; "C.. CLEMENS, | DENTIST, BET over Andisonts udor: | hops 19; 19.Kin8. St. West. Rhone 281 DR. T, 8. TORAH, or- tice over ,HOgE and Lytlels . store King SA 00S 4 Phone, 48, DR, 8 J PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Oftide over Royal: Bank. Phone. 959. Residence 306. i (4edyr,) DR. JAMES, DENTIST --_ OFFICE over Jury and Lovells Drug Store. Phone No: 907, DR, . TREWIN, . ,DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Petenbeck's Sloe. LANGMALD, DENTIST, or Bhgal tl Store, 1G Simcoe 'Medical DR, C. haan, « PHYSICIAN and LB Building, Simcoe St, North. Phone 57 1! DR, MORAY 5 PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, ucher, ce and resi- dence, g St. corner Victoria St,, Oshawa. iPhone 94, ! IR ol Ji, HE . Rigs H1 8 Lovell's TORRES. Suk he Satur i from 11 a.m. halon a or. consulta tion in disease of the eye, 12-1y8 DR, W gig § = RealEstate: For Sele deep. thi on, the Oshawa' Tr ae. restrictig Cheap, with reasopable res ne,' Water, sewer and sidewalk, Apply) Russell Perkins, Regent uliding, $0 'St, Hast, ~Oftice phone prise 'Residence, 408, "HILCREST AT $00 sell Perkins, Regent Building, King East,' "Phones 1232 or 403," 69-t te $4000 will buy d 6 room: brick house : with all conveniepges. (en- trally located, . , . $6500 will buy . a 6 room brick with all convenience. on paved street aud. An a lovely location. ' $2000 will huy a 7 room frame, with hardwood flears downstairs and electric lights, a Special--$3100 will buy. a 6. .ropm stucco house with 'all conveniences, double floors, hot water heating, wired for .electric. stove, This is a 80ap... .. 'We have some choice lots for sale at reasonable prices, in all parts of the town, «We write all. kinds. of insurance Mie, fire, accident, sickness, glass, burglary and automobile. Oghawa Real Estate Bales Co, 61 King St. E.--Phone 703, A. C. LYCETT J. C,, YOUNG ~+«Phone 625. Phone 909), (80c) DOA For Sale FOR SALE--400 FOUR PASSENGER DR. D, B, NEBLY, EAR, NOSE-AND Throat, Diseases of children. Office over Dominion Bank, 1155, Hours 11--1; 5--6; 5--9; Satur- days 2-5; 7--9; or Po "appointment, 45-6mos DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will ba at Jury & Lovell's Drugsisre figst and third Friday each onth from 2.30:t0 4 for pi Hh in" diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-t1 Telephone | eoype, only driven 2,000 miles. Cord tire equipment, ; including spare. Bip class condition and running or- der. H. G. Pe, 410 Masson BR 'Phone 116-7, _ 77+ 77-¢ H ORR equipped, with new spare tise, in excellent gunning order, only used about four months. Apply W, H, James, 58 Aberdeen: St. Phone 1071.3, Pp wears # 77-¢ 0% Houses For Sale DR. F, T..BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, 'Foronto,-will-be-at his office over: Miller's. Arcade each. Sat: urday, from 1 til. 4.p. n for. consul- talion and tseatment: of-diseases ear, nose and throat only. a SREP P. MANGAN, BA--BAS- Fister, ,~ Notary: Public, Con eyancer, ney to - loan. Office ug King 'St. Bast, Oshawa. Phone D. A. "J, 'SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Of- fice, King St. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phopes, Oitise 940; Residenop! GRIERSON '& GREIGHTON--BAR- Tiaters, Lonveyancers, Notsritn Rub ic, ele, Office; over Flandard nk, poi ¥ 5 Simeoe St.; E Grieeson, 5.5 B.A. T. K Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B:A., L.L.B.~BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, -ete. Ditige (entrance) 7% Simepe St. Oshawa. Loans rated on cry ol lid gen- eral practice. Phone 63 H.E. TTT A WW TET Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office St. . Oshawa. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic § V cy a o.<at office. Dr. 8S. M, Jones, 85 Slmeue 51, North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civic En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- of tion, good garden. -{ reasonable, HOUSE FOR SALE-- OR RENT 191 Ritson Rd. 8, ~ 80-¢ FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, eyery . convepignece, excellent loca- Apply;13 Ritson Road. South, er. . Phong | 5. (80c) p POR. SALE--SIX. ROOMED HOUSH, un room and bath, all conyeniences, ardwood floors. downstairs. Price «Rhone 1027-J, Oshawa Junction. 