PAGE FOUR _ [their manufacture, the crazy quilts, News of Nearby Places doilies, centre pieces, pillow covers, rugs, knitted socks, mitts and slippers all drawing most favorable comment from those cognizant with the ability and patience needed to produce such | fine work ., Not the least interesting BETHESDA * Pleased to report; Mrs. Mahood who has been some weeks with Cadmus; is sufficiently improved i health to return home, spendin Miss Theoda Cole is visiting Mrs. Tamblyn of 19 Dunbar Road Toron- to, and is attending Exhibition . Sh expects to hear '"Dreda Avis" in "Carmen" at the C, N, E. Coliseum, Miss Ethel Hoar has resumed her studies at Bowmanville High Schoo Mr, and Mrs, J, H, Werry an Miss Florence, motored their guest, Mrs. Northcote, of Toronto, to Whit. | Mrs. by, and spent the day with Werry, a niece of Mrs. Oke, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith of Ennis» killen, visited their daughter Mrs, Everett Hoar, Mr, Wesley Couch, of Bowmar ville is spending a little time at the home of his son, Howard, Mr. and Mrs, Stonehouse, who are came from | visitors from Dakota, -Elizabethville, with Mr. Russe White, and spent the day with M and Mrs. Everton White, Mr. and Mrs, A, H. Brent, and Gor- don, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Sidney Hoar, and Lloyd, motored to Toronto Exhibition on Thursday and visited Mr. Hoar's sister, Mrs, T. A. Anderson, 113 Pauline Avenue, Pleased to have Miss Ferguson again in our midst. School opened Tuesday, bth, Men and women alike are hoping for rain, farmers can't plow, apples are dropping, Fu fact its almost seri- ous, Several experienced farmers think it useless to plant fall wheat, SALEM Mr, and Mrs. 8S. J. Honey, of Bow- manville, visited their daughter, Mrs W G. Werry on Sunday, Mrs, F. A, Werry and daughter Marion, spent last week in Toronto visiting her mother and othe: friends, Mr. Shawl, of Minneapolis, Minn., visited Mr, and Mrs, G. H. Stevens and Miss Madeline, recently, Miss Marjorie Collacutt next will attend the Normal School. Miss Madeline Stevens, B.A. leaves short ly for Toronto, where she will enter the General Hospital, to train for : nurse, These young ladies will he much missed in the neighborhood and their many friends wish them every success, Mrs. R. H, Collacutt's friends will be grieved to hear that she was obliged to have another operation at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Moyse, this week, Her daugliter, Mrs. Harbourne, of Brantford, has returned home. w leaves Garnet her mother at section of the Women's Building, how- ever, is the display of Art Work made by pupils of various Oshawa schools, some pupils of which also have placed entries in the vegetable classes. At the opposite end of the building is to be found the art work of the chjldren's elders and here pen and ink sketches and water colors share the attention of those visitors of an artistic tem- perament, A sepia water scene is par- ticularly well done, while water color paintings of a ploughing scene and a collection of fruit stand out, Durham Cattle In the classes for live stock the heaviest entries in the cattle section are in the Durhams, In this section, among the exhibitors are to be found Messrs, Baldson, of Whitby; Mount- joy, north of Oshawa; Werry, north of |Oshawa; W. D, Dyer, of Columbus; Webber, of Columbus, and W, F, Batty, of Brooklin. In the Holstein classes among the entries is to be found that lof Mr. Northeliffe, from north of Oshawa, who has some nice appear- ing young stock on exhibit, . In the class for horses the mare and g n e 1. d N- | 1 r.| week for Peterboro, where she' | wagons bearing TYRONE Mr. and Mrs, A, H, Brent, visited | in Uxbridge recently. Master George Wright, of New castle, has been holidaying at the home of Mr. Arthur Annis. Lt. Col. McLaughlin, D.S.0., wa an Exhibition visitor last week, Mr. Archibald McConachie, of Les- kard, met the trustees of the circuit at the Parsonage on Monday and located water. A well will |be started at once, as it is a long felt want, Me,.and Mrs. John MeLaughlin visited their daughter, Mrs. Annis, motoring to Yelverton on Labor Day, and visiting other friends. Number - of Entries (Con'inued from page 1) capabilities of Oshawa as an industrial centre--the Ontario Potteries only hay- ing recently located in town. The other exhibit, never previously seen at the local fair, is that of Soy Beans, grown by the Broadfield Stock Farm and Jeffrey Brothers, of Whitby, In the Women's Building most of the space is taken up by ladies' fancy work, the fine and delicate pieces of handiwork clearly showing the labori- ous care that has been expended in foal section has drawn a large number of entries but all classes are well fill- ed and the horse barns are being visit- ed by every one who is attending the fuir. At noon there were no swine nor sheep on the grounds, but the entries in this section are expected early this afternoon, The midway is simply waiting for the crowds before going into aetion, and with booths which sell everything fit to eat and others which give away all kinds of prizes ranging from cho- colate bars to Kewpie Dolls fitted up as table