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Ontario Reformer, 21 Sep 1922, p. 2

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T 4 er J BATE TA % PAGE TWO The Ontario Reformer (Established in 1871) : An independent newspaper published every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Osh awa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publish- ing Company Limited, "e J. C. Ross CRE TC TE SE President J. Ewart MacKay «= = = Treasurer Geo, A. Martin mle ww Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered 'by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States subscription $1.50 extra to cover postage, Single copies 5c. . OSHAWA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 SHALL WE KEEP THEIR MEMORIES GREEN? Four years ago next November the armistice which concluded the Great War was signed, During that time we have returned to our peace pursuits; the settling down process has been going on, and we are nearer back to normal now than at any time during the last eight years, Because of thig return to normalcy we seem to have forgotten the sacrifices made by our brave boys "'over there,' Individually, doubtless, we all think of Jack, or Tem or Bill who sleeps under foreign soil, but eolleetively the people of Oshawa appear to have grown calloused. Otherwise how can one account for the faet that mo permanent memorial to these boys. has been erected here. Other cities and towns not only in this district, but throughout the whole eountry, have been proud to erect memorials to their fallen, na This lack of community appreciation is a sad in- dictment of Oshawa's gratitude to the heroie services rendered by our boys. A campaign to raise the money necessary, if preliminary arrangements were made now, could be conducted throughout the town on Armistice Day this year. -As the months pass there will be less likelihood of a memorial being erected, "Do it now" is the maxim that ought to be adopted. AN ORGANIZATION IS NEEDED Another effort is to be made to form an association of hydro municipalities who are customers of the Central Ontario Power System. In the past such efforts have not met with the support of many of the smaller municipalities, but the men behind the pres- ent plan are hopeful that the passage of time, and experience, may have stressed the need for such an organization: on those formerly little interested. A meeting is to be held at Port Hope on October 3 to take steps to form this organization. Western Ontario has similar associations which have aceom- plished much for the municipalities who are members of them. Their views are respected by those in authority, and their requests are listened to. There are about 65 municipalities eligible to send representatives to the meeting on October 3. Every- one of them is vitally interested in the service pro- vided. by the Central Ontario system, and with that in common each city, town or village ought to put its shoulder to the wheel to make the association an influence for the benefit of all customers in this distriet. Canadians might we}l apply the quotation, ** We fear the Greeks when bearing gifts,"" to William Randolph Hearst. Recently we find him saying some 'it stands now. And this epuntry is glad of it. A LJ ---- yy ome OSHAWA,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2}, 1922. nice things about Canadian institutions in the follow- ing words: "Our friends the Canadians are pros- perous and booming, Their money is at par, their crops abundant, their railroads are running, and efficient, Strikes don't tie them up, They have ex- cellent government, resources practically unlimited. A great empire is growing up. their to the North, destined to be greater than. all the British Empire as. | good pacemaker is a good thing," ---- ------ Premier King's assurance that mo matter what are the private views of members of the Cabinet on public ownership, they, as a Cabinet, are playing the game and are desirous of giving government opera- tion of the C.N.R, a fair trial is timely in view of statements reported to have been made by some prominent members of the Liberal party, Nickolai Lenin has a new role, namely, that of 'confidential adviser to the Russian people," *'Con- fidence men" have come to be known as dangerous customers in this country, and the Russian people may well look to their pockets, Preparations are being made for night classes in other cities and towns, and opening dates fixed. Oshawa Board of Education should soon take similar action, " Lifting of the war clouds which were so black over the week-end is even more welcome news than was the settlement, of the coal strike, The fellow who seeks to forget his troubles by drinking will suceed if