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Ontario Reformer, 23 Sep 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1922 Houses For Sale , ¢. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Bien ovr Andison's Tailor Shop, 190 King St. West. Phone 231, §, TUOKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's stora, Phone 948, 1-yr. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Oftice over Royal Bank, Phone 959. Residence 306, (4-1yr.) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No, 07, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck"s Store, DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Slmcog St. N. Phone 1243, Medical DR. C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi- ence, King St. East, corner Victoria Bt.,, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children. Office over Dominfon Bank. 'Telephone 1155. Hours 11--1; 5--8: 5--9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or by appointment. 45-6mos DR, T, DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month from 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-08 DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. FOR SALE--USED CANADA PIANO, oak case, good condition, a bargain At $250, Stalter's Music Store, 23 Bimcoe St, N,, Oshawa, 45-tt FOR SALE -- 1 LARGE EXTEN- sion table and 2 carpets. Wil sell cheap for quick sale. Apply 314.0 everything in tirst class condi- Division Bt. (72-¢) | tion. Apply owner, Geo, T. Everitt, APPLE BARRELS--THE TRADE 43 Inglewood Drive, Toronto, 68-f supplied. O'Regan"s Cooperage, 58 |[{OUSE FOR SALE -- NINE ROOM Prince St, 3 FOR BALE -- McCLARY'S ELEC. [cently, hot water heating, all mod- tric range for sale, Nearly new, Ap- Brn conveniences, and splendid condi- ply 2156 Athol Street, (70-t.1,) Lig Applp H, C. Bradley, phone kl Ms i o 70-¢ SWEET CIDER -- MADE FROM | -- --- Ea HOUSE FOR SALE. CENTRAL, good sound apples, Any quantity. Phope 908 r 24, (66-t.¢,) | Apply 110 Church St, : House Buyers Attention, COUNTER FOR SALE, PRACTI- There are all kinds of ways of building a house, Some are built cally new, Will sell cheap. Avply to be warm; others are not, 84 Alice St, -¢ FOR BALE--GIRL'S HEAVY BUR- gider buying a house 'a good deal like buying an overcoat, I would gundy. coat, ood as new; reason for dollars more selling, is too small for owner, Bize ' rather pay a few 14 to 10 Years, Apply to Box 75, i get a coat I know would be warm,; than take a cheaper grade Oshawa, Ont, 71-¢ FOR SALE -- NICKEL TRIMMED |und run the chance that it would hall Stove; also white enamel hed, keep me warm, ncluding springs and mattress; and| ny 1 jaye for sale a house on dresser. Apply 3| King Bt, B, 72-¢ Brock Street, West, which I know is FOR SALE--GOOD BROOD MARE, |built to be warm. The builder will cheap; also two 32 gal. cider bar-|stand back of this house and guar- rels. Apply 203 King St, E. 72-¢c 'antee it to you. Is this guarantee = UGHRRED | Worth anything? I say it is. This Inia terrier pup, 4 months pld.|10use it u _five-roomed bungalow Phone 1081-J, 4 79.c|tyPe With everything arranged so -- a that at a later date if the owner de- FOR BALE--KITCHEN RANGE, IN |sires to raise the roof and make a first class condition. Will sell cheap. | larger house he can do so at small Apply 213 Verdun Road, 73-c in 3 , cost. Material is A, 1 quality in FOR SALE -- AT°A SACRIFICE, every respect. Hardwood floors, perfectly new Moffat gas range, kit- furnace and conveniences. Fruit chen cabinet, baby carriage, ice box, |cellar ete, Chesterfield set, 9 x 9 Axminster! This house will be open to in- rug, dinner set, camp bed and small- |spection by appointment with me at wares. Call Monday, 156 Brock St. anytime. Telephone Robt. D. Pres- E. Phone 293-J. 73-a (ton, 223j., or after six, 1028). ( FOR SBALE--HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT | ____ ; Help Wanted--Male piano, mahogany case, in good con- dition. $160. Phone 1273-J. 257 Al- hert St. 73-c| MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $16 TO FOR SALE -- LADY'S MUSKRAT | $60 pald weekly for your spare time coat, size 38, in good condition. Apply | writing showcards for us. No can 112 Agnes St. 73-1 | Yassing. We Instruct and supply you - | with work. West-Angus Showcard FOR SALE--AN EMPIRE TREAS-| Service, 23 Colborne Bldg., Torgnto. ure heater. Apply 119 Celina St. 33-L.5 FOR SALE -- A HOUSE, CEN- trally located, all conveniences, garage on premises and fine garden, Box "D" Reformer Office, (72-¢) FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, 231 King St, East, hot water heat- 72-b) Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence 6195. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank, entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B. A. G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simope St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office uth, Oshawa. well. Examination free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- 3 |H. Engel. | niture and on given. Apply 13% 73-8 | SALESMAN WANTED. APPLY BOX FoR SALE -- BUILDER'S SCAF- "R", Reformer. Tl-¢ olding outfit consisting of poles, PROOF READER WANTED MALE planks, Jadages, screens, ropes, hoes, | who has good education, for part shovels and hods. Bargain for quick time evening work. Apply Reformer. buyer. A. E. Henning, 200 Celina | 78-c t. 73-8 | semen = Ral Estate For Sule --| Help Wanted--Female LOTS ON PARK ROAD NORTH, HELP WANTED-- FEMALE COOK just north school, 132 x 150 ft. Name 8eneral for family of four. No and pick your own frontage, $25 Washing or ironing. Apply Box. down, balance terms to suit purchas-| CG Reformer. (72-b) ers. See sign. For further particu- WANTED -- CAPABLE GIRL, FOR lars write or phone owner, G. Hurd, | general housework. Apply 59 Bond 381 Montrose Ave., phone Kenwood St. East. TILL 2461-J, Toronto. 70-4 WANTED - AT ONCE -- YOUNG LOTS FOR SALE -- GREAT BIG, | lady with some office experience. deep lots on the Oshawa Boulevard. | Apply Canadian National Express Cheap, with' reasonable restrictions. Co. 73-¢ Water, sewer and sidewalk. Apply! -- i Russell Perkins, Regent Building, 50 | Lumber King St. East. Office phope 1232. Residence, 403. 46-t¢| 5.000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 LOTS ON HILCREST AT 350 RUS-| Cook. Alice St. BE. (65.9) Sell Perkins, Regent Bullding, Kink| [GMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND ' | dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, $4,700 will buy a lovely 6 room brick | doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- with all conveniences and hard-| croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- wood floors downmstairs. Terms Yard, Whitby. Ont. reasonable. | $500 down will buy a 7 room brick | with all dern conveni s, cen- | Automobiles Sale trally located. eee For - -- $4,200 will buy a 6 room brick with [FOR SALE -- BUICK TOURING all conveniences, in North, on easy ©€ar model 31. Reasonable, apply terms. 62 Base Line East. (72-¢) We have many more houses at vary-| FOR SALE--490 CHEVROLET. IN ink prices and in different parts of [first class condition. Apply 218 Al- the town. | bert St. ue We write all kinds of insurance, | UODEL 490 FOR SALE lite, fire, accident, sickness, plate jack Gowan, 98 Elgin St glass, burglary and automobile. --_-- = OSHAWA REAL ESTATE SALES Hardwood For Sale 0 King MPAYY - | HARDWOOD, CUT, $15 PER CORD: A. Lycetd " 1. C. Yous | softwood, cut, $13 per cord. Frank Phone 625 » Phone 209-5 | Som. 361 Ritson Road. 70-1mo i RR Tie | Revised Tenders Wanted FARM FOR SALE--75 ACRES FIRST| Owing to important changes in class land, new barn and house, good plans and specifications, new tenders locality, ten minutes' drive from Osh- will be received by the Secretary of awa. Apply E. W. Dearborn, Lot {the Board of Education up to noon 15, B.F, RR. No. 3, Oshawa, Ont. Sept. 27th 1922, for the erection of 73-bla mew 8 room school. Tenders to BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW FOR | be bulk for all trades, except plumb- sale. $6,000. Reasonable cash pay- ing, heating and ventilation. Separ- ment will buy one of the neatest |2te tenders wil be received for and most ot Six 4 | Plumbi Heating and Ventilating. brick bungalows, new. Wired for| The lowest or any tender not ne- electric stove. Fireplace, three- piece bath, side drive, large veran- dah, fine lot, best buy in Oshawa. $5,000 will buy six roomed brick new house, fine locality. Hardwood floors throughout. Wired for stove, three-piece bath, beamed ceiling. See this. ' $2,200 will buy mice five roomed cot- tage, large garden, water, electric, | side drive. Good buy. 3 69-tf = APPLY 13-c | | retary's office, King St. School. HUTTON & SOUTER Architeots, 804 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. Hamilton, " a . ~--that's the secret of our success. Eleven fully equipped schools. We havea char and a desk for you. Swrt at any time. Write now for handbook. P.MCINTOSM, CHIEF PRINCIPAL OFFICE Buiing_or will sel tux. payments to party taking office. Suiie 4, Bradley Bldg. 44f HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al- terations to suit teman'. Apply to - Enge ATL. TO LET -- 1 DOUBL { FURNISH- | ed room, suitable for i. young men. Phone 9575. Tic WANTED T0 RENT -- A SINGLE Doom, near centre of town, reason- able rate. Apply Box *M", Reformer | Office. 