Automobiles. Fo or Sale , GLEMENCE, DENTIST, FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO,|FORD COUP oak case, good 'condition, a bargain |condition. at $250. Stalter's: Musio Store, 23 |ers, 45-tf | p.m, or Andison's Tallor Shop, a» Wiag St. West, Phone 231, DR. T. 8, TUCKER~-DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Phone 948. 1-yr, DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Ofce over Kyle's Grocery Etore. Phepe 969. 41 yn DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Stove. Phone Nn, Mm. : 4 DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, : Bronisiaiddabaioindlul idiot SIRE CTC DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over. Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St, N. Phone 1243, DR, ARMST 'his dental office from Bank to his residence, 20 St. N. ONG HAS REMOVED RON over the Royél 1 Simcoe 26-1mos. Medical R. C. B., WILSON, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 67. 110-1yr . McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR- Diba. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. R. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, RTA hy will ba at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. fer consulta- tion in disease of the eye 12-1 yr "DD. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Eo Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--6; 7-8; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. A5-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-1 DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa, ' BE IN FIRST CLASS Starter and shock abdorb- Phone 326 W, between 6 and 6 le FOR SALE -- HOPSTICKS PER GAL- lon 36 cents, three gallons one dollar, Very refreshing, once used, always used, 8, Goulah, 2094 Dundas, West, Toronto, 61 "WILL SELL 38 PREFERRED shares Paramount Oshawa Theatre and 10 Common 8hares of same for $300,00, Total par value of stock $5660.00. It interested write Box "G"" Reformer Office. 61-t.1, PONY AND OUTFIT FOR SALE -- In first class condition, Apply E, Cheseborough, Simcoe 8t.,, Cedar Dale. 61 FOR SALE -- A GOOD EXPRESS wagon, also a garage to rent. Ap- ply 106 William St, W. 62-8 FOR SALE -- 14 RHODE ISLAND Red pullets, March and April hatch. 109 Alice St. 62-2 PONY HARNESS AND BUGGY FOR sale cheap. - Apply R. Howard, Park Road 8. G2-h BIG SALE -- BARGAINS IN FUR- niture, 50 iron heds, complete with new mattresses, Sliding couches with new mattresses, $8; new ward- robes, regular $35 for $18.50. Hall racks, dressers, dressing tables, ex- tension tables, sideboards, camp cots, stoves and ranges, gas stoves, laun- dry stoves, carpets and rugs, chairs and rockers, tinware, at wholesale prices. Oshawa Bargain House, 17 Prince St. 62-¢ FOR SALE--INDIAN TWIN MO- torcycle, three speed gear, suitable for side car. Good buy for cash, Apply evenings to 516 Cubert St. 62-¢ Houses For Sele HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX ROOM house on Pearl Street for sale with large lot. Apply Robert Wiggans, 185 College Ave., College Hill, South Oshawa. 60c FOR SALE -- 7 ROOMED FRAME house, with light, water, 3 piece bath furnace and gas. Five minutes walk from Post Office. Apply Box "K" Re- former, 61-b Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, otc. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Ofice, King St. Chambers (formerly . Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 6194. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- { Notaries Pub- r Con y Me, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.;' Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, RA. &. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M. MM. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 341 Undertekers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simecde St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT ideal Tiras Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, fimcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-419 FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 552J, night 562W. Rut- son Road North. IEE S Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg, Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for 2041 WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONY. Liye Stock a Phene 167ri-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos WANTED SPECIAL MELP WANTED SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Oshawa and wicinity from mow until the last of D 1 Real Estate For Sele LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 King St. East. Office phone 1232. FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN TOUR- ing seven passenger, tires gcod as new, two spares, Engine equipped with tire pump. Car is in tirst clags condition and is real snap for some- one, Owner needs cesh, Apply after 6, 439 King