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Ontario Reformer, 4 Nov 1922, p. 3

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---- " Oshawa and District Appoint H, 8, Principal The appointment of J, C. Adams, of Beamsville, as principal of Whit- by High School at a salary of $3,200 was the chief item of business av a special meeting of the Whithy Board of Education this week. Mr, Adams, now principal of Beamsville High School, is a science specialist and an agricultural speefalist, He was the highest priced man of the three applicants, Winners From Oshawa, Both first prizes for fancy cos: tumes at the Hallowe'en masquer- ade in Whithy went to Oshawa guests, Miss L. Lomes as'Pierette, won the ladies' prize and Mr, H, But- chard, in Spanish . Costume, the men's prize, Enterprising Coal Merchant Mr. Stanley Pratt, Cobourg, coal merchant, has purchased the Daley warehouse at the harbor and has converted it into a coal shed. Two holes have heen cut in the roof of the building and the coal is lifted by means of a derrick and dropped through these into the building, Vigilance Committee To combat the epidemic of stealing the citizens of Pickering have organ- ized a vigilance committa, J, R. Thexton is president and W_ J. Clark is secretary. They have an exeentive committee, The membership foe is #1. Their object is to lessen steal- ing and prosecute the felons. Auditor Reports on Cobourg The report of Gordon H., Peters, the chartered accountant sent by the provincial secretary's department to audit the accounts of the town of Co- bourg for the past three years, has been received, and will be discussed at the next meeting of the council. The council was to have met on Mou- day evening, but only three of the nine members were present, the oth- er members being out of town. Improving Whitby Harbor Work has again ~ommenced op improvements to the Whithy Har- bor, the contract having been let to the firm of Charleson & Yorley, of Ottawa, two weeks ago. The appro- priation to cover this work, which is quite extensive, is $20,000, The im- provement is the construction of 20( feet of concrete dock, running from the end of the present concrete wharf, north along the slip. Six Members Received At the regular meeting of the lo- cal branch of the W.C.T.U, held in Simcoe Street Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoon, Miss Marion Burns presented a financial state- ment in connection with the recent Provincial Convention. A credit balance of #51 was shown. This wil' be deposited in the treasury of the local society. Six new members were admitted, Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Brock Street, being awarded a silver star pin for having secured the largest number, No Paper Tuesday Owing to Monday, Nov. 6, being Thanksgiving Day there will be no issue of The Reformer on the fol- lowing day, The next issue will appear on Thursday, November 9. Securing New Members The Anglican Young People's As- sociation of 8t, George's Church, Centre Street, are conducting a mem- hership campaign. Two teams have heen organized under the names "Reds" and "Blues," The campaign closes on November 30 when the los- ers will entertain the winners at a banquet, This week more than 40 new members have been secured. Oshawa Citizens Muke Good, The citizens of Oshawa are always interested in the success attending former residents of the town, Con- sequently they will be glad to know of the success which has attended two former townsmen, Messrs, Wm, Puckett and F. A, Trestrail. Both are now associated with the Musical Merchandising Company of Toron- to, manufacturers of the Brunswick Phonographs. An advertisement in connection with these Phonographs appears on page 4 of today's issue. | Carrier Boys' Theatre Party, The Reformer carrier hoys to the number of 35 were given a "Thea- tre Night" last evening. Under the chaperonage of Mr, Robt. McCleary, | head of the papers circulation de- | partment, the boys marched to The New Martin, where they enjoyed themselves to their heart's content, Manager Ernie Marks, had put on an extra good bill of fare in "The Glory of Clementina" and some clev- | er vaudevile acts. Needless to say the hoys enjoyed every minute of | the show. They expressed their ap- | preciation of what had heen done | for them by The Reformer, and the | New Martin in no uncertain terms. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED--A Good Girl for general Housework. . Apply Mrs. Geo. Hen- ley, 156 Elgin St. E. Phone 330. LP . (91a) GIRL FOR OFFICE work, person, Ltd, FOR SALE due to renew near 15th. E. 29, Darlington COMFORTABLE board. Central share apartment. Reformer. (90-2) YOUNG WIDOW SEEKS SITUA- tion as housekeeper to small family. Box "U" Reformer. (91-a) LOST--NOV. 3rd BETWEEN MILL St. and C.P.R. bridge, twenty five dollars. A good reward will be given if returned to John Crossman, care- taker, Simcoe St. school. 