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Ontario Reformer, 14 Oct 1922, p. 6

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PACE SIX OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1922 . SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer Invites the ~o-opera- tion of iis readers in contributing items to this column, Send us & postcard or 'phone 85, --Mrs. J. H, Manuel, ot Utica, Is visiting friends in town, -~Mr, George M, Weeks is spend- ing his holidays at Milville, --Miss Kate Pellow, of Detroit, is visiting relatives in town. --Mr. and Mrs, Don McKee spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Gerow, Rossmore, --Miss Luella Kooman, of Muske- gon, Mich, is enjoying an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. 1. Laube. --Mr, F, C. Hoehn is spending a few days with Dr, and Mrs. Hamill, Mea- ford, --Miss Alma Cockburn, of Toronto, | is spending the week-end with her sister, Mrs, J, C. Ross, ~Mr, and Mrs. Albort Sparks and children spent Sunday with Mr. ani Mrs, Thomas Law, Pickering. --Miss Margaret Richardson, of Detroit, has returned home after vis- iting relatives here. --Mr., W. H. Kirby, Westmount, is visiting his son, Mr, Will Kirby, in Detroit, ---Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mallett | BE, Turkington, pastor of St, Andrew's | Presbyterian Church, of which the de- | borne; Mrs, James Shiels, Mrs. Wal- ter Kearns and Miss Marie Harte, Brockville; Mrs, J, Doolan, Miss Al- mon Doolan and Miss Alice Carleton, Kingston; Miss Birdie Power, New York; Dr. Lillian Grady, Ogdensburg; Mrs, G, H, Moore, Mrs. Aubrey T. Maher and Miss Eileen Korman, of 'Toronto, "yn Leaders Will Address Workers At Dinner Monday S------ On Monday evening October 16, 120 business men who. volunteered their services in the Y.M.C.A, mem- | bership drive will have a luncheon {in the Y.M.C.A. gym. A complete | program has heen prepared follow- {ing the luncheon, | Mr. G. W. McLaughlin, Honorary Chairman, will give an address to the MARGARET B, HOAR workers on the 'history of the "Y" At the residence of her parénts in [and its work. Mr. Chas. W. Bishop, | Whitby, on Sunday, October 8th, the Secretary of the Secretarial Train- | death occurred of Margaret Baird | ing and College Work of the Y.M.C, | Hoar, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James | A. of Anterica, a man who Was | Hoar, aged 26 years and 3 months, [achieved success in all the various [The young woman had been in ill-| Branches of Y.M.CA. work with health for some tine and her death which he has been connected during Deaths | was not unexpected, the past 15 to 20 years, is also | Besides her parents, she is survived |seheduleg for 4 alarm, rl by six brothers and three sisters: | iT 0, (TOR 2 Y er M ie | Robert, of Toronto; William, Richard, | op ie ¥O8 Bi ung en's George, James and David, of Whitby; L wil po ations of Canada, | Mrs, N. E. Bradley, Oshawa; Mrs. E, ? | A. Bryant, Pickering; Mrs, Moe, Seat- In addition to these formal speech- (tle, Wash, as well as two half-bro- | @8 there will be a great deal of re- (thers, David A. Hubbell, of Oshawa, | partee by the different team cap- {and Edward Hoar, of Edgewater, B.C. tains and it is also rumoured that The funeral on Tuesday afternoon | ® high class musical entertainment was held to Groveside cemetery, Ser-| Nas been prepared by the program vice at the family residence on Kent cOMmmittee. : Street, Whitby, was conducted by Rev, ---- EE EE Programs---Mrs, E. A. Stevens, Toropto. Railway Employees-- Mrs. Dooley, Ottawa. Scientific Temperance Institute-- Mrs. Denyes, Milton, Systematic Giving--Mrs, Edwards- Cole, Ottawa, Temperance in Sunday Schools-- Sv Ng HS on jie Miss Ritchie, Arner and Mrs, J, Jones, London. Travellers' Kitchener, Convener of County Presidents-- Mrs. McKee, North Bay. Superintendent of Literature-- Mrs, Cottam, London, Convener of Plan of Work--Mrs, Miller, y Convener of Cameron. Central Weston. Eastern "Y'"---_ Mrs, woodie, Ottawa, Western "'y" North Bay. The election of officers was com- pleted, yesterday, Mrs, George Edge- comb, Stratford, being appointed Re- cording Secretary; Mrs. A. J. Stalter, Oshawa, Treasurer