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Ontario Reformer, 23 Sep 1922, p. 2

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PAGE TWO U be L (Faaplished in 1871) ol | An independent newspaper published every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Osh- awa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publish- 'ag Company Limited. wi d..@, Ross J, Pwprt MacKay Geo, A, Martin SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier 4n Oshawa .or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States subscription $1.50 extra to cover postage, Single copies fic, OSHAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 CEERI HOW LONG SHALL WE PAY TRIBUTE TO THE FIRE UNDERWRITERS? The situation revealed in Thursday's Reformer with regard to the fire insurance rates in Oshawa requires the attention at once of the Town Council, the Board of Trade and semi-piiblic bodies, Trans- ference of the increase in rate, which was imposed by the Fire Underwriters in November, 1918, from a surcharge, which it has been up until recently, to part of the regular rate, is convincing proof that insurance companies have no intention of removing this impost, This permanent increase in the rates is twenty- five cents on the no eo-insurance rate. As was pointed out in the news article of Thursday, this is particu. President Treasurer Editor or OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 Children who are only able to attend school a halt a day because of the lack of accommodation may well remark: "It is an ill wind that blows nobody good." good,' . If the 536,424 hottles of beer which have been seized by the Provineial authorities at Windsor are dumped down the sewer, there will be a flood in the Detroit river, BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY PERFECT PEACE :--Thou wilt keep him in per- fect peace, whosq mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee,--Isaiah 26: 3, WITH THE MASTERS THE CONFLICT OF TRUTH AND ERROR y By Oliver Wendell Holmes Did you ever, in walking the fields, come across a large, flat stone which had lain, nobody knows how long, just where you found it, with the grass forming a little hedge close to its edge--and have you not, in abedience to a kind of feeling that to you it had been lying there long enough, insin- uated your stick or foot or your fingers under its edge and turned it over as a housewife turns a cake? What an odd revelation, and what an un- foreseen and unpleasant surprise to a small com- munity, the very existence of which you had not | News of Nearby Places ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Dr. Falllg, wite and son Robert at his uncle's, Mr. Nathan Byers; Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon at Mr, Frank Orchard's; Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Wright, son and daughter, Tyrone, at Mr. J, A, Werry's; Mrs, P, Hall has returned to Toronto after spending a couple of months with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, C, Stewart; Mr. Howard Pye spent a very enjoyable week in Toronto with his sisters recently; Mr. ana Mrs. Nathan Byers have returned from n pleasant visit in Toronto with thelr son, Osbert, and other relatives; Mr. and Mvs. Will Stainton visited in wh ono Sunday; Mr. and Mrs, 1 Moore aud family at Whitevale; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Neshitt and family at Mr, Jas, Parr's. Miss Alma Worry has been under the Dr's. care but is improving, League on Wednesday evening was well attepded. Meeting In charge of the issionary Dept. Master Willle Wallace gave a recita- tion in his usual good manner. The topic on Japan was taken by Mr. J. A. Werry. The young men sang "The Littlg Brown Church in the Wildwslod". Xk treat of ple was en- joyel at close, Wyeryone welcome at League Thursdd) evening, The Junior classes of our Bun- day School are preparing a concert to be given in the near future, Watch for particilars, MYRTLE Messrs Wm, and John Tarves are away at the Island, doing the mason work for a new barn there, The garagemen have & new Car, a big one this time, warranted to tow anything on wheels, except a freight train, Mr, Robert Vernon is well pleased with his success at the Oshawa and Port Perry fairs, He had five horses on show anl wom prizes on them all, most of them firsts, The men at the shops here are so interested in their work, that it is necessary to set an alarm clock to warn them that it is time to eat, This scheme is not recommended for general use thongh, ag if we all worked like that, there would short- ly not be jobs enough to go round. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville in the tragie death of their daughter, which oc- curred Saturday evening, While driving along the highway, the horse was frightened by a bicycle and bolted. The occupants were thrown or jumped out and Miss Somerville sustained a fractured skull, which Prosperity's Corner Stone HE first deposit in your bank account is the corner stone of your prosper ity, and by regularly and systematic- ally adding to your savings a substantial ' reserve is steadily built and a future of comfort and independence assured. Lay the corner stone of your prosperity now by opening a savings account at our nearest branch, THE DOMINION B. OSHAWA B CEDAR. BALE BRANCH, . BROOKLIN BRANCH, Miss Pearson, Oshawa, has com- menced her duties as Junior teach- er of 8B. 8. No, 8, school. Glad to have Miss A. Lear again in our midst, Miss Janie Trevail has returned home after spending a visit with her brother, Gordon Trevail. We congratulate Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Arnott, formerly Florence Oshorne on the arrival of a son, (Jack Osborne Arnott.) Mrs. Acy Penfound, Miss Estella and Mr. Clarence Penfound motored + 'C. N. HENRY, Manager. oC W. HO SHEPPARD, Manaer: . E. C, CROSS, Manager. Our pastor delivered two fine ser- mons on Sunday. Next Sunday is Rally day, when Rey. Frank Lang- ford of Toronto will speak at 10.30 2.30 and 7 p.m. Everyone come and enjoy the services, BROOKLIN Mrs, Jas. White left last week for a trip to the West, Mrs, J, Pringle is visiting at her home in Peterboro, Mr. Delos McNeely, of Toronto, is larly hard on business places, caused her death in a few hours. The to Lindsay with Mrs. Roy Penfound. 1 | funeral, which was held on Tuesday Miss Olive Found is visiting with wouit and] ™ cach | was largely attended. relatives in Peterbro. v Mr. Geo. Rodd received word on| The Mission Circle held their | Puesday that 2 nephew at Green-| monthly meeting, on Sunday at 1.30, bank, a young man about sixteen, | with several in attendance, thrown from horseback and instantly | B " . os killed. He was alone at the time | yor nd Mrs. k yi? gi and wd it is not known just how the | nie Rha punday with her par- weident happened. don, ame NORTH OSHAWA suspected. Blades of grass flattened down: color- While The Reformer bas 5 Sata 0s lo ihe tom) less and matted together as if they had been bleach- amount of fire insurance carried by aWA A ed and ironed; hideous erawling ereatures, some of and stores, it is certain that it would run into seven a --------a 4 4 R them coleopterous or horny-shelled, some of them ; se carried A or sh fue I the ttl fre insane erred fs" coming spread ant and sompreeif$s OF Nearby to the Underwriters by this crease would be like Lepine . watches; blask, #lossy } Er i Witi@inued trom page 2) pproximately $2,500 annually their long filaments sticking out like whips; m&®rk among foreigners in 8 x I : like a a i : tol speak on Laan | When there has been discussion on Oshawa's fire tionless, slug-like ereatures, horrible in their pulp a) speak on Li , ork. In visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. McNeely. Mrs. W. Chawen, of Toronto, and Miss Hepburn, of Columbus, visited at A. J. Cook's last week. Mrs, Wm. Ormiston, sr., Miss Or- miston, and Miss Moffatt, of Colum- gus, visited relatives here last week. Miss Dorothy Vipond returned last week from a two months' trip to the West, . League re-opens the first Thurs- {day in October, in place of the usu- jal pumpkin pie feed, the League equipment in Council it has been frequently said stillness, ill illustrate his address that no satisfaetion could be secured from the Under- writers as to what would have to be done to assure the rate being lowered. It is known, however, that the rate in many municipalities in Ontario was lowered during the last year. Surely if Oshawa im- proved its fire-fighting equipment to bring it up to the standard existing in other places the insurance rate would be lowered. Oshawa cannot eontinue indefinitely to go along with its village fire depart- ment, The equipment must be motorized and a small permanent force of fire fighters must be on But no sooner is the stone turned and the lig of day let in, than all of them that enjoy the Ju? ury of legs rush around wildly, butting each oth and everything in the way of their general star pede for underground retreats unpoisoned by su shine. Next year you will find the grass growi tall and green where the stone lay; the dandelio and the buttercup are growing there, and the broa fans of inseet-angels open and shut their golde] disks as the rhythmic waves of blissful econseiou ness pulsate through their glorified beings. The stone is ancient error, the grass is huma: 2All Saints' Church, Whit- | Mme day. n slides, P. Muirhead, now of Bow- ormerly rector of Brook- lumbus, with Port Perry, nown in this neighbor- Eomm-- DoN't forget Sunday, Sept 24 is | ally day at the North Oshawa Sun- | Weiner roast as well as other good turned froray school. Mr. Brown of College Hill| edibles at F. Rundle's