OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922 ie tastes tali -- WORLD EVEN THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. "William Banks. There will be many anxious mo- ments yet in 'respect to the Néar ast situation, But hours are pre- cious, HKveryone thet passes with: out an outbreak of hostilities is so much gained for peace, The dan- ger, as pointed out before, is not so much that there will be formal dec- laration of war by Kemal and his advisers at the head of theTurkish Nationalist forces but that irregu- lars who have attached themselves to the Turk armies, or some fanati- cal Turk soldiers, may start war on their own account, The buoyancy of feeling that displaced pessimism within the past few days had its re- flection in the stock and money markets of the British Empire at any rate, and indeed in most of the markets of the na- tions, Compromise seems to have won the day, though to the shame of the great powers it is a compro- mise which should never have been made with the Turks, But for the firmness of Britain, however, the Turks would have emerged as victors not only over Greece, hut over Brit- ain and her allies as well, What- ever of territory and honor has heen safeguarded from the spoilation of the Turks, has been so held because Britain had the courage to draw a line beyond which sh: would not re- treat, The French are welcome to all the pleasure they can extract because of their part in the negotia- 1 \ . Britain Has Surplus For the first six months of the fis- cal year the British Treasury is able to report a surplus of revenue over expenditure of filty-six million pounds, This is a rare achievement in view of the state of trade which, while showing a slow improvement, is still far from what it ought to he It has not been reached without dras- tie cutting of the expenditures. The Chancellor of the Exchequer in his budget had hoped that these would be eut by at least one hundred and sixty-nine million pounds. To date --or for the six months' period, rather--the saving totals one hun- dred and fifty million pounds, Thus, while there has heen a shrinkage of revenue to the extent of fifty-two million pounds the savings effected hy the policy of economy have en- abled a much better showing to he made than was thought possible when the budget was delivered, Ir is unfortunate that the Near East situation should have intervened at | this time, The efforts made hy | Britain to show the Turks that she | was in earnest in her determination to keep the Straits open and invio- | late, have cost a great deal of mon- | ey. Warlike preparations are not | conducive to economy; indeed there is very often no actual time in which | to give heed to that; Britain is mak- | ing a huge paymeni of interest on her loans from the United States very soon and would have had a| | more comfortable feeling regarding! | finances if it had not been necessdry -- that the Washington Conference has become a matter of history ques: tions as to Its actual values and ac complishments are arising all the time, Far from disarming the na- tions are bending a great deal of their energies toward the perfecting of war machinery. If some war ma- chinery is scrapped and every ef- fort made to so improve the more limited armament as to make it ten times, or a hundredfold more effci- ent, does the world gain? Probably the accumulative effects 'of such con ferences will in the end kill a good deal of the insincerity with which some participants regard them, But it does look sometimes as if the whole world would have to go prac- tically bankrupt before a substitute is found for war, Briand As a Farmer While many other prominent pol- iticians are agitating themselves over affairs at home and abroad, former Premier Briand of France has set an example that lots of them might try to emulate. Some years ago he purchased a section of land that whs considered so poor as not to be worth bothering about by the tarmers in the locality, He fertil- fzed it and gave it the attention he thought it needed with the result that wheat from that land has carried off a coveted prize in one of the rural: agricultural exhibitions. And the| seed for the prize winning wheat] was imported from Canada. Briand] has done another good thing for his country ,and incidentally this. New C.,N,BR, Head While speculation 'recently upon the appointment of a general man- ager for the Canadian National Railways System gave rise to many rumors. naming United States rail- way men for the post, negotiations PAGE NINE -- member; Frederick G. Dawson, of Pringe Rupert, B.C,, a wholesale grocer; Tom Moore, president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, as representative of labor; Graham A, Bell, Deputy Mimister of Railways and Canals, representing the Dominion government, and Ger- ard G. Ruel, formerly counsel for the Canadian Northern Railways, and now general counsel for the National system, Ontario's 'Worst Forest Fire Haileybury, a prosperous North- ern Ontario town, was wiped out be tween four o'clock and midnight on Wednesday by what was probably the fiercest forest fire in the history of the province, The fires closed in around the town just as the children were leaving school in the afternoon, and it is feared that many of the casualties resulted from the frantic endeavors of mothers und children to find each other in the panic stricken town, As the night drew on the scenes rivalled those in the devastat- ed towns of France in war time, and men, women and children were seen to drop behind into the fire, unahle to continue their flight, Fifty miles of forest were ablaze within a few hours and other towns in the path of the devastation were Engleheart, Elk Lake, Earlton and Heaslip, A terrific gale fanned the