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Ontario Reformer, 19 Oct 1922, p. 8

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PACE EIGHT RA -------- I'soclaL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the "0-0 - tion of (is readers in contributing ftems to this column, Send us 8 DOs! or 'phone ---- lagher, Oshawa representative of the Transport Compeny. Follow- ing the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's par- ents, about sixty guests being pre- sent, Later in the evening Mr, and Mrs, Gallagher left for a trip through Western Ontario and after November 1st, they will be at home to friends at their residence, 185 Arthur Street. --Mr, George Weeks spent last week-end with Consecon relatives. --Mrs. A. Pratt, 40 Hillcroft street is home, following a visit to Toronto. ~--Mayor Stacey has returned from a week's trip to Denver, Col, ~--Mr, LO, Clitiord, M. P,, was a visitor in Ottawa on Tuesday. --Mjiss Weldon of Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Oshawa friends. --Miss Gladys Westaway spent the week-end at her home in Bowman- ville, ~--Miss Dorothy Fitzsimmons of Ottawa is visiting Miss Hilda Mothersill, Westmount. --Mrs. George Montgomery, 264 Jarvis Street, visited friends and relatives in Roseneath this week. --Mrs, G, L. Fenn and daughter, Belleville, are visiting friends in St. Catharines and Oshawa. --~Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Snowden, were Sunday visitors in Bowman- ville. --Miss Frances Gibson spent Sun- day with her parents in Bowman- ville. --Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bagnall, Clarke Street, are enjoying a few holidays with his parents in Owen d, : --Mr. W. N. Ford, formerly ac- countant of the local branch of the Royal Bank, has accepted a position as accountant in the Town offices. Mr, and Mrs. Coburn of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Wragg, Bob and Oswald, Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. C, F, Corden. ~--Mrs. H. J. Fox and baby, of Georgetown, have returned home, following a pleasant stay of several days in Oshawa. --Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Pratt, who were married recently in Toronto, have returned to Oshawa. They will reside at 40 Hillcroft Street. An error occurred in the Coming Events column of our issue of the 17th. The supper to be given by the King Street Ladies' Ald was an- nounced for Thursday, Oct. 19th. This should read Thursday, Oct. 26th. HAZLITT--KNOX. At 8t. Paul's Presbyterian Manse, Peterborough, Monday afternoon, October 16, by Rev. Robert Pogue. Katherine Mabel Knox, of Peter- borough, and George Drummond Hazlitt, of Oshawa, formerly of Ot- onabee, were united in marriage. The couple were attended by Miss Bessie Knox, sister of the bride, and John Spinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Hazlitt left on the afternoon train for a trip to Rochester, N.Y., and on their return will reside in Oshawa. GALLAGHER--TICTCHNER A quiet wedding was solemnized in the Beach Anglican Church Tor- onto, yesterday afternoon when Miss Kitty Tictchner, of Toronto, became the bride of Mr. Clarence E. Gal- For All Fine Fabrics No. 61 LO.OF. All members of Corinthian Lodge No. $1, 1.OOF. as there is wery important busi- mess to be transacted at this Deaths MARGARET JANE CONWAY At Grace Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, the death occurred of Mar- garet Jane Conwav, widow of George W. Coone, of M nilla, Ont,, in her 59th year. The [uneral service was held from her son's residence, 683 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto, Wed- nesday afternoon and interment was made this afternoon in Manilla ceme-: tery. MICHAEL BREEN At his home Park Road North, the death occurred of Michael Breen, a prominent resident of East Whitby, | i on Monday. Deceased was born in the vicinity of Oshawa and was well known here, age. He leaves a wife and one son. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the Luke Burial Company Parlors, Rev. Geo. Yule conducting the service, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, William Murray and family wish to thank their many |i Ee. He was 61 years of ( r OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922 CLERGYMAN LAYS DOWN TEN RULES: FOR AVOIDING THE DIVORCE COURTS The Rev. John M. Moore, pastor of the Marcey Ave Baptist Church, Brooklyn, U.8,, Sunday laid down ten rules for men and women who wish to steer clear of the divorce courts, Rules For Men, 1. Don't marry a woman isn't religious, 2, Don't marry a woman hasn't good health, 3. Don't marry a woman hasn't good common sense. 