beach on Fri- reports havweill take the service both Sunday | capturing lafternoon and evening. preach at the special Har-|thirds, on t sgiving service next Sun-|l4ncoln shespent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Linton, of Taunton, ber 24th, at St. Thom- | Woodville, Bentley. n Church, Brooklin, at|Wweorth, were Miss Isabel Goodell, of Oshawa, He will also administer | ©Xhibitors, formerly of here, spent Sunday with here and preach at son Doyle, of Toronto, | Stock Fair » pulpit of the Metho./ here on Sunday evening. I. F. Batty and E. W. all | Warkworth friends. Mr F. I lected to 8 Miss Minnie Fice spent the week end with her friend, Miss Albert Dennis. Mrs. Burrows, of Oshawa, spent Sunday in North Oshawa. We are glad to report that Mr. members are holding a corn and day evenipg of this week at 7 o clock. ~All kinds of games will be indulged in. Miss Eleanor Boyce 'is attending school in Toronto. The school fair which was held on Saturday last at the Grove, was quite a success. S. 8. No. 4 winning the Ist prize for marching as well as capturing several prizes for other products. We noticed that the juniors were very much elated over the red tickets on their products, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien and daught- er Dorothy, of Toronto, spent Sun- day at Mrs. VanHorne's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grass and daughter, Mrs. Eddy, visited in Port Perry last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross spent Sunday with Mrs. Ross's mother in Columbus. ; The Harvest Home of the Metho- dist Church will be held on Sunday and Monday, October 8th and 9th. Miss Alice Olver has returned from a three weeks' stay with friends in Uxbridge, much improved in health. the job at all times. The alarm signal system must be modernized. Economists may contend that such improvements would require several thousands of dollars. But how long are we going to be *"'penny wise and pound foolish?"* Are we going to continue paying tribute to the Fire Underwriters, instead of taking that money and putting it into better facilities? Money given to the Fire Underwriters is gone ; money spent on improving our fire equipment will he of lasting benefit, to the town. And we have ne assurance an-. other surcharge may not be imposed a few months hence. ™ wis At the Rally Day service in the Presbyterian Chureb, the Rev. Dr. Young, of Toronto, who has charge (Continued on page 3) among them being Glenn Pickell, | with his. prize mangolds, and Ada | Annis with her pears. | TE nature borne down and bleached of all its eolordfe winners of numerous having latel Dearborn is able to be out of bed by it. The shapes that are found -beneath are thle stock at Oshawa Fair (a good opp/*S8i0 and we now hope for a speedy i : 2 | tall ing FECOVErY. erafty beings that thrive in darkness, and the weaks. Roper, who was sum- jail yo alo Hing Sunday evening services were rl i 4 : > 9@ on account of his wife's [this nei hbof 3 Bn by Mr. Samson, of South Osh- er organisms kept helpless by nt. in chasse. arrived Friday id co Py ava. Mr. Samson is a very able He who turns the stone over is whoever puts thigused to find there was | Quite a ut ker." His fine address was much ing incubus. The nexe¥emeat { 'njoyed by all staff of truth to the oid lying ! je. shall the Arnold, from the West, rdcted the £ Everybody welcome to all these year stands for the coming time. n Yehis father, Mr. Wm. Ar- | oe Banday evening services, also to the nature that has lain blanched and broken, rise iubefore taking up his stu- A more faynday school. . refleet its hues in the sunshine 5°: Mr. and Mrs Remember Girls, the Willing its full stature and its in ® Hall was taken quite 20d John of "orkers Class meet on Saturday, Then shall beauty light upon the souls of men ask wih an attack which | 488 with heptember 30. a and soars from"™ wo bed Her many | Vis. eee evs oor ae, whieh would mover. fier 5, 2edy Tewotery | Mrs. ames! ERENEZER Mevenson, of the West, (2 few of her 2 Mrs. Frank + PLACING RESPONSIBILITY WHERE IT BELONGS The public are growing weary of the long-drawn- out campaign which The Toronto Globe is waging against race track gambling. In so far as the evils of betting are concerned most people will agree with the Grit Organ, but they cannot follow its line of argument when it comes to placing responsibility. The Globe blames the Ontario Govermment for collecting a tax on those who place bets. The paper also attacks the Drury Administration for allowing race meets to be held within the confines of the Province. Surely the paper does mot expect the public to be so stupid as not to know wheve to place the responsibility. The Federal, not the Provincial, Government is to blame for race meets being held in Canada, and until the Government at Ottawa changes the present