ruth Cole and Bernice Werry; 2nd, Marie Cole and Ruby Armour; 3rd Helen Cole and May Armour. Boys' relay race -- 1st, Raymound Glover and Fabian Conlin; 2nd, Howard Hoskin and Gordon Davis; 3rd, Ralph Davis and Lorne Hoskin, Rolling oranges, free to all -- 1st Mildred Cole; 2nd, Olive Luke; 3rd, May Armour. Dr. Everett Washington and his son John, of Winnipeg, who were on a motor trip through Ontario, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wash- ington, of Ninga. Man., and Mrs. Frankie Mackie, of Whitby, called at J. MeGregor's on Saturday. Mr. John Buckley, of Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. James Routley, of Brooklin, visited at W. Hoskin's. Miss Helen Armour, of Oshawa, {s visiting her cousins Ruby and May Armour. hE Mr. and Mrs, Saul Hancock and son Elbert and Miss Henrietta Han- cock, motored over from Rochester, N.Y., and were the guests of L. Han- cock here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sully of Oshawa, Mrs. Katherine McGregor and Miss McGregor, of U.S.A, spent Sunday at John McGregor's. Miss Rhea Croskem, who has been spending her vacation with her cou- sin, Miss H. Van Dyke, has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. Parrington, of Toronto, was a recent guest at A. Short's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Love spent Sun- day with relations at Greenbank. We are sorry to report that Mr. John Davis is ill and under the doec- tor's care. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and Nellie and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lang- wD LUX dissolves instantly in hot water into a wonderful suds that makes your dainty things as fresh and lovely as when you first saw and admired them. NA NN A \ \\ \ NS, A ARAMANANM ANANW ) \ <4 B Rw ) Bowmanville visited at Wm, burn's, Miss Audrey Werry, Moorfield, visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, moved to Oshawa, the Oshawa Hospital, Marion Hoskin, of Oshawa, guests at Wes, Hoskin's, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn the day at Mr. Laver's, day at R. J. Luke's, Miss Marion Orchard, of Ennis killen, is visiting her Fred Heddon, Miss Olive Luke has week's vacation at her home here, Sunday at L. Hancock's. a former resident of this vicinity hav: Cole at F. W. Lee's recently, MYRTLE spending a short holiday with many friends in and around Myrtle her daughter, Mrs. Verpon, reported quite ill again. Carmen Rodd nas a new driver a fine Shetland pony. The trains on the G.T.R. and old time, and the train up at fou the shortage of fuel. quite the heaviest ever. Not conten with running one at a time, severa ones, being towed in for repairs. With few exceptions the crops ar looking wonderfully well. has a field of oats which, if condi tions continue favorable, 100 bushels per acre. All the available local to the eighth concession. WHITEVALE of city boarders. her sister Mrs. Eva Lick of Oshawa with her aunt Mrs. Oliver Hezzle wood, at Pleasant Point. tried the Entrance Examinations They were all successful. same life. Mrs. Jean, spent mother at their summer cottage Stur geon Point. Mrs. week. The Baptist Mission Circle wil hold a picnic at the home of Mrs New" Ave., on Aug. 1st. o'clock, Booth's. and have an enjoyable time. The rain on Saturday afternoon kept a number away from the Wom- en's Institute pienic which was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Burkholder, but in spite of the rain the score or 80 who attended, report a good time, Mrs. D. R. Beeton is hostess for the August meeting. An old fashioned Garden Party and Tea will be held on the Method- ist Church Lawn on the eve of Wed- nesday Aug. 2nd. tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. A program will be provided by the Arcadians Con- cert Co. of Whitby, which is com- posed of W. D. Dykes, tenor; McColl, soprano; violinist; Jack Parker, humorist; ice cream served at ice cream, etc. Admission 16e. Mrs. W. L. Myers of Cleveland, Raglan, spent Sunday at W. J. Orm- iston's; Mr. Fielding and Miss Field- Mr. Boynton asisted Rev. Mr. Ton- kin in the services here last Sunday. Alsike is a splendid crop around here this year. » Hep- of Oshawa, and her cousin, Miss Helen Lewis, of Batty have We are glad to report that Mrs, H. Hutchings and babe are getting along fine and will soon be removed from Mrs, Corran, of Orono, and Miss were Luella, Jean and Arthur, motored to Richmond Hill on SBunday and spent Mr. Gibson, of Oshawa, spent Sun- sister, Mrs, resumed duties in Toronto