and Mrs. A. R. Lancetield, Aldershot, L.T.L. Secre- Aid--Dr, Detweiler, Resolutions--Mrs. "Y"---Miss Jean Wanin, W. A. Den- -Miss W. Wayme, NUT KRUST BREAD 24 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH * flavor out of every, substantial slice. Health demands that you get all the pleas- ure possible out of your food. Discrimination of taste gives this pleasure, Bread-flavor will satisfy when other foods pall, Every sweet nutritious slice is just full of fine taste and flavor. Learn to really taste your Bread. Chew it slowly--get the true, not-to-be-equalled Bread- For a delicious loaf with the home-made taste, eat tary. If Stomach is Sour ' ¥ d Ww ? Di to offset the dangers derived from a 00 ont igest class of pictures, with a view to el | offering some outlet for youth to enjoy No stomach filled with sour poi- themselves. "If we have some organ- ceased was a regular attendant, assist- | sons can digest food. ! y tractions would have to be encouraged | cannot expect to produce a race fitted | head of to'be called leaders of men, the various departments, We know Mrs, 8. G. McKee, of North Bay, as soon as public opinion is strong [gave an unusually J nevesiing review enough we can expect some gratifying results, But one thing we must do," of, the work carrigd on by the dif- | ferent departments|of the Union, lay- Will Meet Next Y have returned home after visiting eq by Rev. J. T. Priest, pastor of the | Sons ean a Kyeryiuing |izeq play jn every Sominaniey, it il friends in Detroit, t Church, A large number of | yo rns into more poison and {do boys and girls much more gooc Mr, and Mrs, John Ross, formerly of Baptist Chup tamily alge BUN he | (Continued from paze 1) | gas, making you nervous and weak. |than fox trotting about," she declared. Oshawa, have returned = to town! pall-bearers were the six brothers: Anti-Narcoties--Dr, Langton, To-|SImple buckthorn bark, glycerine, |The speaker suggested that if the from Hamilton, where they have| Robert, William, James, Richard | ronto. | ote. as mixed in Adlerika, expels all | churches would organize community been residing for the past few years. |pavid and George. Issay Exchange--Mrs., Mullhol- | 80Ur poisons and gas from BOTH |play, the movie and dance halls would | |she concluded, "is to see that the |ing particular stress on the Travellers' Government shall make proper pro-| Aid, Much enjoyijent was added to vision for the feeble minded. Taking | the meeting by t musical numbers, care of girls who have gone astray Is | Miss Maud Salmyn and Mrs, Jack costing us twice as much as it | Smith rendering § much apprecigted should." duet, with Mrs, §. T. Cotten as ac- Dr. Patterson was given a warm re- | companist, and ti Symphony Quar- --Mr, and Mrs. A. White and son, land, Sandwich, upper and lower howel. Removes {s00n be out of business, "We will have Dr, H, C, White, of Jamestown, Canadianization --- foul, Jeca¥ing food-matter you never to do it quickly and play the game | onion and, as Mrs. McKee stated in | tette, composed of Mr, and Mrs. T, E. N.Y., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. iy | Fergus. LINES was in your AYS on en squarely," she added. {a brief address later in the evening, | East, Miss Jean| Keddie and Mr. I; Fursey, Mary Street, : Yh TEU | Canadidn Colored caus Foul ang Bea omac - 4-1 In making reference to automobile hearing her gave some idea of the | Robertson, renderpd a selection very --Mrs. W. Ockendon and little son |!¢8al circles in Centra nario) gyatt, Windsor. a 's SRCKLLENT to guard a joy riding, the speaker said that in| calibre of women who were at the |heautifully. have returned to Toronto after spend. | Passed away at 'Port Hope on| "canadian Marine--Mrs. guinst appendicitis, {some instances the girl was to blame. | ing the summer with her mother,| Thursday morning in the person of| gwen Sound. Jury & Lovell, Lid, "She stands at a street corner 100king | ™-------- -- " -- Mrs. K. Baldwin. Seth Soper Smith, in his 80th year. | Citizenship-~Mrs, Smillie, Ottawa; Druggists. [for somebody; she smiles and bows to --Miss Jessie Dillon has returned|Mr. Smith was born in Port Hope, his | vps Gardner, St. Catharines. some one in an automobile, but when | home from Collingwood, whero she forebears being among the pioneer | pyhinitions and Fairs--Mrs. Brit-| once in the automobile, the stories I has been visiting her sister, Miss May Settlers of Ontario, His greatgrand-| (on Gananoque. [ hear make me realize the terrible Dillon, father, Elias Smith, was a UB. Loyal-| "'giower Mission--Mrs, R. S. Vir- danger," she said. "Would it not do --Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Hutchinson |!