St, E, "02-d FOR SALE -- 400 CHEVROLET. Apply 38 Bond St, BE, ' * G2-tf Lost and Found LOST -- A PURSE BETWEEN COUR- tice and Oshawa. Finder will be re- warded, Leave same: at 73 Division Street, 61-t.1, LOBT--A GENTLEMAN'S GABAR- dine coat on King St.,, between Post Office and Thornton's Corners, Finder kindly leave at Dominion Bank and receive reward, (2-0 Work Wanted CARPENTER WANTS WORK. RE- pairs, alterations or additions, See me before deciding, D. Stretton, 54 Albert St. Phone 1129-3, 50-1mo LATHING AND SHINGLING., WORK done by job or piece, Estimates given, Apply 13% King St. W, 53-2mo YOUNG MAN, THREE YEARS' EX: perience, general office work, book- keeping, typewriting, filing, cashier, Open for engagements Sept. 20 or Oct, 1st. Desires permanent position. Box 601 Carleton' Place, Ont, 61f To Rent TO LET--ONE FURNISHED ROOM, convenient to business section and General Motors. Apply 267 Mary Street. -o 62-c TO RENT -- OFFICE. VERY CON- venient and well lighted. Apply Union Bank of Canada, Oshawa. 61-c BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE OFFICE ALSG wing. Rents very reasonable. ply 34 Avenue St, WANTED -- SEVEN Good locality. Possession September. Apply Box former. gar niture and on monthly payments to party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley Bldg. Residence, 403. 46-tf LOTS ON HILCREST AT $50 RUS-| sell Perkins, Regent Building, King | Gast. Phones 1232 or 403. 59-1 | FARM FOR SALE--46 acres, at | Raglan, will sell stock and imple-; ments if desired, good buildings on | property, water and well located. Im- mediate possession. Apply to J. R.| Claughton, Raglan. 5%e FARM FOR SALE--50 ACRES. LOT | 19 Con. 2, Reach Township, 2 miles North of Raglan. Hip 36 x 60. Stone stables and pig pen 18 x 40. Driving house 18 x 20. Gas-| oline engine to pump water in stab- | les. Frame house 24 x 34. Furnace. ! Also water in house. Reasons for sell- | ing on account of health. Bargain | for quick sale. Apply ED. Lyle, R.R. No. 2, Port Perry or phone Port Perry 198 ris. 60-c FARM FOR SALE--120 ACRES, 4 miles from Oshawa. Best of soil, good fences. rorchard, ($9000 worth of apples sold in 2 years). 8 room brick house, furnace, cistern and cement cellar. Nice lawn and shade trees. Large modern hip roof barn. drinking cups, litter carrier 'and silo. Large implement shed and hen house. Pos- session this fall. Apply ES. Wilk- ins, R.R. No. 1, Cedar Dale. Phone 908-r.31. 60c | TWO LOTS FOR SALE OR EX- change for car. Apply West End Grocer, Base Line West. 62-b $6,000 WILL BUY A LOVELY 7 room brick with all conveniences, garage, on paved street and con- venient to Pedlars. $4,600. will buy a 7 room brick with all convemiences om paved street. This house has been mewly decorat- ed, upstairs and dogn, and is only a few minutes walk ffom Four Cor- ners. - We have many more houses, also lots and farms. Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. East. Phone 793. A. C. Lycett, Phone 625. J. C. Young, Phone 909j. 61-c FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK hoube, all conveniences, hardwood floors. Apply 131 Ritson Road S. 62-a General Wants AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE Nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We! grow and sell the best only and want reliable, energetic agents for unrep- resented territories. Write mow. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. 31-y WANTED EARLY APPLES BY the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- sel Perkins, #08. Residence 151 Park Rd. N. baf FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD AND exchanged, alse motor truck for hire. Local or long distance. B. Warner, 329 Court St, Oshawa. Phone 1005W. 61-1m Help Wanted--Female WANTED--STENOGRAPHER WHO also has knowledge of office work. State salary. Apply Box "V" Reform- er. 6lc 0, tage orders for our exclusive line Personal Greeting Cards. 'This offers splendid opportunity to earn from $10 to $50 per week as to time devoted to the work. Samples free. Write: at once for full information. Dept. D175 Carlton Publ Co., #26 Spadina Ave., Toronto. 50-1mo Lumber NEW LUMBER FOR SALE--WE have all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Ask for quotations. Whit- by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. ny WANTED---GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral house work. Apply Mrs. Edgar Bradley, 432 Simcoe Street N. 60-c CLEANING -- STRONG CAPABLE woman to-do house cleaning, one corner King and Simcoe. 60-ef WANTED -- GENERAL SERVANT adian Bank of Commence. . 02 GIRL WANTED ONE FOURTEEN on farm near Oshawa. Must be heal- thy and reliable. Good home for right party. Apply Box 'P" Reform- er Office, 62a 15 acres young bearing |. day a week. The Burns Co. ld. | or working housekeeper. Apply Can- or over, to work with family of three floor--heat light. Size 27x73. terations to suit tenant. H. Engel. 