520 Simcoe St. South. HAYNES, WOODWORKER--STORM sash built to order. Bronze weather strip put on. Cabinets built to or- der. Floors machine sanded. Mod- erate prices, prompt service. 16 King St. West, Phone 481. (91-a) $15 FOR QUICK SALE, THREE- quarter iron bed with springs and mattress. Owner leaving town. Ap- ply 84 Oshawa Boulevard, next week. (91-a) CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE, CHAM- pion coal and wood stove, six lidded: include pipes; good baker. Apply 84 Oshawa Boulevard, next week. (91-a) WANTED Apply in 9y-a FOUR COWS. TWO now, Two to renew J. Black, Con. 5. Lot Township. (91-a) ROOM WITH location, would Apply Box "8" Fittings, ! A Sr ses Eon AR ae SA SP 1 by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- essa en OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922 PAGE THREE ---- AMONG THE CHURCHES CHRISTIAN WORKERS' Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV, 6. 11 a.m.--Public Worship, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Public Worship, BAPTIST Emmanuel Baptist Church--King E, Rev. J. L. Harton, B.Th,, Pastor. Residence, 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV, 5, 11 a.m.--Public Worship, 3 p.m,--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Public Worship. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. All are cordially invited to these services. CHURCH CHRISTIAN Centre Street, near King Rev, E. T., Cotten, Ph, B,, Pastor Parsonage, 169 Athol St, E, Phone 847-1), SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 6. 11 a.m.--Dedication of organ and communion service, 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Public Worship, Sunday, 8 p.m.--Christian En- deavor, eader, Mr. Fred Riding. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 18 Simcoe St, N, SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 6. 11 a.m.--Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Wednesday, 8 p.m,-- Testimony meeting. To these services a cordial invitation. is extended to all. PRESBYTERIAN Simcoe St, South, Cor, Bruce St, Ee me. | | interest than ment during especially And with the tunity, prize. Rev. G. Yule, Minister, Residence the Manse, 66 Simcoe 8,, Phone 193, SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 6. 11 a.m.--Public Worship. 3 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--Public Wer: hin, A cordial invitation is extended *n all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. SIMCOE ST, METHODIST CHURCH worth while, | f | We are anticipating intense excite- as a great many customers are going after the valuable prizes,-- the Electric Sweeper. 'A Riot of Enthusiasm Marks Our Third Anniversary Sale UR Anniversary Sale is very young yet,--but already it promises to create more any sale in the past. the next two weeks, splendid bargains we are offering from day to day, marks a wonderful oppor- Many will be buying practically their Winter's supply during the next two weeks of the sale. Not only are the Winter needs looked after, but many suggestions for 'Christmas Gifts" will be offered at very special prices. Remember every dollar you spend between now and the 18th will bring you just that much closer to the coveted Be sure and keep in close touch with our advertising and watch for the 'continued changes in the windows, of Bargains that are 0000000 OOOO -- Rev, J, H. McBain, B.A,, Minister Phone 148, SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 10 a.m.--Fellowship Meeting. 11 a.m.--Subject: "The Spirit of Christ." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Subject: "Thanksgiving." Monday 8 p.m.--Epworth League. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. Everybody welcome, 5. Seats free. THE SALVATION ARMY Brigadier (Miss) L. Prescott Capt. (Miss) I. Froud, Com- manding Officers SERVICES, SUNDAY, 10 a.m. -- Children's Classes, and NOV. 5. Directory 91-b) | Places 11 a.m.--Holiness Meeting. 3 p.m.--Praise Service. | 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting. | All are welcome. | Sunday School and Bible Class at 2 p.m. Monday night at 8 o'clock. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and Life Saving Guards. 7.30 p.m, Also cottage prayer meeting at 8 p.m. Saturday -- Praise meeting at § p.m. Salvation meeting News of Nearby WANTED BY QUIET MARRIED couple 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms where light housekeeping could be done, South Oshawa or Cedar Dale. Box "G" Reformer. (91-9) WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE state locality and terms. Box "I" Reformer Reformer, )91-b) D TO BUY FOR SPOT cash a small house. Would consider partly built one. State terms and district to Box "J" Reformer. (91-b) WANTE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR TOD'S BREAD "Twas in Traf-ALGAR Bay wherein the trouble lay ALGAR Knows wherein the trouble lays on your AUTO FORD MAGNETOS RECHARGED Gives Pep and Power, More Light, Saves Gasolene 'Batteries Charged and Repaired--All Makes Dump Truck for Hire, Sand, Gravel, Brick and Stone ALGAR AUTO SERVICE 69 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Phone 1427 Open Evenings and Sundays TYRONE Miss Beatrice Bigelow is visiting with Mrs. O. Tamblyn of Toronto and other friends. Sorry to report Moore remains in a state. Lt.