he uses wood alcohol, SOURCE OF TRUE HELP: --My help cometh from the Lerd, which made: heaven and earth. -- Psalm 121: 2, "A LITTLE NONSENSE" Host -- Ah, Brown, let me introduce you to Mr, Popp-RByter. I'm sure you've read his famous books, Guest--N-n-o. I'm afraid I haven't had that | pleasure. Host --Oh, of eourse you have, my dear fellow, you've forgotten, that's it! Consider the cat! In ancient times On the wide, flat banks of the Nile, People worshipped with fear the frowning cat And quivered with joy at his smile, Now we are reviving the heathen ways Of Egypt and neighboring lands; And nearly have fits over pedigreed kits, Which we fondle, with reverent hands. And we put them in shows, where nobody goes But the very exclusive elite, And feed them from silver, and comb them with gold, And lay votive gifts at their feet. That is, some eats, you know ; for others still go In and out the back door af will ; For try as you may, in every known way, Some eats will be only eats still! Local Improvement Notice TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of Oshawa intends to construct as Local Im Asphalt Coucrete Pavements on the following streets batween the points mentioned: Street Location Width Brock Street Simcoe Street to Division Street 24° Centre Street Fairbanks Street to C. P. R. 20 Court Street Emma Street to Olive Avenue 2¢ Prospect Street Fisher Street to 262'7" South 17 Front Street Albany Street to First Avenue 20° co Bats And intends to especially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly onthe work. sessment is to be paid in twenty (20) annual instalments and the annual rate per foot frontage om 24° pave- A petition against any of the work will not avail to prevent its construction. ments is approximately 45 cents. Dated September 7th, 1922 EN The community and Church sus- tained a severe loss in the death of Mrs. Fred Smith, who passed away last Monday morning. The rela- tives have the sympathy of the com- munity, Mrs, Smith, who was an able worker in the church has been ailing for some time, and she sud- denly was stricken with acute Bright Disease, We were also very sorry to hear about Mrs, Edwin Ormiston belhg under the doctor's care from a bad attack of pleurisy, We all hope for a speedy recovery. Call for them by name, It is your safeguard. FOR SALE $200 buys 1917 Ford in Al condition, This is a snap. Ap- ply 161 King St. West, $325.00 buys 1921 Ford Tour- ing, looks and runs like new, Apply to 161 King West, . G. M. COX Oshawa Cash Grocery 41 N. Simcoe Street FRUIT JARS Wine Quarts Wine, 2 Quarts ... Imperial Pints Imperial Quarts ... Zinc Rings Rubber Rings ... Glass Covers doz. $1.25 .. doz, $1.70 .. doz. $1.30 .. doz. $1.60 doz. 25¢ . 8¢, 2 doz. 15¢ 25¢ 25¢ Frys Cocoa .... Cowans Cocoa Liptons Cocoa Good Bulk Cocoa Keep Sweet Cream St. Charles Milk Carnation Milk Eagle Milk drareinis bavi . tin Yc & 27c tin 10c & 13c 2 lbs. 25¢ tin 15¢ & 25¢ tin 8c & 17¢ PORK & BEANS "tin 13c to 28¢ Victory or Clarks tin 9¢ to 25¢ Campbells or Dominion " Aylmer LEEDS ONSUAL Ore =------ SATURDAY ONLY Extra Fine Quality Wool Serge, Made in England, Guaranteed Fast Color Workmanship provements | Estimated Length Cost 1749°37 $18,100.83 861" 8.06; 16,751.28 1,838.34 6,207.80 Property Town's Cost Share Per Foot! $10.15 | 4,479.84 $50,960.60 $42,058.45 $8,902.15 The Special As- F..E. HARE, Clerk. DOUGHNUTS Buy Your Doughnuts The 2nd instalment of taxes are due om October 1st. paid taxes. Pay early and save this penalty. The Collector will be at his office, 106 Simcoe St. S., from 7 to 9 p.m., Sept. 30th, and October 2nd. Penalty will be charged on all un- R. H. JAMES, Collector. Absolutely Guaranteed or Money Back ith Fit And Workmanship Absolutely Guaranteed or Money Back With a Smile THIS SAME SERGE SOLD FOR $35 IN 1920 It is only because we were able to buy a large quantity of this material for spot cash several weeks ago in the British market, 2nd at a specially low price, that we are in a position to make such an extraordinary offer as this. Don't fail to take advantage of it. Ask any clothier and he will tell you thai the price of British Woollens has advanced sharply during the past month, and that indications point to even higher prices. We bought this beautiful Serge BEFORE THE ADVANCE and we are going to give our customers the full benefit of our fortunate purchase. Serge Suits are always popu- lar, because they are so serviceable, and this season they will be more fashionable than ever. Our advice is to come and leave your order as early in the day as possible. EVERY SUIT CARRIES WITH IT OUR BINDING GUAR- ANTEE OF PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION.

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