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Ontario Reformer, 5 Aug 1922, p. 5

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* OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922 Sportin g World News Belleville The Attraction Today Oshawa Fans Are Hopeful of Oshawa Being in the Post Schedule Play-off Cobourg are again leading the Central Ontario League having won their first three games. It will be remembered that the same team set the pace during the early stages of the first half but a couple of defeats meted out to them by Oshawa put a crimp in their sails and now they are out after the second half, In Peter- boro Jake Solomon has visions al- ready of copping the Central League pennant without a play-off but sev- eral teams have to be considered in in the second half, Lindsay have started out well while Oshawa re- peated their performance by drop- ping the opening game to Belleville, Bert Booth piloted his team al- mos to the championship of the first half, nearly succeeding in eli- minating Peterbro in a play-off at Cobourg. The fght for the leader- ship for the balance of the the sea- son will not be an easy one for any of the clubs but the 1921 champions are by no means taking a back seat. They will be found up near the front right to the end and local fans have suffi- cient confidence in them to feel that Oshawa will be figuring in the play- off at the end of the schedule. With C.0B.L, STANDING Won Lost P.C. 3 +0 1000 667 667 667 607 B33 Cobourg Bowmanville .... . 2 Oshawa. ... ... 2 Lindsay ... Peterboro ... i Belleville .... ... .. Leaside .... ... .. 000 Port Hope ...; .... «ui L000 Yesterday's Game Cobourg 9, Bowmanville 5, Cobourg Is Now Leading the League; Beat Bowmanville Bowmanville gave Cobourg a big scare Thursday afternoon in a Cen- tral Ontario League game by holding the team from Cobourg scoreless up to the seventh innings. It was, how- ever a lucky seventh for Cobourg. They scored four runs In that inn- ing and added five more in the next stanza. Bowmanville made a big at- tempt to overcome this big lead in the ninth when Mingeaud and Corden each made three base hits and Bates hit a double, resulting in three runs. Manager Kimmell became very un- easy at this stage, and withdrew Piper from the Mound and replaced him with Derry, Cobourg's star twirl- er. The change had the desired ef- fect, Moise, who was sent to bat for Mills, was put out at first on a line drive to Skitch, and A, Piper fanned, thus ending the game. Chambers, strong teams against them such as Belleville, Lindsay, Peterboro and Cobourg, they cannot afford to lose | many games. From now on every game is of vital importance. | Cobourg Here Next Week f This afternoon Belleville are the guests of Oshawa at Alexandra Park, while the Booth boys travel to Bow- manville next Wednesday and then | come home to play Cobourg on the | following Saturday. Two victories in a row would send Oshawa up to the top and the Cobourg game par- | ticularly, should be the drawing card of the year. Oshawa took both | games from the Ferry Town in the| last half and the Derry-Tyson out-| fit are out for revenge. When Gal-| lagher and Derry opposed each other | in their last local appearance aj large crowd of fans saw two of the] best slab artists in tre C.O0.B.L. in action. "Teddy" Gallagher is not] known to Central League fans around | the circuit as well as he will be | known before the termination of the | schedule. He is not a showy pitcher | one who goes after strikeout records | but uses wonderful judgement when occasion demands it. | Gallagher in Shape { That he is equal or even better than | any of, the Central League hurlers | has been shown by his performances | in Oshawa. A sample of his work against Lindsay a worthy of comment, Bowmanville's wiry young pitcher, appeared to have Cobourg batsmen bewildered with his delivery Thurs- day. With the exception of two in- nings he established a league record by striking out 15 men. As a result of the victory Cobourg broke the tie for first place with Bowmanville, and now leads the ieague. The line-up: -- Bowmanville--Stark, 3b.; Hicks If.; McMurtry, rf.; Mingeaud, 2h; Bates, ¢.; Corden, 1b; Mills, cf.; A. Piper, ss.; Chambers, p. Cobourg--Tyson, c¢.; Turpin, 3b.; Yaekel, ss.; McCaffery, 1b.; Derry, rf. and p.; Skiteh, 2b.; Thompson, cf.; Markey, If.; Piper, p. and rf. Bowmanville 100010003--5 9 3 Cobourg ... ... ...000000450--9 11 2 Draw Announced For Dr. Farewell's Bowling Trophy Fifty-six bowlers have entered the | singles competition for the Dr. Fare- well trophy, which is now on exhibi- tion in.the window