4. Don't marry a woman . isn't domestic, 6. Don't marry a woman doesn't long for motherhood. 6. Don't marry a woman isn't intelligent. Don't marry a woman isn't in your own culture class. 8. Don't marry a woman who hasn't a sense of responsibility. who who 9. Don't marry a woman can't be a partner to you. isn't affectionate, Rules For Women, know thoroughly, 2. Don't marry a man you expect to reform, 3.Don"t marry a man you don't love intelligent!y, 4. Don't marry a man doesn't respect womanhood. 6; Don't marry a man whom other men or children dislike. 6. Don't marry an egotist. 7. Don't marry a man who can- not support you, 8. Don't marry a man who has n't a sense of humor. 9. Don't marry a man who is not approximately 'your own age and has not your own interests. 10, Don't marry a man who has led a fast life, : who Fancy Cattle furnish our roast beef, steaks ete. Well housed and grain fed they supply the finest beef in the country. And our lamb is the real thing. Not yearling stuff sold as lamb, but real lamb. Perhaps you think such choice meats are high priced. Come and learn your error. frends for the kind sympathy shown ||| Also for| in their sad bereavement, the floral tributes sent. (B4-u) | W. ATKINSON 12 Church St, - Phone 935 Trucks Show | Carrying Capacity | Practically every truck that is seen | on the streets of .Oshawa has now its capacity painted in fairly large letters on the side. This is the re- sult of the recent enactment mak-| ing it compulsory for truck owners to paint the figures on the side of' the trucks. The idea is to pr.vent| overloading, thus damaging the! streets, and in addition it is meant as a safety order as a truck that is| overloaded is not nearly so easy to, handle as one carrying its capacity load only. FIRE ALARM BOXES 2--Four Corners. 3--McLaughlin's. 4--Pedlar's, 5--Canning Factory. 6--Schofield Woollen Company. 7--Fittings, Ltd, 8--Division and King Streets. 12--Albert Street School. | 14--Convent, Brock and Simcoe Sts. | 15--Ontario Malleable Iron Co. l 16--High School. 17--Hospital. 18--Bishop Bethune College. i Read and Cheer Up! You may want to move-- You may have to move-- Whichever the case may be, have you found just the place you want? When time presses, so many are prone to throw up their hands and take a house, or apartment, or room that is hot really what they want, simply be- cause they are too tired and discouraged to look further-- This is most unsatisfactory and usually means | did lists of offerings of all kinds in. | Quite unnecessary, too, if you read the splen- | another "move" at an early date--more expense and worry. Reformer " Wants " SIMCOE ST. 8S. PHONE 35 Children's Fleece-lined Waists 58c. to 65c. F. Gloves for Cooler -- ay §-- We Carry Everything for the Baby. T. LAMBLE Suede Gauntlet Gloves With strap wrist. These are very serviceable Priced $2.95 Women's Cape and gloves, brown and grey. | CHAMOISETTE Special 98¢ These are Kayser Quality and come in two styles, long with strap at wrist and short with self stitching on back---Mas- tic, Brown, Grey and White. Beautiful Chamoisette Gauntlet Gloves With plain or contrasting cuff and stitched back. Brown and Chamois. Regular $2.25 Special $1.59 These gloves are soft and Gauntlet Silk Gloves $2.50 ing shade and folds of same. Navy and Mastic, Brown and Pongee, Mastic Good Sleeping |\Garments for Children So warm and comfortable for the cooler nights, have high neck, long sleeves, and have feet. Price according to size, from $1.00 to $1.75 glossy and strikingly beautiful. The cuff is edged with AA PAs sssssas mamas ARAS aman ne who 10. Don't marry a woman who 1. Don't marry a man you don't a.m. daily; Sunday; Perhaps with all the mines work- ing all winter we'll get enough coal to last till the next strike.--New York Tribune. The Allies' position is that Kemal can have almost anything if . he'll only have ua neart.--Washington Post, It seems to be a rule of life that in proportion as a man looks for trouble he becomes less able to meet it.--Syracuse Herald, Scotland is reported to be giving up porridge, Needn't be surprised if we hear that prohibition is now under way,--Toronto Telegram, RAILWAY TIME TABLES G.T.R.