after spending two Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Beath spent Mrs, Evans, of St, Mary's, formerly known as Mrs, Geo, Gould, who was ing lived on the Hancock Farm many years ago, was the guest of Mrs, E, Miss Nellie Briggs, of Toronto, is her Mrs. Crawford, who lived for some time with Mrs. F. Briggs is now with is branch line here have changed back to the and down at five cut out, owing to The motor trafic on Sunday was were noticed with trailers, viz.,, dead One man will yield men Aare working with the gang on the new road, which is already completed up Miss Lillie Gerard has a number Mrs. J. A. Pugh recently visited Miss Irene Pugh is away camping Congratulations to our pupils who May the sucess attend them through Brownridge and daughter, the week-end with her Flanagan and children are visiting Mrs. Walter Booth for a Herb Poynter, Kozy Kottage 'Creek A program will be given and tea served at 6 the Everybody welcome, come spiring words, and will gladly wel- come him to the 8.8, at any future time, Mrs, J. F. Mould has returned to her home after spending a pleasant time with her sister, Mrs, F, French. To Operate Power Plant at Ranney's Falls in Fortnight ' The Ranney Falls plant of the Hydro will be in operation in ap- proximately two weeks, thus adding 10,000 horse power to the supply of the Central Ontario system of the Hydro, the press was officially in- formed at Campbellford this week. Construction work on the plant is being pushed rapidly both night and day since Sir Adam Beck order- ed all possible speed because of the recent power shortage. It is said that had the order been issued earl- ler relief for the partially paralyzed industries of Central Ontario would have been nearer, In addition the Hydro has applied to the Dominion Bepartment of Rall- ways and Canals for water power rights at Dam No. 9, one and one- half miles below Ranney Falls, It is believed that 4500 horse power could be developed at this point, Although the Commission has applied for the power rights no definite de- '| cision to proceed with this develop- ment in the near future has been reached. Lady Golfers Praise Local Course building. FA 0 BELA OAR OAR HOM 1 An Invitation is extended to the people of Oshawa and Vicinity to view the new 1923 McLaughlin-Buick Models. The entire line of Master Sixes and Master Fours will be shown on Saturday Aug. 5th from 9 am. to 5 pm. at the showrooms, cor. Mary and Richmond Sts.--opposite the General Motors office J A HTD A TR HT Er Reformer (Continued from Page 1) to first place both in circulation and volume of advertising carried. Mr. children, Jack and Helen. Joseph Gould, M.P, of Uxbridge. sociated with and is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. r selves privileged Tuesday afternoon when they had an opportunity viewing an exhibition match over t | the local course, in which Miss Edith )| Leitch and Miss Ada McKenzie took part. Miss Leitch comes from Lon- don, England, and in her tour of ,| Canada, visiting various golf clubs, included Oshawa in .her list. She is a sister of Miss Cecil Leitch, lady champion of England, who is also at the present time in Canada but who is unable to take part in games owing to an injury received some time ago. Miss Edith Leitch has entered for the Canadian and Ameri- can golf championship. Miss McKenzie, who is the lady golf champion of Ontario, is not an entire stranger in Oshawa, having played here on a previous occasion. The visit of these two prominent lady golfers attracted a large gallery and their progress over the course was .| followed with much interest. They played with Mr. Frank Bull, of the local club, and Mr. Maher, of Toronto. Both ladies were playing up to form and the exhibition more than delighted those present. While no official records were kept, it is thought that Miss Leitch would have turned in a score of about 84. Both Miss McKenzie and Miss Leitch expressed delight at the fine location and perfect condition of the course and their opinions in this regard are not unlike those of many other expert golfers who have visited the Oshawa golf links. REMEDY AT LAST Boston Transcript--Flies cannot stand extreme cold. By catching them and placing them in the refrigerator overnight you will soon get them so rheumatic that they cannot fly about Oshawa golfers considered them- of | J. F. MacKay. {| University Schools, Toronto, | Since the demobilization | forces he has been associated with | the Mergenthaler Linotype Compan- eans and Toronto, | Capt. MacKay's father is one | Canada's best known and most high- |ly esteemed newspapermen, | ea in New York, Chicago, New Or- 1 ager of the Toronto Globe. Both Mr. Ross and Capt. MacKay |' will move to Oshawa at an early Janke They will be given every as- sistance by the present management {in the taking over of the business, {not only with a view to their own | welfare but that of The Reformer's | clientele as well. Both C. M. Mundy, the President and Managing Director of the Com- pany, and A. R. Alloway, Assistant Manager and Secretary, will cease to be connected with the business at the end of this month. Their plans yet. New York Mail.