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Ontario Reformer, 11 Nov 1922, p. 9

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ERR " OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 PAGE NINE a ----_--., -Sportin 'Soccer Players Too Good. | Oshawa Football Club scored a de- j cisive victory over the Bankers by Knights Surprise Regiment Team superior work at the bat, the count rer | being 33 to 13. The money lenders Win by Rally 21-15 -- Pedlars| started out well but faded towards Trounce Metros 37-2--F.C. | the end. Ormiston and Bell were | the, opposing twirlers with the lat- Beat Bankers 33-13 | ter having much the better of the WN jargument. Duncan caught well for | the soccer boys while the infield worked together nicely, The line-ups were: { Oshawa F.C.--Bell, (1b; E. Palmgr, cf; Brown, cf; King, rf; Dunean, ¢; Lyons, 2b; Sidaway, The feature attraction at the armories Thursday evening in the in- door baseball games was the Regi- ment--Knights of Pythias contest. Coming from behind and scoring 19 runs in the last two 'innings, the , ' 7, ' Knights were victorious over the | 1583 Lamminan, 3b. Soldiers 21 to 15. For the first| Bankers--Gray, c¢; Donald, 2b; three frames, the losers played snap- | Mounce, 1b; Ormiston, p; Thomp- py ball scoring 9 runs to their op-| SOD, TSS; Downey, Iss; Eagan, 3b; ponents 2, but in the fourth the White If; Dickie, rf. Knights went after Gower's offerings, The score:-- whieh combined with a number of Oshawa F.C, 1 juicy errors gave them 12 counters | Bankers .... 9 while in the fifth 7 more were added. | The final score was 21 to 15. | The winners had Teddy Saunders | he hind the bat with Dafoe pitehing. | williams T he team was strengthened since | preadnoughts ., its previous game and the victory | General MOLOYS oe ees over the Soldiers will inspire them | pusiness Men to better effoyts. The Knights | pedlars should make a good showing. | Oshawa F.C. The line-ups were: (Y.M.C.A, .. Knights--Petre, 3b; McCabe, rf; | A.Y.P.A. Aoi Hobbs, 1h; Saunders, ¢; Dafoe, p; Knights of P. ..... ERR Morrison, 1f; Northey, rss; Trull,| Regiment , 18s; Muckler cf; MgConkey, 2h. ! Metros Regiment-- McNally, rf; Critney, Bankers 1b; Wilson, 2b; Kewley, Iss; Hearst, Cedar Dale ' i: 3b; Wilcox, If; Beaver, rss; Salter, Pittings +s. 0 ¢; Gower, p; Metealfe, cf. Thursday Night's Results The sear: --= Knights of Pythias 21, Regiment 15 Kiights O31 118 Pedlars 37, Metros 2 : teximont 6.2 0 0 Oshawa F.C, 33, Bankers 13 Pedlars Win Again ALY Judy's Games, ht : A AY. P.A. v8, "eg « § Pedlars romped away with Metros RittRes oo. area fnongh 2 the Second Eine 10 the fune of Business Men vs, Regiment e Meta oojers ma- to 2. chinery was working overtime and there was 'barely enough time to squeeze in three innings. The win- ners scored 11 runs in the first, 8 in the second and 18 in the third for a total of The losers secured their two counters in the last frame. "Doc" Adams whs persuaded to do the hurling for the Insurance men but he was given to understand that p: Palmer, 2 2 9. 7 2 0 8--33 0--13 INDOOR BASEBALL SOHN 0 7--21 6--15 | in 37 LADIES' INDOOR LEAGUE Won Lost | St, Giregory's oh Teachers Pedlars ... | Fittings ... .... | Superiors | G.M.C.-.... | Ward & Dewland am BAN ley, 18s; V. Blewitt, 1f; biyn, cf; G. Gray, If. Superiors--K. Wells, p; I. Elliott, ¢; A. Moore, 1b; D., Williams, 2b; E. Bateman, ij: L: Fulton, rss; C. Will Be Staged Hapvey, lss; Clough, cf; A. New Club Announces Ttielf Ready | London, vf; J. Orchard, It. | to Handle Event--Good | SrA V. Tam- Boxing Tourney Central League . Residence Rules | May Be Changed The annual session of the Ontario | Show Promised -- For a considerable time amateur | boxing has been a dead issue here. | And yet despite this fact some of the niftiest leather-pushing ama-| teurs in this section of the province | pagehall © Amateur Association is are residents of Oshawa. being held this . afternoon at the | A number of local sportsmen are |Carls-Rite Hotel, Toronto. Two | anxious that the manly art be again | matters of outstanding importance | revived here. It is their intention come up in the question of paid to conduct a tournament in the | coaches and the question of compel- | near future to determine the cham-|ling all affiliated leagues to live up| pions of the various classes. Every | to the January 1 residence rule, lad who knows enough to don the, que (entral Ontario League, with | gloves will be invited to compete. | which Oshawa has been. connected ! There will be a class for novices | since its organization, and the North | and also a class for those who con-' Welington League, both have March sider that they have graduated from | 1 pyjes. It is believed that Central | that stage. After the town cham-| jeague representatives at the meet- | pions are declared it is the inten-| ing wij fall in line with the O.B.A. | tion of the Oshawa Boxing Club, for | A = yyles. J. J. Solomon of Peter- | such is the name of the new organiz- horough and J. G. Nott of Oshawa ation, to hold a tournament every | aye representing the C.0.B.L. month, | Later when the local kids attain a little more polish inter-city tourna- ments will be staged, with some of the best boys from Hamilton and To- ronto and other large centers who will be invited to come here and compete. An effort will also be made to re- establish the pro game here, If pre- sent plans materialize, Bobby Eber, Canadian bantam Champion, Benny Gould, Ted Joyce, Curly Wiltshire, and other good boys will be brought along. If the game is to find favor again all local lovers of the padded mitt game should hoost and boost hard. ) H. Davis and C. 