-Col. Lorne McLaughlin visited his father and mother in Bowman- ville over the week-end and on Sun- day attended the unveiling of a bronze tablet at Newcastle and visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rickard. Mr. Sheckelton, our energetic gar- age man, has bought the property owned by Mr. Herb. McRoberts and intends to convert the old harness shop into a workshop and garage. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoidge of To- ronto motored down on Saturday and spent the week-end with Mrs. G. Phare, Lance and Roma. Mr. and Mrs. Jabes Moore of En- niskillen visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew of Scugog Island were guests at the Parsonage over Sunday and attended Quarterly Service at Bethesda. Quite a number from here' attend- ed Anniversary Services at Liskard on Sunday; also the fowl supper on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hudson are moving into the house owned by Mr. William Brent. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Virtue of Oshawa visited Miss Virtue and Mr. Staples. Nevese Young is attending Mrs. W. Moore, who continues very ill. Mr. Ernest Gardiner has been called to Thornloe, New Ontario, where his house and saw mill were destroyed in the recent fires. Major E. E. Snider of Port Hope, inspected our school on Wednesday and his reports were both gratifying and favorable to pupils and teacher. The Masquerade Party held at Community Hall on Hallowe'en evening was an occasion of much pleasure, fun and merriment. Ghosts, spookes and other mysterious beings of earth or fairyland flitted about and made merry for a while. The regular meeting of the W. M. 8. was quite extraordinary in mat- ter of interest and spiritual uplift. that Mrs. Wm. very critical Miss Velma Staples in her usual brilliant style first delighted her hearers with a piano solo. | We need more spiritual | plimentary addresses were Miss Stewart then read, "Anne Called". It made her hearers ask if we were called of God and let that | eall go unheeded. Next a vocal solo by Miss Evelyn Brent, which was very sweet and beautifully rendered. Mrs. Dave Hooper { "Mother's Home Song", and it | brought forth worthy applause. | We were now delighted with a duet by Mesdames I. T. Goodman and 8. T. Hoar, Master Fred Good- man acting as pianist | Miss Mabel Davey, of Orono, Dis- | trict Organizer, was now introduced | dent. Miss Davey certainly gave a | very helpful address full of encour- agement and inspiration. Her theme |by Mrs. W. T. Wickett, our Presi- now read, | was 'The Growth of The Kingdom," and her whole address went home. uplift and more prayer in our auxilliaries, Miss Mary Brightwell now favor- ed us with a piano solo, which was nicely rendered. Rev. W. T. Wickett in a few praiseworthy and complimentary re- marks reviewed the very excellent programme. Presentations and com- planned for three esteemed members who are leaving shortly. Namely Mrs. J. H. Werry and Miss Florence of Beth- esda, who will reside in Bowman- ville and Mrs. M. J. Werry who ex- pects to leave very soon for Oshawa. None of the three were present. To Mrs. J. H. Werry will be presented a book of poems, "Canadian Au- thors" and a nicely worded address read by Miss Fannie Virtue, Miss Florence Werry will be the recipient of a beautifully worded address, framed, which was read by Mrs. S. T. Hoar. The committee have chosen a cut glass basket for Mrs. M. J. Werry and Mrs. Goodman reads her address. Before leaving all partook | of sandwiches and cake and a social cup of tea. Mrs. S. T. Hoar read a letter from | Miss Emma Werry of Ottawa in which she told of the joy the W. M. 8. gift had given her. Rev. A. K. Edminson, B. A, and Mrs. Edminson of Orono were in the village on Thursday. Miss Davey of Orono was a guest at the parsonage while in the village | Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Elliott and] daughter Letitia, Mr. and Mrs. G. N.! Monterief and Baby Jean motored from Peterboro on Saturday and spent the week end with Mrs. El-' liott's sister, Mrs. Wm. Hambly. Thanksgiving Day again! Let us not forget our expressions and gifts | of gratitude on Monday; also our | fond tokens of regard on Armistice Day! OSHAWA DELEGATES ! The delegates from Oshawa | to Toronto on the door] fication of the C.N.R. were: F. L.