1st, five or six roomed house with garden preferrgd, reliable tenants, pei lease. Apply Box 'X". Reformer. WANTED -- BOY 15 OR 16 YEARS old to enter permanent position. Good quired. Apply Box "W" Reformer. 61-¢ HELP WANTED -- GENERAL MOT- ors of Canada require machine opera- tors for Trimming Departments. 61-b MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO writing showcards for us. vassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showcard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg. Toronto. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT -- Near Post Office. Apply Box "S" Ri former. 6le BOARD AND ROOM $7 PER WEEK. convenient to G.M.C. Table $5 per week. St. E. ROOM St, 10 AND BOARD, / 60c z WAGGING TONGUES Acton Free Press:--Gossip as well as every kind of evil speaking, lives on encouragement. If you don't love hearing about your neighbor's faults, scandal mongers will learn to avoid your presence. "The north driveth away rain, so doth an angry countenance, a backbiting tongue." Next to the whisper, the man or wo- man who listens to idle gossip is a menace to society. The man who talks to you about his neighbor will have as much to say about you when your back is turned. When you find yourself enjoying the wag of a vicious tongue, it is time to look inside and ask yourself what manner of man you are. A GOOD HABIT Winchester Press:--The late Hon. George Taylor, who for s0 many years represented the county of Leeds in the Federal House, made it a habit and a duty to meet his constituents at least once a.year, and mostly at pic- mics. He was known not only by the men who voted, but by the women and children who cheered for him, and his hold on that riding was so strong that his majority increased at every election. And Hon. George Taylor was no orator, could not even tell a funny story well, but he met his people on a common footing and he talked to. them face to face. : IMPOSSIBLE Crescent: --*"Well, dad, here we are," said the young man who had' persuaded his father to attend a boxing match. "I'll warrant you'll get more excitement for your $2 than you ever got in your life before." | "Hub! I doubt that," grunted the old man. "Two dollars mas all I paid {for my marriage license." | -- -- {| ine Quality Plums and Peaches { Early varieties of plums aud peaches J ave now over and the best grades of tpreserving plums are being offered jn ge quantities. Prives are reasonable. Recent hot weather, however, will 'shorten the season. Yellow flesh free peaches ave alse obtainable. The kK of whe Niagara Peninsula Growers, N. rio, stands for carefully packed, evenly graded fruit. | yi "rn _- T_T OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1922 X p-------- kA \ or 'The Black Menace ARTHUR BE REEVE @ CHAPTER VII,--Continued We followed, although I felt that, pursuit was uscless, Suddenly we stopped sharply, A harbed wire fence separated the field from the clump of woods. Quickly Kennedy flashed a light up and down the fence, There sticking on one of the harhs of the wire he could see something fluttering. He pulled it off the wire and began examining it, I, too, felt of it. It was a plece of cloth of most peculiar texture, "What is it---a beast?" I asked. "Beasts don't leave traces Ike this," he returned, fingering the cloth. "A phantom?" "Shadows don't stop bullets," "Then what is it?" "This is some of the newly invent- ed armor-cloth," he returned, We let ourselves through the barb- things are not so prosperous with her as I thought, She's going to take an engagement to dance in the new re- vue at the Crystal Palace, I don't think she'd -leave the stage for that if she didn't need the money badly." Kemnedy considered. Breshkaya prosperous was one thing, Breshkaya in debt was quite another, What might she not be capable of doing to recoup her losses at the gambling pal: ace? "Do you know?" remarked Speed, still under his breath, but nervous, "this silence on the part of the Black Menace, whoever it is, is ominous? I've been wondering whether it may not mean some new delivery, I wish we could forestall it, Why can't you and Jameson and myself go out there and watch tonight?" he whispered, glanc- ing over at Clare to make sure that she did not hear, "Good," agreed Kennedy, "Then to- ed wire carefully and started into the woods, but there was no trace, ation, made the attack on Clare and Speed the night before. Who had it been? There was only one thing to do and that was to wait for the report {of Ravenal on his investigation at the mystery house in the morning. one large airy bedroom, hot water | heated, in Queens' Hotel block, north | he reported eagerly, Apply | place you never dreamed of. phone 1157J, 2nd floor, 3rd door. 61b | introduced properly, too--found a LARGE GARAGE FOR RENT. AP.) 6lc FOR RENT---FURNISHED OFFICE | in Bradley Building, or will sell fur-/| 4,0] HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD] roof barn | education necessary and references re- | $60 paid weekly for your spare time | No can-| 834.0 | © | Breshkaya?" inquired Kennedy the board | Apply 156 Colborne |the corner where Clare was talking 60c | with Ravenal, and lowered his voice. 