Articles For Sale OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1922 «® i Automobiles For Sale : PR. T. 0. CLOMENCE, DENTIST, Office "gver Andison's Tailor Shop,' WW Fig St West. Phone 231, DR. T. 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and < Lytle's store. Thone 948. 1-yr, DR. 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; ofce over Kyle's Grocery Fftore. Pheme 969, / 4-1 yr. Thi, 44MES, DENTIST -- OPFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone Na, 97. DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance: 'to office pne door east Detenbeck's Store, DR, W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over BEngel's Store, 16 Simcoe 8t. N. Phone 1243. DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED his dental office from over the Royal to his residence, 201 Simcoe Bank. ! 26-1mos, Medical DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST., East, Toronto, will be at Jury & fone Drug Store each Saturday rom 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 13-1 yr of FOR SALE--UBSED CANADA PIANO, gak case, good condition, a bargain at $250. BStalter's Music Store, 23 Simcoe 8t. N,, Oshawa. 45-tt FORD COUPE IN FIRST CLASS condition, Starter and shock absorb ers. Phone 826 W, between 5 and 6 p.m, file FOR SALE -- HOPSTICKS PER GAL- lon 35 cents, three gallons one dollar. Very refreshing, once used, always used. 8. Goulah, 2094 Dundas, West, Teronto. 61c "WILL SELL. 8 PEREFERRED shares Paramount Oshawa Theatre and 10 Common Shares of same for $300.00, Total par value of stock $660.00. If interested write Box "G' Reformer Office, 61-t.f, PONY AND OUTFIT FOR SALE -- In first class condition. Apply BH, Cheseborough, Bimcoe 8St., Cedar Dale. lc FOR SALE -- HOUSBHOLD PURNI- ture, two full sized bede, one single; dining room suite, floor eaverings, in- cubator, two Kkitche: tahles: Ford touring car. "hong 1018-J. G3-¢ FOR SALE--COMBINATION GOLD- en Age range, oven heated hy coal or gas, warming closet, detachable waterfront. Phone 679. 63-h PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, Mr. Hungerford, 394 Centre St. 63-a FOR SALE---A MISSION WASHER, together with tub stand and wring- er. Apply 188 Bruce St. 63-¢ PONY HARNESS AND BUGGY FOR sale cheap. Apply R. Howard, Park Road 8. : 62-b DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank. Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5-6; T=-9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. 45-6mos BIG SALE -- BARGAINS IN FUR- niture, 50 iron beds, complete with new mattresses, Sliding couches with new mattresses, $8; new ward- robes, regular $35 for $18.50. Hall racks, dressers, dressing tables, ex- DR. A. A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- t i tables, sideboards, eamp cots, stoves and ranges, gas stoves, laun- dry stoves, carpets and rugs, chairs and rockers, tinware, at wholesale prices. Oshawa Bargain House, 17 Prince St. 62-¢ FQR SALE--INDIAN TWIN MO- torcyele, three speed gear, suitable for side car, Good buy for cash. Apply evenings to 516 Cubert St. 62-¢ tation and treatment of di of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osk- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence £194. 7 GRIERBON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Jie, ote. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. 4. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on morigages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office 11% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK. TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Pr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M.AM. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 3-1 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE RiraIRS AT jdeal Tirs Repair shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tiges for sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day 552), might 562W. Ru- North. son PLL. Patents RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. 20-41 Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Jiwe Stock a specialty. Phene 16%r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mor WANTED SPECIAL HELP WANDERED EPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Oshawa and wicinity from now until the last of December 10 take orders for our exclusive line of Personal Greeting Cards. This offers splendid opportunity to earn frm #10 to $50 per week as to time devoted 10 the work. Samples free. Write at once for full information. Dept. D175 Carlton Publishing Co., A2Z6 Spadina Awe., Toronto. 