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Ontario Reformer, 21 Sep 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 -- _-- u enmmn------ Bowling Tourney Williams Pitched Finishes Season| oki No Hit Game Southwell's Rink department of the Olympia Candy|Belleville Takes First Game of George eT el Wins Works, 10 King Street East, which Play-off inC.0.B L. Sweater welve will come into being Saturday morn- By 2.0 Rinks Entered ing. The proprietor, Mr. A Bako- george, i8 at present installing an The 1022 season of the Oshawa automatic doughnut machine to sup- Lawn Bowling Club was very appro-| ply its customers, priately brought to a close last eve- PAGE THREE Automatic Doughiiut ; Machine Arrives REGENT THEATRE Ward & Dewland's "Fall Fashion Show" Coupled with the leading picture of the day "FASCINATION" FOR TWO NiGHTS, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY This will be one of the finest programmes that has been put before the public of Oshawa. Nine living models will present for your approval the leading styles of the day in Suits, Wraps and Frocks -- an exhibition that is both pleasing and instructive. Visit our Ready-to-Wear Department and inspect these garments at your leisure, You are welcome, and every courtesy will be shown you without any obligation on your part to buy. A deposit will hold any garment you may choose. Pitcher dusky southpaw, inscribed his name This machine is being placed in|{in the hall of fame yesterday af- ning with a tournament which was |the east window. It will automatical-|ternoon when he twirled a no-runm, from a sporting standpoint and en-|ly mix the doughnuts, dip them and |yo-hit game against Jake Solomon's thusiasm, the finest held in this dis-|cook them, and will have a capacity |petes in the first game of the play- trict this year. Giving a very pretty | of 80 dozen an hour, off series for the Central Ontario exhibition of bowling, George South-| The machine is an American inven- League championship, About twen- well's rink won the tournament by|tion, which has only recently been |¢y tive hundred fans saw the game one shot, securing 52 points, while|introduced into Canada, only one be- |, der ideal weather corfditions, J. C. McNabb, of Uxbridge, gained 51|ing placed in a municipality. The|j ok Williams completely outpitch- points, The competition was played | first doughnuts will be made and of-|oq A] Heckman, Peterboro's much on the plus and minus basis, each |fered for sale Saturday morning at|p..ajded twirler, allowing no hits, rink playing four games, Gearge|30 cents a dozen, He struck out 17 men and passed Southwell and J. C. McNabb were three, while Heckman fanned nine the' only two to skip rinks which| France should send a few of our |,, i hagsed one. The Trunks se- won all four games, The first prizes | installment collectors into Germany. cured nine hits off the Peterboro were sweater coats and the second |--New York Evening Mail, hurler. Belleville scored their first prizes were cut glass, Consolation The trouble about the public debt in the second, when Weir singled prizes specially prepared by C. #¥. [is that the private individual has to and "Peenie" Mills sent him home. Detenbeck were awarded to W. H.|pay it.--Washington Post. In the fifth they tallied two more, Letcher's rink of Port Perry, al-| "Australia is a land of promise |r gingled, W. Mills also singled, though Mr. Detenbeck came very |and plenty," says Sir Joseph Cook. but Weir was caught at second, nearly capturing them himself, So is Germany.--London Opinion, Harry Mills hit safely, and a clout The last game between George From several directions comes by Jackie Williams scored both run- Southwei's sink and A, M. Green- | the suggestion that people do their ners wood 0 itby, was not exactly a | Christmas shopping early this year: ' e place close contest, but the County Town |-----Toronto Star, ia Te sesum game il Take plase quartetie almost prevented the local and it is certain that Riverside Park 1ink from Sguting in the prizes. In will be taxed to capacity with Cen- commencing the game, Southwell's! well's lead to seven but on the next tral League followers who will 'he rink had an eight point lead to over-|end the locals were four shots up ia Rg all towns and cities con- come and by winning by nine shots |and although being down one shot phere | rh the league captured the first prizes by a single|on the last two ends won by a suf. ected w e league, point, On the ninth end Greenwood [ficient margin, Williams, Belleville's i Ee gained three shots, reducing South- R.H.E. 000000000--0 0 1 01002000x--3 9 4 and Mills; Peterboro., , Belleville, , Batteries-- Williams Heckman and Swanston, Umpires--Boundy, at plate, and Barnes and Ramsay on bases. A New Shipment of Monarch Fall Sweater Yarns In the past the Monarch manufacturer has intro- duced many novelty wools, but never such wonderful creations as at In Tuesday's paper the police court this time, First, there 1s case in which Fred Patfield was re- the "Silvertwist,"" every ported as found guilty of common shade imaginable, with a assault, was wrongly Bsaded und silver thread running J p was con- : iid big gv article, ft through it--a most yon. was stated Sydney Stone, the com- derful effect. Then there plainant, was guilty. is the Kurley, another Coming Eye Specialist wool that is bound to be al, Dogue, Sones ste very popular. Also. the 'C » p } Cc 1} hs This omen Be ap famous Monarch Dove and Down. These can be had in all shades at the Tuesday, Sept. 26th. Glasses if re- present time, and are all quired, at right prices. 