74-8 HOUSE FOR SALE--i ROOMS, ALL conveniences. Pdssession at once. Apply 173 Celina Street. 79-b "Help Wanted--Male MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $16 "10, Mriting showcards for. ms. No can waging. We instruct and with work. West-Angus Bervice, 23 Coltonn-Bifis Tayouto, BOY WANTED FOR ALL DAY DE: divery. :Apply to H. A. Suddard 546 Simcoe St. 8, © B0-¢ To Rent FOR RENT_FURNISHED OFFICE in Bradley Building, or Will sell fur- niture and on monthly payments to party taking office. Suite' 4, Bradiet FOR RENT -- NINE Stone house, on one acre, one half mile from town limits northeast. Apply to W. G. Lindsey, 1% miles north of th of Union Burying Ground. HALL TO TO "RENT ~ HARDWOOD floor--heat light. Size 27x73. Al- terations to suit teint, Aral So : Engel. . B7-tL. TO RENT--ROOMS WITH USE OF kitchen, to refined . comple HB children. Box "UI", Relomuer- 79+ Wood For Sale WOOD FOR SALE--500 CORD OF soft slabs, also 500 cords hard wooed, 2341 cut to foot lemgths and delivered. mection; picture traming; 1 'Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division -St. 20-1yr Slabs $12 per eord, Hardwood $17.50 R. E. Johnston, 75 Hos, Street. 80-¢ HARDWOOD, CUT, 315 PER CORD; softwood, cut, $13 per cord. Frank Plaza, 361 Ritson Road. 70-1mo Rooms Wanted WANTED -- TWO OR THREE furnished rooms fer young marcied ~Reformer. ork. Middle pred 134 Div 3 1 Apply Box: +B", 80-¢c WANTED--TWO OR MORE FUR- Help dF a WANTED -- WOMAN OR 1 WOMAN 7OR HOUSE- _preferced. St. (89; -- A WO! keeper, to Waking uf Monies. und wages. . Apply Box "Z", Refanier. -a Amly 15C Centre "St. Lasmber | LUMBER --WE HAVE ROUGH AND fressed lumber, lath. shingles, sash. doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Woed- Yard,* Whitby. Ont. . if] LUMBER FOR SALE -- 10 M. FT. (148) plate (Reformey, . yA 'Work Wanted ae! WHAT ABOUT. THAT LRAKY Root,» we do al! kinds of, root. work, Slate, Tle, felt and.gravel or shing- les, 8, J... 8ne, Box 343, Whitby, Ont, ~Rhone 243, Oshawa f | oftieoy Rhone Afi ABBR 11 rym, © 0 66-0 £1 TO LRT + 2 ROOMS, PURNISHED or, otherwise, Apply 109. Elgin St. 'W. ort Box '*B", Reformer, 1A 80-¢ TO RENT. =: A JRE . BRIGHT front bedroom, fup body Sentral and use of phone. Apply 221 Simcoe Street South, 3rd. figor, BOARD AND; ROOM. + MARRIED couple; wanted, lady .willing' to help With) housewerk. 'Phone. 425Ww, 79.b WANTED -- 3 MEN TO, TAKE A large. room together, also.4 men. to + | hoard og ou about ten minutes wa rom General Mators, Apply 102 "Alice Bt. Oshawa, '80-e BOARD : AND ROOM (WANTED Young couple, lady willing to help with 'housework. Apply" Box vy» [9 Co Mple 70h Adticles For Sale FOR SALE -- A GOOD WHITE wicker baby bu, Will sgll gh 281 1 Jarvis f St. oe: A gh FOR SALE--SWBET CIDER PARK Rd. 8, or phone: 9556w. 80:1 FOR SALE -- A DAVENPORT, AP- ply} 169 Celina St, (80a) FOR SALE---~WRITING, DESK AND Bookcase. gombined, pedestal. dining room 'tahje and.) two: Jophiatids. Apply 162 ne St. 80:h POR Ga Lr TWENTY homers. . Lot .:on separate. 'Apply Secretary: Hamilton Homing Club. King: West,, Hamilton, 78-1 FOR SALE--USED CANADA; PIANO, oak case, good conditiep, » bargain at $195. Stalter's Music Store, 23 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 45-tt SWEET . CIDER -- MADE : FROM gnod sound apples. «Any quantity, Plone 908 r, 24. (66-4. WHEN. HOUSE CLEANING, CHEBR up bome. with. a..change in fur- n e, .~We buy, sell and exchange used~ furniture. Highest cash price pad tor Sood jeeond hand furni- ure me; §6 King Btyeet, West. Phone 271; $ 76-2mas FOR SALE--COLLECTION OF CU- rios, quaint shawls, etc. Box "F?, Reformer. 78-¢ SNAP -- $3 ; BUYS MAHOGANY cabinet phonograph, in good condi b $60 paid weekly for Jourapare time)lion. 257 Albert Street, Phone, any 5 1188 FOR SALE_17 WHITE LEGHORNS, 1 cockerel, 6 Brown Leghorus. Ap- ply P.O." Box 114. 79-0 FOR SALE--ABOUT 100 CEDAR (ence posts. 331 Centre Street. 79 FOR .SALE--FINDLAY: BROS. UNI- versal range, with waterfront and reservoir. 331, Centre Street. 