50-1mo Lumber NEW LUMBER FOR SALE--WE have all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Ask for quotations. Whit- by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. 52-1mo. APPLES BARRELS--THE TRADE supplied. Get, your supplies before the rush. O'Regan's Cooperage. Op- posite the market. 60-63 A CHAMPION SUMMIT KITCHEN range for sale. In good, condition. Apply 97 Bruce Street.* 63-a FOR SALE--J YEARLING R.I. RED hens $1.25 pach. Apply 173 Burk Street. 63-a HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. Apply after 5 pm. 91 Arlington Ave., N. Oshawa. 63¢ Work Wanted LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK done by job or piece. Estimates given. Apply 13% King St. W. 53-2mo YOUNG MAN, THREE YEARS EX- perience, general office work, book- keeping, typewriting, filing, cashier. Open for engagements Sept. 20 or Oct. 1st. Desires permanent position. Box 601 Carleton Place, Ont. 61f Houses For Sele (Apply 38 Bond St. E, FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN TOUR- ing seven passenger, tires geod as new, two spares. 'Engine equipped with tire pump. Car is In first class condition and is real snap for some- one. Owner needs exsh. Apply after 6. 430 King St. KE, 2d FOR SALE 490 OHEVROLET. 62-1 FOR SALE -- FORD SPORTING Roadster. In good condition. Can he seen dny time at Cox's Garage, 63-a To Rent 70 LET--ONE FURNISHED ROOM, convenient to husiness section and (General Motors. Apply 267 Mary Street. f2-c TO RENT -- OFFICE \ VERY CON- venient and well lighted. Apply Union Bank of Canada, Oshawa, 61-c LARGE GARAGE FOR¢RENT. AP- ply 34 Avenue St. fle FOR RENT--FURNISHED OFFICE in Bradley Building, or will sell fur- niture and on monthly payments to party tgking office, Suite 4, Bradley Bldg. 4,-tf HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al- terations to suit tenant, Apply to H. Engel, 47-11. Lost and Found LOST--A GENTLEMAN'S GABAR- dine coat on King St., between Post Office and Thornton's Corners. Finder kindly leave at Dominion Bank and receive reward, G2-c Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- BOY 156 OR 16 YEARS old to enter permanent position. Good education necessary and references re- quired. Apply Box "W" Reformer, 61-c HELP WANTED -- GENERAL MOT- ors of Canada require machine opera- tors for Trimming Departments, 61:b MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showecards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Showecard Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Toronto. 83.1 WANTED--THREE ROOMS OR small house with good accommoda- tions, centrally located. State rent when applying. Box "I" Reformer. 63-¢ ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED FOR family of four. J. C. Ross, Reformer Office. WANTED wife and self. sitting room. mer Office. FURNISHED ROGM Near Post Office. form ROOMS TO LET tre St. South. TO RENT---ONE NICELY FURNISH- ed bedroom, all conveniences, suit able for office men or bank clerks. ROOM AND BOARD, Prefer bedroom and J. E. MacKay, IRetor- TO RENT - Apply Box "S" Re- 61-c 33 CEXN- 63-2 APPLY FOR SALE SIX ROOMED FRAME house with large pantry and cellar, | electric lights and water. side drive | and stable. Lot 40 x 250. Cheap. Ap-| ply Box "D", Reformer. 35-c | 63- Real Estate For Sale | LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. | Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply | Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 | King St. East. Office phone 1232. Residence, 403. 46-41 | | LOTS ON HILLREST AT $50 RUS-| sell Perkins, Regent Building, King | East. Phones 1232 or 403. 59-tf FARM FOR SALE--46 acres, at| Raglan, will sell stock and imple-| ments if desired, good buildings on property, water and well located. Im- mediate possession. Apply to J. R. Claughton, Raglan. 59-e FARM FOR SALE (94 ACRES) OR exchange dor property in Oshawa. Apply A. J. Huggins, Courtice. 635 TWO LOTS FOR SALE OR EX- change for car. Apply West End Grocer, Base Line West. 62-b $6,000 WiLL BUY A LOVELY 7 room brick with all conveniences, garage, on paved street and con- | Box "L", Reformer. WANTED TO RENT A BATH room fiat or rooms furnished or un- furnished. Apply phone 411 WANTED TO RENT TWO FUR- nished or unfurnished rooms, sait- able for light housekeeping. Box "A", Reformer. 