--"Harry," she said thoughtfully. "What is it?" responded the worried business man rather shortly. "I wish you could rearrange your business a little bit." "How?" "So as to be a bear on Wall Street instead of at home." The choice Teas that make up the "Salada" Blend are carried to Can- ada by a long chain of more than one hundred great ships every year. Thus the supply is constantly fresh, and the tea is always wonderfully delicious. Ross is married and has two Mrs. Ross 1s a native of Ontario County, being a grand-daughter of the late J. Ewart MacKay, who will be as- Mr. Ross in the own- ership and management of the busi- ness, was born in Woodstock, Ont,, He was educated at and | Columbia University, N.Y. He served for three years in the 95th Battalion, | Canadian Expeditionary Force, and as Captain in the Royal Air Force. of the of having been for fifteen years Business Man- for the future are not matured as and bother you. Your Grocer cam supply you. Ask for it to-day. YOU'LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE With « JTORBINR Silo HANDLE the Toronto give adequate protection special Hip Roof provides Miss Miss Stapleford, "nd Miss Kenny, accompanist. Re- freshment Booths for the sale of 35¢c and more space for filling. I can show you where a Tor- oato Silo will mean more pro- ductive cattle, bigger Streets Decorated With Cedar Trees For Convention With Monday, the opening day of the Firemen's convention drawing nearer every day, the Oshawa Fire Brigade are sparing no efforts to ensure having the most convention in the history of the On- tario Volunteer Firemen"s Associa- tion take place here. The poles along King Street and Simcoe Street have been suitably decorated with cedar boughs and the two main thorough- present time, firemen are expected any when they arrive Oshawa will have a best outfitted in the province. held on Monday and Tuesday, and while business will be attracting the attention of the men on these two days the Oshawa fire | seeing that there will also be an at- tractive program available for those ness meetings. On ball team hooks up in an exhibition (REGEN ~~ successful EE -- Two Carloads Stone Are Lost in Transit Due to the fact that two carloads of crushed stone have gone astray in shipment, the Town Engineer's department was yesterday compelled to stop concrete laying operations on Connaught and Masson Streets, until such time as this shipment arrives in town. The laying off of the men will only be temporary. The big excavator is now working on Brock Street and grading opera- {tions preparatory to the laying of fire brigade that will be one of the | Boulevard. fighters are | who will not be attending the busi-| Monday after-| noon, Civic Holiday, the fast Osler | | game with the Oshawa C.0.B.A. nine. | fares of the town present an excep- {concrete are going on apace on that tionally attractive appearance at the |thoroughfare. The new suits for the 8ang, which has just finished work- day and ing on Richmond Street, on Tuesday The "side walk" commenced work on the Oshawa Work on the Base Line sewer is coming along fine, Town Enginerr Smith reports. About 400 The business sessions are being |feet have been laid on the West- mount section of this sewer already. Friday MARTIN chore Someone Had Cheated ! The hatred she had neur- in her heart bitter years flamed like light- ning across the tropic sky, and scorched her victim. Why Was She » Tigen-Woman? EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION A BIG COMEDY "Tough Luck™h Summer Sports Shhh! You don't know what real thrills are till you see this startling mysterxy- romance! SATURDAY Aug. 10-11-12 E27 ROUND 2 = NEXT REGENT = Special Civic Holiday Mati SPRCIAL ATTRACTION FIREMEN'S TOUR OF THE GREAT LAKES Matinee At 243 & Evenings A¢ 8 PAM. he

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