72-c| Wark Wanted | LATHING AND SHINGLING. WORK | done by job or plece. Estimates | King St. W. | 53-2mo DODD'S ANN LIAE PILLS = WHAT ABOUT WHAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. | Slate, Tile, felt and el or shing- les. 8. 4. Box 343, Whithy, Ont, Phone 243. (66-11) |ply, 62 Base Line East, Tie ply 102 Alice St, i | MAN DESIRES SINGLE ROOM -- I con- | = cessarily. accepted. Plans and spe- | cifications may be obtained at Sec- | rr" Rh dd Board and Rooms |BED-SITTING ROOM WANTED-- [by young lady, Box "V.," Reformer, ln EEE | TO LET -- 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT | house-keeping, all conveniences, Apply Box "E" Reformer, . (72-0) TO RENT -- THREE OR FOUR furnished rooms o unfurnished, suitable for light house keeping ap- (72-¢) *% brick, nice location, central, built re- "TO RENT--TWO NICELY FURNISH- et bedrooms, suitable for office men or bank clerks, All conveniences, {Box "B," Reformer Office, 73-a |FOUR BOARDERS WANTED TEN [minutes walk from motor plant. Ap- 73-a | Convenient to Four Corners, {able rate, Apply Box "M." | Gramophone Repairing _ Reason: 71 | ALL MAKES OF GRAMOPHONES | and Reproducgrs repaired, main | springs, ete., expert work. W, Gor- | don, 74 Centre St. Phone 296, 67-70-73-76 General Wants | WANTED--EARLY APPLES BY {the barrel or otherwise. Phone Rus- {sel Perkins, 403. Residence 151 | Park Rd. N. b4-tf | WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWN- | er having farm for sale; give par- | tieulars and lowest price, | Black, Canada Street, Chippawa | Falls, Wisconsin. Sept. 9-16-23 | For Sale By Auction AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD furniture, consisting of parlor, din- ing room, bedroom and kitchen fur- {niture, canaries and cages, Wednes- day, Sept. 27th, at 1 o'clock. A. E Henning, 200 Celina St. 73-a John J.1§ . out PAGE SEVEN _ FIRE ALARM BOXES Four Corners, J--McLaughlin's, 4----Pedlar's, 5--Canning Factory, G--8chofield Woollen 7--Fittings, Ltd, S8---Division and King Streets, 12--Albert Street School. I4--Convent, Brock and Simcoe Sts 15---Ontario Malleable Iron Co, 16--High School, 17---Hospital, 18--RBishop Bethune College, RAILWAY "TIME TABLES GT.R-C.N,R.,, Oshawa Junction Going east: 8,23 a.m, daily; 10.24 a.m, daily; 1,09 p.m, daily except Sunday; 2.50 p.m. daily except Sun- day; 7.01 p.m. daily except Sunday; 0.40 p.m, dafly; 11.60 p.m, dally, stops only to take on passengers for Montreal and beyond; 12,16 a.m, dally. Going west: 4,44 a.m. daily; 6,01 am, daily; 6,24 a.m. daily; 9,03 a.m. daily except Sunday; 2.22 p.m. daily except Sunday; 4.41 p.m. daily 7.29 p.m. daily except Sunday; 8.45 p.m, daily. CN.R., North Oshawa Station Going west: 8,35 a.m, daily except Sunday. Going east: Sunday. Canadian Pacific Railway Going east: 10,01 daily; 1.47 p.m. Company, 7.16 p.m, daily except ---------------- a FOR SALE $4,700 buys 6-room brick veneer, $1,000 cash, $5,500 buys 7-room brick veneer, $4,500 buys brick veneer, 6 rooms. All central, $4,500 buys T-room bungalow, brick veneer, wired for range, hot water connected to furnace, For quick sale list with us THE GENERAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SERVICE 41% Simcoe Sty N, Phone 1207 or 651 completed by 1st October, daily except Sunday; 8.48 p.m. daily except Sunday; 12.03 a.m. daily. Going west: 685 aan. daily; 8.40] a.m. daily except Sunday; 5,26 p.m. daily; 7.18 p.m. daily except Sunday. | It begins to look as though the Allies had turned down a peace with victory 'for victory without peace. --Washington Post. Mystery magnifies danger, as a {fog the sun; the hand that warned Belshazzar derived its horrifying in- {fluence from the want of a body.