30,1922 pu : PAGE SEVEN pu N-- MA------------ ; Help Wanted--Female : P ul rity E I hi DR. T. 0. CLOMENCE, DENTIST. |pOR SALE USED CANADA PIANO, FOR SALE--MCLAUGHLIN TOUR.| WANTED -- GENERAL SERVANT Sporting Paragraphs 10p i ver increasin Ofice over Andison's Tailor ShoD. (oak case, good condition, @ bargain [INE seven passenger, tires good as|or working housekeeper. Apply Can- y y » hi 231 ', new. w spares. Engine equi ped adian Bank of Commerce. (64-b) ' \ Nizg St, West. Phone 231, at $250. Stalter's Music Store, 23 , two 8p quip. T P F i he Pure Deliciou ess O with re pump. Car is in tirst ¢ ass | W N 3 T FQ he new Pure Food building at the L) h n DR. T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 45-tf it ti tcl A TED--WOMAN FOI R DAYS A OF, condition and is real snap for some- | week for general liousework. A Canadian National Exhibition is 267 : A A ---- ) se . pply a yt 05g 998 L700 stg "WILL SELL 3 PREFERRED one. Owner noeds cuah. Apply after to Mrs. A. G. Storie, 370 Simcoe St. Yodt lng: oT ane edn detideq io one : ~---- | shares Paramount Oshawa Theatre and |: 449 Ing St. =-¢ | South. / (64-¢)|® J 4 ; . PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; |10 Common Shares of same for $300.00. | FOR SALE -- 490 CHEVROLET. | WANTED -- STENO Wi p. | cause of the heavy demand for space. - : : DR. 8. J WA GRAPHER. A : - Office over Kyle's Grocery Store. | Total par value of stock $5660.00. If [Apply 38 Bond St. E. 62-tf ply Commercial Dept. Bell Telephone Second Division T. and D. games for Phewe 959. 4-1 yr. | interested write Box "G" Reformer | pop §ALE--McLAUGHLIN TOUR-| Co. Oshawa, 64-b inext Saturday are: G. A. U. V. at a ; Office. 61-t.1 > A DR at Se DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE 3 "ling seven DasseNger, Hres good as * dam a i | Oftaway Rert} Rew Beach a Sham over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. | FOR SALE --- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- NeW, two spares. Ingine equipped Board and Rooms roekts, Hall; Nort : a 0 Phone No. 97. ture, two full sized bedg, one single; With tire pump. Car is in firstelass| "~~ = = Sr ____ |England, Kemp; Victoria United at| Natural Leaf Green Tea is reco nized, y \ . Telfers, Lamb; Cowans at Earlscourt ee | {ning TOOM Suite, loos coverings, iu- [condition and is real snap for some- | \wANTED--THREE ROOMS OR era, : DR. TREWIN,; DENTIST -- 8N-| upator, two kitehe: tables; - Ford pone. Owner needs cash. Apply after smell. hovge With, gol accoriiodis Veterans, Milsip. as the tremendous increase int e de- i egg door oat of touring car. Thong. 1014.4, " g3-c § SS KES E 83-41 tions, ventrally Iicatad State rent| Oshawa plays two Central League mand for it shows. . OR SALE--COMBINATION GOLD- . |when applying. Box "I" Reformer. fixtures with Peterboro this week, the DR..W. J, LANGMAID, DENTIST, Fe Age range, i ato) 9 coal. Lod TSAR LI 63-c Hig Che in Peterhor this alte noon Try it to-day You will like it Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe jor gas, warming closet, detachable TO LET--ONE FURNISHED ROOM, |; pe and the second in Oshawa on Satur- 8t. N. Phone 1248, ! waterfront. Phone 679, 63-h1convenient to business section and ROQaS AND BOARD SanTED Fon day. By taking both games from the |= --_-- ii i : ; ! EE _- . DR. ARMSTRONG HAS REMOVED |FOR SALE _A MISSION WASHER, |General Motors. Apply 267 Mary | orice. Petes Oshawa could move up into the | eq this year by not being able to Mr. Crowle Will Street. 62- " first division. Gallagher will likely be | uso Al Heckm: estes his dental office from over the Royal|ogether with tub stand and wring. |r eet °| WANTED -- ROOM AND BOARD, Manager Booths selection for the Seiman should the Petes meet the T.A.B.A. 1's t Bank to his residence, 301 Simeoe or, Apply 188 Bruce St. 63-c| FOR RENT--FURNISHED OFFICE| wife and self. Prefer bedroom and mound today and Patton for Satur-|of his arriving in the 1ifiore: ore Serve on Board . Bt. N, slmos. PONY HARNESS AND BUGGY FOR in Bradley Building, or will sell fur-|sitting room. J. B. MacKay, Refor- |day, The team left for Peterboro by some time in May when he should sale che Apply R. H 1, Park niture and on monthly payments to| mer Office. train this morning. have been there by January. 