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Ontario Reformer, 21 Sep 1922, p. 6

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N PAGE SIX ---- SOCIAL and PERSONAL Reformer invites the 0-0) - iy Sof {is readers In contributing {tems to this column. Send us 8 postcard or "phone 35 --Mrs. Whitfield was the guest of Cavan friends last week, --Mrs. Charles Mackie, of Har- mony, spent the week-end in Peter- boro. --Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Bragg, of Beaverton, were Oshawa visitors last week. --Mr. E. Johnson, of Torey Hill, is in town at present and expects soon to move his family here. --Miss May Curry, of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Curry, Albert 8t., for a few days. --Mr, and Mrs. H, Jeffrey and little daughter have been visiting in Belleville for a few days. --Mr. George Rice, is the guest of deputy Reeve and Mrs, Wilkin- son, Lindsay. --Miss Vera Shemelt was the guest of her sister, Mrs, J, E. Beck- ell, Bethany, for a few days. --Mrs. Wm. Paul is seriously ill in the hospital, her many friends will regret to learn, ~--Miss Hawkins is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins at Hastings, for a few days. --Mr. Stanley Holcomhe spent a few days last week at his home in Havelock. --Mr. Thomas Eggleston, of Ome- mee, was a visitor in town for a few days last week. --Mr. Hugh C. McLean, of Toron- to, visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Ans- ling, on his way to Brockville. --Mr. R. A. Latimer, of New York City, has been visiting with Mrs. J. 0. Clifford, Athol Street West, for a few days. Mrs. I. L. Ratz will be at home from 4 to 6 the 3rd and 4th Thurs- day of September at 237 Athol St., E. (70c.) ~--Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Watt and daughter Jean, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pet- ley over the week-end. --Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Belle- ville, were the guests this week of Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. 0. Ger- row, Simcoe St., South. --Mr. Robert Sproule, 262 Albert street, has returned home after spending a few weeks visiting friends in Ireland. --Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swanick, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swanick, of Marsh Hill were in town last Satur- day. --Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Whitby, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Helen Jean, to Frederick T. Nichol, B.A. Sec., of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichol, Beeton, Ont., the mar- riage to take place in October. Mr. R. B. Cowan, of Peterboro, who has been a valued member of The Reformer staff during the last three months has returned to Toron- to to resume his studies at Victoria College. His place on the staff has been taken by Mr. C. W. Kewley, until recently on the staff of The Spectator, Hamilton. --On Monday evening the girls of the Busy Bee Class, Baptist Sun- day School, presented to Mrs. E. Potipco, (nee Alexandra Glecoff) with a half dozen silver spoons and their best wishes for a happy future. Mrs. Potipco has been a highly es- teemed member of the class. BARNETT--HARDING A very quiet wedding was solem- nized in St. Gregory's Church, Tues- day morning, at 11 o'clock by Rev. Father Bench, when Mary, daughter of the late George Harding and Mrs. Harding. 37 Bagot Street, became the b-*"ze of Dr. Thomas Barnett, of Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett, of Havelock, Ont. The bride who was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Ashton. wore a dress of grey canton crepe, with hat to match and fox furs, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss Monica McNeil played the wedding march. The bridesmaid was Miss Vera Mothersill, also carrying a bou- quet of pink roses while Mr. Harold Brasley was groomsman. During the signing of the register, Mrs. C. | S. Lee, sang, "Ave Verum." Follow- ing the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother, after which the happy couple left on the morning G. T. R. train for Gananoque and the Thousand Islands, where they will enjoy a brief sojourn before tak- ing up their residence in Oshawa. DIED JEFFERY --In Oshawa, on Friday. Sept. 8, 1922, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jeffery (stillborn). 72a CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Clancy, 222 Al- bent Street, desire to thank relatives and friends for their assistance and svmpathy during the illness and bereavement of our son Jack and also to express our appreciation to Dr. Cameron and nurse Miss Cowley for their services. . 172-a) DODDS "KIONEY OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 LANGFELD--GRAVES At the King Street Methodist par- sonage by Rev. A, M. Irwin on Friday evening at 7 o'clock, a quiet wedding was solemnized when Eva May, eld- est daughter of Ex-councillor A. J. and Mrs. Graves, 174 Arthur Street, was married to Charles Langfeld, of Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Langfeld, of Toronto. Miss Lily Graves, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid while Mr. W. Stubbings supported the bridegroom. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents to only the immediate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Langfeld will reside in Toronto, EVANS--LAMMIMAN A quiet wedding was solemnized in the King Street Methodist parsonage yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, Rev. A, M. Irwin officiating, when Muriel J., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lammiman, 206 Prince St. was united in marriage to Leslie Evans, of Chapleau, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Evans, of Sturgeon falls. The bride was charmingly at- tired in navy blue tricotine with hat to match and wearing a corsage bou- quet of pale pink roses. The brides- maid was Miss Nancy Lammiman, sister of the bride while the grooms- man was Mr. Frank Struch. Follow- ing the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents. The groom's gift to the hride was a set of fox furs, to the brides- maid a wrist watch and to the groomsman gold cuff links. After a trip to Northern Ontario, the youhg couple will reside at Chapleau. From a financial standpoint, Le- nine and Trotsky might be referred to as the boys who put the rouble in trouble.--Nashville Southern Lum- herman. Insurance Rate On (Continued from page 1) place have incorporated the sur- charge into the rates--it no longer | heing a penalty which might be abol- | ished hut one that now has to be paid in the regular rate, Previous | to this new tariff the surcharge was | carried as an addition to the rate,| thus holding out hope that in time| it might be abolished. | Means Thousands of Dollars One building in town carries al fire insurance policy of $34,000 and | pays $85 a year under this sur- charge, besides which there is in-| surance on the contents, the rates here also being increased due to the| surcharge. Thousands of dollars are heing paid out each year by policy| holders in Oshawa because of this | surcharge, and one prominent man,! when interviewed, stated that if the] new $15,000 mechanical pumper had | been added to the town's fire equip- ment that its cost would have been| made up in a short time by the money saved following the abolition | of the surcharge. As it is now, pol- icy holders here pay their thousands of dollars into Toronto to the fire underwriters instead of having it to hall. Bazaar Planned (Continued from page i) games at the school grounds during the summer vacation not a flower was touched. of the beds during the summer, for it is largely to his excellent care It condition. was decided at this support motor equipment at the fire A motion was put | thanking Mr. Crossman for his care | that the grounds are in such fine | meeting that a photographer be en- gaged to take pictures of grounds. These will be framed and put in a prominent store window, later to be hung on the walls at the school to become school property. Thus the beauty of the summer may be enjoyed by the children through- out thé winter months, At the close of the business sec- tion, a programme was much en- joyed, including a solo 'Out Where the West Begins" by Miss Langmaid; A reading by Miss Greenwood, and a plano golo by Miss Elve Sharp. Ice cream and cake were served by the refreshment committee and a so- cial hour was enjoyed, Theatrical News (Continued from page 4) addition to this popular musical organization, Manager Pomeroy of the Regent just returned from a trip to Buffalo where during a visit to his mother who has heen very ill, also made several big bookings for the month of October. Attractions that were hooked were: 'Among the Missing," Thomas Meighan in "If You BRe- lieve It's So," "The Man Unconquer- able," "Pink Gods," "In The Name Of The Law" and a return engage- ment of the "Four Horsemen," at regular prices. Mr. Pomeroy also hooked "Blood and Sands" which is having a big run at Toronto this week. Fascination is having its premier Canadian presentation at the Regent Oshawa and the hig Hippodrome Toronto this week. In connection with Fascination Ward and Dewlands are presenting, on Thursday and Friday, their hig fashion parade and a rare treat, such as has never heen shown in Oshawa, will be introduced. The price of admission will be as usual, so come early and avoid the rush. the STRONG CAST AIDS IN "MASCINATION" 'Mae Murray Supported by Popular © 4 Mayers; Ruud At Regent re ' eat One of the strongest casts which has ever supported Mae Murray has been assembled for her newest Metro picture, *'Fascination," a story of Spanish love, now at Regent Theatre. This is the second of the series in which Robert Z, Leonard presents Miss Murray. The first was '"'Pea- cock Alley," presented and directed by Robert Z. Leonard for Tiffany Productions, Vincent Coleman, star of stage and screen, has the leading male role in "Fascination.'