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Ontario Reformer, 19 Oct 1922, p. 3

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¥ | ---- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922 : Oshawa and District Frost Oauses- Apples to Fall Heavy frosts during the past few days, coupled with the first snow storm of the season yesterday morn- ing did considerable damage to ap- ples in this vicinity, The frost and wind caused a large number of un picked apples to fall to the ground. Many Books Overdue, Miss Jones, librarian, in speaking to the Reformer yesterday afternoon stated that there were quite a num- ber of books outstanding many of which had been out for long periods, She, requests that those who have had advantage of vacation privileges or any others who have had booke out any length of time had hooks out for any great length of time return them as soon as pos- sible, Miss Jones also intimated that more severe measures might he adopted if results were not forth- coming, Order Finger Print Camera. Chief of Police Friend announced today that he had forwarded an order for the finger print camera which he was authorized to pur- chase by the city council. The chief is a competent finger print man as is constable McGee and with the addition of the camera the work of considerably, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE PRIZES for the Masquerade Novelty dance to Something doing all the time, La- dies 60c, Gents $1, King Street Ladies' Aid Met, The King Street Ladies' Aid So- ciety met Tuesday afternoon. There was a good attendance and an ex- cellent program was rendered, the following items heing contributed: -- a solo by Miss Suggitt of Fenlon the department should be facilitated | be held in Whitby Hallowe'en night, | 84-a Grand Trunks Banquet Guests Belleville Citizens Are Proud of Central Ontario League Champions That Belleville citizens are im- mensely proud of the Belleville G.T. R. baseball team, champions of the Central . Ontario Baseball League, and going strong for the haseball championship of Ontario, was amply evidenced Tuesday evening by the large and enthusiastic attendance at the luncheon tendered the victorious team at the Hotel Quinte, Belleville by the Rotary Club of that city, The | members of the team were all pre- I gent besides the officers of the club and a number of prominent citizens who have taken an active interest in the team, President W, B. Deacon occupied the chair in his customary genial | manner and was ably assisted by { Rev, D, C, Ramsay who handled the | after program in a manner which > The horny-handed railroad toilers peace ship to Constantinople to get of China have just won a notable victory, They struck fon an in: crease of 10 cents a week and the rapacious corporations were compel- led to knuckle down and giant it. We eagerly await a statemen! from Henry that he will send u the Turks out of the Dardanelles by Christmas.--- Portland Orgonian. MOVED! From Our Old Stand to 23 Bond St. E. Let us show you our work, {added much to the gaiety of the oe It is sure to Lamp Shade Materials Prove A Big Success | Many of our customers are enjoy- ing the advantages of this new de- . The combinations of colorings and shades are innumer- able. It is impossible here to give a full description. Among the many partment. the very the lady dainty made up of and crepe-de-chines. that blouse to A Special Line of Stylish Blouses And all at This shipment newest one price, includes styles, Georgette For likes a go materials used is a Jap Silk, 27" wide, in a big variety of colors, for 65¢ yd. Silk Fringes 4" wide in Mullberry, Rose, Gold and Blue at Yeersn ce Be, yd, Be sure and see the special display Puritan Maid Black Cashmere : Hose Full NO LOCAL | League, reviewed the history of the in : ws, Suu) soyiereniee ot {he Do} league since 1919 and paid a hi gh " One of our most popular lines for the season at oo Q 74 sociation opened in St. Catharines po it 0 Lhe De ud. SPorls Raw From Eczema a medium price. A very fine IF YOU WANT MEATS BOTH PURE AND 5) Tuesday morning and was conclud-| ga, q0p gold medals would be award | . 7) quality wcol hose with wide 15¢ pr A VISIY HERE SL, ed this afternoon. About three hun-| oq the Ontario champions of the Doctors Bo Their Best tops, seamless, for .. wa d the | dred delegates from many parts of | () BA A. and his message to the! B.AA, 3 SSUE { wp eats I sutlered. One) THE PURITY Canada attended, Tho local AX PA. | Bellevile team was. "so get them." | slow toes toby. 15 ving macau 5 to bod) was invited to send delegates but! president Ketcheson, of the cham- | Arg: i wiiercd. kt was D.D.D, none were appointed, | ber of Commerce, struck a popular pe Dag Jo ry Yan ral note when he urged all citizens re These words én from the letter of Ru- y leorge s as | sent in the interest of good sport | fue Garret! C , Ontario, Mr. CG t of our meats make their appeal pli lors ds 4g FL Jas in Belleville to impress upon the | Wileoswersuy oo A Penman's Heather Hose to the happy family circle frequently in the past this align- | City Council the wisdom of submit- | Me in Javent Oe a In Brown and Green Mixtures, also where quality foods are appre- . ment has constituted a majority.