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Ontario Reformer, 19 Oct 1922, p. 4

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. "GOING STRAIGHT." Do you remember the. old time movie show, with its snappy drum- mer, "one-minute-while-we-change- reels," slide, and everything?-- Do you remember those days? Well, they're coming back again, Tonight the Regent Theatre will show the Uniyersal's Special Mary Pickford _ Revival picture, "Going Straight." "Going Straight" was made twelve years ago and was one of the biggest sucegses of that period. At that time it was a tragedy, now it's a comedy. The two reels illustrate far better that words the marvelous progress that has been made in the screen art since 1910, Manager Pomroy has made special arrangements for the showing of the revival picture and is keeping the details secret, but from the hints he has let drop, patrons are going to get a genuine and enjoyable sur- prise when "Little Mary" starts emoting all over the Regent screen. BURSTING BEANS STARTLE VIOLA Miss Dana, Leading Lumber Camp Life, Forgot Culinary Experi- ment--It Blew Up Viola Dana, the cast of players sup- porting her in "They Like 'Em Rough," her director, Harry Beau- mort, and the other members of the Metro company on location in the mountains near Fresno, California, during the filming of the outdoor scenes of this picture, were startled out of their sleep one night by an ex- plosion capable of rousing a night watchman, Rushing from the log houses in whieh they had taken temporary quarters, the actors, electricians, helpers -- the whole crowd--came upon something that looked like 2 shell crater, not far from the star's cabin, Immediately came the sus- picion of some attempt on' her lifa. The photoplay has scenes none too favorable to professional agitators, and these might have come to the ears of real trouble-makers, the Metro company conjectured. Then suddenly Viola Dana herself appeared, bundled in a big fur coat. She stared at the hole in the ground a moment, then giggled. "It's my beans," she explained, with some contrition. "I tried about three days ago to cook some. You know, making an oven in the ground, sinking a pot in it, and then covering it over." An expres- sion of guilt came over her face. "I must have forgotten to take 'em out" she added, "and the molasses fermented and made them explode." The beans are not shown in "They Like Em Rough," which is to be seen Fri, and Sat. at the Regent Theatre, but there are other thrills. The photoplay is a Harry Beawment production, from Rex Taylor's story and' scenario. LYTELL A DETECTIVE IN "SHERLOCK BROWN" Star Who Won Fame as Gentleman . Thief Turns to Right in Veiller Picture Bert Lytell, who has been seen as the gentlemanly crook of a score of screen dramas, has turned the tables on his underworld companions of the gereen and is now appearing as a detective. In Bayard Veiller's new Metro production, *'Sherlock Brown," Lytell is seen in the title role as a persistent seeker after government enemies. In "Alias Jimmy "Boston Blackie(s "Boston Blackie's Redemption," "Alias Ladyfingers," and "Faith," Lytell became known to picture go- ers as an expert law breaker. Speak- ing of his new picture, he said: "Fm glad to have this opportuni- ty tp test out the old saw about it requiring a crook to catch a crook. I have learned enough crook tricks in earlier pictures to make any genuine criminal fear me. Now, it's up to me to make use of this knowledge as the amateur detec- tive" The cast supporting Mr. Lytell in- cludes Ora Carew, Sylvia Breamer, Theodore von Eltz, Charles Steven- son, Victory Bateman, De Witt Jen- nings and Hardee Kirkland. "Sherlock Brown," the Metro photoplay which is how showing at the New Martin Theatre, is the first original story Bayard Veiller has written for the screen. In addition to being the author of the story, Mr. Veiller directed it himself. Veiller is well known as the author of stage plays which have won great success. "Within the Law" and "The Thir- teenth Chair" came from his pen. Valentine," Little Pal," A NEW FLYCATCHER The latest device for catching flies is a great advance on the sticky paper, so unsightly and so cruel, for even flies deserve a quick death. The new invention is worked by electric- ity, and is quite ornamental. It