79-¢ 0 --3 NBW MILCH COW and 4 springers, all young A first class stock. oly a Giflord, 'Westmount, 79:6 FOR I ay CASE BER- lin organ, 6 octave. Reasonable price. 200 Bond St. 79-¢ JOR SALE--1 bo HEATER, 1 *pideboard, 1 single bed. Apply 256° Burk St. 79:0 FOR SALE_WHITE BABY GAR. riage. with blue trimmings, OAR, Apply 335 Mary St. 79-¢ ] -- HAPPY THOUGHT rage, first class condition. Apply 282 Jarvis. Sit. 79¢ 78-c| 0] HENNICK, SECOND HAND, 442 Simcoe Street South, buys second hand furniture and clothes. Pays the highest prices. For sale reason- able, four: dining room s2is, bedroom sets, clothes, men's and women's, Phone 117]. 4 acl a B% Lol I ------ AGENT WANTED--TO .. "HANDLE. canvas goods, rope, ete., including a world famous waterproof . canvas. for motor, and wagoa covers, ete Must be emergetic. Liberal ; com- mission - allowed. Reply, enclosing references, to Box "A", Reformer ia] NOTICE. ~Rietice. is. hereby. given. that. Cyril Gurley Lake, Acpountant. of the -b | Town . of . Oghewa - is NOTICE is werhy given that a By law was passed by the, of WANTED--A YOUNG GIRL "FOR | the Town..of. Oshawa. on the . 18th general housework. Man. siding. Phone 1037). Ohms Dated: the Sth. day-of Goteber 1922 1 - yo Fe Be HARE, Clerk. 8 ed "oF _78-¢ It evening and other entries anticipat+ and administration by the said Com- mission. VR RRB Wo wk ner With representatives from ten cluhs present at the annual meeting: of the Oshawa' Indoor 'Baseball League last ed, a prosperous and pleasant sea: son js assured for that organization. A gathering of more than: thirty ens thusiasts met in the N.C.0's quar. ters ;in the armories to elect officers and to decide under what rules the league would be governed, The clubs represented were: Pedlar People, Williams Piano Company, Materjal Department of General Mo- tors, Knights of Pythias, Cedar Dale. Business Men, Bradley's Terriers, A. Y:P.A., Oshawa - Football - Club, and Regiment. Five of the eight clubs in the league last year have again entered while the new entries s0 far are from Cedar Dale, Brad- ley's Terriers, Material Department, the Oshawa FootballClub and A.Y. P.A. Phe New Officers The former president, Major H. B. Smith, 'presided, while the minutes of the Jast meeting were read and the president and vice-president were elected and then: the new vice president, Mr. Aubrey Morphy, took the chair in the absence of the new- ly appointed president, Mr. D. B. Carlyle. The: officers: chosen are as follows: Hon. Presidents--R, 8. McLaugh- Hn. snd W. R. Gelkie, President--D. B. Carlyle, Vice President--Aubrey Morphy. Sec./Freas.--+H. E. Green. The Board of Mansgement will be -oomposed of -one -repgesentative from each team. . Oficial seorer--Jdack Nott. Last year the Jeague experienced a most: ful commencing with no funds, and finishing with a substantial balance on the right side. This year the fees will -be the same, each: team. being required to forward an entrance fee of $10 with their entry. Although - ten clubs were represented. at the meeting, the offcials - believe other clubs are de- sirous of placing a team in the field and that those clubs might have an opportunity ;of doing so, the entry Ten Ton Te Ted Cn ms Entered In ToT sams Baseball League ak SER trl HELTER Five of Last S¢ason'y Aggregutions Are Back 'Again--Two Schedules to' Be Played--D. B.. Carlyle Is Elected President .panding is evidence of increased in- list will be kept open until Friday evening at 8 o'clock by which time entries and fees will-have to be in the hands of the secretary, H. E. Green, at the armories. League is Expanding The fact that the league is ex- terest and . popularity, Each club will be supplied with printed forms for the registration of players and the number of players to be signed by each club will be limited to twen- ty, .All,players mus. be signed be- fore the, schedule gets under way, The league will be played in two sec- tions, the winner of the first half playing off with the winner of the second half for the championship. This system is being adopted with a view to keeping up interest by giving teams which make a