43-b 63-¢ News (Continued from page 2) SOLINA Recent visitors: Miss Vera Baker, Enniskillen; Dr. Ellis Reynolds, Erin, at his father's Mr. A. J. Rey- nalds; Miss Violet Billings, ton, at Mrs. 8. Shortridge Margaret and Ruth ock at Cherrywood; Mr. and . Clarence Thomas and Miss Marjorie, Orillia, at Mr. H. Argue's; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaws, at Mr. H. E. Tink's: Misses Marie and Dorothy Rundle, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rundle's: Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family, Maple Grove, at Mr. S. Kdgar Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Taunton, at Miss Mary Mogarth's: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink at Brooklin; Mr. at Hamil- Misses venient to Pedlars. $4,600. will buy a 7 room brick with all conveniences on paved street. This house has been mewly decorat- ed, upstairs and down, and is only a few minutes walk from Four Cor- ners. We have many more houses, also lots and farms. Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King St. East. Phone | 793. A. C. Lycett, Phone 625. 1 Young, Phone 909]. | General Wants WANTED --EARLY APPLES BY | the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus-| sel Perkins, 403. Residence 151] Park Rd. N. bat FURNITURE BOUGHT, SOLD AND | { Local or long distance. B. 329 Court St. Oshawa. Phene 1005W. Help Wanted--Female | WANTED--STENOGRAPHER WHO | also has knowledge of office work. State salary. Apply Box "V" Reform- er. 61-c | GIRL WANTED FOR ORDER DE- | partment, typewriting experience ne- | lcessary. Apply Pittings, Ltd. G3-a | gan Typewriting and adding machine | competitions will have a place on the | Canadian National Exhibition pro- | gramme. The prelimimary competi- { tions will start on Opening Day and | the finals will be held on the closing |day of the Big Fair. Entries have |already been received from nearly exery province, NOTICE I will ind a position for a Man or Woman, 25 years of age, honest. industrious, and in possession of necessary qualifications. Apply, Post Office Box 302, Oshawa: WE'VE GOT THE BIGGEST THING IN WESTERN 63-a | and Mrs. J, Affholder, Misses Bessle and Mary Reynolds, Toronto, at Mr. John Reynolds'; Mrs. La Verne Hoff and two children and Miss Ethel Van- Nest, Toronto, at Mr, N, BE. Wright's, Saturday evening, milk and cream shippers and some others who have used the station most met at Solina station, Mr. 8. G. Chant acted as chairman. Mr. A, L. Pascoe read an appreciative address to Mr. H. A, Switzer who has been transferred to Cherrywood, and Mr, H. @, Pascoe presented him with a purse of $25. Mr, Switzer very feelingly replied and stated 'that in his seven years here he had never met such a fine class of people'and no other place had sulit- ed him as well in 80 years of life. Congratulatory speeches were made hy Messrs, Russell Sulley, H, G, Pascoe, (leo. White, John Ayre, A. L. Pascoe, Russell PerKins, John Aldsworth and the chairman, The meeting closed with singing "For he's a jolly good fellow." Mr. Switzer is now located at' Cherrywood and his family will move to Bowmanville shortly so that they can attend the High School there. Several from here attended the fun- eral of the late Peter Werry at Ty- rone, Misses Nora Werry and her niece, Miss Florence Luke, Kedron, have heen holidaying in and around Fenelon Falls, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and daughter are taking a week's holiday in Muskoka. About 25 relatives and friends of President J. B. Reynolds, of the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph, who is summering here, assembled in EI- liott Park at Hampton on Saturday afternoon and spent a pleasant social time. The ladies provided supper. Harvest has been garnered in with very satisfactory results. Grain of all kinds was a good crop as was also the hay crop. Field roots and corn prom- ised well. So farmers should smile, smile, smile. ENFIELD Mr. Mel. Denson visited at F. T. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hogarth and Miss Betty, Detroit, visited at Mr, L. C. Pascoe's. Mrs. Harry James and John, Co- lumbus, visited at her mother's, Mrs. John Hepburn's. Mrs. John Hepburn is in ill health. A missionary programme was giv- en here last Sunday under the lead- ership 'of Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Several readings were given and Misses Irene and Merle Ashton sang a duet nicely. The farmers dre nearly through harvest in this locality and many have had to thresh twice to make room in the barns. Mr. TYRONE Miss Hazel Werry is holidaying with Miss Ethel Hoar, at Bethesda. Miss M. White, of Toronto, who has been spending her vacation with Miss Werry has returned home. Mrs. Groudy, of Cavan, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mutton. Messrs. Harry and Arthur McRob- erts, of Toronto, are visiting their cousin, Master Bruce McRoberts. Messrs. Anson Balsam and Walter Vivian visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb. {Cameron on Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Harris, Courtice, with