137 HURON | minutes from Motor Works. |"of¥ wind | CHAPTER VII. The Tear Bullet { | mation when he met us at the labor- | atory the next day, 'I got into the place all right." "And such a I was | friend at one of the clubs who knew about it. It cost me some money he- I can get 'you in, "I shall want to go there later," "Tell 'me--what Did you see Breshkaya?" "Yes," replied Ravenal in surprise. "How," did you know she was there?" Kennedy did not answer at once. "And did you see Werner?" "Werner?" "Yes, that tango tout, | | you remem- | | | Al-|ber--at least that was the. name they | Apply to! gave him at the Crystal Palace" "4T-tf. d -- | WANTED TO RENT_BY OCTOPER |Bot see him. Indeed, I don't believe "No," returned Ravenal. *I he would fit in such a place as that. | He might be a capper for it, I sup-| pose, but hardly anything more." | "What of Breshkaya?" asked Ken- | nedy, . "Between you and me, replied | Ravenal, slowly, "it's my opinion that she has been going the pice at] a pretty lively clip. I don't believe | she can afford to lose money at the| rate I saw her lose it last night--not! at least, unless there is someone with unlimited resources backing her." He had scarcely finished when the! door to the labotatory opened and! Clare and Speed entered. | "Is there anything new?" inquired | Clare eagerly. | "Not much, except what Mr. Rave- nal has discovered out at Heaton Hills," returned Kennedy. Clare turned to Ravenal, and soon | they were chatting with animation as | she drew from him the story of his| experiences of the night before. "What did you find out about | | moment he was able to speak alone {to Speed. Speed cast a swift glance over at "Not very much," he replied, "but popular with some of the fast I tried to find out something about 'that gambling place. She must be a constant visitor--and they pay that she has been a heavy loser, too. Of course, that may be only gossip: but 1 found out something else that bears it out. Evidently "What I did to cure a : cough which was Rack- the mountains, a cg y came which thoroughly ehillod. Next day I felt a slight cold in my head but thought nothing of it. fol- lowing day the oold had developed E 0) ® 2 & At least we had part of the explan- | It was an armored man who had! cysed himself and left us. {left a few moments later to go to his Ravenal was bursting with infor- | J fore I got away, but I think no one; OR EIGHT suspected me. roomed house with all conveniences. | Bow I think, if you want to go." last -of | Re- | replied Kennelly. 0c | happened. night we watch together. Don't tell a soul about it--not even Clare." Speed nodded. A few moments later Kennedy ex- Ravenal studio-office and finally with a secret nod to me, Spegd persuaded Clare to return home, urging her to remain there where it now seemed she was i most safe, { I did not see Kennedy again until after dinner that night, It was dark when Speed joined us before the lab- oratory door. "Does Clare Craig asked. Speed negatived. "I don't think she heard," he replied confidentially, "The last thing I made her promise was that she would not leave the house," As we three crowded into the seat that had been built for two I felt something bulging in Kennedy's poc-| ket. "What's that?" I asked. "A new gun I sueceeded in finding. after looking all over the city," he re- suspect anything?" his attention in a different direction, | It was a quiet night, which scemed to add to our suppressed excitement, The sound of the wind in the trees added to the tenseness of the country darkness, Once the quietness was broken hy the purring of the motor on the road beside us, A car shot past containing only a single figure, a woman, "Clare!" exclaimed Speed involun- tarily, "She can't be kept away, We might better have brought her with us," Kennedy jammed on the starter, It would never do to let this girl be alone in this neighbohood at night, It was foolhardy, We gathered speed. The moon was just rising, and there was sufficient light to see the car as it wound along the road, now and then coming into the moonlight, Clare's car turned off the road to an- other between two fields. It dipped down over the brow of a hill ahead and we followed, As we nosed our way up to the crest we could see that she had stop- ped, and was looking about as though not quite sure where she was. "Look!" exclaimed Speed, forward, We strained our eyes in the black- ness, where the moonlight had not yet struck, In the