poor showing in the first section to make good in the second half of the race, This year all teams will wear sweat- ers or jerseys, the colors of whieh must be forwarded along with the entries. Will Sell Season Tickets Each club will be supplied with season tickets which are to be sold for $1 each while the general ad- mission to each game will be ten cents with the exception of final games. Discussion took place on other important matters such as ground rules and umpires, and sev- eral suggestions were made which will be passed on to the Management Committee. The secretary was in-| structed to order fifty copies of the! rules of indoor baseball, which will be sold to the different" clubs. { Following the closing of entries on | Friday evening, the officers and Board of Management will meet on Monday night to consider them and! draw up a schedule for the season. | The nights on which the games are to be played and the times will also | be decided then, besides the dppoint- ing of umpires and the fixing of! ground rules. As soon as the sched- ule is completed arrangements will! be made for the opening games which are expected to take place in a couple of weeks' time, Trank-Hillcrest | Game Postponed Seturdey's Tilt 'Was Called - in 2-1 2 Hillcrests of Toronto and Belle- ville tried to play their game in the 0,B.AA., semi-finals at Peterboro Saturday afternoon under trying conditions. Rain fell steadily and the players mucked around in water and mud for two. innings when the umpires decided to call it off. Hill crests were leading 2 to 1.when play was stopped, Art Lancaster driving in.one of the runs: for the Toronto team with a triple. The teams will try to decide a winner on Wednes- day, the game to take place at Riv- ergide Park, . Peterbero. Williams and Scott: were again sent ia to twirl for their respective teams and they will; finish: their argument in Wed- nesday's tilt. Opinion of lecal fans is somewhat divided as to the out- WANTED--TO BUY HAND PICKED winte; and fall apples by the barrel or otherwise. Apply Russel Perkins, 151 Park Road N. Phone 403. 77-f STORE WANTED SMALL STORE centrally located. Apply Bex "M™, Reformer. 80-¢c Sha Commission This Commission has been by & the Meutonant ~Gewer- ap- Commission generally all matters of expenditure = |but Hilicrests and overlooks come of the series, quite a number favoring Belleville while the majori ty are picking Hillcrests. The intermediate O.B.A.A., semi- | final game between Peterboro C.G. | E. and St. Aidan's of Toronto was 4lso halted at the end of the second innings on account of rain. The game was a sudden death affair, the teams agreeing to stage it here. President Pat Kennedy of the O.B. | A.A., has ordered the teams to meet | lere to-morrow afternoon. the game to commence at 3 o'clock. Peter- boro were leading 3 to 1 when Sat-| urdey's game was halted. Toronto Paper's Story of Game Rouses Trunks Hillcrests Showed Signs of Peev- ishness at Peterboro Saturday --Samuels Hits Out -- The Teronto sporting writer who stated that Hillerests practically handed the game to Belleville in the Quinte City last Wednesday has caus- ed a mild upheaval in Central On- tario ranks. The Toronto paper came out with statements to the ef- fect' Hillcrests played errorless ball but did not try to win. The Toron- to writer apparently can see nothing the In Peterboro on Saturday, Hill-| crests showed a very unsportsman peeved over their defeat in Belle- | ville. "Harry Samuels, the Toronto | |on it. ed right off the track." | season is over as far as Oshawa is | concerned does not mean that the { executive should remain inactive un- {of the Central League several weeks | next year, { year and get a team lineG up which | will make a creditable showing. {not knowing who are eligible. first sacker, it is alleged, struck a spectator with some force, the lat- ter taking the count, Samuels, it is sald, claims, the. spectator was cal- ling him names. While fans a- round the - cirguit - gemerally were pulling; for Belleville to win the se- ries, the Quinte delegation will have more supporters than ever since the attitude