%t, coming here from New York in| tye Oshawa. a great deal to try and bridge over have returned to their home in [1x 1790, and settled in what was then Health and Heredity--Dr. Patter- the chasm which has arisen between bridge, after spending a few days|X¥nown as Smith's Creek, which is now | oo, Toronto, the younger and older folks? Many with Whitby and Oshawa friends. Port Hope. Mr. Smith entered the | ngian Work-- Mrs, Ashcroft, How- of our young people, if made to think --Mrs. A. Starr, of Whitby, was Profession of law with Thomas Moore | jon vale and Mrs, Shultis, Brant- in the right way, would not be led to the guest of Miss Florence A. Fowko Benson, of Port Hope, later county |¢,.q the Police Court. In the majority of during the convention of the W.C,|Judge. In 1868 he was called to the Law Enforcement and Legisla- cases when they come out of jail they T.U. {bar and practised his profession in | tjon--Mrs. Haskett, Ottawa and Mrs, are more schooled in crime then ever, -Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Day, Mrs, [Port Hope from then until two weeks | 4,,56r50n, Toronto. before." Trull and Mrs, Burkholder, all of 280, when illness overtook him, He | jo "white Ribhoners -- Mrs. 8B. 8, SMITH Mrs. Craw, One of the leading figures Work -- Mrs. Straith, Venereal Disease Continued from page 1) receive permission from the medical health authorities to keep the hoard- ing houses. Gach boarding house should be provided with a reception room where boys and girls could re- ceive their friends, who could register, giving their addresses. This would en- able the Y.W.C.A.,, W.C.T.U. and other assist the financing of sound ind} terprise,. Manufacturers, importers are invited to consult Christian Toronto, delegates to the W.C.T.IJ. were guests of Mrs. R. D. Snowden Agnes St. --Miss Catharine Davis announces that she has opened her classes for children and adults in classical and | {thus completed 54 years of continuous |law practice, i Thurston, Hamilton, Mrs. Reddick, He was Liberal in poli- | pronto. tics, and contested the' County of Dur- | \o4a] ham in the interests ¢f the Mackenzie George, Government in 1876, but was defeated | Gorge, Contests, eastern -- Mrs. Parkhill. Parkhill; western-- Mrs. by the late John Roseyear. He was modern dancing, at Welsh's Hall, | Mayor of Port Hope three times. In and will continue them on Friday [bis younger days he was an ardent Webster, Smith Falls. Methods of Work---Mrs. Bigelow. Militia and Soldiers' Conference -- in Build Up Race touch with the young people who are "Everybody wants to be amused," | away from home, and put them in con- Dr. Patterson said. "They want to | tact with people they should know, experience new thrills, just because and, above all, the church. Now they they have not been developed, so that they want to know the things worth knows or cares about me'--so what's | while. The movies have come to stay, the difference." 150 we have set our minds to make organizations to keep come into court thinking 'no one Organized Play As manager. | them what we want them to be. Dr. Patterson laid special emphasis | long as we allow movies to go along | on 'the "low down" movie houses and | as they are, the pictures being con- | OSHAWA BRANCH, CEDAR DALE BRANCH, . BROOKLIN BRANCH, and Saturday throughout the season. cricketer and was considered one of | yrs Gordon, Ottawa. For further information telephone the best bowlers in Ontario in the | yon) Bducation-- 887. 