| Mason, deputy reeve, Oshawa; John Stainton, Thomas Hawkes, W. B. Rowe, D. A. Hubbell, W. J. Trick. O. R. Burns, D. F. Johnston, R. Moffat, A. W. Brown, councillors, | Oshawa; W. C. Smith, tow engineer Oshawa. { Don't wait for business to pick up: | pick up the business. --The Express | Messenger. { The ex-kaiser's new wife will have the co-operation of most of Europe in keeping her spouse at home. --Brook- lin Eagle. A Cleveland woman is going to serve on the same jury with her hus: » Dealers Declare (Continued from page 1) company coal is coming here. That is, the quantities that are arriving are negligible, All dealers placed the matter squarely up to councillor W. J. Trick and the provincial fuel controller for a solution, In the opinion of Mr. Lander the only saviour of the people will be the weather. If the present favor- able conditions continue, there is a chance that Oshawa citizens will not shiver all winter. The only coal that can be sold at £16 per ton, said Mr. Lander, is pea and soft coal. Would Lose Money J. C. Fowlds went further than most of the dealers. Reformer representative over invoices, ete. This was done. Figures were shown which showed conclusively that if independent coal was sold at $16 per ton that the deal- ers would lose approximately $2 per ! ton on each order. Mr. Dixon, jr., expressed the opinion that the dealers could obtain permission from the controller to sell coal at $18 per ton. This was to check not the view of some of the others | who stated that they had no inten- tion of asking for permission to do 80. They contend that they have done all possible to give Oshawa an ample coal supply. As the dealers have put the mat- ter up to Councillor Trick, the public will watch with interest the next move to he made by the fuel com- mittee. ) He invited a --- rm ---- ee SILVER & GLASS NOVELTIES Both Useful and Ornamental Specially priced for Thanksgiving Small Cut Glass Vases in silver plate stands Bonbon Dishes with pierced silver holders Cut Glass Marmalade Jar with silver plate spoon and cover Cut Glass Cream and Sugars All these articles are extra good values. Also many others in our window $1.00 D. J. Brown Jeweller and Optometrist 10 King St. West, Oshawa Phone 189 In your recreation hours visit our Billiard Parlor. New full sized tables, sanitary conditions. We carry a full line of Cigars, Cigarettes. and Tobacco, Bar. ber shop in connection. Sachlas & Alex Props. 38 King St. West Oshawa Much Fowi (Contivued from page 1) lection. The carnations were offer- ed a $1 a dozen while the erysanthe- mums ranged from 15 to 25 cents | each according to size. ! A few dozen eggs were offered the general price being 60 cents a dozen | while butter remained at 40 cents a pound. Other prices prevailing were: polatoes 90 cents bag, cooking ap- ples 40 cents a large basket, spies 30 cents a peck, onions 60 cents a peck, carrots 50 cents a bushel, beets 20 cents a peck, citron 2 for 25 cents, squash and pumpkin 5, 10 and 15 cents each, cabbage 5 and 10 cents, turnips 3 for 10 cents, celery 5 cents a bunch. First choice of discrimi- mating housewives. Its absolute whiteness is the outward sign of quality of ts ingredients. "MADE SN CANADA Proper financing of any possible without systematic MR. LEON FRASER, Secretary Peterboro' District Branch: "We have no hesitation in recommending the use of Mr. H. K. Middleton's Retailer's Accountant to any merchant who is desirous of securing a system, which, in use, will give satisfactory results to the user, both in its economy of time and labor, and simplicity in opera- tion." of the services of an Phone 1262 "My Business isT oo Small 10 Bother With Books" PERHAPS that is why it is too small business, great or small, bookkeeping. And proper financing no business is likely to grow. THE RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT is an accounting system designed especially for the smaller Retailer who would find a full set of books burdensome. What the Retail Merchants' Association Says: In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with thé guarantee expert accountant the Retailer's Accountant will be found superior to other systems offered; a smaller merchant installing it is on his way to bigger business and success. The Retailer's Accountant Bound in heavy black leather, lettered in gold, suflicient pages for about two years, RETAIL BUSINESS SYSTEMS is mot without MR. JAS. KELLAS, Secretary Alberta Provincial Branch: "We believe that your system will be most welcome to the smaller merchants who do mot "We will do all we can to interest the merchants who come into our office from time to time." at a very low rate, $10.00 $23 Simcoe St. N, Oshawa {IN THEATRE WED., NOV. 6-7-8 SED? Sanne, faut. thie siden kin. in lit was romantic. TLE NIVERSAL STAR PROVOST has ever played. It is one send you home smiling and rr nasa --" owl give 7 LiF ly" UR Thanksgiving dinner is of the real family style of cooking and serving. Generous portions with all the fixings and vegetables to make the meal complete and satisfactory. Get acquainted with our "Bill 0' Fare" When We Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL, Led Phone 28 Phone 1101

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