1st Mr. A. A. Crowle, who was recomi- RY M & al ga R | heap. pply R, Howard, Sb party taking office. Suite 4, Bradley WANTED TO RENT -- A BATH. : However APRIL Irom thas ob Yo [ly appointed to the Board of Gov- i i oad 8. 62-b Bldg. 4,-tf Toh ad or ODIs furnisited 'of ani Jack Rosevear, one of the Central gidonce Hila i oh ) . aie re crnors of the Union Cemetery, by the DR. 0. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN remo BARGAINS IN FUR. TRE RT : ne rahe "League's most popular umpires, has > ages a last minute oon, wa Town Council, announced and Surgeon, Union Bank Bullding, | iii 050 fron beds complete with HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD (furnished. Apply phone 411. 63-c| 00" eain come to the rescue of the scramble for players which later in | morning that he would accept Simcoe St. North, Phone B7. 110-1¥F | now mattresses. Sliding couches | [100r--heat light. Size as. Al-| WANTED TO RENT -- TWO FUR. |league by agreeing to don the mask ER ir TR gol ugeatisfacion. the appointment as made. Sjace DR. MoKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR. | With new mattresses, #8; new ward-|lcrations to suit tenant. wy lo nished or unfurnished rooms, suit-|and cage to finish out the 1922 season | O'1 "FOIL VAG standpoint Ol the Sear the date of the special council meet- . : . |robes, regular $35 for $18.50, Hall |H. Engel. 47-tf. lable for light housckeeping. Box |and to officiate on balls and strikes Foams concerncc. NEXUli,g when the Board was appointed eon, Accoucher, Office and resi , Teg $ -- .) AD year, with January 1st being the |r 5 4 dence, King St. East, corner Victoria | racks, dressers, dressing tables; ox-| ROOMS TO LET--APPLY 330 CEN-|"A", Reformer. 63-b |in the play-off for the championship. ' ary g 11 A ] § FZ Bhd dda ET CNSR Ts duds > 86 n AVE va Mr. Crowle has heen considering thi: St, Oshawa, Phome 94. lon tables, sideboards, camp cots, | tre St, South, 63-a| FURNISHED BEDROOM TO KENT, |President Parsons presented the views date set when players must he resi- advisability of sitting on the Board, DR. L. J. SEBERT, 78 BLOOR ST.,|dry stoves, carpets and rugs, chairs TO RENT--ONE NICELY FURNISH- stoves and ranges, gas stoves, laun- . Simcoe 8 14.0) |of the executive to Mr. Rosevear and | 4ents of the town in which they | C& 5 oa ly Ji Apply 18% Simege Hit. 8 (50) the latter, always willing to help the | P1a¥, clubs should take the hint and owing 2 sings "Whitby hay sn and rockers, tinware, at wholesale |ed bedroom, all conveniences, suit-| BOARD AND ROOM. APPLY 238 |(entral League, agreed to continue, | collect their stars early enough so |, d le Bast, Toronto, whl be at Jury & ' ' 2 y . . , 4g . ; J have urged him to accept the honor hp prices. Oshawa Bargain House, 17|able for office men or bank clerks, | Court St. (64-¢) (Mr, Rosevear will officiate at the plate | #8 NOt to infringe on the rules, 4 Lovell's Drug Store eash Saturday oo ire Ts pt Ret rmer ppd Ha ; . wil wi that he has finally decided to do so. from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- Prince 8. ~~ 62-c/ > : : ok | VANTED-- FURNISHED OR PART. [in the Oshawa-Peterhoro game here) oo ore $200 to| No definite date has yet been set tion in disease of the eye, 13-1 Yr |FOR SALE_INDIAN TWIN Mo.| FOR RENT---8 ROOMED BRICK |; ryppjghed rooms or small flat hy [next Saturday, : ging C! 1,000 and the re for the first meeting of the Board of PRE EB NemY, 1] nia Office | [°F 81de car. Good buy for cash. |: hobo = == former. (64-h) | the Central League executive meet-| tors which have resulted in a large|of the appointees, has not yet return- Throat, Diseases LA ten Office Apply evenings to 516 Cubert St. 4 To FRNT-1%0 NCELY PURY, --_-- ig in Port Hope Tuesday regarding increase in the entries for the band |¢d Jrom his holidays, Which are be grer Dominion Dank, Weleghone "HY "RTE 2 62-c ished bedron ws. All