growing fires. In many settlements not a house was left standing, farms were destroyed and fresh fires continually broke out as the gale carried burn- ing embers over miles of country, North Bay, Sudbury and other sur- rounding towns immediately de- | spateched relief trains to the district, | and the train crews did heroic work in their struggles to reach and res- cue the thousands of people who were fleeing. New Liskeard was to charged with the murder of a young girl, has resulted in a disa- greement of the jury, and prisoner has been remanded to jail, This world's record in murder trials is not one that any place will be anx- fous to emulate, But it certainly opens the. way for discussions and debates especially in legal circles. The questions raised are such as to interest many people outside of the legal fraternity also. Off hand it would-seem ag if it were impossible to ever convict the man now, and one wonders what course the law will take, Floods in India Swift on the eve of news from In- dia of great.crops throughout that country comes the reports of terri ble floods in northern Bengal where the rural community had reaped a great harvest and were seemingly on the eve of remarkably prosperous times for that part of the world. It is feared that th. loss of human life, has been very heavy, while cattle hy the thousands have been drowned, Cholera has hroken out and is adi- ing to the trials of the situation. British and Indian officials and civ- flians alike have entered upon the work of relief with the promptitude that characterizes these measures in a land which so often is called upon to cope with flood, pestilence or fam- ine, The fact that throughout In- dia Moslems are in many cases cele- brating the Turkish victories over Greece and agitating for still wider measures of home rule for their own land, has been rather stressed in some quarters. But though the sit uation may at times appear to he al- most beyond control, the manner in which Britain manages to keep her authority attracts the attention of thoughtful people the world over A Pure Green Tea-- ocd el io a ut is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name "SALAD" Famous for its Flavor--Just try a sample. heen ohvious 'for some time that the Republicans were in a hopeless posi- tion so far as armed resistance wus concerned and that their best inte- rests and the best interests of Ire- land could hest he served hy their cessation from armed warfare, A london despatch asserts that the Free State has been negotiating with Britain for the leases of St. Helen, the island famous as the last deten ARFTE TW a T ON, S-- | {fon home of Napoleon, the idea he- ing to send leaders of the rebellious faction there if they will not come to terms. It is probable that the Irish government has come to the | conclusion that the surest way to i peace is to handle the present situ- | ation without gloves. (Copyrighted British and Colon- ial Press, Limited), THINK how convenient this Moffat Coal and Electric Com- a Sr ern A SNR A TRE hy bination Range would be! Cook with electricity in the summer, when you want your kitchen as cool as possible. Then use coal in winter, when you want your kitchen cosy. This Moffat com- bination is really a superb range. We make electric ranges for every size of home. rite at once for free booklet to Moffats, Limited, Weston, Ontario, ' lectric Z The fact that as in the Bengal flood crisis British officialdom and Brit. ish civilians usually are one lap ahead of everything else in the work of rescue and restoration, may have more to do with it than all other things put together. Britain's re sponsibilities are heyond those of any other nation in the world. She does not try to evade them, razed on Thursday, Cobalt itself is threatened and the fires have spread to spots near Sudbury. As soon as the word reached Toronto, Premier Drury left for the devasted district to personally supervise the relief work, Toronto Board of Trade had ingtituted relief measures early in the same evening, and the women of the city also began at once their plans for extending aid to the homeless, suffering and bereaved. More than 7,000 people are homeless. tions, The fact remains that the|to send so many ships and men to|had been quietly conducted in Eng- guns of the British fleet and the| Near East territory. | land between Hon, P. C. Larkin, men of the British army, plainly vis- | I-- | Canadian High Commissioner, and ible and plainly ready, were the de- ) o | Major-General Sir Henry Worth ciding factors that made peace pos- | ger Blocks tor Rosdway {oy opion, K.BE. On Wednesday sible for a while, It is too much to| ur {5 many Canadians, is to be pay-| SIF Henry arrived in Ottawa without hope that it is a lasting peace.| .q with rubber blocks as an experi. | 80Y heralding, talked the matter Apart from the stimulus their vie-{ ment Experts in the 01d City be-| °ver with the Prime Minister, and tories over Greece has given the 4 | was appointed to the post, He goes lieve that rubber, besides being less | Turks in their demand for the res-| 4 back immediately to England to re- noisy, will be found to give as good sign his position with the Great East- toration of all lost territories, there : i is a widening rift in the relationship | * Service and to wear longer than| "poi, yang will return to make his home in Canada in a month. He | any other kind of pavement, though bei Ween France and Briiais. That is| the cost is somewhat greater. It is Bis Boge in Canada In i» 3 a serious feature. It will take the|giated that if the experiment is at-| »! » a year, r earnest efforts of the statesmen of Henry did important work in the great war as commander of trans- both countries to keep that rift tended: with success it will