82-a '70s. He was twice married, Exeter. . . . C. N. NK Manager. M y . W. H. SHEPPARD, Manager. Mrs. Mollard, E. C. CRSS, Manager. Brigadier L. Prescott apd Cap- tain I. Fround, of the Salvation Army, left today to attend the an- nual Congress which meets all next' week im Toronto. They will also at- tend the opening of the Salvation Army Training College today. --Mr. and Mrs. James Law and family, of Glasgow, ure spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Purdie, Simcoe Street North. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs, Law will make their bome in Oshawa. BORN > SCHWANTZ---At the Oshawa Hospi- tal, on September 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwantz, a daugh- ter (Alberta Olive). 82-a SMYTH--SHIELS The Church of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Wolfe Island, was the scene of an autumn wedding on Wednesday morning, when Father Fleming united in matrimony Margaret, daughter of Mrs. Grace Shiels, and Robert Gordon Smyth, of Oshawa. The bride, who was escorted by her cousin, Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Brockville, was gowned in ivory crepe satin and wore a large white picture hat and carried a shower bouquet of premiere roses and lily of the valley. Miss Geraldine Korman, of Toronto, was bridesmaid. Mr. Lester | Shiels supported the groom. Follow- ing the ceremony a reception was held, after which Mr. and Mrs. Smyth left for the Adirondacks. The guests from out-oftown includ- ed Rev. Fathers Louis Staley, Chester- ville; J. J. Keeley, Stanleyville; Vin- cent Meagher, Morrisburg; Kevin A. Corkery, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smyth, Messrs. Charles and Edward Smyth, Oshawa; Mrs. E. Dudley Col-, | Funeral of Cokell Blanshard Smyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S.| mb e-- | | Mothers' meetings-- Mrs. | Taylor, Toronto. Parlor Meetings Pembroke. . Press--Mrs. water, Prison Work--Mrs. Jones, Toronto, Wilson funeral of Cokell Blanshard, Mrs. Schroeder, |of Raglan, Ont, who died on Fri- | day Oct. 6, took place on Monday | afternoon frem bis late residence, | Raglan, to Groveside cemetery. The | | minister of the Methodist church at -- | Raglan conducted the services at the | OT ee | home and graveside. The pallbear- ers were: A. Howden, W. Kelling- | | ton, H. Hayes, C. Hayes, Albert Lyle and Robert Smith. | * The late Mr. Blanshard was born | | in the fourth concession of West | | Whitby and had resided there and | in Raglan practically all of his life. Engaged in the threshing business, | deceased had for a number of years | lived retired and had enjoyed the es- teem and respect of many friends. | He was 85 years old. Surviving | are: a wife, Helen, Three sons, Wil- liam, at home, Charley, of Celina and Frank, of Western Canada; and | three daughters, Annie, of East Grand Forks, Minn.; Bertha, of Whitby; and Mrs. Charley Sturgess, of Oshawa. The Cottie Moore, Tees- PUMPS Don't forget to send for the pump doctor, if your pump is not feeling well. A new stock of pumps on hand. Agent for windmills, gasoline engines and stable supplies. Ross E. Piper Phone 327w. Westmount. (80b) ATTENTION Our Agents are doing double the amount of business of any other agent because our prices are right and the public have confidence in our line from ex- perience. Selling is esasy. $3 an hour earned. "Imperial | Art" Personal Greeting Christ- | mas Cards known all over Can- ada. Highest commissions. Best service. Greatest facili- ties. Samples free. British Canadian, 122 Richmond West, Toronto, Ont. 82-d Corinthian Lodge No. 61 LO.OF. All members of Corinthian Lodge No. 61, 1.O.O.F. are requested to attend lodge on THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1921 as there is very important busi- ness to be transacted at this meeting. REN --r A o , --eaxt oe dance halls, averring that counter at-| trolled largely by American Jews, we | LAWRENCE'S MACDONALD'S CROWN CHEWING TOBACCO nt? 2 ror 25¢ At - - ) Pas at * 1 cn | --_--- = ee |) _-- v' a -- 4 And Several Varieties of all the advantages of equip- to a model modern bak- skilled i ery. Guided by the finest recipes, GEO. LAWRENCE'S Delicious Appetizing Cates bakers use the purest ingredients to §- duce Lawrence's Bread and Cakes--e best-liked in Canada. FOR SALE BY OSHAWA GROCERS BREAD, LIMITEI

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