of A. O. Felts jewelry store. The draw has been made and the preliminary round must be played not later than Au- gust 12th. The first 24 pairs will week ago was play in the preliminary while the re-|Jubb, e ... .. .. . His strike outs |/ mainder will have a bye and will|Ostler, p ... ... .. .. Fittings Win In Last Frame Some Snappy Plays Feature Game With the All Stars-- Score 3-2 A circus catch of a long fly by John Claus, a sensational pickup of a fast grounder by Sheridan and Earle Trew stealing home with the winning run in the seventh with two men out, were the features of the Fittings-All Star game at Alexandra Park last evening. After being held scoreless for six innings and going to bat in the last frame with a two run lead to overcome, the 1922 cham- pions of the Town Baseball League turned defeat in victory by notching three runs. The game was the best exhibition played in the Town League this season and a fair crowd of spectators was on hand. Both teams presented strong line-ups while the opposing pitchers were Ostler and Murray. Manager Trew Wins Game Murray had his opponents tied in knots until the final session and then but for a wild throw by Hipwell, the score would have been a tle 2-2, Kelso, the first Fittings man to bat in the seventh, fouled to Hipwell, but Alger came through with a clean hit over second; Jubb got a life on McDougall's error, Klger getting around to third. Ostler scored both runners with a smart single, Man- ager Trew then instructed himself to go in as pinch hitter to bat for Sprague and hit a slow roller to third, forcing Ostler. He worked his way around to frd and then at- tempted to steal home, drawing a throw which went wild and allowing him to cross the plate with the 'win- Sporting Paragraphs | Messrs, H, E, Smith, 1, Henderson, R. Henderson, and Dr, Bascom mot- ored to Peterboro on Thursday where they were the guests of the Pete: - boro Golf Club, The party enjoycd their visit thoroughly, Sam Woods and J, Fowlds are the winners of the SBcotoch Doubles' bowl: ing competition which has been under way for some time, The final was played Thursday evening, 8. Woods and J, Fowlds defeating C, Simmons Warden Entertaing A at Banquet Friday Following the special meeting of the County Council held in Whitby yes. terday, the councillors and their friends were the guests of Warden Fred Richardson at a banquet held in the Kenosha Hotel at Caesareas. Among those present at the Warden's "party" were Mayor A, C, Maguire of Toronto, Mayor J. Stacey of Oshawa, Col, J, BE. Farewell, Whitby, Sheriff J. F, Paxton, Whitby; L. O, Clifford, M,P,, Oshawa, and many others, During the evening speeches were delivered by several notables, a fight: ing speech by Mayor Maguire regard: ing the great part Toronto has and is playing In provincial development, be- ing received with applause, During the evening Mr, L. O, Clifford, M.P, and C, Stenhouse 22 to 10, The win- ners receive outing trousers which | were donated by C, W, Detenbeck, Lloyd Chambers, Bowmanville': | young twirler distinguished himself on | Thursday afternoon when he blanked | the snappy Cobourg machine for seven innings, and struck out 16 men, Cham. | bers is only a youngster but if he con: tinues to improve he will be another sensational moundsman for the Cen- tral League, Annis Family Picnicked at Lake The fifth annual picnic of the An- nis family was Park on Tuesday last, when about two hundred relatives assembled for a delightful afternoon's outing to- gether, A varied assortment of games was indulged in. The family comes of United Empire Loyalist stock, the first member to settle in Ontario being Charles Annis, who made his home at Barber's Creek In 1791. The oldest in attendance at the pienic was David Annis, of Wood- ning run. The Stars' only error of the evening went to Hipwell, while] McDougall contributed all of Fit-| tings' misplays, three in number, | Winners Outhit The losers outhit Fittings 6 to 5| and but for Elliott's error of Jubb's | grounder, they might have trimmed; the champions. In the second stanza | Claus robbed .Algér of at least a| three base clout when he ran back to deep right to pull down a long fly. | No one in the field expected him to make the catch but he clung to the ball while on the run. Sheridan | somewhat evened matters when he] made a sensatiopal pick-up of Mur- | ray's fast grass-cutter. The ball was | travelling a mile a minute but Sheri- dan got in front of it, making the! out at first. The fielding was of a {high calibre, both teams using good ! judgement. The score: -- | Fittings | AB H Sheridan, 2b .... ... ..3 Palmer, rf .... .. 