is composed of a piece of wood with fbur grooved sides, round which is ound a wire for conducting the current. This wire is coated with a preparation that attracts flies, and immediately an insect settles on the wire it receives an electric shock. Its body falls out of sight into a round brass bowl, which can be re- moved for emptying. Do as Mr. Gard No need for one ce gf tr da Bor icom head: and take Zutoo HARVEY'S MINSTRELS At the New Martin Theatre on Tuesday Night, Harvey's Minstrels gave a crowded house twe and a half hours enterfainment of a nature that only first clags minstrels can, Fifty genuine colored artists car- ried 'out a programme of mirth, melody and dancing of a high order and representative of the Southland. The show is accompanied by sev- eral vaudeville stars, who drew ap- preciative applause from the large audience, for their clever turns. Manager Ernie Marks is to he con- gratulated for his success in securing this show for the entertainment of the patrons of his house, J. Travell Wins Arcade Trophy Oshawa Flying Club Has Con- cluded a Most Successful Season The Oshawa Flying Club has just concluded a most successful season, during which seven races have been held ranging in distance from 49 to 216 miles, Six of the races compris- ed the regular schedule while the OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922 . Thompson .. --------r flown for in 1019; not flown for in 1920; not flown for in 1021; I. Tra- vell 1922, A meeting of the Association will be held in the course of another two weeks to elect officers for next year, 725.10 . 722.58 . 722.34 --_---- A mule only lives about thirty- five or forty years, but every year has a kick in it.--New York Hersld. That a Toronto man was fined for reckless driving, Headless driving Daily Post a little tot in New York speaks five languages. Most babies speak a number of languages that few can interpret, That a Useless War was very near, according to a headline, What kind of a war 18 a useful one? Never heard of it. That France is taking credit for the establishment of peace. For the sake of peace no one will dispute its A, E, Hennings ... W. H. Mansfield F. Thompson . J. Cook LL Travel oui W. H, Mansfield . Cook 1. Travell J. Lowe ... is: Mansfield 933.00; cey 1912; McDonald 1914; @G. F. Thompson 1916; in 1017; Parry Sound--116 Miles Average velocity for the six races Travell 934.96 yards per minuto; Hennings 926.31, The Arcade Trophy was won previous years as follows: A. Hennings 1013; 8. B. Down 1915; not flown for in 1918; 720,01 . 872,02 You can fuel some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, fuel, ete, etc.--Brooklyn Eagle. but you can't would be a better descriptive word. That Admiral Sims leaves the navy. Of course he couldn't take it with him. That according to the Lindsay in W. Sta- C. not flown for, Have YOU -- A room to rent, a second-hand stove or piano to sell, looking for a job or wanting to find a lost Try Reformer Want Advertisement. THEY COST LITTLE, BUT DO MUCH article? not seventh was a special event, the pig- eons being released at Sudbury. The| Arcade Trophy was won by I. Tra- | vell, one of his birds flying an ave-| rage of 934.96 yards per minute] in the six flights. The Arcade Trophy was first com-! peted for in 1912, and it became an| annual event until 1917 when activ. | ities were stopped owing to the war, larly this year the club was reor-| ganized and judging from the inte. | rest shown by the members, there is! a great future for the Association in| Oshawa, | Following are the results of the races, giving the name of the owner | of the birds and the velocity of | yards per minute: | Brechin--49 Miles Velocity Yds. per Min. A. E. Hennings .............. 853,13 A. E. Hennings ... 831.46 I. Travell # .. 800.50 F. Thompson ........... ... Soper, Washago--64 Miles A. E. Hennings F. Thompson .. I. Travell ......... R. Arkwright ... Bala--88 Mi A. E. Hennings Lo TrRYRI suri ioisinsssinisoss 800.46 887.75 ... 875.88 ... 868.00 . 