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Ontario Reformer, 26 Aug 1922, p. 6

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'PAGE SIX SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer gory I the "~o-opera- tion of its readers in contributing ftems to this column, Send us 8 postcard or 'phone 35, --Masters Melville and Ross Rom- bough are visiting in Bowmanville. ~--Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Balle, are visiting relatives in Cleveland. --Miss Gladys Morris is visiting friends at Lake Simcoe, ~--Miss Doris Barrowclough is vis- iting friends in Toronto, --Mr. Norman Ashley is enjoying a holiday in Gananoque, --Mrs, H. G, Harmer, Alice Street, is visiting + Mrs. George Edwards, formerly of Oshawa, in Brampton, --Mrs, Charles Fetherstone and two sons are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nichols, Cobourg. --Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bradley have been visiting friends in Cobourg this week, --Miss Esther Hawley is spend- |" ing a week's vacation with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Death, West Hill, --Miss Annie Scott, of Toronto, is the guest of her friend, Miss Olive Elford, Mill Street. --Miss Hazel Waring is enjoying a vacation in Philadelphia and At- lantic City. --Miss Florence Hawkes is spend- mg a few holidays at Camperdown | on Georgian Bay. --Mrs. J. 8. Mogridge of Galt has been spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Millard, 115 Alice St. --Mr. H. Byron has returned home after spending a two weeks vacation in Gananoque. --Dr. George C. Moor, of Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York City, will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist Church here Sunday. --Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rombough and son Floyd, are spending their vaca- tion with friends at Island Grove Inn, Lake Simcoe, and Toronto. ---Miss Teresa Rainey, of Peter- boro, and Miss Mary McGinty, of Pickering, were visiting Mr. H. King, of Cedar Dale. --Miss Margaret Lennox has re- turned home after spending a two weeks' vacation with friends in Nap- anee. --Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McTavish and children, motored to Flesherton on Friday and are holidaying at his old home there. --Mrs. W. Burge has returned to Ottawa after spending a week with |Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. James jpg | Hoitt and Mrs. L. G. Drew. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jobber, 172 Ce- lina Street. | -- Friends of Mr. Charles Hawkins will be pleased to learn that he is improving steadily after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. | -- Miss Irene Brown, Simcoe St, South, is spending a vacation with her uncle, Mr. H. A. Watt, Sault Ste. Marie. --Mr. daughter, Lillian, were the guests of Mrs. C. Lloyd St. this week. and Mrs. Geo. Foote and | of Lorraine, N.Y.,| B. Bailey, THE ARCADE There's about as much difference be- tween the HARVEY UNDERWEAR and other makes as there is between chalk and cheese. This underwear is better cut, better made, better fit, bet- ter value than any line we know of, and now they are making famous HARVEY SilkHose Just compare them; there's the same dif- ference--in wear, fit and finish--and the price is no higher. SEE THE Pointex Heels i> OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST Es Sa -- --Mr, and Mrs, Bert Armour, of South Bend, Indianna, are visiting with Mrs, Jeffrey, Celina Street, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Barnham, Jarvis Street. --Mrs, Frank Foote, of Napanee, has returned to her home after spending the last two weeks with redatives in town, --Miss Clara Ford, of Columbia Hospital, Washington, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation with her par- ents, Dr, and Mrs. A, B, Ford, Bim- coe Street. --Mr. and Mrs, John Metcalf and family. have removed to Bowman- ville and having purchased the res- idence of Mr, Willard Caldwell, Wellington Street, have taken up residence in that house, --Mrs., R., W. Brooks and daugh- ter Ivey, have returned home to Co- bhourg, after a vist to relatives and friends in Bowmeanville, Oshawa and Toronto, While in Oshawa they were guests of Mr, and Mrs, R, Mc- Evers, formerly of Cobourg. --Mr. Benjamin Foote, of Nap- anee, was in town this week visiting his two daughters, Mrs. Harvey Cav- erley, Albert Street, and Mrs. C. B, Bailey, Lloyd Street, He also took part in a family re-union which was held at the lake on Wednesday after- noon when twenty-two of his fam- ily were present. --The home of Miss E. Mollen, 104 Celina Street was the scene of a happy