. Mr. Coleman was leading man in "Nice People," having been with that show from the opening until it completed fits New York run, Helen Ware, who has the part of a singer, has a long list of stage and screen successes to her credit, Creighton Hale, one of the hest known juvenile portrayers, appears as the brother of the heroine. - Some of his more recent screen appear- ances are in "Orphans of the Storm," "Way Down East," 'Women Who Wait," "Her Majesty," and 'The Idol Dancer." Courtney Foote appears as a club- man of Seville. Mr, Foote lists among his screen appearances 'The Passion Flower," "The Bronze Bell," and "The Star Royer." Previous to his appearing in pictures Mr. Foote was in "Adam and Eva." Charles Lane, who plays the part of Edouardo de Lisa, father of the heroine, will he remembered for his excellent characterization of the old gambler in Metro's "Without Limit." Robert Frazer, as Carrita, a Span- ish- matador, has a very important role in 'Fascination.' *'Fascination" was written by Ed- mund Goulding, It is being photo- graphed by Oliver T. Marsh. The art settings are by Charles Cad- wallader. The Best Tea is the Cheapest in the end, CHASE & SANBORN'S is the drink of Economy gives more 2% cups to the pou CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal. RADIATOR REPAIRING I am in a position to render good service to all car owners. All work done at moderate prices Lee Bishop Over Oshawa Sales & Service 99 Simcoe St. 5. Phone 1162 All Wool Heather Hose Plain or Ribbed $1.45 pair F.T.LAMBL Kayser Cape Gauntlet Gloves $2.95 and $3.50 short dleeves. Made of winter weight and buttoned front. Sizes 2- Turnbull's Combinations $2.98 Perfect fitting are these combinations knit in an elastic ribbed stitch in fine union with silk stripe running through. They have V-neck with shoulder strap or V-neck and Axkle length $2.98 Women's Vests and Drawers 75¢ medium Cotton. Vests come in V-neck Egyptian and short sleeves, and high neck and long ribbed Ladies' and Children's Underwear Everything good, serviceable and practical in Under- wear we have, as we carry only the very best brands. All-Wool Vests $2.00 Beautiful guality All-Wool Vests with V- neck and shoulder straps; pretty edging out- lines armholes, and trimming finished with V-neck and short sleeves $2.00 Very Fine Quality Vests and Drawers $1.00 Warm and comfortable are these Turnbull's Vests and Drawers. Vests come sleeveless with narrow strap over shoulder and draw string run through beading at neck; others have V-neck and short sleeves: then others have high neck and long sleeves; close fitting ankle These are Turnbull made and are delight- fully warm, kait in an elastic stitch, have drop scat. beading with tape draw at neck, i. $2.15 to $275 $1.25 to $1.65 priced at length drawers, ° $1.00 Made of a fine soft union mixture, with clastic at, waist and knees: These are good roomy bloomers and are reasonably 85¢ --- The Arcade -- If you have the time and inclina- tion to go into the matter of FUR COATS we will quickly prove that we can save you at least $50.00 on a Hudson Seal Coat Examine these coats, compare them with city stores, look into the quality of linings, the collars, the finish and the fur itself. In addition to this we are right here if any little thing needs doing to please you better. Then we have pretty Coon, Muskrat and real number one Persian Lamb Coats. We know the qualities are right and the prices much below any fur coats you can buy anywhere, Make us prove it. 3 SECOND FLOOR T hos. Miller & Sons Save Money! By buying your New Fall Suit or Coat here. Because we manufacture our own garments and sell them in our own stores, we are able to give the public practically wholesale prices. A personal inspection will convince you that our statements are correct and all we ask is for you to compare our values with those elsewhere: We will welcome the opportunity of showing you what we have to offer. Come in to-morrow. You will not be forced to purchase, but in fairness to yourself, we ask that you pay us a visit before buying your new SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday DRESSES--New Fall Styles in Canton Crepe Dresses, all sizes. Special Price $19.95 wp COATS--Burberry style, an exceptional of- fer, below wholesale price ..,........... $14.95 SUITS --All our large stock of Suits and Coats marked at special prices for Friday and Saturday. Buy on these two days and you will be surprised how much you will FURS--A special offering of fur chokers in all the attractive designs. Special prices for On all our stock we have marked special prices for Friday and Saturday. Here are just a few, others just as good in the store. Come in and see them. SERGE SKIRTS --AIll sizes in All Wool Serge: Black and Navy. Special Price $2.75 BLOUSES--A new shipment just received --Tricollettes, Georgettes, Crepe de Chenes. A wonderful array of the new styles | Special Price $1.95 wp Our Stock Is Exclusively Ladies-Ready-to-W ear Also because we manufacture our own Suits and Coats, we are ever on the alext to portray the latest dictates of Fashion. We specialize on Ladies' Ready. o-wta t any ho dther stock in our more. All our encugics ase centred on securing possible goods and you therefore al avich of the very Taiest ond hart ris" vow ore iin "THE FAIR" 7 Simeoe St. S. Phone 1173

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