-- Colton. GARAGE FOR RENT Single or Double. Month- Iy. Reasonable and Ser- | viceable, | Box 1, Reformer Plumbing, Heating and Repairs Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty J. S. DICK At Purdy Co.'s Premises 82 Simcoe St. S, EATIMATES GIVEN Phone 942 Res, 369d EE 1 Faulkner $3,000 will buy a 5 tage in good repair, veniences, room cot- all con- very central, large lot. Cash or terms. £3,500 will buy a double frame dwelling, 5 | haif, located, terms or cash. rooms in each large lot, wvery centrally $2,100 will dwelling, buy a 5 room large lot, chicken house, fruit trees, etc. A very reasonable cash payment will be accepted, balance as reat, | and not over $20.00 per month. I $3900 a 6 room frame bungalow, $0x115, good barn aud stable, cash or will buy lot terms. { will buy a § 2,300 ! frame, good garden, ele. room Cash or terms. | | brick dwelling in first class re- | pair. Lot 50x115. Good chick- en house, electric lights, water, and enough coal in the cellar to do the winter. Cash or 1 can give almost im- will buy a 5 room terms. mediate possession. $2700 will bey a centrally located with 7 large rooms, lot 66x12¢. has storm and screen doors, windows, chicken number of fruit trees. dwelling 'wo storm house, a $1,200 Balance half yearly in- terest 7 per cent. cash. I have two good grocery stores and dwellings combined, one has a great chance to add the butcher business. These are real good stands, and if you ave thinking of this line yom will do well to look them ower. I can exchapge your present home on either. FIRE INSURANCE 113 Simacoe St. North Phone 85 When We Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY | JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. § Wood For Sale The Fuel Committee has purchas- ed a quantity of softwood slabs, which they offer for sale at $12.50 per cord Cut in One ft. lengths and deliver- ed promptly in One cord lots. Any- one wishing to purchase one cord of this'wood may leave an order with the Town Clerk and pay for same, "A Terrible Experience" "I Recall My Experiences with the Burglar with Feelings of Horror!" getting weaker and weaker, so much so that my husband and children were constantly worrying about me, Doctors prescribed for me snd while I willingly tried their medicines, onl very few of them did me any phon d but uniortunately the good was not lasting. My family asked me if I would try Carnol and I said, 'I was willing to try anything," but feit that it would not do me any good. Four bottles of Carnol taken regularly, has completely testored my former health and strength and, while I occasionally recall my experience with the burglar with feelingsof horror, I amotherwise as well and strong as I have ever been. Carnol is the most wonderful preparation I have ever msed for building and restoring health and strength. It has done wonders for several of my friends to whom I have recommended it." Mrs. McC. of... Carnol is sold by druggist, and if you can sosscleutionsly uy; alter you have tried it, that it hasn't "How wonld you feel if you wakened in the middle of the might with a flashlight shining in your eyes and the gruff voice of a man threatening that, 'If you make the slightest noise, I'll shoot?" That was uy experience the end of last March when my bus- baud was away in the woods and I was alone with my three children. Everytime I think of this experience iw "hudder passes over me and as long as I live I shall remember it. At the time [ really thought I would die. It's a wonder my heart did net stop beating. I was so weak that even if I had any desire to move, I could not. I was bathed in a cold, clammy pers. piration. Even torecall the shocking details now makes me shudder. It was a result of this shock that I contracted a high fever and for hours at a time I was delirious. I got so bad that the doclor finally gave up hope of my ever recovering, but by carciul mursing, I was finally pro- rounced out of danger. The shock had left me so weak, that, for no reason 'whatever, I would suddenly | done you any good, return the empty burst into tears. All the life seemed | bottle to him and he will refund your to have beerrtaken outof me. I kept! money. Len For sale by Wm. H. Karn, Oshawa Depend on KingGeorge'sNavy-- It's guaranteed to be the finest chewing tobacco made --and itis! You can bank on that! And what's more --at the new low price of two plugs for 25ats.-- it's a value you can't equal ! Cock Bis Tobacco Bots

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