be ex- tended very considerably. Paving portation for the British army in the later years of the war. While of from- developing into a breach of se-| experts the world over will be inte- United States birth, he is a British rious dimensions. rested in the test. [ I subject by adoption, and is familiar U, 8, To Remain Aloof Albania Completely Disarmed with transportation problems on The United States will continue to| A report to the effect that Albania both sides of the Atlantic, Associ- remain absolutely aloof in the event|is the only country in Europe, and|ated with him in the work of ope- of unexpected developments forcing probably in the world, to become| rating the Canadian National Sys- actual war in the Near East. This| completely disarmed, is almost too|tems will be the following direc has again been made clear by Sec-|astonishing to be true. It is added |tors: Richard P. Gough, vice-pres- retary Hughes in another statement |that Albanians are not even permit-|ident of the Sellers-Gough Company, called for by the enthusiasm of somelted to carry pistols. Coming from | Toronto; Ernest R. Decary, notary people in his own country who be- Belgrade one cannot at this distance |and ex-president of the Montreal lieved that the richest nation in the|decclare the report to he false, but it| Civic Commission; James Stewart world had a duty to the Christians would seem to need some explana-|of Winnipeg, a prominent grain who were being slaughtered in lands tion in view of present conditions in | dealer and ex-chairman of the Can- overrun by the Turks. The United | the Near East. It at any rate gives|ada Wheat Board; Jobn H. Sin States is willing to give aid in the rise to reflections as to whether | clair, K.C., of New Glasgow, N.S, way of relief for the sufferers. It| there is ever to be disarmament in| who sat in the House of Commons will not take any Steps to protect | the true semse of the word. Now| for a number of years as Liberal those sufferers before they are driv-| { en out of their homes and their country. 'That jis a task it cheerfully | and encouragingly leaves to John Bull or anyone else who wants to un-| dertake jt. For all that, however, | it is an encouraging sign .to see so many manifestations in the United | States press and among the public| of the feeling that their country is| playing an impossible role in world | affairs and is being put in a very! bad light in the eyes of other na- tions. Irish Amnesty The Irish Free State has offered =r amnesty to all rebels who volun- On Trial for Fifth Time tarily surrender their arms before At St. John, New Brunswick, the | October 15. The idea is the preven- fifth trial of John Paris, the mulat- ! tion of further bloodshed. It has p-- 4 The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres, Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven- Fine for France ! The forthcoming visit of the Chancellor of the British Exchequer to Washington in relation to the funding of the debt to the United States will have a distinet bearing | on the inter-allied conference on debts and the German reparations | to be held in Brussels in December. | Premier Poincare of France has a | beautiful scheme for that meeting. | His idea seems to be that if a sat-! isfactory arrangement for the con-| solidation of the British debt can be! made with Washington, then Britain might cancel the French debt. Brit- | ain would also surrender her share of the German reparations. In re-| turn France would accept a reduc- | tion in German reparations to her- | self. It sounds mice for some one. | The man on the street will likely be | of the opinion that if sacrifices are to be made all the allies should share them. | Free taxi service f; traine and Take Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet * 240 JARVIS STREET - - TORONTO, ONT. NE sure way of serving the perfect break- fast is to serve Keepsweet Cream. Pour lots of it on your cereal or porridge, put it in your coffee, and the day will be off to a glorious start, for dishes enriched with Keepsweet are delicious, a delight to the most indifferent palate. Keepsweet Cream is simply without equal for table use. It is cream--real cow's cream, rich, th, wondrous flavored. It is super cream! After using Keepsweet you will find ordinary raw cream weak and rather flat in flavor. Keepsweet Cream closely resem- bles "Devonshire Cream" in marvelous flavor and purity. Use it always in your coffee or other beverages, on puddings, pies, fruits, cereals and desserts. Do not place Keepweet in the same class with condensed , dried or medicated milks, Itis cr and Keepsweet Milk is a Nutritious Beverage Nutritious? Yes, decidedly so, not only for children and for build- ing up delicate babies, but for grown-ups and old folks. Keep- sweet Sterilized Milk is pure-- 100% pure--and digests easily, even in the most sensitive systems. But the flavor! Delightful! Take the richest milk you can get and mix cream with it and you get a drink that compares with Keep- sweet Cream-Milk. It is so creamy and rich in flavor, so something altogether new, infinitely superior. It is eam! finest cow's cream procurable, pasteurized EO a alee in sanitary containers and sterilized. This makes it pure, 100% 1 It contains absolutely no preservative. It keeps in its sanitary containers for long, long periods because it contains not one atom of germ life. It is pure as pure can be! . ' Keepsweet Cream and Keepsweet it iE, cane on Thre OF TEE CAE to Mavs a soptly of Cream and Milk always on hand. You can ave 40 outs abouts Col Et, BON cory oy. Dominion Milk Corporation, Limited Head Office TORONTO Branches: Halifax, St. John. Montreal, North Bay, Port Arthur, 'Winnipeg, Vancouver. Jue J JOHN BAILES & SONS Hardware Oshawa i { I