OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922 PAGE THRE Oshawa and Dist ict -- § F.0 Rh ob oh Lp Link With the Past One of the incidents of the rebel- lion of 1837 was recalled by the death in Brighton oh Friday of Mc. Aaron Talmadge, who was a child of three years at the time. During the rebellion her father, William Hutch- inson, found some rebels in the woods near his home and because he in- fornted on them was murdered by one of the gang some years late'. -- Fire Protection For Cannington The Cannington Council, following a discussion on better fire protection for that village, has decided to get estimates and particulars at once on this 'matter. At the last meeting the question was discussed from many snips as various systems such 8s a gasoline fire engine with sufficient hose to reach any part of the village, water system with stand pipe or stand pipe on :nefth east corner of Thomas Chilver's 'farm, were men- tioned. If a waterworks system were adopted the water would be pumped from springs or the river, the pumps to be driven by gasoline or electricity, Department of Education The Department, of Education has Just announced the results of the ex- aminations in the various short cour- ses for tehthers held this summer, Miss Hester Vokes, daughter of My, and Mrs. A. Vokes, 284 Albert Street, has successfully completed her two years' work in Physical Culture and has quelified for her Bupervisor's Cey- tificate. Miss Bernice Grooms, daugh- ter of MF, and Mrs, W, A, Grooms, 125 Alma Street, has secured her Art Su- pervisor's Certificate, having passed the examinations at the end of the two years' "course, "~ Assaulted Father Charged with using abusive lan- guage, Mabel Lindsay came before Magistrate A, Hinds in Police Court yesterday.' Pleading not guilty, ' J. B, Mangan, appearing for accused ask- ed Tor an adjournment, The case will be heard on Thursday of next week. for the complainant, Accused of using Abugive Language Convicted of a charge of common assault on his father, Dennis Collins, Hamilton' Collins was' placed on sus- pended sentence and bound over to keep the peace by Magistrate Hind in Police Court yesterday morning. Lightning Kills Cows Two valuable cows, while standing under a' tree at Newcastle were re- cently struck by lightning and in- stantly killed. One of the eows was owned 'by Mr. Frank Bennett and the other by James Hayes, Struck By Baseball, Little Maurice Pennell, the young son of Mr, and Mrs, Hafry B. nell, 17 Greta Street, received a black éye on Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a boumeing foul ball, during the Cobourg-Osh- 'awa C.0.B.A, game. Maurice was sit- roadway a few feet in front of him D. A. J. Swanson is acting as counsel |, Pen- | =| (berth) and. on its fipst bounce struck him in the face, Dr. F. J. Finnigan, who happened to be in the stands, ren dered first aid and the little lad was able to proceed to his home, B.Y.P,U. Record Attendanch A record attendance mark was set last Monday evening by the Baptist B,)Y,P.U,, when Mw Jones, local bible colporteur, spoke of 'The North American Indians," and also favor- | ed those present with a solo in the Indian tongue, During the evening Miss M., Armowr gave a piano solo and Mrs, Howard a vocal selection while Mr, A, Anderson read the les- son, . TE Mayor In Toronto . Re Fuel Shortage Mayor John Stacey motored to To- ronto this morning to be in attend- ance at the final meeting being held there this af ernoon at the call of the Provincial Fuel Controller, J. A, Ellis, Representatives of all Ont- ario municipalities have been invit- ed as well as representatives of the fuel deaters throughout = Ontario. Mayor Stacey was unaccompanied by any other representative from this locality wgen he went to the Queen City this morning. Speaking to The | Reformer' he stated that he was go- ling to the conference in order to {gain all possible first hand informa- {tion regarding the situation. | HARVESTERS WANTED FOR | WESTERN WHEAT FIELDS Special train service and low faros are offered by the Canadian National ting inside the race track at Alexan- | ----Grand Trunk Railways to West-| dva Park when a foul ball li* in the ¢Fn Canada. Consult with your | nearest Agent for train service ete. | Comfortable, roomy, convertible colonist cars of latest de- ! . News of the Theatres a EXQUISITE HUMOR IN DORIS MAY VEHICLE Hunt Stromberg 'Story "fhe Foo!.sh Age" Serves To Introduce New Har ! | An exquisite toue¢h of humor and | heart interest plus swift action and, a' theme: that will appeal to all classes of theatregoers makes "The Foolish Age," Doris