-- ting a by-law at the coming muni | th plain ribbed cashmere. The make with ciated, Nothing but the best Chicago News, | cipal election to purchase an and lots of that is to be found J there. Honest weight and sat- isfactory service, Our tele- phone is your friend, | ath | side 4 4 > a reputation that is un- 1 0 pr. : letic field which, in his opinion, beatable. Week-end price ° A sixteen-ye| y y a Ba . ! eatable, p was Sixieon yent bd bovis Brooklyn | would pay for itself in fifteen years | 4 a fourteen-year-old lad, It is said | 2% the outside, a Ey Children's "Big Chief' Hose hat he had teak heart. He st | One of the choice bits of the eve-| : ; : 4 the } NA. A Wea earl, € MUSE! ing was the presentation to **Peeny" No need, any more, for Mother's to have had, fs the quatre) vas ini Mills of a miniature baseball bat for worry about the hose question, for H A SUDDARD ag, vesamably she was as MUCh |p ittle Peeny" to practice with, the here is a line that will stand the wear » as ten years old.--Buffalo Express. presentation being made by Past | and tear such as children know how SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ind wou} Shoriage threatens 40 | President Gordon Moffatt on Wehatf] ¢ to give, nd will prove very satis. 4 ) 1e schools; worse still, it may | ¢ the Rotary Club. | actory wo-in-one rib pure woo PHONE 517 close the movies.--Philadelphia. Re- On behalf of the Rotary Club] for boys or girls, sizes 6-101%, cord. President Deacon presented each | member of the victorious team with jan arm shield on which is inscribed i+c.o.B.1. Baseball Champions, | Falls; a duet by Mrs, Friend and |casion, "Umpire Doug" being in his | Mrs, Dalton; a solo by Miss Marjorie | most happy vein and contributing | Bounsall of Bowmanville and a piano | many laughs by witty interjections. solo by Mrs, Ratz. The proceeds | Conventionalism was heavily penal- | amounted to $15.35, lized and .Sergt-at-arms Bob Wray was kept busy with his little collec- | PHOTOS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS | tion box, being strongly supported {by Chairman Ramsay and was even | PHOTOGRAPHS OF KING ST. |g himself by orders of the chair- | with a separate skirt here is your chance, Waists with dainty frills and trimmed. with ex- (quisite lace Just price 4 ey $4.95 Three-ply Canadian Fingering Yarn Bennett's Three-piece Dance Orches- tra open for engagements, Real snap- py music. Apply box 327, Bowman: 79-81-84 satisfy you, New Method Cleaners And Dyers Mary St,, Simcoe, 8t. 8., Centre St. | man Albert St, School may be obtained | 4 views C,0.18,L, at Henderson's hook store, 84-a | Reviews B.L rr ---------------------- | Jack Nott, of Oshawa, |of the Central Ontario secretary | aseball | soft finish medium weight, light and grey, black, navy, red and heather mixtures. a $1.00 ™ DELEGATES NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WINTER CLOTHING ] rret ate to ask hi Only Three Comforters $10.00 Each Beautiful down filled comforters 5' x6' and 6'x 6' covered with dainty foral chintz and finished with panels of con- trasting colors. An attrac- $10 00 ° tion for early buyers. Drapery Cretonnes Nine different patterns, light and dark grounds, suitable for side curtains, box coverings and comforter cover- ings, 36" wide. Friday and 39 yd. Cc Saturday Flannelettes of a Better Quality Of course we have cheaper, but this line is an extra heavy weight, suitable for pyjamas, nightshirts and ete. Blue, natural and pink stripe. Fri- yd. day and Saturday 33¢c ( J ® ® JHE Jotion for Skin Disease (Sold by Jury & Lovell, W, HI. Pr. H. Beattie, Druggists, Karn, and Oshawa, hose priced PCL IGA VAC OR Lammermoor Crib Blankets White extra 36" x 54". This is an Pure wool blankets with blue border. size for cribs, Visitors: Mr. Hyde of Oshawa, | priced at visited at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mrs Geo. Cornish and Miss Leta, Salem, visited Mrs. N. E. Wright; Mr. and | Mrs. Harry Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. W. | I. Davey, Orono, celebrated with | Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pascoe the lat- ter's 74th birthday at his sister's, | Mrs. J. T. Rundle; Mr. Cecil Pascoe | spent Sunday in Toronto; Myps. M A. James, Bowmanville, Mrs. James A. Phillips and son John Hickman, | New York, Mr. and. Mrs. N. 8. B. James, Town, at Mr. S. Edgar Wer- ry"s; Miss Ellen J. James with num- | erous Columbus relatives; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry and Miss Wilma, | Kedron, at Mr. 8S. E. Werry's; Mr and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Toronto, at Mr. John Reynolds'; Mrs. Pen found, Toronto, at Mr. W. T. Baker's, | and Mr. J. T. Rundle's; Mr. and Mrs. | a Albert Wright, Blackstock and | daughter at Mr. N. E. Wright's; Miss | Emma Hogarth, xeter, Mr. and| Mrs. lL. T. Pascoe and Miss Edith. | Mrs. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Mar BEATON'S PHONES 757-758 Remember To Clip Your "Victory" Coupons Bring them in and we will cash them free of charge. Or you can open an account with them. STANDARD BANK OSHAWA BRANCH 1S i Beaton's Stora News | NEW CANNED GOODS CORN PEAS How Garage Sales "in | : R. 1. Mitchell with Mrs. Edith Or. | are increased miston, Enniskillen; Miss Irene Ar-| gue, Toronto, at home; Mrs. J. A. by Long Distance. MeClellan, Bowmanville, and son Some quotations from recent reports: Mr. Gurnsey McClellan at Reeve Baker's; Mrs. J. N. McDougall and | 4 Miss Challis, Bowmanville, at Mr. | "We use Long Distance extensively to call up prospects Frank Hockaday's; Mr. Frank and | i sell." Miss Illa Tremeer. Mariposa, with | : relatives; Mrs. Dobson has gone to "We use Long Distance to all our sub-agents, to keep her home at Oakwood. in touch with sales." Mr. Goldie McNeil of Mariopsa,. . Gok is helping Mr. Isaac Hardy. "We depend on Long Distance to sell our vulcanizing Mr and Mrs. 5 7 Reraolds visi vice." ed at Erin and attended the Fair. "We order parts in the morning by Long Distance and get them in the afternoon." "We put "Use the Bell to Sell' stickers on all price lists and sales literature we send out." "Ask us about our FREE LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Mrs. R. Somerville and young daughter have returned home to on new parts," a Motor Sales Co. writes out-of-town garages. E. C. HODGINS, - TOMATOES We have just received our new stock of 1922 canned goods. They were packed by Jno. W. Hyatt & Sons at West Lake, Prince Edward County, and they are fine. The best yet. We want you to try one of each, and then tell us to send you a case or two, : if you like them. Lecture and Demonstration At the Y.M.C.A. by courtesy of the Director THURSDAY EVENING OCT. 26 th. By Mr. W. H. Northover formerly a radio operator in the Brit- ish Navy and Laboratory expert of the Chas. A. Branston Co. Workings and Theory of Radio receiving explained and ques- tions answered. The corn was gathered when the milk was all in it and canned before it dried up. Sweet as honey, Cherrywood. no pieces of cob i in it. Several from here attended the R OF Steves 'ui tractor demonstration and plough- ing match at Lindsay. Mrs. John Reynolds has been quite ill and Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, Tyrone, and Miss Bessie Reynolds, Toronto, have been attending her needs. Quite a number from here at- tended the Golden Jubilee celebra- tion at Maple Grove and were de lighted to see and hear Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Liddy. . The peas this year were packed just at the right time, before they had a chance, to get hard. You get all soft sweet peas. The Tomatoes are fully ripened on the vines and packed in the tins by hand so they are not all mush and slop like some you get. We can tell you how to apply Long Distance to almost every business. Local Branch, Victoria St. \EPHOy Through the kindness of the Messrs Miller, a radio set will be assembled in "The Arcade" window on Wednesday afternoon, where the various parts will be displayed. Just as soon as it becomes a habit to insist that the cause of every fire be ascertained, if it isn't obvious, obvious, fire prevention will make By the case of 2 doz.-- Tomatoes $3.85 ASK FOR HYATI'S CANNED GOODS Smoked Bacon Brand Haddies Smoked Bacon Brand Fillets Country Pork Sausage .... Clover Honey (glass jars) Shredded Wheat Sibly Sliced Pineapple, 21 Ib. tin Fresh Cornmeal Electric Cooking Demonstration JOHN BAILES & SONS will have an Electric Cooking demonstration, in their new shop, of MecClarys Electric Ranges on October 24, 25, 26. Here is a good chance to see the modern way of cooking on a McClary Range. { This demonstration will last 3 days, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 24, 25 and 26 and any woman who sees it will be fully convinced that "It's time to change to a McClary Range." Cream of Barley : Glassco's Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 Ib. tin ... Glassco's Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 Ib. tin .... tin 85¢c We deliver to all parts of the town and Cedar Dale STORE | FERRERRRRR BEATON'S BUSY Simcoe St. South John Bailes & Sons Phone 46 [

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