her son, Mr. Tom Harris, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin, of of her | The Misses Stewart are visiting] {their cousin, Miss M. McDonald, Henry Street, Cobourg, and write of attend- ling the Horse Show. | Miss Mabel L. Wright | friends in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards, Mr. and | Mrs. €. Richards, Ivan and Arthur, of |Oshawa, have been visiting Mr. and |Mrs. T. H. Richards. | League was in charge of 3rd Vice- | President, Miss Velma Staples. Topic by Mrs. Lather Goodman. Piano solo, Master Fred Goodman and readings by Misses Mabel Wight and Mary Rich- ards. We regret with such an excel- lent programme that the attendance was not better. Congratulations to Misses Beatrice Bigelow, Hazel Hodgson, Edythe Clemens, and Master Brenton Me- Culloch, on their success in recent examinations. Harvest Home Services will be held on Sunday, September 3rd. Reserve the date. The choir is already prac- tising excellent music. BETHESDA Mrs. Northeote, {nee L. Philp), of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Werry. Master Gerald Bradd is with relatives at Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearce, formerly May Livingston, and daughter, Pa- trica, accompanied by Mrs. Livingston, and Miss Cole, motored from their homes in West Orange, N. J. to Bow- manville, visiting friends in Rochester en route. Wednesday they were enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and the Misses Werry and will wisit other friends and relatives in the com- munity. They are enjoying their Can- adian visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith, Mr. Russel Smith, of Enniskillen, and Miss Mae Currie, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott, Trewin and Helen, visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Collacutt, of Tyrone. Mrs. Harold Walters, formerly Laura Welsh, and daughter, Miss Gladys, of Rochester, New York, are holidaying at the home of her brother-in-law. Mr. W. H. Gibson, of Newcastle, spent Monday with the Misses Cole. Mrs Walters has just completed a motor trip to Ottawa, visiting several homes of her ancestors below Pres- cott, where her grandfather fought {in the Battle of Chrysler's Farm. | No service this Sabbath, no doubt many will attend Salem Harvest Home and enjoy the discourse of a former beloved pastor, Rev. J. 8. McMullen, (of Oshawa. | Misses Hazel Hart and Beatrice Mc- (Callum, of Toronto, ave holidaying {with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry. | Messrs. Everett and Harold Hoar motored to Newcastle this week. | | { | | | |Oshawa, were recent visitors | father, Mr. John Hodgson. visiting is holidaying PAGE FIVE ---- ) ----- EH SO I rican, THEY ARE DEAD TO STAY to heated debate hetween represent- Buffalo Express:--The wreck of|atives of the strikers and the rail- that Michigan Central express train| road executives as to whether it was near Gary, Ind, probably will lead [due ta imperfect equipment deliberate tampering with the track. Whatever the decision, it cannot bring back to life the two men who killed. or to| were q For all fine laundering Won't Shrink Wooller For Washing Siiks Laces All Finot IDCs Lever Brothers Limited TORON | | J Sold only in sealed packets ~~dust-proof | Dissolves Instantly * LUX wafers are made so very thin--our own exclusive process-- that every particle dissolves instantly in hot water, LUX makes a quick, wonderful cleans- ing suds for all fine, dainty things --and leaves no trace of free soap in the fabric to spot, or discolor it. LUX is as harmless for the cleans: ing of all fine things as pure water itself, YouUlL be doing your preserving soon. Any day now. Are you all ready for it? Have you got your preserving kettles, your spoons and ladles, your cups and dippers, your cullenders, funnels and your fruit jar filler? If not, listen to this. P Sets at Red Prices You can buy a full set of preserving utensils in beautiful Diamond Ware or Pearl Wage from any hardware merchant carrying SMP goods at a special price. Cut this ad from the paper. Take it to any good hardware store where SMP Diamond Ware or Pearl Ware is sold, and he will sell you a preserving set at the right price. grade enameled ware is wonderfully well thade, very durable, absolutely clean and sanitary, and cannot b grease or odors. There is no possibility of tainting. Use either Diamond or Pearl and your preserves will be the most delicious you ever put up. me Sheet Metal Products Co., L504 LS aa ii rs SMP." %22 WARE Aface of Porcelain and A Heart of Sieel", Br i / ~~ pr > GEES eS (i ( ) § 8 1 i H | i 2 E 3 0 | |