-C,N.R,, Oshawa Junction Going east: 8.23 a.m. daily; 10.24 AR CLEANS EVERYTHING It will make windows wonderfully bright and glistening. Nothing like it for cut glass, 15¢ and 25¢ at all Good Grocers 1,09 p.m, daily t » 2.60 p.m, daily except Sun- | | | | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Ontario Reformer gets results for the en ployer seeking competent hep, and also for peole who wish a real position, Advertising Rares Furnished on Request day; 6.64 pm. daily except Sunday; 9.40 p.m, daily; 11,69 p.m. daily, stops only to take on passengers for Montreal and beyond; 12,156 a.m. daily. Going west: 4.44 am. daily; 5.58 am. daily; 6.24 am. daily; 10.26 a.m, daily except Sunday; 2.22 p.m. daily except Sunday; 4.41 p.m. 'daily 7.29 p.m. daily except Sunday; 8.45 p.m, daily. C.N.R., North Oshawa Station Going west: 8,356 a.m, daily except Sunday. daily except Sunday; 9.49 p.m, daily except Sunday; 12.03 a.m. daily. Going west: 6,06 a.n. daily; 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday; 4.53 p.n. daily; 8.04 p.m. daily except Sunday. UJ Hell's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down" condi~ tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health, This fact proves that while tarrh is a local disease, it is ty influenced by constitutional conditions, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is & Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through The Reformer Printing Co,, Simcoe Going east: Sunday. Limited st, 8. Oshawa Going east: 7.16 p.m. daily except Canadian Pacific Railway 10.01 daily; 2.28 p.m. the blood upon the mucous su the body, thus and restoring normal conditions, All druggists. Circulars free, F, J. Chepey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, "THE ARCADE" XTRAORDINARY SPECIALS OFiday and Sturdy "If you will read over this list you will find many of your wants can, be supplied at much lower prices than you could possibly expect. They are all seasonable goods that are wanted right now. Curtain Nets at 69¢ and 98¢c Two extra good values in Curtain Nets, 44 and 45 inches wide, new patterns. Regular price 85¢ and $1.25. Friday and Saturday 69c and 98c Yard Wide New Chintz 23¢ Different from anything you have seen. Bought from the mills in U.S. Reg. 30c. Friday and Saturday 23c Yd. Yard Wide Tapestry Patterns 42c This is most stores' 75¢ grade. Hand- some stripe, velvety patterns. Reg. 59c. Friday and Saturday 42c Yd. Nice Cotton Comforters $2.98 You'll be surprised at the value we show in Comforters. As an introduc- tion we take a line at $3.48 regular. Friday and Saturday $2.98 Kitchen Apron with Yoke 37¢ These are neat aprons with string, made with yoke and pocket, and around edge trimmed with ric rac braid. Reg. 45c. Friday and Saturday 37c¢ Bed or Davenport Throws $7.25 2 pink and 2 blue, soft eiderdown covers fror sofas or beds, fancy figured patterns. Regular $14.50. Friday and Saturday $7.25 Extra Quality Blankets $9.75 Only 10 pairs to sell. Extra large, blue fine stripe border, weight 834 Ibs., the regular price $11.50, all pure fine wool. Friday and Saturday $9.75 Double Bed Size Spreads $2.19 24 White Honeycomb Bed Spreads, full size, extra good quality, sell regu- lar $2.95. Friday and Saturday $2.19 English Flannelette 35° Wide 27c Extraordinary value, sells regularly at 35c, soft, fluffy, fine quality, extra heavy, only 300 yds. to sell. Reg. 35c. Friday and Saturday 27c¢ Girls' Pure Cash Hose 50c Pr. These are in black, sizes 6 to 8; only. fine nib, pure wool, Mercury make, reg- ular 75¢ grade. Friday and Saturday 50c Pr. Some Extra Specials in Ready-to-Wear 6 only Fine Wool Serge Dresses $12.90 These would be $20.00 most places. Pure Botany Serge, mavy blue only. prettily trimmed. Our reg. price $15.00. Friday and Saturday $12.90 Flannel Dresses $7.90 12 of these are pure wool Flannel Dresses, neatly trimmed with harmon- izing colors of collars and cuffs. Regu- lar price $10.00. Seven colors. Friday and Saturday $7.90 Women's Tricotine Suits $35.00 These are all navy blue, sizes 16 to 40, extra quality all w: fine Tricotine, silk lined, braided plain 10 Fur Trimamed Coats $28.00 Extra good styles and cloth, and mostly all silk lined full length. All have fur collars, some fur cuffs. Regular price to 39.00. Friday and Saturday $28.00 Women's Flannelette Gowns $1.09 These are made full size of real good White Flannelette, and sell regular at $1.48. : gi! Friday and Saturday $1.09 Warm Wrapperette Waists 69¢ Grey ground Wrapperette Waists in all sizes up to Cosy for the moming round the house. Regular $1.25. Friday and Saturday 69¢c These prices are only made possible by makers, coupled with our big turnover, close cash buying from the small profit system of doing business. Use our Rest Room any time--it was built purposely for you THOS. [MILLER & SONS reducing the inflammation

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