SPORTIN G NEWS Athletic Assn. May Be | Be Formed Proposed ' Organization W oposed Ormiastion Would To Organise Shortly Although the es ation for an ama- teur athletic association in Oshawa has not been gréat during the past few months, with the approach of the hockey season the need for such a body fs believed to be essential if athletics are to forge ahead. While nothing definite has heen decided, it is understood that a meeting will be called. in the course of another week or two to consider the advisability of organizing an association. The matter will be given the most care- ful consideration and it is hoped to select officers who will be thorough- ly capable of directing its affairs. == Would Contra} All +The idea of an association is not a new one here, not a few having realized the value of it in develop- ing young players, Those at the head of the movement are desirous 'of' having every sporting organiza- tion in the, town affiliated with it, including 'the hockey; ' baseball, boxing, lacrosse and soccer clubs. The association would be a parent body with committees in charge of each branch of sport. An effort will be made, if the scheme meets with approval, to have officers who are eager to promote athletics generally, paying particular attention to junjor JBamSs, Peterboro and Galt are good illus- trations of what an athletic associ- ation can accomplish. The Liftlock City captured two Ontario champion- ships this year while another two teams figured in the semi-finals. Galt won the senior O.B.A.A. title this year- and since an association was formed in that city, the inter- mediate O.H.A. honors were won by Galt. This is convincing proof that such an organization would greatly benefit any town, 5 A Membership Campaign A suggestion, which will probably be carried out if 'plans are success- ful will be to launch a membership campajgn with a view to getting everyone "interested in' athletics - be- hind the association. Membership cards would likely be offered. at one dollar each. This year the Peter- boro A.A.A. is going after 1,200 mem- bers and judging by the enthusiasm being shown that number will be se- cured. In Oshawa it should not he a difficult task to secure 1,000 mem- bers as an organization of this na- ture will undoubtedly be very pop- ular, An apnouncemen' will be made shortly as to the date of the meeting and it is' hoped that every branch of sport will be well represented and that the movement will meet with success, Students Ready For N. Toronto Game Saturday The exhibition football game at the High School campus on Saturday afternoon with North Toronto should attract a good crowd of spectators. Oshawa's decisive victories over Belleville both at home and away bave aroused considerable 'interest. This game should put the local stu- dents in excellent shape to meet Pet- £rbore C.1., on the following Satur- y, It is not known definitely wheth- er the first of the home and home games with the Petes will be played here or in the Quaker Oats City. Should they meet in Oshawa first Coach Carswell will have the boys on the alert in an effort to tuck the game away as stiff opposition is ex- pected in. Peterboro. P.C.L, have a well drilled team but the showing of the Oshawans in the two Belleville games has injected a whole lot. of confidence into Fred Carswell's clan. They can be count- ed on furnishing a real battle with last year's. -E1Oup Champiol champions. Queen's Own An Own And Reg't To Play Ball InAidof The C. A. S. ~ An event which is causisg much interest in' local indoor baseball circles is the game . between the Queen's Own Rifles Officers and a teain representing the officers of the Ontario Regiment and returned of- ficers of the town. 'The game will take place in the armories next Tues- An admission of 25 cents realized to io be donated to the Childrens'. Shel- - ne batteries for the local officers INDOOR BASEBALL Won Lost Williams, «ws..io0ivi00, 2 Pedlars, . 1 YMCA. Sv... Dreadnoughts, .... General Motors, Business Men, Oshawa F.C, DR Regiment, ....... Metros, «+... v 000 vue FUDGE, +o eedeniinees Cedar Dale, ..... Knights of P, BanKerSiiie essa es eevrsve Games To-night Y.M.C.A vs Dreadnoughts Fittings vs General Motors Cedar Dale vs Business Men C. O. L. Should Limit Bringing Players in From Nearby Towns "Now that the ball season is over," says The Peterboro Examiner, "there is no danger of being accused of trying to take advantage of techni- calities, it might be well for the Cen- tral Ontario League and the O.B.A. A., to take note of the case of Mal- len of the Belleville team, who, in accordance with the spirit of the Cen- tral Ontario League residence rule, was certainly not eligible to play with Belleville. Mallen's home is in Morrisburg, and he did not arrive in Belleville until the first half of the league race was well under way. He was claimed to be eligible under the 0.B.A.A., rule, which permits a play- er in a town or village where there is no organized amateur ball to play with the nearest affiliated league. That rule was never intended to let a Morrisburg man come as far west as Belleville to play ball, and if it is held that Belleville's contention in the Mallen case is correct, it would simply mean that Belleville, being the furthest eastern O.B.A.A., centre, could bring in a player at any period in the league race from any point between Belleville and the Atlantic seaboard. Similarily, Sudbury could have the whole of Western Canada as a recruiting field and Windsor could command half a dozen Ameri- can States under the same ruling. "It would be well for the O.B.A. A., to pronounce on the matter be- fore next. spring." The Examiner's contention is quite justified but no blame can be attach- ed