of the Toronto team has be- come known, In Belleville the fans are all "het" up over the Toronto paper's remarks and if they do. not win to-morrow's game ituwill be because the Toronto champions .are much .superior. The ' Belleville Ontario comes back at the Toronto writer as follows: Slurs and insinuations cast from the direction - of the 'Queen City, emanating mainly from a certain af- |' ternoon newspaper, which had two representatives . here for -the Wed- nesday game, one of them alleged to be somewhat under the. weather, on- ly serve to stiffen what. opposition there is here to any talk of the game being fixed and pre-arranged to pro- vide a third gate. Unquestionably the Toronto team or _at least Torons to gamblers attempted to fix the game here but they were told that there wasn't money enough in the world to buy the local team or any of them. They are not that kind of people, Toronto which once had a name for fairness, has lost a good deal of it. Hogtown is the word. A square deal cannot be expected from Toronto while certain people have the say in regard to matters of ama teur (amateur?) sport. "The latest ebullition from Tor: onto is that the Hillcrests were playing in a daze. Right. They were dazed by the slants of Williams and the wonderful resource of Billy Mills, his catcher, and the whole team generally. "It was to be such a light lunch for the Crests. And they choked The *'Big Train' was knoek- Ball Club Should Get Ready' Now For Next Season The fact that the 1922 baseball til the spring of next year. Owing to the fact that a recommendation was made at an executive meeting ago to the effect that the January 1st residence rule be put into force | it is the club's duty to hold a meeting, elect officers for next ir the executive neglect to do this, they will undoubtedly be handicapped next spring in signing up players, By organizing this year and laying | plans for next season's work, the | Club will be in a better position than {ever before and the usual rush in making all arrangements in a short | {time will be avoided. | There will be a meeting on Tues- | {day evefling, October 10th, in the South Oshawa Methodist Church of | all those interested in South Ferra | hockey. The meeting will be at 7.30, and all the boys and men are urged | to be present and get the South osb-11 awa Hockey Club under way. Mr. Fred Carswell, coach of the High School rugby team, is arrang- ing an exhibition game with the Trinity College School of Pert Hope for to-morrow afternoon, if possible. The local students are making won- | ||| { derful strides in line movements and | tackling and they are showing al- |i most as good form right now as they | did when travelling their best last season. WANTED Y. man as cl a. othing : A ---- The coach has the boys ||| well in hand and keeps them hard at work every afternoon. Should /T.C:S. visit Oshawa to-morrow or Saturday the Oshawa students will have a real test .on their hands, ----ie FOR VALOR, ---- . Meek--I forgot, myselt today and spoke. sharply to my wife, 1/Peek--+Did. she resent it? Mcek--For a moniont 'she did. But: Maria is a fali-minded woman --after she had thought it over she shook hands with me and congratu- lated me on my bravery, ---Boston Tidtseript." _ the Tailor The man that suits you in cus- tom made clothes. Is now es- tablished at '46 'King St. E. Regent: Theatre Building 'Plumbing, - Heating and Repairs Boiler Room Repairs a Specialty J. S. DICK At Purdy Co.'s. Premises 82 Simcoe St. 8, "ESTIMATES ' GIVEN Phone 942 'Res. 369J 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING I have a good stock of electrical appliances and * will contract for any electrical work you' have. Let me estimate on your opt job. A. W.' BRADLEY Phone 1083 890% SIMCOE ST. N. A. F. COX| 13 Elgin Street East | 1 | Offers For Sale| | HH il One Cider Mill Complete $15.00 Used Upright Pianos $200.00 On Easy Terms Two Trap Drummer's Outfit $75.00 One Ford Light Delivery Truck, || i; tom, canopy top, all new tires I and tubes and thoroughly over- strong points of the Belleville team. | like spirit, apparently being much | _--