863.73 ...1256,88 orn. 1214.73 It can't leak because it's made in one piece -- that's why we guar- antee satisfac- tion or your money back. The Rexall Store JURY & LOVELL F. W. THOMPSON Bonds. To Oshawa Citizens The Town of Oshawa recently sold $180,000 of 5! per cent Coupon The National City Company, Limited, of Toronto, paid the highest price for these Bonds and now they are placing them on the market for re-sale in lots to suit either small or large purchasers. As Mayor of the town | believe | am speaking in our best interests by requesting our citizens to purchase as many as possible of our own Bonds. This would give our town a commercial prestige in the marketing of our Bonds, which would be to our advantage and improve our position with all Bond pur- chasers in any future operations, JOHN STACEY, [EYL E WO | Mayor, claim, Junsags Sos Real Good Soap A Big Bar of Good Soap--Bright, solid soap with fine lathering and cleansing qualities for the family wash and household use. For use in washing machines shave or slice s portion of the " SURPRISE" bar direct to the machine It will do fine work. New Martin Theatre ERNIE MARKS,, MGR. To-night Friday and Saturday With special matinge Sat. 2.30 p. m, CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "PAY DAY" 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 i932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1849 1950 1951 1952 $180,000.00 Town of Oshawa, Ontario Dated October 2, 1922 OSHAWA 51; , BONDS--1923-1952 DENOMINATIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1x1000 1x1019.53 1x1075.60 Ix1134.76 1x1197.17 2x1000 2x1000 1x1048.40 Ix1161.07 3x1000 3x1000 3x1000 3x1000 3x1000 1x1044.94 Ix1157.41 5x1000 5x1000 5x1000 5x1000 1x1108.64 6x1000 1x1138.35 7x1000 1x1089.89 8x1000 8x1000 1x1101.69 10x1000 10x1000 Coupon 5,7 1x966.38 I1x1000 1x1000 1x1000 1x1000 1840.39. ° 1x941.61 2x1000 2x1000 1x564.66 1650.71 1x837.28 1x938.33 3x1000 I1x1143.66 1x316.56 1498.97 1x691.42 1894.45 5x1000 1x974.74 6x1000 1x824.54 7x1000 1x685.18 1x887.86 8x1000 1x494.55 1652.28 Bonds Due 1 Oct. 1923 to 1952 Principal and annual interest (October 1) payable at the Office of the City Treasurer, Oshawa. . Coupon bonds in the denominations of $1,000 and odd Non-Registerable as to principal. 1408.15 1x485.59 1567.30 1x653.50 Ix744.45 1x263.02 1x332.48 1x405.77 1x279.93 1x405.32 1x537.61 1677.18 1x824.43 1x979.77 3x1000 1x276.07 1x401.26 1x533.32 1x672.66 1x819.65 1x334.62 1573.02 1x310.95 1x493.06 1369.83 1x665.18 1x976.76 1x327.29 1x565.29 1110.44 Ix116.51 1122.92 1129.68 1x136.81 Ix144.35 1x152.28 1x160.66 1x169.49 Ix178.82 ws nn ER-S--0-8-2-3-3- 3 eh FE htvvy . . sass 1x521.75 The National City Company, 10 King St. East, Toronto, has purchased $180,000 at an exceedingly low rate and the town of Oshawa has made an exceptional deal in this transaction. preference to this company by purchasing their own bonds. We, therefore, feel that the citizens of Oshawa should give Leave orders with Thomas Hare, Town Clerk, who will give them any information necessary or write or phone (M. 6120 reverse charges) direct to the NATIONAL CITY COMPANY, LIMITED Street Gliddon Ave. Clarke St. Clarke St. Huron Street Gliddon Ave to Gliddon Ave to Location Ritson Rd. to Drew Eulalie Ave to SL of Huron Crescent Drew to Huron St. Tyler Cresceit Gliddon Ave to Clarke St. Public Improvement Notice St. 24 lot 91 Pl 214 24° SL Lot 91 20° SL Let 65 2¢ 24 20" »"» paid in twenty annual instalments. A petition against any of the work will mot avail to prevent its construction. Dated 19th day of October, 1922. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of Local Improvements on the following streets between the points Estimated Width Lemgth Cost per Lineal ft. 633° 294° 333° 535" 1m 356° $ 92.40 $ 6.23200 2,698.00 2,598.00 5.300.00 902.00 2,740.09 Property Total Cost Owner's Share $ 5,160.00 2,698.00 2.41800 4910.00 902.00 2,560.00 Town's Share $ 1.072900 180.00 390.00 180.00 20,470.00 18,648.00 1,822.00 2.364.090 2,066.00 29800 490 Cents 22,834.00 20,714.09 2,120.00 The Funniest Yet Also Bert Lytell in " Sherlock Brown" And VAUDEVILLE SOME SHOW FOR THE MONEY Children, 10c; Adults, 25c; Any Seat Friday and Saturday MATINEE SAT. - Triple - Bill x REGENT Oshawa's Best ¥ - THREE BIG STARS - BACK TO OLDEN TIMES ARY FORD gg PA ed VETE " GOING STRAIGHT" Don't Fail to See this Famous Old Time Production, the Tragedy of 1910 A Thrilling Story of the Big Ontdoors, Thrilling and Exciting A Big Asutraction at Usual Prices Coming Next Monday The Sensation of the Hour ¢ "Women Wake Up" LS

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