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Ontario Reformer, 21 Oct 1922, p. 4

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1922 . PAGE FOUR RR. ERE SO i---- . os 0 co ' ne 4 Gil - onl Pine . 5 al Post: --If Dame Rumor is . a xy \ ita yY : | estate firms and captains of teams} Therefore he had contributed to neg Lindsay ; 4 RS 40 a8 4 «abs all right to call it a Young esta a 4, Dead Boy and Pal ligence. The jury was warned to de- | true, then Belleville baseball fans cer- ECHOES i frre MEN'S Christian Association but we |made the dirt fly. Sebi - Re yi ha mTuE wp TTY wer g Te art» notice it doesn't get far without the WR | Ji fe iii hr OF ladies. ; Capt. Dewland, with a "batting Fittings and Pedlars were well . i 2 Capt." Johnston was caught ean- gerous rac average" of 67, was high man. All | resented in the drive by Ross and| pig you notice how the. bean eat-|VASSing before breakfast one day ETT RED ticker Witiiams 2 Bundied:velghl of the boys wanted to kjow how he "as Gaptaitfs and-othérd"as assitt- \ers cheered up When the victors [while Capt. : Dewland broke all ANE re HS. agroner (sums that beset them. : ly awiar RE DA an aaa put it across. ) "apd, bers we AHS Le i pageed the chicken! "union hours" hy putting in ahont summed wp the evidence and pointed | The jury then adjourned. After de-| still another fan, who wan 4 Wager of : ia Pan 5... * 8 17 hours canvassing = Both did|out that the lad had no right to be [liberations lasting about one hour, the (3 to 1, or $1500, gave Williams the pid wt pr at 3 ae A drive such ts the "¥' staged, Young and Petley as heads of real | mighty good work where he was when fatallly injured. (foregoing verdict was returned. $500 as a gift. ;wouldn't be safe with those '* NE d A -- Getters' at lange. i vw .. , , ;| makes for harmony. Rival merchante pa oo A -- or w . Pl A phn Wh ; : s¥'n lat Her 4 oland veil" estate ten' 'Worked shoul! ol : Capt. Mcllveen, with 55 scalps at|der to-shoulder for the good of the] his belt, is a "bonnie" fighter. canse, ~~" ; : i iA Bec do AR SOAR. Bad Taha ail © cide, however, whether the company |tainly are using the Members of the (Continued. from page 1) had taken proper Aecautjons to Pe Belleville hoseiell tell, hiss, a= i d 5 , @specia n e ly Serous Riactice of stealing tiles ou bli of Togs at 3 Ro Jn Yo su i- oe grocer gave. Catcher Mille Bop ficiently matured to realize the dan-|Pitcher Williams a hundred-weight o It was a hadéniglit forthe chick-| "vs: ©. M. Mundy got' a mice bou- ens! * = re i : quet of 'mums presented to her for | my q j d OB oo iis ther excellent work. . She deserved) T ¥ The Scotch seemed to have the |[them., 7... ees: 0 4 {fds ig ' - " i. : A ro Hi edge on the other races with such -------------------------- PEN A H * le iv i ; ml men as. Ross MeKinnon, Mcllyeep, | =r 3 z " RE s McIntoeh, MeTavish, Ross, etc, Hoot : --- , p ' i )y a L - fi 1 The New Superior ERY ins AA t Plumbing, ting IW pe 4 oi age el and Repairs tl He brought in a ; wu | moter Room Repairs a Specialty The General Motors were in the By running---that's not meant for a joke J. S. DICK --right to the end. Hom. Pres. (. At Purdy Co.'s W. McLaughlin, Chajyman MecTav- > ish, Publicity Man Wesgey, Reber:- 82 Simcoe St. 8, padi Advertising, Ardiglion the ex- || ESTIMATES GIVEN ! ecutive, and McKinn vow, Me- || Intosh, Luke. and oe ilok, Me it Phone 942 Res, 3004 made things ham, 3 Huh, firjtat --' Nn EY PY WAL AER NEY WLLL PE, Electric Cooking Demonstration | "WORLD'S GREATEST Motor CarVaLue JOHN BAILES & SONS October 24, 25, 26, Here is.a good. chance to see the modern way of cooking on a McClary ; sation will last 3 der 6 and Thursday, 24, 25 an Yak & (4 y Sra, 4% {Ag Vg, 3 and any wos wi] it will | y con: Sheed to tio Shari | | HEVROLET has answered Pend Som 560 see car fo HB Ja uas | the ever increasing de- Ee? wo r~ | mand for quality cars gt rock of bottom prices with the an- John Bailes & Sons nouncement of the new qteu-- | tt SUPERIOR Models. Sm A RTT. Sensational values are represented by WOMEN AND GIRLS this new line, at the new reduced : | mT | Ro prices. : -- Improved quality, artistic design, added \ eh E | | -- equipment and increased economy al di aw combine to emphasize Chevrolet's © "OSHAWA" CANNING CO." admitted leadership as producer of the mm ---- world's Jowest priced quality auto- ad dw | eX "Would Wake Up Screaming" I See the new SUPERIOR Chevrolet. N ix 3 ". 3 E ) + . . * * "The Least Sudden Noise or Loud Talkidg i ba Ride in it. Study the specifications. Prices F.O.B. Oshawa : w) bi pd "Up to the age of eight, my boy was { still remained. The doctor gave him Government Taxes Extra i a strong, healthy lad, full of life-and {'a tonic and told me to rub the leg with energy, While playing leap frog one day. with some boys of his pwn aud, while in a stooped position, a big boy jumped off his back and in dling. any hoy caught lis foot in au iron tng and 4 clocated his hip, The pain was so great that he fainted and the other boys were so frightened they ran away, For hourshe snffered terrible pain and when found and brought Lome was very weak, with his thigh apd leg swollen twice its size, 'Lhe doctar set'the hoe but the pain and exposure were too much for the poor became A org Ah er set in on he. lay. between dife and death liouss. at a. stretch. One weeks ray pnd opened his eyes and wurmur- red 'MM y' byt this is theonly word he ugter hie Loe Ja od 1 knew the worst over. He g poi Ar 8 SL was id a mervous sondition, The leastsudden cise or loud talking. wquld siarls olive oil. This reduced the ssyelling age, 'and took away the lameness, but the nervopsness regained. 7h child" would waken in Five ER screaming at the top of Lis voice. The doctor gave him several difierent tonics but they were no use. ' 1 fotina a circular about Carnol and it seemed 'sp different from other tonics I had heard of, that I thought I would get a bottle, Three bottles were all {li was needed to make my dike his own self again," It ishard tocenvince ay friends that the change in him | npw is entirely due to Carol. Of oars. I still have to watch him and 'give him Carnol occasionally but I ow. that- he.will- soon be as strong again as ever he was. Mug P., Monggeal, © Carnal jé sold' ist, and if yon can Eas far Fy alter you have tried it, that it hasn't " FOR SALE BY. WM. H..KARN, OSHAWA. "Lech ure ré | At the XMC.A, by idwtery of the Dixector THURSDAY EVENING OCT. 26th. By Mr. W. oF ok 4 r formely. A radip rator in the ind ih Nary add Labbratofy expert of the Chas. A. Branston Co, Workings and Theory of Radio receiving explained and ghes- tions answered. ' Through the kindness of the Messrs Miller, a radio :set will be assembled in "The Arcade" window on Wednesday afternoon, where the various parts will be displayed. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., OF CANADA, Limited Subsidjary of G 1 AM 5s of Cs da Limited OSHAWA WINNIPEG Oshawa Sales & Service Limited ~~ 99 Simcoe South

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