field to the right was the very figure we had seen the night be- fore. leaning TO BE CONTINUED IF YOU WANT MEATS BOTH PURE AWD A VISIT HERE WILL PROVE A TREA AND SWEETNESS ot our meats make their appeal to the happy family circle where quality foods are apprec- {sted. Nothing but the best and turned briefly. We shot out over the town, across the bridge and again through the, splendid road to Heaton Hills. | Once more we found ourselves in| the neighborhood of the mansion of | decided Kennedy, "that mystery. "I think," here's a good place for observation." We pulled up in the shadow of al bend in the road on a rising spot of | ground. | Here we waited with lights dimmed. | Our senses alert to catch any unwont- ed sounds. Each of us concentrated Radiators Repaired RADIATOR SERVICE STATION 650 Simcoe St. S. isfaction: All teed. Phone 355w. will give Sat- work Guaran- 51-1m MOVED! From Our Old Stand 23 Bond St. E. Let wus show you ow work. It is swe to lots of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- isfactory service, Our tele- phone is your friend. Hl.A. SUDDARD SIM JOE ST. SOITH PHONE 517 Aug. 30--Minnedosa Sept, {--Montelare Sept: S--*Empress « sept, 7 Sept, Sept, Sept, sept, sept, sept, Empress of 8--~Montrose O--=Tunizian 12---Empress ol 13--Mellta .... | { Sept, 19="Empress sept, 22--Montealm | sept, | Sept. Li--Minnedosy, | Sept. 2 Oct. $--Empress of oct, 6=Montrose vet, T=Tunisinn Oot 10--=Empress of *From Quebec O1 H. B. BEAUMONT, Adel CANADIAN PA SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. 15--Vietorian ih--Corsican .. Metagama | Montelare | Apply to L - CIFIC serves Southampton Antwerp Liverpool of France .. Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg India .. . Glasgow Liverpool ve. Glasgow f Britain* ... Liverpool Southampton, Antwerp .+ Liverpool enn cies Glasgow if Scotland ,. cherbourg southampton, Hamburg Liverpool Glasgow Antwerp > Liverpool France* .... Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg Liverpool Glaggow Liverpool Southampton, Britain® ily. ocal Agents, or Gen. Agl.,, Pass. Dept, 1 King St, E,, Toronto alde 2105 | Aug. 31Sept. 2oet, sept. Socel. MONTREAL Sept. 16l0ct, 15Nov, Sept. 23]0ct. 24 Oct, 8........, MONT) CHE Sept, 9loct, 14 Nov, N.Y. TO QUEENS *Aug. 31 Sept. }Woet, Sept. Tioet. sept. tioct, 12 *Also sails from o> Aug. 208ept. 19joet, sept. 12001 ONov, RE BOL KR Aug. Sept. 30INov. Boston Sey hy. CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON MONTREAL TO GLASGOW 41 Cassandra Saturnia TO LIVERPOOL in... . Ausonia ... Albania «+.» Tyrrhenia TO PLYMOUTH G & LONDON i 18 TOWN & LIVERPOOL Andaunia Autonia 2 . Seythia Laconia . Carmania on. 1. NY. --CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMPTON Berengdtia JAquitania 4 INDY, PLY. CHERBOLRG & SOUTHAMPTON NOTICE I have purchased the electri- cal business and stock of Mr. W. A. Killoran, 394, Sim- coe Street North, Queen's Block, and am prepared to do anything in the line of electrical contracting. H. A. BRADLEY Phone 1083 39% Simcoe St. N. {| Sept. J sept. 25 0ct. | Aug. 3tjoct. Sept. Woe, Sept. 2 Oct. 19. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1000. 1§Nov. sept. "oct 3 ruise Cruise | Nov Cruise iDee. « Cruise dan. 2i-- (Cruise | Feb. 10--(Cruise | Now. { Feb. 1U-- Cruise, .. For rates of passage, fi particulars apply to ROBERT REFORDCO, Led | PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Led § Phone 28 Phone 1101 § . 'This kept up for some p for : £ it af HH ji Hiei 3 tia. si 3 £ § 5 : : i ] i | i H LE] i i] 1 H E ; 1 1 1 i g Have Your: Garments, Curtains, ete. Draperies, by our superior method, and they will Jook just like new and have that fresh appearance which you s0 much desire. You will not be disappointed if you sand them 10 C. E. Aldsworth Quality Cleaner and Dyer Cor. Celina and Athol Sts. Goods called for and delivered. Mail ovders receive special and prompt attention. PHONE N.Y. TO GLASGOW 19 Mauretania NY. PLY., CHERBOURG & HAMBURG Caronia Saxounis BOSTON--LIVERPOOL--QUEENSTOWN Tyrrhenis . «ss Sainaria (Via Movilie) City of London Cameronia . Columbia Algeria no. Tuscanig . Laconia .. Seyibia .. Tuscania «+. Samaria ... Caronia Mauretania reight and further local ageats or GENERAL AGENTS $0 KING STREET EAST Man or Wor age, honest. NOTICE I will ind a position for a man, 25 years of industrious, and in possession of necessary qualifications. Apply, Post Office Box 302, Oshawa. i 3 £ ; ti fi £2 HH i it bik it i | aid ; i » fi LH ie 5 g 5 Walk into our office and learn that it is "penny wise and pound foolish" not to have fire insurance protection or not to have sufficient. We offer liberal policies in the leading companies, lowest rates and full exemptions and concessions where possible. Consult us on all fire insurance matters. In- formation gladly furnished. YOU'LL GET A NEW ONE AT The New Martin