lampg, it presents a gay ap- pearance, This is the biggest midway in the history of the fair and sets a mark that it will be difficult for com- ing fairs to surpass, Among the automobile exhibits are to be found the Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, McLaughlin and Oakland Cars, as well as the Fords. The new Olds cars be- ing particularly prominent, These 1923 automobile models are attracting the most favorable comment and many sales should be made at the fair grounds during the exhibition, With scores of men and women busi- ly engaged in making preparations for the scheduled events and get- ting their exhibits into order the Fair Grounds all day yesterday was one great scene of activity, With the creaking of the heavily loaded midway fixtures, the sound of sledges as they drove home tent stakes and-the raucous shoutings of foremen instructing their crews as they put up the hig and little tents, co-mingling with the ecacklings from the Poultry Building and the whinnyings from the stables, the one and only sound that tells the small hoy that the Big Fair is under way, rose on the September air. Few exhibits night but most concessions on were in place last of the amusement the midway had al- | ready occupied their allotments and | more | ready | live stock exhibits had entered the last than for half action midway was night. No the night, with the birds which in the Poultry a fine exhibit of placed just in- the same struc- grounds up to last exception of a few were already caged Building and pigeons, which side the door ture, is of Given Short Work-outs, Most of the horses that will be competing in the trials of speed to- Thur., Fri., Sat, Matinee Sat. REGENT Gloria "SWANSON Her Gilded Cage AT USUAL PRICES 9. F | The Great International Plowing Match Tractor and Farm Machinery Demonstration WILL BE HELD AT LINDSAY, ONT. October 11th - 12th - 13th, 1922 Tractors and Farm Machinery will be in operation during the three days of the Demonstration. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 day and to-morrow were on hand early yesterday and were being given short work outs, many using the track despite the heavy going following the rain. The stalls and pens were all in condition to receive the entries in the various classes and once the live stock starts to arrive to-day there will be no trouble in taking care of them, The buildings were being put in- to shape for the various exhibits in women's work and the horticultural sections, and the manufacturers who were fortunate enough to secure room in the general building were engaged in placing their wares where they would most advantage- ously attract the eye of the publie. Wagon loads of show vegetables and flowers were coming into the park and gave promise of the fine display that will be made in those classes. Fine Fireworks Work was also being done in con- nection with the mammoth fire- works display that will he staged this evening in front of the grand stand and which will be the best fireworks program ever put on hy the South Ontario Agricultural So- ciety for the benefit of the patrons of the fair, The display staged during the recent firemen's conven- tion was the largest ever staged in Oshawa up to that date, but programme to-night calls for even more numbers than that one did. "The Great Empire which is taking up a great many of the concessions on the midway, ar- rived in Oshawa Sunday evening and yesterday a regular stream of traffic flowed from the siding of the Oshawa Railway Company on King Street, East to the Fair Grounds, where several concessions were being put into shape at once, this continuing all day. A* Ferris Wheel, merry-go-round, Whip and tractions that will be found on the midway and which yesterday com- hined with all other signs to point to the most successful fair yet held in the southern part of Ontario County, THEATRES PAINTED LEGS, NEW FAD, ALL THE RAGE It Was Started By Gloria Swanson's Portrayal of Dancing Girl in "Her Gilded Cage" A new and striking fad--painted legs--has taken the country Ly storm! And all because Gloria Swanson, Paramount star, had to leave the dainty design painted upon her low- er limbs for scenes in her new pic- ture, 'Her Gilded Cage," intact, when she appeared in society one evening, because more scenes were to be filmed next day requiring the same make-up. A -------------------- Miss Swanson plays the role of "Fleur d'Amour" a bizarre actress and cabaret dancer, in this new pie- ture, which will be seen at the Re- gent Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and thus the reason for the painted limbs, which are adorn- ed for the mnegligee scenes in 2 boudoir episode. The day on which this episode was filmed, director Sam Wood worked the company unusually late When Miss Swanson finally reached her dressing room she saw she had exactly eighteen minutes in which to change from her costume of the day to her evening gown, if she was to keep her engagement for a dinner party at the Hotel Ambassa- dor in Los Angeles. Removing the paint from her ankles entailed a half hour's work, and, besides, it | would have been practically impos- | sible to exactly reproduce the