72-b 25 &35¢ A BALL ---- FALL HATS For the Girls and Boys This is a special pur- chase lot and a real bar- gain. Velveteen Hats and Tams in the ap- proved of styles for Fall wear. The price will mean quick buying, and the first, of course, will have the best choice. Friday and Saturday 49c. each KEEP THEM IN YOUR ICE BOX And when cooked and served, they will have the freshness and tenderness you desire in your meats, But first buy the right kind of meats at --'s market. Here you will always be sure of first rate quality. The rest is up to you. W. ATKINSON 12 Church St. + Phone 935 MOVED OFFICE Dr. S. J. Phillips has removed his dental office from over Kyle's gro- cery store to above the Royal Bank. Names Switched Gz» DOJIINION STORES, L1D.s532. OSHAWA TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW FOR Best sale. $6,000. Reasonable cash pay- {ment will buy one of the neatest and PASTRY FLOUR most compact six-roomed brick bungalows, new. Wired for elec- 89c¢ 24 1b. $3.50 cwt. tric stove. Fireplace, three piece bath, side drive, large verandah. fine lot, best buy in Oshawa. $5,000 will buy six-roomed brick new house, fine locality. Hard- {wood floors throughout. Wired for | stove, three piece bath, beamed ceil- ing. See this. $2,200 will buy nice five roomed |cottage, large garden, water, elee- itrie, side drive. Good buy. | South Oshawa Insurance and Real | ' Estate Co. | 430 Simcoe St., 8S. {Phone 240w. E. 8 PETLEY, J. A. BICKEL. NT THEATRE THURSDAY & FRIDAY MACDONALD'S seo Eine Cul for those fmokers who like MACDONALD'S cut Best BREAD FLOUR $1.05 24 Ib. 4 Ib. Pail PLUM JAM 57¢c WHEATLETS GOOD CORN 2 tins 25¢ Municipalities (Continued from page 1) ory finaucial and commercial basis and the local utilities to be taken over by the several municipalities at a price that will enable them to operate these utilities at fair charges for services and without danger of financial loss. The said legisla- tion to provide for a vote to be tak- en thereon by the municipalities after the terms and conditions for - the transfer have been agreed upon between the Government and Hy- dro Commission acting for the muni- cipalities. "Revolved further, that the Chair- man and Secretary be requested to arrange for an interview with the Premier and other members of the Government of Ontario, at which this resolution will be presented, and the municipalities of the district be notified of the date of the inter- views and requested to be present House Buyers Attention. There are all kinds of ways of building a house. Some are built to be warm; others are not. I con- sider buying a house a good deal like buying an overcoat. I would rather pay a few dollars more and get a coat I know would be warm,; than take a cheaper grade and run the chance that it would keep me warm. Now I have for sale a house on 123/Ibs 1.00 BULK Best Granulated SUGAR STARCH 10c Ib. 2 Ibs. 29¢ Brock Street, West, which I know is built to. be warm. The builder will stand back of this house and guar- antee it to you. Is this guarantee worth anything? [I say it is. This house is a five-roomed bungalow type with everything arranged so that at a later date if the owner de- sires to raise the roof and make a larger house he can do so at small thereat." In addition to the above resolu- tion, another was passed which called upon the Government to investigate the cost of linking the system with the Chippawa power lines. Deputy Reeve, Mason was out of town to-day and therefore could not be imterviewed. Councillor W. J. Trick, the other Oshawa represent- fine or who roll their own cost. Material is A. 1 quality im respect. Hardwood floors, and conveniences. Fruit ative at the conference, when spoken to this morning emphatically opposed the scheme. What Would Oshawa Pay. ° "The government should be im a | better position to develop a greater | amount of power tham the mumici- palities could, should they purchase | the system," he declared. "Before anything is done, I want to know! what Oshawa's share will be in the purchasing of this system before the | scheme will receive my povional He estimated the cost of the system at $8,000,000. Dori time to buy this system is not op- portune. The scheme might be feasible at a later date but, assur- | ly, is mot so now." Another conference will be held on Oct. 3, at Port Hope. [It was re- auested that in the meantime, the | representatives present at Monday's | meeting should endefivor to interest | all other municipalities of the Aiatrict | in the formation of municipal Asso not only oer matters but other is- | The Rexais RY IR Tr FyF c AS § vO I RUG This house will be open to imn- spection by appointment with me at anytime. Telephone Robt. D. Pres- ton, 223j., or after six, 1028). (72-b) Precaution Every precaution is placed around the dispensing and compounding of medicines and other preparations at our store. As an instance of this care we call your attention to our DOUBLE CHECK SYSTEM whereby every ingredient prepared or weighed by our man is checked by another. We fully realize our re- sponsibility to the public. Purity be had unless the remedies he prescribes are pure and potent. Our method of selecting and testing drugs is a sufficient guarantee that every ingredient used is of « pleased to have us fill his prescriptions. Let us fill your next prescription. The Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL and F. W. THOMPSON [ Groceries for Friday and Saturday 5 lbs. Pure Clover Honey 13 Ibs. St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar The best yet--Special Blend Tea Todhunters Cocoa, Keep Sweet Milk Keep Sweet Cream Keep Sweet Cream BUTCHER were made provisional com- mittee. It is expected that 65 cipalities 2 lbs. for 2 Ibs. for Sausages . Hamburg Homemade Head Cheese Roll Pot Roast ib. Roll Boil ib. Also a full line of Veal, Yan, Pork, Beef and Chickens HARPER & CLEMENS with Kew Beach in Toronto mext Saturflay afternoon. Telfers, who] are tied with Oshawa for second | place, also have one game with Kew | Beach and if both teams are sucocess- ful Oshawa and Telfers will have to play off. It is now up to the Red Shirts to trim the Beaches and see that their supporters have the op- portunity of witnessing first division soccer next season. aistrict, ad al 1 feel so wood #150 per bottle. Momey back if satisfied. For sale at Jmy_and Loven and wshawa, or by mail from ow xT. Briggs, . Whithy, Out.

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