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Ontario Reformer, 21 Oct 1922, p. 3

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pp -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1922 ---- . m1 deliver a message th | Oshawa and District | Appeal Was Dismissed, Jn the county judge's eriminul court on Wednesday Judge Ward dismissed the appeal of Samuel wil trod Pike, of Orono, sentenced to three and six months on the charge of operating a still, Pike appealed on the ground that he had no knowl edge of the still being on his prem- ses. Judge Ward in dismissing the appeal said that he would allow the sentence to run concurrently with that passed by him on Pike on five charges of theft, to which Pike has pleaded guilty, Sitcers Bought at Port Hope. One of the finest carloads of steers ever brought into Port Hope arriv- ed Wednesday for Mr, Henry Elliot The steers had been shipped from Winnipeg and were purchased at To ronto by Mr. Elliot, They were all Herefords, dehorped and the average weight at Winnipeg was 1200 pounds and at Toronto 1100 pounds. The earload was quickly disposed of, Mr. H. A. Sculthorp buying sixteen heud and William Dickinson, Zion, touvk the balance, On The Executive Mr. T. H., Everson, of Oshawa, the Town Planning Association at the Annual Convention, in Toron- to on Wednesday. ---- Fire at Fittings Fhortly after 11.3C o'clock' last ev- eng the file department respinded 12 a call from Fitt.ngs Limited, Mince Street, whe a smell fire had hrolan out in the moulding shop. A mumber -- at will prove of interest to all Christians, Charge Dismissed , The case against Joseph O'Reilly, Peterbhoro, who was charged with an || offence against morality, was dismiss- ed by Magistrate Hind in Police Court yesterday morning. The chief wit- ness to be examined was the complain- ant, on whose evidence the Magistrate gave his decision, The investigation was held in camera with D, A, J, Swanson appearing for O'Reilly and Crown Attorney Farewell prosecuting. To Form Bowling League | ill be held in the Y.M, A meeting w A |and Mary are both employed at the! C.A. on Wednesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock for the purpose of of - wooden boxes used for moulding| organizing a bowling league, All "Y" purposes had broken into flames. Dis: | memiers interested in bowling are re- covered in time the fire made litile | quested to be on hand. Supporters of headway. 'The arrivul of the fire du-|¢he game are also invited. A schedule partment resulted in the !iames being | yy) he drafted as soon as entries are ONTARIO REGIMENT Parade, Tuesday, in the ARMORIES at 8 p.m. All members are request- ed to be on this parade and new members are cordially invited. H. S. CAMERON, O. C. extinguished before they could spread, English Officers to Speak That eggs are becoming scarce rap- idly was evident at the market this morning when 'only two of th» vend- ors brought in a few dozen which were disposed of within a very few minutes, These sold readily for 50 cents a dozen, Butter was offered in larger quantities, the price being 38 cents a pound. Chickens sold for 38 cents a pound, Other prices were: potatoes 20 cents a peck; apples 50 cents a basket; onions 50 cents a peck; cabbage 5 and 10 cents each; turnips 5 cents each; pumpkins 5 and 10 cents each and squash 5 and received; An effort will .be. made to have the games commence towards the {close of the week, ts ea ------ APPEAL DISMISSED Before the Court of Appeal at Os- goode Hall, Toronto, yesterday, the appeal of L. V. Disney against the decision of Judge Ruddy in awarding D. W. Dalton $2,000 and costs in a recent action was dismissed, It will be remembered that D, W. Dalton en- tered an action against L. V. Disney for damages, the latter, it being al- Jeged taking an interest in an under- taking business in Oshawa after sell- Ling such privileges to the plaintiff, Judge Ruddy's decision was appealed by the defendant hut the decision perfectly willing to establish a fifty- fifty basis. "IN THE NAME OF THE LAW" Officer Patrick O'Hara adds to the heavy burden he already has in caring for his wife and two sons, Johnny and Harry O'Hara, the task of providing for little Mary, a waif covering his beat, Because she re- minds the doughty officer and his wife of their own dead daughter, | they have mot the heart to send | her away. As the years pass Mary shares | all the sorrows and joys of the | family, in addition to claiming the undivided love of Johnny. Johnny First National Bapk, Johnny as teller and Mary as secretary to John | Lucas, the treasurer, and the great est part of their salaries go to swell | he fund which Patrick O'Hara has | started to buy a home in the coun- | try. | Harry, the