3 Kelso, 1b ... Alger 3b ... .. 0 0 Sprague, If 0 ol 0, ville, who has attained the age of 81 years and is still hale and hearty. Those in charge of the arrangements for the gathering were: President, Allin Annis, Toronto; Vice-President, W. D. Annis, clerk of Scarboro Township; Secretary, Miss Marjorie Annis, Enniskillen; Treasurer, Howard Brent, Tyrone. CANADIAN PACIFIC SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC.) Aug. S8--Empress of France* .. Cherbourg southampton, Hamburg | f1---Montrose ........... . Liverpool | 12--Tunisian a sara asa rasa ASEOW 16--Melita .... Southampton, Antwerp | Aug. Aug. Aug. held at Lakeview | stated that he and Dep, Reeve Frank Mason had been in Ottawa recently und seen Hon, W, C, Kennedy, Minis. ter of Rallways in connection with the latest radial scheme, The minister stated that he would be on his holi- days from August 6 to August 20, but that at any time after August 20 and following the appointment of the new Board of Directors for the Government Railway lines, he would be pleased to receive a deputation in connection with the proposed radial from Toronto to Port Hope, PAGE FIVE A HALLIDAY BARGAIN MINERAL SURFACE ROLL ROOFING Red or Green $ 2.95 per roll of 108 sa. foot Never before have he] ow a Prieed t's dl oo uying onable Sa oft bi bargain, t's o the Soe O Ey ot eo wil Ma Wor i A so. Order from this adv: ment. Fai y Ar tario at $2.9 {iNew Gutario bs ok $3.35, Maritim » Prov nces, $3.80. ma ls CATALOGUE FREE cata of other ( The Halliday Company Limited anch at Truro, Nova a Sune Still the most for the money. ON 4 x Where it Goes 25 (69) to Manufacturers .and Dealers to ith men on bases, he | Play in the first round. Should any i Jers Taw ha bs get the last man | Player not appear when his game is | Langmaid, ef .... .... through this system Then again called, he will lose by default and McDougall, ss .. in Cobourg he fanned fourteen men |Shall not be eligible for further | *Trew .. .. ... 18--Vietorian . . Liverpool | ol Ang arama | N---Empress of Scotland *. Cherbourg, Aug. 3 Southampton, Hamburg. 0 | Aug. 25--Montcalm . x . Liverpool -- MW--Melagama 30-Minnedosa ........ 34 (99 to Government O00 Wis we OmO=mOPRIe =D | Aug. | Aug. southampton | showing that he can, if hecessary, competition. The draw is as fol- | twirl sensationally. The Peterboro Examiner hails Heckman as the lead- er of the Central League taking strikeouts into consideration and other runs scored against him, but when these two stars opposed each other in Oshawa, Gallagher looked to be much better than the Petes' boxman. The first game in the Liftlock City was a disastrous one for Oshawa, Jake Solomon's crew pounding out a 10 to 1 victory. Gallagher entered the box with a sore arm and really should not have undertaken to trim the Petes, but he was game. He worked along for several games un- til he finaly snapped his arm into shape, when he stacked up against the Greybirds in Lindsay. Since then he has beem pitching winning ball and during the second half of the Central League batters will find him more of a puzzle than ever. Jake Solomon is using Heckman with regularity and so far the latter has held up under the strain. Heck- man created a fine impression on the Oshawa fans in the game here and should keep the Petes up in the first division. Should they fail to win the second half they are sure of figuring in the finals. Oulette, the Lindsay star, has also to be reckoned with. He had barrels of speed last Saturday but got away to a bad start. After he settled down he was almost invincible. Williams, McGuire and Allin are other pitchers of high cal- bre, who will furnish much excite- ment. Oslers Here On Monday The Oshawa Central Leaguers will have a real test on Monday whea they meet Oslers but it is doubt- ful if Gallagher will attempt to stop the fast tra Toronto team. Local fans would like to see "Ted™ [Saunders in the box for at least one ame this year and although he is needed badly at the second sack, has ben suggested by some that he 0 in against Oslers. Whoever is ed for the rubber a real classy e may be expected. lows: -- McIntosh vs. Fowlds. Goyne vs. Winnell. Woods vs. Luke. O'Connor vs. Hobbs. Simmons vs. Stenhouse. McMurtey vs. Farewell. Doubt vs. Sinclair. Swanson vs. Kennedy, Cooper vs. Althouse. | Chadburn vs. Hodgins. | Walton vs. Hill. | Hicks vs. Detenbeck. Thompson vs. Alger. Young vs. Allman. Johns vs. Medcall. Anderson vs. Stalter, Branton vs. Peacock. Conover vs. Sheridan. Porter vs. Goodman. Richards vs. Ellis. Mangan vs. Johnston. Hunt vs. Stevenson. Southwell vs. Turney. Pye vs. Storie. James vs. Whattam. Morgan vs. Wright. Kaiser vs, Branton. Morris vs. Germond. is making a fine showing in ond division of ; A spectacular work has tor in the success of the though the entire eleven is ed of expert players. His ef if 1 w!