May's first star- ring vehicle for R-C Pictured, one of the really big attractions af the new year to date. It will be sereened for the first time at the Martin Theatre where it will begin an engagement of 3 days tonfght, "The Foolish Age' marks the de- but of Miss May as a full fleged star --a gtarin hér own right. It will be the Irst of a series of high comedy productions in whieh this personable young woman will appear under the auspices of R-C Pictures. Her first vehicle was written especially for Migs May by Hunt Stromberg and personally supervised by him, too, and without the slightest exaggera- tion it may be said that it touches a very high plane of exeellence as to | story, direction and personality of the star herself, | 'Mr. Stromberg has been assoclat- ed with Miss May in motion pictures (for some time and understands [thoreughly her requirements in| | stories, © Therefore, ' he kept her! qualifications | eapabilities always in mind when he | prepared "The Foolish Age" and the | result' is the story fits Miss May as | snugly as a new glove. ( | Not the least isteresting feature | of the story is the'tdea upon which | it is based. It is both novel and timely, Miss May, for instance, is| [Margie Carr, daughter of a wealthy | To Buy in August is a Very Wise Plan This store has planned to make the month of August a pericd of wniisual activity " e a trip down town very ° by offering shoppers the compelling sort of values that profitable. Here at this time you will find countless items of you are a for the children or just curious to see some of the new togs fashion for the new season. 4 CLEARING OF WOMEN'S HOSE reme interest lated vacationist, a mother in search of he Buy school clothes 4 m rh adall udm ta ERY § "pte h} Jah L197 nga Nan capiledl "x wd 0.1% ; Alas EJ has produced bE HAO BERT] dpimues ntl hah buna wha ano fn La pad' Ad mil 17900 dw rund an LUE] Yin hd {sign and restaurant cars serving father who insists that she marry a _ |} medls and lunches will be attached young man of wealth and social posi- Including some of the best makes, these arc odd lines In | provided to trains. Speelal cars will also he for women. Travel the destined to any point beyond. The Canadian National reaches direct all important distributing centres in Western Canada. BIRTH HOWIE.--At home, on Thursday, August 17th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Orval W. B. Howie, Huron Crescent, a son, (Douglas George.) : 68a CLANCY ---In Oshawa, Monday August 14th, 1922 to Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Clancy a daughter. 58-a Our Prices The Rexall Stores WEEK-END 1 SPECIALS Save You Money Our Service Saves You Trouble Ask for TINY TOT T1"23% Hours' Leave" ition like herself. : | Margie, however, doesn't intend to | { "National Way" to Winnipeg when|have her marriage regulated by dol- | Oshawa | Cash Grocery lars and cents. Instead she evolves | {a big idea and begins at once to put | it over. She decides to uplift the poor and downtrodden-----to go intel the slums and help the denizens of; those districts to see the light. And she gets right to work, enlistening |the aid of a group of exceedingly {rough young men to help her out. | This of course starts the fun, which comes fast and furiously therggafter. Miss May, an artist to her finger tips, revels in this sort of material {and repeats the triumphs she achiev- led in such memorable productions as and "Mary's | Ankle" in both of whieh she co-star- | red with Douglas Mclean. | Supporting Miss May in her first | starring production is a east of more ! than ordinary prominence and ability. The members are Hallan Cooley, Otis | | Harlan, Bull Montana, Lillian Worth, | | Arthur Hopt, Billy Elmer and Spike | | Robinson. | | AND 1922 SEEN IN "BORDER- LAND." Agnes Ayres' New Picture Will Be | Enjoyed By Her Women Admirers. | A shift of locale from 1850 to 1922 ! provides an interesting variation of | charming gowns for Agnes Ayres in| "Borderland," her new Paramount | picture just booked by Manager Pom- {eroy of the Regent Theatre. | A yellow cut velvet evening gown { broken sizes. Pure thread Silk Hose. Regular $2.00 and $2.50 a pair in Grey, Navy and Taupe. Friday and Saturday A SPECIAL OFFER FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE All sizes, 5 to 10, in Black, Brown and White. 