oldest son, an am- | bitious student of law at college, is | {the only one unable to contribute. | | ro pay his way through school | | Harry does odd jobs for the other | | boys, such as pressing suits and | {shining shoes, and is barely able to | make ends meet, Time after time lhe is forced to 'stand off' Bivens, | | hig irascible landlord, | Mrs. Bivens sympathizes with | him, and to help him out gives him | | her husband's trousers to press, Velvets Have Come Into Their Own After many moons of "blushing unseen" Velvets are being accorded their rightful place in the fabric family--somewhere near the top, if not actually there! Probably no other fabric lends itself so readily to artistic draping. It accentuates the con- tour of the figure in a variety of alluring ways, fitting smoothly over round lines and softening the harshness of more rugged lines, Black is always good, so rich looking and the new Browns, Wines and Blue shades are very different from the hues of other years. The wide plain Velvet, 36-in, wide in Browns, Wine, Green, Black, Taupe, Sand, and etc., from .... $1.50 to $2.50 yd. Then there are the better quality Silk Velvets in Brown, Black, Bobolink and Chis- wick Blue, 36-in, wide $5.00 yd. Fashion Officially O.K.'s Velette Mother O'Hara is just about to] | leave for the bank with the $700 | | Patrick has given her as a final | | payment on the house in the coun- | | try when the telegram. arrives, Ter- | This goods is ideal for the new drape costumes, it lends itself to Stop In To-night for a box of our Candy, always fresh and a large assortment. The Olympia Phone 405 10 cents each, was upheld by the Court of Appeal. J. A. McGibhon, Oshawa, represented D. W. Dalton with G. D. Conant re- presenting L. V. Disney. THEATRES NOTED LIST OF ACTORS IN "JIM THE PENMAN" CAST Eggs Getting Scarcer Major and Mrs. Ellis, of England, will conduct the Sabbath day services in the Salvation Army Citadel. Major Ellis has an international reputation as a religious worker and he would | | ome eens on the vedding and Funera eS § hadi a cut Flowers always fresh. Awarded Prizes for Design Work at the National and Horticultural Exhibitions, Toronto | : WM, STACEY [east selected to support Lionel Bar- Grower of High Glass Towers {rymore in "Jim the Penman," which Inspection inv sow | Will be the attraction at the Grand hy 128A Ave, Phone 3223 | Theatre, beginning Monday, October 23rd. As practically Lionel Barrymore, eldest son of an illustrious actor, | Maurice Barrymore, and his wile, Doris Rankin, who has a prominent N---- everybody knows, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO EVENING CLASSES |role in **Jim the Penman," is the {daughter of the celebrated McKee { Rankin, FOR OSHAWA several citizens of Oshawa have asked for a cultural class in English literature similar to those conducted by the University of Toronto in other towns and cities in Ontario. To establish such a class at as! applications are continues for two hours per 4 . plays and novels, English cla 2, prose and poetry, are studied, The prescription of work depends largely on the wishes of the students. . No entrance requirements; no examinations; adults only. Fee, £10.00, A professor from the Uni- versity of Toronto is the nstuctor. Miss ("PAY DAY" AT THE NEW MARTIN There's a good show on at the New {Martin this week. It's worth twice |the admission price to see Charlie {Chaplin in "Pay Day"--a good langh is better than medicine. In addition to the peerless Charlie there is a good vaudeville show and {several other good movie acts. The house should be packed to-night, evenings, evening. Mode | ------------------------------------ RAWLINSON ROUTS GANG OF CLEVER GEM THIEVES For particulars apply to J. G. house, Principal, Migh School Garrow, King Street Publie &chool, or 10 W. 1. Dunlop, Director, Uini- versity Extension, University of Toronto. foe Popular Star Has One of Best Roles | of Career in "The | Black Bag" | The old saying that it takes a thief to catch a thief is suggested at the start of Herbert Rawlin- son's latest Universal special pro duction, "The Black Bag," which will be shown at the New Martin | Theatre starting Monday, October 123. A clever gang of thieves has set itself to trap a pretty girl tthought to have stolen a diamond | necklace. Then Rawlinson as Billy | Kirkwood comes along and knocks the theory completely out. It is plain from the beginning except to theg real thieves, that Kirkwood is no thief, and yet he out-thinks and out-fights them all the way through. "The Black Bag" is a fascinating photoplay adapted to the screen from the novel by Louis Joseph BURN LESS FUEL! Put Storm Windows dard sizes 10 your station you wi fIving sizes