to the 'Belleville Club as their officials were informed that Mallen was eligible to play in the Central Ontario League and in the O.B.A.A/, semi-finals, RE im miemi-----_-oPOPOD Sporting Paragraphs Halaman is satisfied that the propos- al to make January 1st the date for residence rule in the Central League will carry. . We learn on good auth- ority that Jake is out with his net already gathering in the good ones. It is said that Hap Harrison will be transferred to a district north of Peterboro as the representative for the Canadian Packing Company and will make his headquarters at Peter- boro. Al Heckman has been ap- pointed city traveller for the same firm and rumor has it that Mickey Murray and Hoose, third baseman and catcher for Leaside are soon to take up their abode in the electric city. What is Moslem loyalty worth to the British Empire if it must he bought by the sacrifice of Chris tians?--Toronto Globe, A Harvard University astrononfer has discovered that the known uni- verse has a diameter of 2,100,000,- 000,000,000,000 miles. That's about what we had figured it out to he.-- Kingston Whig. The German floating debt is said to amount to 489,000,000,000 marks, but it is difficult to believe that there is anything in which a debt of that size could float.--Detroit Free Press. Will our Canadian politicians please note that Lloyd George's Manchester speech consumed but half an hour--and contained no quota- tions.--Galt Reporter, It is said that the Turks are great- ly displeased because Lloyd George called them warlike animals. Well, they wouldn't cl@im to be doves of peace, would they?---Detroit Free Press. Martin One Night, Friday, Nov. 1 8th Edition Ever Welcome ih of our Old Frien JIGGS and MAGGIE In their absolute new Musical Comedy BRINGING UP FATHER ON HIS oy VACATION it's a SCREAM All ou own {A Music, £25 num- ee, Pri Seat Sal¢ Thursday | Still the most for the money. 1 O25300 AnpRew WILSON 4G CED 1 Ld * Anticipation Every member of the family knows that the roast will be a delicious one when it comes from our choice selection, Be- sides being sure of the meat supply, you also know the price is right, in dealing here. You will like our sanitary methods, also. They insure you clean meat, W. ATKINSON BUTCHER 12 Church St. - Phone 935 i US The application of Clayton Frech- ette of Belleville for an amateur card was granted at' a meeting of the Re- Branch of the A.A.U., of C., as no stantiate charges which had been made, Frechette who is expected to play with Belleville intermediates cal intermediate team several years ago. ton Alerts who were suspended by the O.H.A., for alleged profession- alism, Lindsay Post:--Port Hope will be after the scalp of the Belleville in- termediate hockey team this season. Last season Belleville cleaned out Port Hope and the sting of defeat still remains. Port Hope has got eleven players to choose from this season, including last year's team, and a big garage lad from Ingersoll, as well as two chaps from Kingston, one of whom is McNeil, who played with the Port Hope ball team a game or two. Six entries have been received by Secretary Harry Stickells of the Y. M.C.A. ling League. Three of them are from General Motors, one from Pedlars, Fittings and a town team. Entries accompanied by the fees, and a list of players must be in not later than to-morrow even- ing when an executive meeting will be held. Port Hope Guide:--Reports from Peterboro would indicate that Jake "A Mass of sy fare SEE ae SE RDD gistration Board -of the Ontario I istormation could be secured to sub- [i this winter, was a member of the lo- || He later went to the Hamil- || FRIDAY, NOV.3RD mas Goods. DRY GOODS Lawlor's To ROOM MAKING SALE For 7 days we are holding a Grand Clear- ance Sale in order to make room for Christ- SATURDAY, NOV. 11TH An inspection of lines marked down will convince the public of the exceptional values we are For the benefit of New Comers to Oshawa we are located on Simcoe St. South, a few doors North of Mill St. tering. MEN'S WEAR BOOTS & RUBBERS T. A Lawlor SCHOOL SUPPLIES 446 Simcoe St. 8. Thanksgiving Aylmer Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, 1922 CTOD ....cva'vnsrnss 1 106 pertin Quality Golden Bantam a real delicacy" 25¢. per tin Extra Selected Fruits Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Cranber- ries, Grape Fruit Special Corn, " Orders now taken for Crate- Fattened Chickens for Thanksgiving WDEN'S GROCERY PHONE 181 reg. $2.50 Reg. $1.50 to clear at to clear at to clear at 68 King St. W. THANKSGIVING DAY SPECIALS FOR Friday & Saturday All Wool Blankets, large sizes, reg. $2.95 Men's All Wool Underwear, to clear at per gar- Men's Penman's Wool Fleece Combinations, Men's (Cotton & Wool Mixtures) Sweaters Boys Sweater Coat, Reg. $1.75 to clear at Boys' All Wool Jerseys, Reg. $1.85 to clear at Men's Working Trousers, reg. $2.50 Men's Black & White Striped Shirts .. Men's All Wool Khaki Sox, reg. 50c, . ei seen 3 for 1 00 Men's Heavy Ulsters Overcoats, reg. $25.00 .. Young Men's Overcoats, latest styles reg. $30 .. 22.50 Boys Blue Serge Suits, reg. $12.50 to clear at.. Men's Blue Serge Suits, Indigo Dye, reg. $39. 50 Boys' Golf Hose, All Wool, Fancy Stitched Cuff $ 235 . 156.50 8.50 Men's Black & Brown Boots, reg. a 95 Men's & Young Men's Sample Caps, reg. $2. 1. We also carry a full line of Heavy Boots & Rubbers. Dominion Clothing Co. Phone 1151), Abundance "The New Raglan Ulsterette" "The New Klavicle" "The Tumblein" New Shades of tan, blue, lovat, heather mixtures Plenty to choose from. Popular prices. S25 to S20 Newest Velours Made in Canada and equal to the finest imported, and a great deal less money. New shades of tan, grey, beaver, as well as black. A NS WEAR OSHAWA