1/1 Ribb. Reg. 26¢, 30c., and 35c a pair. An excellent wearing quality that will give satis- faction in every way. Special Pair 19¢ CHILDREN'S WHITE COTTON SOCKS There is at least, another month for socks. And here is one big grand opportunity to replenish your stoek. A special clearing out price for Friday and Saturday Pair 5 1 15¢ WINSOME MAID SILK HOSIERY Sixteen strand silk full fashioned with seamed back in Black, Brown, Navy and White. "$1.96 WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE Black and Dark Brown, a beautiful Lisle finish Hose, Seamless. Special for Friday and 2 Pairs for 35¢ SUMMER VESTS FOR LADIES SPECIAL PURCHASE--50 DOZEN Firt quality with either short sleeve or strap shoulder. A Regular 36e. line. To be Sold for . Pair 98¢ WHITE FLANNELETTE 34" wide, a fine pure finish Saxony Flannelette, and now is tne rignt Ume to buy it while the price is right 25 yd. C 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS White or Grey with Pink or Blue border, Thd famous Ibex make. Although the price of Flannelette Blankets have taken a raise on the markets, you will notice our price remains the same. $2.65 Pair FACTORY COTTON, 38-in, WIDE A fine pure finish, free from tilling, an excellent quality for every day use. . yd, 15¢ For YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY STRIPED VERANDAH AWNING Reguiar 58c--468c yd. Friday & Saturday A 47¢ yd. JUST A REMINDER Saturday night will finich the Special Sale of work from the Blind Institute. If there is any- thing in Baskets, Rag Rugs or House dress aprons and ete., you are wanting, get it before we close Saturday night, as the remainder will he shipped back Monday for the Toronto Exhibi- tions. "4 {hits the eye because of its unbelted |ture, effect and the startling use on the (be begun upon completion (skirt of yellow crystal beads. Crystal | Fast Mail." beads form the head-dress, a dangie| here was mo way out of it, and {of them hanging at one side of the | when Mr. Jones was able 10 resume {head for a charming and movel ef-| work before the camera, the new pic | tect. : {ture was started and "shooting" on There's a jazz dancing gown of {the old one resumed. |eoa lace, modified hoop-skirt effect Both sets of directors were insistent decorated: with bread bands of seal- and for eight weeks Mr. Jones was led {ing with red ribbon and zellaphane merry chase, making scenes first in flowers of orange, red amd purple. | 0 nicture and then in the other. As a contrast, there are several | Sundays, nights, and the actor's every | gorgeous hoop-skirts of 1850, worn waking moment was utilized. {by Dora Becket. whose spirit re-i ag, jake matters more interesting {turns to warn Edith Wayne of the |.qocations™ on the two pletures were |comsequences of her projected mis jue a hundred miles apart, and it was {step.. An old rose skirt, whose hoops nothing unusual for the good-natured |are about eight feet in diameter, is! .g hard-working star to "shoot" "The {covered with orchid lace from skirl |p. Mail" in the morning, and in the [to modest neck. Another hoop-skirt afternoon resume work on "Westers of "The "Western Speed," which was to | Speed", fifty miles away, ana (da qv- | REFORMER OCASSIFIED ADs. lide his time at night between two | {different sets in the big William Fox | Hollywood studio, where interiors "The Fast Mail" and "Western Speed" were made. "Rough Shod" will close at the {Grand Theatre with the showing on Saturday night. Peterboro" Examiner:--The next home game for the Petes will be the duel with Cobourg on Saturday and on this game will depend to a great extent the final outcome of the second series. Peterboro now im second place can only hope to oust Cobourg trem first by pulling out with a victory and to do this Solomon and Company will have to be right on their toes and play | a brand of baseball as they never play- | ed before. i BRING RESULTS Lost Y. ? A MEM ORES THE NEW MARTIN Thur ;day, Friday, Saturday | -------------------------- on | with worsted passemeaterie. "Borderland," besides presentin:z ~ delft blue and bronze is decorated said to be an unusual drama'ic novel- ity. It will be a feature at the Regent | tonight. The story is by Beulah Marie |Dix. Paul Powell dirceted, with Harry Perry at the camera. Imclud- ed in the cast are Milton Sills, Fred Huntley, Casson Ferguson, Bertram | Grasshy, Sylvia Ashton. ! "Borderland" is taking all Toronto | by storm this week where it is being {shown at the Regent there, Canada's | foremost theatre and the manage-, {ment of the Regent, Oshawa, are | very fortunate to secure this attrac- ition Day aud Bale with this noted theatre. on interesting sartorial contrast, is | Harp ~ 2b. for . per Ib. GROCERIES for This isthe last chance this year to obtain Sugar at this price 12 lbs. Brown Sugar Special Blend Black or Mixed Tea at 45¢ er & Clemens BUTCHERS & GROCERS $1.75 53 Simcoe St. N.