pT e Nearby Places 3 Aw News of Po SO Misses Alia and 'Mae Werry, En- niskillen, and Mr, Ashton Haydon and Mr. MGR, Ewniskillen, were guests at Mr, Russell Ormiston's. Mr! it Pascoe 'Bid' Miss Daro- thy # visited at Tdronto. MF; gid id my Tomes, coram- bus, visited ¥. John' Hephurn's. The Ladied' 'Ald held a very sic- cessful meeting at tile home of Miss Russell Ofiiston's,' They have decided to have a chick- en Je supper on Thanksgiving night and.® concert afterwards. Mr, Mervin Hobbs and Miss Ber- tha Sargent, teachers in this vicinity, attended the teachers' convention in 'ochester, New York, 1 ' The Kedron Kiddies' Koncert giv- en under t management of the Gol- den Links Class, was a decided suc- cess, There was a good attendance and every number on the program was well given and thoroughly en- joyed by all. Rev, B. W. Rowland makes a splendid chairman and add- ed much to the occasion by his re- midrks, Proceeds about $16. ' Misses Bertha and Lucy Northcott, Taunton, spent the week-end with Misses May and Ruby Armour. ' Mr. Harvey Pascoe has returned home from the west. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, on Sunday. Miss Margaret Scott called on Mrs. George Scott who is some better. Mrs. W. Armour visited her moth- ér, Mrs. Mutton, Bowmanville, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin, Frank and Ella called on Mrs. George Ar mour and baby, Sunday. Mp. Lloyd McGregor is doing nice- | lif ly after an operation on his nose at Hi the Oshawa Hospital, Saturday. A' meeting of the Sunday School Institute wil be held at Kedron Church, Oct. 18th. A ' good atten- dihce is desired. Good apples are scarce around | here this year. Townspeople, who art in the habit of early or they may be disappointed. Those who heard Rev. Mr. Latti- | I more, Sunday were well pleased. | Rev. E. W. Rowland expects to oec- cupy his own pulpit again next Sun- day. i US Mr. Hassard, of [Toronto conduect- ed the services im the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last in Ji the interest of the Bible Society. He gave a very interesting discourse. | | We trust that the contributions will exeeed- those of the past in this dis- | trict, Quite a number from our burg at- | tended the Fair at Markham on Sat- | getting apples | from the farmers had better speak |[f The Methodist Church here intends holding their annual Harvest Home on the 29 and 30 of Oct, when there will 'be a fowl supper, ' The com- munity is endeavoring to make this a speeial event. Mrs. Fred Goodman, and her mother, Mrs, Booth, of Toronto is spending a few days visiting friends and relatives at Belleville, My, D. Kean, the County road Sup- erintendent, is making improve ments on Simcoe St. in our village, under the management of Mr, Jas. McNally. These will be very much appreciated by the résidents, The farmers are rejoicing over the bountiful crop of potatoes this sea- son but are somewhat flisgusted with the prices, declining as they are, We ure sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Jas Reeson, Mrs. Philip Stone has returned home after a lengthy visit with friends and relatives in Northern On- tario, We are sorry to report that one of our oldest residents of this com- munity in the person of Mr. Alex. MeKenzie is very low. RAGLAN Miss Verna Dring has returned to Toronto after spending a few days at her home here, Miss Annie Smith has returned - mn an, pep me after spending a few days . at her home in Odessa, Mr. J. Sheldon, Miss F. Sheldon, Miss Hopper and Miss 1. Ward, of Whithy, and Mr. Bert Perchard, Toronto, were recent guests at J. KE. Nottingham's. Mrs, Geo. Jones, of Brooklin, is supplying as teacher of the school after the sad accident and death of Miss M. Sommerville, of Pros- pect, ' Mr. C. Platten has returned Toronto after a week's holiday his home here. A large number of the school children and their parents attended the rural school fair held in Brook- lin last Wednesday. The children ire to he congratulated on the fine showing of exhibits they had. The church services were well at- tended last Sunday. Rev. M, Frazer of Columbus preached two very in- spiring sermons. Mr. Harold Platten has returned from a trip to the west and has taken a position in Oshawa. A thank offering collection was taken which met with good response, The usual afternoon service was withdrawn this Sunday, there being thanksgiving services at Myrtle church, Mr. J. H, Platten spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs J. Platten, SCugog. Under the Auspices of the Ladies' Aid a chicken pie supper will be given in the village Lall on Friday evening, October 13th. After the supper a fine program will be given when the Brooklin Dramatic Club will present their play, "Dust of the to at arth," Admission, Adults J0e. an Children 5c. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brent, Ruth|around again sh and Marion, spent Sunday with rel- atives in Shirley, Mrs, Arthur Stanton has returned to Seaforth after a few holidays at his home, THORNTON'S CORNERS Proceeds of last: Thursday night's annual chicken pie supper amounted to about $170. This money will go to the building fund. One of the numbers of the program was the sale of a quilt, Mr. R. Bennett was auctioneer, and $5.50 was realized. Mr. P, McLuggan and son Maurice of Orillia, called on old friénds in this neighborhood recently. The fine days of last week are followed hy cool weather for sure and many are hustling now to get renewed acquaintance with Rev. and potatoes and mangles in before | Mrs. Latimer, with whom they were heavy frost, MYRTLE Mr, Len Pilkey attended the Mark- | ham Fair on Saturday. R. Vernon and Son won first prize with their agricultural team at Markham, thus getting the first at every fair where they were shown! this season, Mrs. Fisher is collecting clothing for the fire sufferers in the north and is getting a good supply. In a case of this kind, every heart seems to he in the right place, and is moved to do something to help the unfortu- nate, Mr. Henry Derby continues quite FALL HOUSECLEANING TIME IS A GOOD TIME To check up your Kitchen and Laundry equipment Winter is ahead of you, and you want to operate your household most economically. Therefore use Gas in your laundry and kitchen, for heating water and for quick meals on the cold days. If your present equipment is old, it will pay you to buy new. PHONE 233 urday last and report an excellent || show of live stock. CONSULT US NOW Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission of 15 KING ST. EAST ' mouth and so strong recommended by den lists 0 good for the teeth and £4 | ly and physicians, because its - quality is the highest in the world. Just pure : ------_--_--__t-------- SS bls Se ae ae . ~ wholesomely flavor The gaia in the red wrapper & a a EE > | | | | i | Dut. is. hol thought that he his own.and it is fll he able to get fly. The blacksmith 18 (uite under the weather, but the garage men prove to be "Handy Andy's" and do for him a few jobs that come to him and cannot wait, Mr, and Mrs. Harnden are moving to Whitby this week, where they will reside in future. Mr, Jones, of Bal- sam, gets possession of the property 48 soon as vacated and will move in as soon aw he can arrange to do so. Judging from reports, Mr, Jones and family will be » welcome addition to the neighborhood. The Butterworth family of Lorne- ville, accompanied by Nr. Greer, of Bracebridge, and Mrg, Roberts, of Prince Albert, spent Wednesday with W. 8. Park, While here, the former associated several years ago, EBENEZER In connection with the anniversary services at the South Oshawa Metho- dist Church, a splendid concert was produced by the Ebenezer choir on Monday evening. From the opening number by the choir right through the solos and readings, the program was of the best, and those who were not fortunate enough to be present missed a rare treat. The choir, which filled the choir space to capacity, gave four selections, "Men of Har- lech," "Te Deum," "Now Tramp" and "Land of Hope and Glory." Their voices were full and well blended, and these renderings by the whole choir are worthy of special mention. Misses Penfound and Osborne gave two piano duets, Readings were giv- en by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, every selee- tion a delight to the audience, They were also favored by another read- ing by Mr. H. F. Oshorne, who gave averyone a good hearty laugh, Miss Vera Werry gave a solo selection, and Miss Osborne presided as.. the plano, Altogéther the concert prov. ed a very rare treat for the people of South Oshawa. At' the clo¥e of the program thé South OdHdwa Ladies' Aid entertained the ehoir to a sump- tuous supper, and a social time was enjoyed, The "dismemberment" of Turkey left some very husky scraps.--Col- umbia Record, BE ian, is a local pe a VERY winter, more and more people enjoy the health and ¢ Underwear. Stanfield's"is healt in Can 4 for k ys eld's\ Ur winter. / ; nfiel Made in combinations and two. piece Saits, in full length, knee and elbow length, and slecve- less, for Men and Women. Stanfield's Adjustable Combina- tions and sleepers for growing children (Patented). < s be ple Book, ing weights and textures, mailed free. Write for it. STANFIELD'S LIMITED TRURO, N.S. e| climatic warmth ™of, from becorhing chilled by sen a is i) fitti i underwear Can ian winters" e body -- two ess t nfort of Stanfield's Unshrinkable JOO CREEL CLR