legislation it is foolish to storm at Queens Park. The Toronto paper in question answers this charge by saying that Ottawa is too far away and that they must five their broadsides at the Provincial Govern- ment. This is 2 somewhat lame admission to make by a paper which claims to be "Canada's National Newspaper." When it comes to tariff matters, as in 1911, The Globe does mot find Ottawa too far away. Perhaps a poor excuse is better than none, but The Globe will be forced to do some hand think- ing before it can find a poover excuse than the one Galt City Council has set aside $500 to be used by the Plaggrounds' Association to fix up open air rinks this winter. This raises the guestion as to wheve Oshawa young people ave to skate and play rigk has been dismantled, the fences being vemoved, nd Badly 4 ilk is mu ficiently lange ax Mwienp | The Hon. Mackenzie King is doing the proper thing in refusing to plunge Canada into war without first calling Parliament. War is too serious a busi- mess 40 he settled by a Gahinet. The people's vepoe- sentatives must take the ity. Secvetary Trowern, of the Retail Merchants" Asso- ciation of Canada, declaves that good times ave metorning to the Dominion. He is in a position to know whereof he speaks, so his announcement will be welcome. -- se The ex Kaiser is #0 he marvied on Novwember 5. have found wings had not that stone been lifted You meed never think that you eam turn over aq ing of the horrid population that lives under ij "A LITTLE NONSENSE' "Do Englishmen understand American slang "Some of them do. Why?" "My daughter is to be married in London, the earl has cabled me to come aeross."'-- Transcript. » cam mov one, a which lasted fifty years." to hold out any longer." -- Epworth Herald. "Why do you 20 on the balcony when I sing? Don't you like to hear me ?"' + "It isnt that. 1 want the neighbors to see that I'm mot beating my wife!" -- Passing Show. Assistant Editor --This new story of Chamberton's is horribly mushy. Editor -- Well run it as a ceveal. HIS TEACHER 1 meed mot fear to trust my child to her; 1 knew it by the lighting of her eyes When first she stooped to take his hand in hers, And speak a word of greeting. He was shy And hardly daved to raise his epes to hers, Nor lisp her name in tones she scavoe could hear: But she with infinite patience won his heant, And with his heart she alse won my own. 1 do mot fear to toust any child to hers For when she spoke her voice was low and sweet, And when she moved her step was quiet, 100; Even her laughter as it bubbled forth Was low and sweet, and deep with tendenness. And yet 1 know that foam her he will lean The needful lessons of obedience Cheerfully rendeved to anthonity. 1 do mat fear 10 trust my child to her; For 1 have seen young faces lifted up With epes of trustful wonder to her own, Sure of her understanding sympathy With all the little joys and griefs of youth; Finding in hetithe eternal motherhood Strange he didnt choose November 11, so that the «of his great defeat. \ A Of que whe finds all childhood worth her cave, And takes it 10 her infinite heart of Jove. --Marian Benmoe Comg. to lunch olSaturday evening | ed } NAR the game. 8 Lyle ke charge of pe Independent | iq A. A. Robinst was in Cold- last week atteging the fum- his father © passod AWAY © Sunday eve- 3 ae of Brooklin's sd and § nug Mrs. James Sta Wife (with newspaper) --'Just think of it residents. in the irson of Mr. . i Whiteford. couple got married a few days ago after a cow, 'Sof weeks AZO ag taken| Hub--**1 suppose the poor old man was too foe The 1ate Mr Wiitord oon- SUN MGT Mr Mrs. Johm entefined the Oshawa! Mr. J. Thowign, of Port Per- | ng into he village soon high. He 1s been im! for soWwe me and a | Lo > Ml eg » fa the Sth and Sth. Watch for full Nettie Hilborn, of Toronto, and Dr. B. B. and Mrs. Beaton, spent Sunday last with D. R. and panti- | W. J. and Mrs. Beaton and Miss | Harri- [on Tuesday af | : | Mr. and Mr : ean . C. Ashton, of Osha- | Pool, visited t without a terrible squirming and seat Mr. ad Mrs. Robert Ash- Scott, and att alsehood Columbs visited at Mr. 8. | vell's lm week. i jel Lander, Os members ¢ the Brooklin foot- John Cornish's People from Sorry to heat r. Bert Flintof day, September Mrs. John La jel Lander, Osha {Tew days with th THORNTO The frequent | | of Whithy, | Miss Boyce, Warkworth, is visiting th her brother Mr. W. 8S. Boyce, the Parsonage. Mr. John Grills, Winona, and Mr. 'dal, New Liskeard, have returned their respective homes, after a \rried call here owing to the acci- at of their grandson, Orville. We e glad to hear Orville is improving. ' 3. G. Loving. Tuesday after Rey J. Bummer, of Toronto, is «th his sister, Mrs. Harry Balsom. Toronto, Ont. U. 8. 86-88 Exchange St, Buffalo, N.Y, NAVY CUT PLAYER' CIGARETTES

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