event Thursday evening when Miss Anna Forbes, an operator of the Bell Telephone Company, was given a miscellaneous shower by the members of the staff in honor of her approaching marriage. Miss Forbes has been with the Company for some months and last May put on a demon- stration for members of the Oshawa Rotary Club. Miss Forbes was the recipient of many useful gifts. The evening passed in music and games after which refreshments were served. . A surprise party was tendered Mr. Bert Clifford, of Bruce Street, on Tuesday evening, in honor of his birthday, when many friends gath- ered for a pleasant time, Those who were present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, of Boston, Mass.; Misses Gretchen and Doro- thy Latimer and brother, Omar Lat- imer, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mrs. W. McClinchie and son, Kenneth, of Newark, N.J.; Mrs, T. C. Dingman, of Niagara Falls, Ontario. and Miss Clare Kennedy. Others who were present were: Mrs. J. O. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Clifford, Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henry, Mrs, George Hall and | son, Clifford, Mrs. Austin Gamsby, Mr. and Mrs. George W. announce the engagement of their third eldest daughter Ruby Alberta, to Charles Grant McDougall eldest son of Mr. D. McDougall, ding to take place during September month. There will be two days of auto] racing and one week of auto polp at the Canadian National Exhibition. MAN MAN WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU THE BIG- GEST THRILL EVER SHOWN IN A WES- TERN AT The New Martin Parker | the wed-| WILTSHIRE--FENNER A pretty wedding was solemnized recently at the Primitive Methodist Church, Newhaven, Sussex, England, by the Rev, W. A. Hammond, of Brighton, and in consequence of the bride being a highly respected teacher both at the Railway Road Infants' School and also at the Primitive Methodist Sunday School, a large con- gregation was present to witness the ceremony, The contracting parties were Miss Jessie Helena Austin Fen- ner, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs, T, W. Fenner, of Brighton, formerly of Newhaven, and Mr, Joseph Wil- liam Wiltshire, eldest son of Mr, W, G. Wiltshire, of 231 Celina Street, Oshawa, formerly of Newhaven. The bride, who was given away by her father, was daintily attired in a dress of cream radium lace over crepe de chine, with veil and orange blossoms, She wore a diamond ring and carried a shower bouquet of Ma- donna lilies and white roses, the gifts of the bridegroom. She was attended by Miss Nellie Austin, cousin of the bride, in peach crepe de chine, with black picture hat, wearing a gold brooch and earrying a bouquet of peach colored carnations and mauve scabious, the gifts of the bridegroom, and Miss Daisy Willett, the bride. groom's cousin, and Miss Doris Bird, who wore mauve crepe de chine dresses with black picture hats, Their bouquets of pink and manve sweet peas and their gold brooches| were gifts of the bridegroom, Mr, K.| (Haverson carried out the duties of | best man. 'The gervice was choral, | the hymns sung being The voice that | breathed o'er Eden" and "Love di-| vine." Mrs. Burgess presided at the organ. A reception was afterwards] {held at the Congregational Hall, the] guests numbering about fifty. later] in the day Mr and Mrs. J. W. Wilt-| shire left for TunLridge Wells, where | the honeymoon is being spent, and in a few weeks they will leave England | for Canada, wher2 they will reside Among the presents, which were| numerous ami useful, was a silver| egg cruet from the head teacher| and scholars of Railway Road | school; also a silver butter dish from the teachers ana scholars of the Primitive Methodist Sunday School. The happy couple sai! for Canada | on September 7 and upon their ar-| rival in Oshawa will reside on Celina | Street. Mr. Wiltshire is an employee | of the General Motors Corporation, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T. Meeson, Drew street wish to thank Nurs {Westlake and Dr. McKibbon for their kindness and special care dur | the lengthly illness of their| (daughter, Miss Nellie Meeson, 62-a| One whole building. has been given] over to the music interests this year | | mp | | | 336 | | | | Start a Racket if you don't get it. 12094 Delivery All Over City Phone at the Canadian National Exhibition. | | 26, 1922 Want G.T.R. Through Uxbridge Electrified The request sent out by the Ux- bridge Town Council to all munieci- palities along that division of the G. T, R. to appoint delegates who will go to Ottawa to impress upon the minister of railways the desirability of electrifying that