convenlences. | All live stock judging will be done the January 1st residence rule willl competition at the Canadian Nation-| ing spent in Vermont. It vs not days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. | fener = + desired G4-c) | Inside this year for the first time in meet With the approval of Centrailal Exhibition this year. known st present Whether or net Mr. : ; 45-6mos Apply after 5 p.m. 91 Arlington Rormer. (64-C) | the history of the Canadian National | league fans.in general. The ques-| A room devoted to the work of ~adlean Will accep? the apboiviwen'. ed Ave: N--Oshawa, oh ,| WANTED TO RENT--6 OR 7 ROOM | Exhibition. The 'Coliseum makes tion of players qualifying for the|Canadian women in music, arts and |The other two members of the Board, DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- had °% © house with convenlences, on or befere | this possible. Night horse shows O.B.A.A. finals is not of as much im- {letters will be a feature of the|both of whom have signified their lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury [FOR SALE-- 60 SPRING CHICKENS | Oct. 1st, 1922, Apply Box "2" Re-| will also be given in the new $1,- portance as is the welfare of the| women's building at the Canadian|willingness to act, are Mr, A. J. Stal- & Lovell's Drug Store first and third ana 15 hens, All pure bred black | former. (64-c) [000,000 building. league. Peterboro will be handicap- | National Exhibition this year. tr and Mr. C. J. Wilcox, Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 minorcas., Apply A. N. Tole, 11 Fair- for consultation in diseases of the |y.,yo Street. ! 63c| ~-- e, throat and ear, 134-8 | --mm . SANE i, Oe TE onc: |GREY WICKER BABY CARRIAGE DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | for sale. Apply 122 Prince St. Street West, Toronto, will be 3 hla (84-c) 9, t- ------------------ | ---- - oiBte: oor Millers Drvade aah bn FOR SALE--PIANO, ALMOST NEW, tation and treatment of diseases of with mahogany case. Real bargain, ear, nose and throat only, 348 Verdun Rd. = = (64) POULTRY (8.C.R.I.R.) AND POUL- ) Legal try House, 14ft.x7x6, new. For sale. (64-¢) | JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- : Ep rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie; Don veyancer. Money to loan. C2 | LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK | uk King Bt, East, Oshawa, Phone gone by job or piece, Estimates | ws 5 given, Apply 13% King St. W. D. A, J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, al 53-2mo Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| YOUNG MAN, THREE YEARS' BX. | | : cer, ote. All branches of Civil and | perience, general office work, book- ® ° Criminal Law. Loans arranged. keeping, typewriting, filing, cashier. | Office, King St, Chambers (formerly | Open for engagements Sept. 20 or Oct. ' , Oshaws House) King St. West, Osh- | 1st. Desires permanent position, Box awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence | 601 Carleton Place, Ont. 61f | 619).. -- TEs i | GRIBRSON & ORBIGHTON--BAR.| Houses For Sale | . risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- FOR SALE-- SIX ROOMED FRAME | Me, ete, Office over Standard Bank. | house with large pantry and cellar, Keen Bu in has enabled us to cut entranee Simcoe St.; Phone 18. J. | electric lights and water, side drive! , F. Grierson, B.A,, T. K. Creighton, | and stghle. Lot 40 x 250. Cheap. Ap- A. ply Box "D", Reformer. 63-c | Ca | Le Our Prices. No where in town can rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, pte, has inoved ay Yyom Oshawa Bas [) Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St., or me for sale his seven roomed | South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on | louse. Frame construction, large ou q ua em. ere Ss an mortgages, conveyancing snd gen- lot; excellent fruit trees. Price] [ eral practice. Phone 63. $4150. This property is worth the | . money. Nothing less than half cash 4 : . H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, | ill be considered. Robt. D. Preston, | E nti cing LS t (0) Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office | X128 St. Chambers, 63c " 113% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. FOR SALE--9 ROOMED SOLID Phones---Office 210, Res. 160, red brick house, all modern con- veniences, central locality, in good re- . . pair, large lot and side drive. Pos- Chiropractic session immediately. Ideal home. ra as ese Government Inspected Meats well. Braminations free at office. RE. . Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North, Real Estate For Sale LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, . FOR Surveyors deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. Cheap, with reasonable restrictions. M.\M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- |Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply migion Land Surveyor and Civic En- | Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 [ gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue-| King St. East. Office phone 1232, | cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | Residence, 403, ~~ 46-tr/ | | an Perry. 73-4 | LOTS ON HILCREST AT $50 RUS- | sell Perkins, Regent Building, King Undertakers & Embalmers East. Phones 1232 or 403. 59-tf LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL | FARM FOR SALE (94 ACRES) OR directors, embalmers, private am- exchange for property in Oshawa. bulance; morgue and chapel in con-|APPly A. J. Huggins, Courtice, 63-¢ section; picture framing; 11 Simeoe | To whom IT MAY CONCERN_I PY - { P il Sh ° 45 BE Sou Fiona 310. Resentn| Lov via parka "oi or Sirloin Steak 23c Ib. 3 Pails Shortening 45¢ smal) plete of close-in property which |] would sub-divide into about fourteen R d 5 k 20 1b NJ ked B kf B b re llent buildi lots. The - . Tire Repaiing | ociontvuiiting tots. "Phe proper. [f+ | ound JStea C 1D. mo reakfast Bacon, by ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT |50n can easily double their money R Bk 18¢ ih A h s 35 Ib invested. Thi vould suit : Ideal Tire Ropair Shop, Jackson Gar- | neated. This groper iy »ou J su ta ump oast o t e piece Cc . age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for make a sound investment. s lan: ° } ° . diam Bion ¥Fopriois, a a ands Thick Rib Roast 16¢ Ib. Smoked Picnic Hams 27c¢ Ib. D. Preston, King St. Chambers, 63¢| : - PY ® ° Ld Storage Po SAL Dubie 107. 0 1 Blade Rib Roast 14c Ib. Pickled Picnic Hams 25c Ib. FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN for Dulsing. Aas Sorat Lo eat ri Bo Me Shoulder Roast Beef 12c lb. Farmers' Bacon 25c lb. son Road North. 91-t.t. ert i Wats Large Tins Salmon 15¢ tin F ront Quarters Lamb 18c¢ Ib. RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regie- | 5°} Perkins, 403. Residence 151 Co lat LL Beef Hearts and Liver Fresh Daily a a hanged, also motor truck for hire. Lumber Local or long distance. B. Warner, 329 Court St. Oshawa. Phone 1005W. | NEW LUMBER FOR SALE--WE 61-1m vi 1 esped} --m--4--m--m -- - mer Sats o¢ roush and dressed | NTED FIRST MORTGAGE Al] by Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone security. Central. Amount $1500.' 12, Whitby, Ont. 52-1mo. | APPly Robt. D. Preston, King Street | Chambers. 63¢ & ! ; A A S Help Wanted--Male DESIRED -- A TWO THOUSAND \ -.- dollar mortgage on a central pro-| 4 MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO | perty, business district. Will pay| B 0 paid weekly for your spare time eight per eent. Robt. D. Preston. 9 ; showcards for us. No can- King St. Chambers. 3c 23 Colborne Bldg. TOrabta, lot and Found | P HONE 90 --_ TT between Bowman and Oshawa, ANTED--OFFICE BOY, GOOD phand bag containing little girl's clota- | riter, quick at figures good pros- ing. Party finding same please phone | Apply in own hand writing |350r1 and 4. 64a! Be Reorther. 3 OSTA GENTLEMAN'S GABAR- ANTED -- YOUNG MAN EMPLOY- | dine coat on King St., between Post in office would like furnished room | Office and Thornton's Corners. th private family. Central prefer-| Finder kindly leave at Dominion d. Box "D" Reformer. 64-2 Bank and receive reward. 62-¢