de- | sign on the following day, Gloria quickly decided to let the painted designs stay as they were, Showing through her silk stockings, they | made a most striking effect, | Her appearance in the Hotel Am- | bassador dining room created a | sensation. Since then the innova- tion is being widely copied and In- dications are that it will be dne of the smart modes for women of Tr re A NS ht SS------------------------------ GeO ARR DON'T DOUBT YOUR WIFE! Should Husband be Jealous of the Man His Wife Didn't Marry? How many men are big enough to admit they are wrong--especially to their wives! John Manning had a foolish quarrel with his wife because she played tennis, against his wish- es, with an ex-suitor. [He went home from the house party in anger. Then her heart melted. It was so silly of him to he jealous of Her- yert. Of course, Herbert loved her, put she had married John! And Herbert had time to play with her. John didn't. He was a self-made man. He played little himself, and couldn't understand that a wife, to be happy, must have some play. Because she played with others he doubted her. When a series of unfortunate circumstances placed her in an embarrassing . situation where she needed his sympathy, sup- port and trust--the things she. had a right to expect from her husband -he doubted her! He told her that any clever woman could make any man believe anything. Lies, he called the truths she gave him! "Don't Doubt Your Wife," 'warns Leah Baird in her ifrst picture for the | Shows," | Hawaian village are a few of the at- Saturday, Sept. 23rd | America. | NEW MARTIN ft HarryPYoung offers TomM Knights ii FASCINATING FESTIVAL 9° FIAPDERS and FRIVOLITIES | EVERYGIRI, Book & Lyrics by GEORGE GWYNNE GARRETTE, and TOM MKNIGHT - Music by TEDDY REVES WITH THE ENTIRE ORIGINAL COMPANY »° Il GIRLS! GmLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! With Dorothy Mackay, Pat Rafferty, Pauline Harvey and many others PRICES--First Four Rows, $1.50; Balance Balcony, $1.00 and HOc MAIL ORDERS NOW Downstairs, $1.00; Plowing, Best Demonstrations. Wednesday, October 11th Farm Machinery Demonstration Thursday, October 12th Walking and Riding Plow Competitions in Stubble, and Tractor Plowing and Farm Machinery Demonstrations, Friday, October 13th Walking and Riding Plow Competitions in Sod, amd Tractor Teams and Equipment, and Farm Machinery Canadian F. arms, There will be a demonstration by the Hydro-Electric Power Ce d strating use of light and power on LL $3,000.00 OFFERED IN PRIZES Do not fail to keep these dates in mind. : For full particulars apply to J. LOCKIE WILSON, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. (68¢c) should know that fabrics washed with the wonderful LUX suds are always dainty and fresh. The thinness of the LUX wafers, our exclusive process, makes them dissolve completely in hot water. No free soap remains to spot the garments or make them yellow, L.LUX will not harm anything that pure water itself will not injure. For all fine laundering iin t Shrink WwWoollens For washing Silks-Laces All Fine Fabrics ---- Lever Brothers Limited TORONTC Associated Kxhibitors, showing . to- night and Wednesday at the Regent Theatre. Splendid support is given Miss Baird by Edward Peil as the husband and Emory Johnson as the friend. Others in the cast are Mrs. Mathilde Brundage and Katherine Lewis. Miss Baird wrote the story and adapted it to the screen. James W. Horne has given it spectacular direction. "EVERYGIRL" Young and McKnight's fascinat- ing festival of flappers and frivoli- ties, "Everygirl'", with an all star cast of Canadian favorites, will be Rs-- the offering at the New K Martin for Saturday, Sept. 23rd. "Everygirl" is a 100% Canadian musical revue. It has no London or New York reputation, nor were the gowns imported from France. The entire show was built, bought and assembled in Canada and the cast and chorue are all residents of the Dominion, many of them well- known to local audiences. In the cast are Pat Rafferty, Hudy Davis, Pauline Harvey, Tom McKnight, Dorothy Mackay, Babs Mackay and a half dozen other Canadian favor- ites, while the large chorus provides a striking example of the eharm and beauty of our own Canadian girls, Try the NEW Next the P.O. ~~ "COLD DOG" 5c. "A CHOCO-ICE" The new NEILSON ice cream filled chocolate covered cone, at Karn's Drug Store Phone 378 Two Shows Nightly 7450.15 New Martin The Home of Vaudeville Regular Vaudeville Prices 35¢, 25¢, 10c OLF Comedy A Side-splitting Comedy "MEET THE WIFE" Thursday, Friday, Saturday BIG TIME FEATURE -Vaudeville Acts- Singing SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY ~ AND DeWOLF DUO Singing and Musical Novelty Talking "AT THE STAGE DOOR" A Tale of Broadway A Scenie "SILVER MINING IN ONTARIO" To-Night - - The Ernie Marks Stock Co. PRESENT "LENA RIVERS" "Yow TONIGHT "Don't Doubt Your Wife" FEATURING LEAH BAIRD A Real True to Life Sensation Selected Comedy REGENT ORCHESTRA Gloria Swanson OSHAWA'S LEADING THEATRE THOUSANDS VOICED THEIR MIGHTY OPINION LAST NIGHT AT THE REGENT A Lesson That Everyone Should Learn & WEDNESDAY COMING THUR., FRI & SAT. _ HER GILDED CAGE The Big Attraction Now Playing Toronto