line, has been well complied with, When the time comes it is expected that almost every municipality as far north as Orillia will be represented, along with those who will go from South Ontario. It is not expected that the date for the meeting will be set until the new railway board is appointed, The town of Uxbridge will request Mr. Halbert, M.P. to represent them when the deputation goes to Ottawa, while the Township Council of Ux- bridge has appointed Reeve Owen Davies as their delegate. Leaside (Continued from page 4) a long fly to deep left by Heckman, with two on, saved the. game for Belleville, Collins scored for Peterhoro," when | Hagerman fumbled - McCartney's drive, McCartney's double in the fourth scored Long, who just pre. viosly had tripled. That was the only sign of bunched hits of the day. "Jakie" Solomon, the Pete's man- ager, after Umpire McDonald exam- ined his "papers," 'solemnly batted | in the ninth as a pinch hitter, He popped out to Meagher, Mallen had] seven strike-outs to Heckman's four. H.E.| 0101000002 9 3| Peterbhoro' MILK,--- And-Mae-Murray's-Skin ADVICE TO THE LADIES Both Healthful and Helpful Everyone knows that the smooth whiteness of her skin is the most beautiful thing about Mae Murray, whose Tiffany production for Metro of "Peacock Alley" is presented by Robert Z. Leonard at the Regent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It was that that people used to rave about when she danced in the Follies, and on the screen it produces an effect no actress can attain through the make-up box. What's the secret? Life in the country? Constant massage? Lotions at $10 per bottle? Not at all. Mae Murray says it's MILK. And she says that any girl with a pimply, blotchy face can be transformed in a couple of weeks. All she needs is ambition, plenty of patience--and MILK. Miss Murray goes to a dairy farm every once in a while, where all she does is rest and keep the cows busy. But if you can't go to a farm, you can do the same thing just as well at home. For the best results you should live entirely on milk for three days, and abstain from solid food religiously. After that. begin taking light solids--cereals, chicken, fruits and still plenty of milk. Then, gradually get back to your normal diet with two glasses of milk a day. But if you want to retain the clear Complexion you have acquired by this treat- ment, don't, says Mae Murray, don't go back to red meats, fried foods, French pastry and the fatal chocolate. These gastronomic delights demand their high prices, so if you are looking for a smooth, white skin, avoid them and substitute fruits and vegetables--and do not forget your two daily glasses of milk. For the Purest and Most Delicious Pasteurized and Clarified M I LK | The Oshawa -618- AB Dairy BETTER COMPLETION BETTER HEALTH | Bowmanville |Scugog Wednesday afternoon by the 010200000--3 8 3 and Swanston, Mallen \ Belleville Heckman and Mills, Umpires--McDonald and Barnes, Lahded on Chambers Lindsay Greybirds slaughtered on the banks of the score of 9 to 0, Seven runs were scored in the first two innings, when the Birds had one home run, a triple, two doubles and a pair of singles. Brownscombe had four hits and Hugh Cumming had a homer and a triple, All told, the Birds collected 15 hits off Chambers, eleven of which eame in the first four innings. Oulette twirled for Lindsay and al- lowed five hits, He had seven strikes outs and Chambers two, ville played the game under protest, the balls used were not the adopted by the league. Score: R.H.E. 05h 4 915 Bates; Bowman- malo Bowman, 000000000 Lindsay 430000200 Batteries--Chambery Oulette and B, Umpires--Kay, Peterboro and Col- lings, Belleville, and Cummins, TWO SHOWS | New NIGHTLY | 7.16 -- 9.15 Martin Theatre SUPER ALWAYS FEATURES \ ROUND FIVE et oe E LLY Blithe = Colliers al Carey s gregtest aroma of adventure and romance inthe Far West HARRY CAREY o MAN % PREBECT ON / k 10c. - Popular Prices - 25¢ Next Thur., Fri., Sat. Glass Houses Coming-- The Ernie Marks Stock Company The Most Gigantic Gorgeous Spectacle Special Matinee on Wednesday at 2.30 MAE MURRAY' PEACOCK ALLEY" of Beauty and Sp lendor with Human Heart gant Compania Svesiade of Beauty and Sp lender with XN A Drama of the Night Life of Paris and New York (J A Picture Reflecting Resplendently the Bewildering Glamour of these Two Great Cities. Extra Added Attraction 7--NIGHTLY--9.10 Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 Harold Lloyd IN RAINBOW ISLAND Regent Orchestra Latest News USUAL PRICES 25¢c Last Showing Tonight --- "ACROSS THE RIO GRANDE" MON. - TUES - WED.

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