you A sadly 4 ; ) pf material catalog gives, full information THE HALLIDAY COMPANY LIMITED Hamilton, Ont. Truro, N.S, Vance. FLORENCE VIDOR A STAR | Makes Stellar Debut in Smart | Comedy of the First Year ! of Married Life The many admirers of Florence Vidor, and they are legion, will re- joice in the announcement of the Regent Theatre that she will be presented as a star in her own right in "Woman, Wake Up!" showing Monday. A radiant, lovely, exquisite wo- man, she has beauty, charm, poise, style and, greater tham all these, intelligence. Florence Vidor's per- sonality is made of the stuff that wears. She scintillates like the facets Intimate interest attaches to the] the star, is tlie] | ror-stricken, her one thought is to | save her son, and with frantic haste | | she puts the money in an envelope | and mails it to Harry. When O'Hgra learns what | wie has done, he berates her {denounces the absent son | prodigal. For the first | twenty-years he ledves | without kissing her. | Mary and Johnny are both aghast { at the unhappiness that has come into the household, and each one | determines to help in some way. | Mary leaves the office early that | his | and | as a| time in the house | | | | | | afternoon after a long, significant conversation with her employer. On the many graceful styles that are so popular this season, is easily made up and does not crush, 36- inches wide, in Taupe, Brown, Bobolink, Navy and Black, $3.75 the way out she stops a moment at a desk, leaning rather heavily against it, and Johnny notes vague ly that from one of the pigeon-holes protrudes a sheaf of bills. Just before closing Johnny deter- mines to withdraw the savings he ! has horded to provide the means | 1or marrying Mary and turns them | over to his father, OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRA Regent Theatre The music lovers of Oshawa will be pleased to know that the Osh awa Symphony Orchestra, under the leadership of Sam Trew, will give another popular concert at the Re- | gent, Monday night "This popular TO-NIGHT - rapidly and meeting with tremen- | dous success, and Manager Pomeroy of over the splendid progress made by this splendid orchestra, in two concerts weekly, and will short- ily give concerts both in Whitby and Bowmanville. Monday pieces | secrumptuous musical thas Regent are assured of double quant- musical organization is advancing |ity for the usual admission prices, New Martin Theatre| ERNIE MARKS, MGR. "PAY DAY" the Regent is so enthusiastic that going to he is the near future have MON., TUE., WED., OCT. 23-24-25 Lionel Barrymore America's Greatest Actor in the World Famous Melodrama "Jim Penman' The Mack - Sennett - Comedy Regular Prices The feature is one of the bill at the of the few reels and Regent master with the program that been arranged patrons of the Last Showing of Charlie Chaplin in , HERBERT RawiLinson No Doubt About This Our new Fall Prices are old pre-war friends returned, and it's them :-- Purity Flour, Five Roses Flour, Rolled Oats, Corn Meal, Rolled Wheat and Potatoes are all away down Pioneer Poultry Scratch and Victory Poultry specially low. Bran, Shorts, Gluten Feed, Oilcake and Cotton Seed are all down in price. Yellow and Granulated Sugars specially priced. of a perfectly cut diamond, and she is equally fascinating and alluring. In "Woman, Wake UP!" she is in- A UNIVERSAL ATTRACTION ES troduced as a wholesome, athletic girl, living a secluded outdoor life in the mountains. She marries a gay trifler and goes to the city, where she fiinds it difficult to hold the at- tentions of her husband against the sophistication of his set. Awakened to the necessity for action, she plays the husband's own game, until he is mam a pleasure to re-introduce in price. w' THE BLACK BAG" / MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Vaudeville Hurricane Hutch 10c. 25c. ANY SEAT MUSICAL NIGHT Monday -- - Night CONCERT BY THE OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SAM TREW, CONDUCTOR Trumpet and Drum Light Cavalry Birthday Serenade Swanee Bluebin FEATURE ATTRACTION "Women Wake - Up" USUAL PRICES Regent Overture Entract Fox Trot NO COMPARISON REGENT: BIG ATTRACTIONS NEXT WEEK By Special Arrangement Answered "WOMEN SERING 1S BELIEVING SELECTED COMEDY MONDAY AND TUESDAY Woman's Greatest Problem THAT TIMELY TOPIC WAKE UP" REGENT ORCHESTRA LATEST NEWS EVENTS SPECIAL MONDAY CONCERT BY THE OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY STOP !!! "IN THE NAME OF THE LAW" EXTRA SPECIAL Direct from the Strand, Toronto LARRY SEMON in a=, 'GOLF oo. (SEE OTHER AD.) WED. & THUR. BIG BENEFIT iN AID OF THE OSHAWA HOSPITAL USUAL PRICES PLAN NOW OPEN USUAL PRICES

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