| | moooo~=~ccex = "© | PRBIB ans sis oss 3 ool jest E 0 0 0 | Blanchard, If Kellow, gs .... .......... | Petre, eof | Hipwell, c { Browne, 3b ... | Wettlauffer, 2b | Elliott, 1b, 3b . {Claus, rf J Boi A ER | Morrison, 1b - | Penfound, rf ... ... | COCO mmey COO™ mit NO =~ Pp oe ! Tohalg ... .... «ci | Score by innig FUNDED ... .. iin RO OO 33 All-Stars ... enennn- 10100002 | *Two out when winning run was | cored, |Oslers' Playing is Featured by Very Few Errors All arrangements have been com- pleted by Oslers, Toronto, for their trip to Oshawa om Civic Holiday. Sixteen players will make the grade, while Business-Manager Hy. Bell and Coach "Glad" Calhoun will be other acquisitions. Calhoun is the receat manager, and the man credited with building the present classy Osler machine. He was forced to relin- quish the active managership of Osler seniors this year through ill health. However, 'his work with Me- Cormick juniors has kept him before the fans, and McCormicks are junior champions of Ontario. Oslers are now travelling at top Speed, and Oshawa fans should view the best of the Joe Spring, ace of amateur heavers, will positively twirl for Oslers. His reg- ular catcher, Bill Buchanan, will make up the sweetest looking bat- tery pair let loose in many seasoms. Other Osler players will be as fol- lows: -- "Buck" Hughes, manager and first-baseman: Jimmy Willy, second- base; Pucker Reid, shortstop; Fred Hamilton and Fred Weale, third base; Doc. Lewis and Buddy Ryan, fe Sept. | | | Sept, Antwerp Cherbourg, Southampton 1--"Empress of India . 1--Montelare ............ Liverpool S--*Empress of France Southampton, Hamburg 8---Nontrose ... Liverpool Tunisian ......... coos Glasgow Empress of Britain* . Liverpool . Southampton, Antwerp Liverpool Corsican Glasgow *Empress of Scotland Cherbourg Southampton, Hamburg . Liverpool Glasgow Antwerp verpoot sept, Sept, | Sept. 9 | Sept. 12 | Sept. 13 | Sept. 15 | Set 1" 19 Net, (Baud Melita . Victorian Montealin Metagama . Minnedosa. Southampton, Montclare . as Quebec Only. | Sept. sept Sept, 7 Sept. 2% "From =n ua Apply to Local Agents, or NH. B. BEAUMONT, Gea. Agi, Pass. Depl. 1 Kiang St. E, Toreale Adelaide 2005 CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Aug. 11Sepl. RBOel. £ (oo... Saturnia Aug. 3MSept. Moet, 20 Lo. . Cassandra MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Aug. 19/Sept. Wet. A Albania . Glasgow | | | | Taxes Cherbourg, | | | | | | { | | | Sept. Sept. Jace, WX . Tyrrhenis Sepl. 16/0ct. ti Nov. 11 MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG & LONDON Aug. Sept. Sjowel 12 La Aug. 3%|Sept. XW Nov. AY. TO QUEENSTOWN & LIVERPOOL Aug. Sept. F0et. 3 Laconia Aug. 17 Sept. 1dloct. 12 . Canmana SAUE. 3 Sept. Moot, MH... SONA *Also sails from Boston Sept, 1, AN. --~CHERROURG & SOUTHAMPTON Aug. RiAug. MSept. 19 oo... Aug. 15/Sept. SiSept. NB Aug. 2iSept. 12 NAL PLY, CHERBOURG & HAMBURG Aug. Sept. SKaxonta Aug. Moet, + Caronia BOSTON--LIVERPOML QUEENSTOWN Sept. Moet, 18 Samaria AN. TO GLASGOW (Via Meville) Aug. 19Sept. 46... AAA cua ng. Sept. | .. Alpena Sept. F) aAAAA of London Sept. 9joet. 7 LAVERPOOL & GLASGOW Antonia ria Mauretania «+ Agquitamia +Elysia NN. TO MEMTERRANEAN Oct. 6--(Cruise) Nov, (Cruise Dec. 6 (Cruise a Feb. 10 (Cruise)... Tuscanta . Sexthia ~ Carona freight and fucther For sates of particulars to local agents or Ansonia | Tuscania | GOING FARE and costs, cover all charges including profits 2h a Kear? HARVESTERS WANTED RETURNING FARE $15 to WINNIPEG ($20 from WINNIPEG Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary, plus hall a cent a mile from starting point to Winnipeg Mcleod and east. GOING == DATES Auguet 18th and 23rd. Toon. lnscrsad sod sl sation south and est 11th and 218t Toronto, Caledon East, Becton, Meaford, E Midland, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in Omtario. August 21st-- TonoRbo (on Station) Trains Lea Standard Ti YO ime) August 11th--9.00 am., 12.30 noon, 6.00 p.m., 10.30 p.m. iv 12.30 noon, 6.00 p.m., 10.30 p.m. For Times from Other Stations See Special Train Service Poster For further particulars apply to nearest agent Canadian National-Grand Trunk Railways. THE CANADIAN NATIONAL REACHES DIRECT ALL WMPORTANT DISTRIBUTING ' CENTRES IN WESTERN CANADA the "National Way" to Winnipeg when destined to amy point beyond

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