'Bowling League | Opens Schedule The schedule for the Y. M. C. A. Bowling League was drawn up last night. The first game mentioned on | {each date commences at 7 o'clock, the second at 8 and the third at 9.1 | The dates and games are as follows: | | ' Nov. 8--Reginas vs Spillers, Ped- [lars vs Stirlings, Dobson's Petg vs! East Ends, Nov. 10--Penpushers vs. YM.C.A,, | Speed Fiends vs Boulders, Dom. Bank vs Hot Dogs | Nov. 14--Go Getters vs Scribes, Kewley, of the | Reginas vs Speed Fiends, Pedlars vs | Reformer staff, who are secretary | Dobson's Pets. and treasurer, respectively of the Noy 17_Stirlings vs Go Getters, | new association, are desirous that all | gpjllers vs Boulders, Penpushers vs! boxers in town immediately send in| nom. Bank. ! their names to them. Boxers who | Noy, 21--East Ends vs Seribes, | are desirous of competing in thé | Rekinas vs Boulders, Y.M.C.A. vs! amateur tournament should lose no | Hot Dogs. | time in doing so. Entrants from| Noy. 24--Pediars vs East Ends, | 4 , 4 Business Girls Pedlar's Products was no ordinary | ' \ aggregation. Pedlars are hitting the | i Thursday s Result ball hard and in indoor baseball it Wining 23, Su riors 10. is hitting that counts. | .. Monday's Game wn Gregory's vs. Superiors. The teams: | Pedlars-- Long, rss; Nelson, 2b; Blaber, Thompson, Iss; Kilburn, 3b; Fowler, rf; Me- Neally, 1b; Brown, If; O'Brien, cf. | hink vou are!" That was what the | Metros--Adams, p; Peeley, ¢; Mc- | sheriff said to the hero of "The Bear-| Comb, 1b; Barker, 2b; Ward, rss,|cat," the Universal photoplay of the Purdy, Iss; McKay, 3b; Ferguson, | West coming to the New Martin The- ¢?, Mirindi, 1f; Bradley, rf. |atre next Monday, Tuesday and Wed- | The score: -- nesday. The hero professed to be a| Pediars "bad man." He sang many new verses | Metros every day that indicated he quit cut-| ting notches in his gunstock to save] time for more serious business and to save gunstocks. ' | "In fact," went on the sheriff, "I| don't think you're a bad man at all.| I think you're a plain, ordinary, good man that has been roughly handled by a bad woman." With that situation to build upon, St. | BUCKLEY STORY | FOR HOOT GIBSON "You ain't half so bad as you | a | Smith, e; p; 8 18--37 0 2 EE | in sporting circles over the move- Cobourg, Whitby, Bowmanville, | gyijjers vs Dom. Bank, Dobson's Pets | | Belleville and other towns and cities | ys Go Getters. | of the district are invited. Nov. 28--Penpushers vs Hot Dogs, | BL Stirlings vs Scribes, Speed Fiends vs| Y.M.C.A, Dec. 1--Spillers vs Penpushers, / Good Prospects | Speed Fiends vs Dom. Bank, Ped-| For Organization" & Seer. Stirlings Hot Dogs. Dec. 8-+Reginas vs Penpushers, | Spillers vs(8peed Fiends, Dobson's | | Pets vs Scribes. { Dec. 12--Pedlars vs Scribes; Y.M. | {| C.A. v8 Dom. Bank, Boulders vs Hot | interest has been aroused Dogs. ' | Dec. 15-+8pillers Stirlings vs Dobson's association in Oshawa. The matter | Fiends vs Hot Dogs. | has been given careful considera-| Dee. 19--Kast Ends vs Go Getters, | tion and not a few have promised | Reginas vs Dom. Bank, Boulders vs their support. Arrangements have | Penpushers, been practically completed for a Dec. 20--Speed Fiends Y.M.C.A.| Reginas vs | ------ vs East le Meeting Called for Thursday at "Y" Toronto Men Will Be Present Much ment to form an amateur athletic vs YMCA. | Pets, Speed | \ V8 | pered to Elsy and. ast {a telling us today that | the day quarrelling most of the time. | sed | Pen- | CANADA AT THE BRITISH INDUS-| I'l say he wont. Not with that TRIES FAIR. | finger nohow. | Tuesday--Pa says sum women carry a joak to fur. Erma Higgins got mad at her bow last wk. and sent him home and sed she wood do' all in her power to make him xtremely unhappy for the rest of the balance of his life. And today she went and marryed him. Wednesday--The farmer witch gicked his dog onto us kids last The Canadian Chamber of Com- merce in London, which was organ- ized two years ago and which em- braces in its membership Canadian firms doing business ,in England, has notified the Canadian Manufac- turers Association that it is arrang- ing for a Canadian section at the British Industries Fair, which takes sumer died of newmonia today so we will not say enny niore mean remarks about him. And Jake sed it was to bad and that he hoped the poor mam has gone where we think he haint. Thursday---Pa is getting pritty well now since he has quit smokeing. Mrs Gillem ast ma if it tuk much Will power for him to quit and ma sed it tuk pritty near about all she had. along place simultaneously at London and Birmingham, February 19 to March 2, 1923. This is an important an-| nual trade exhibition and, while! Canadian exhibitors have heen wel- come, very little advantage has hitherto been taken of the invita- tion. The effort now heing made by the Canadian Chamber of Com-| merce to arrange for Canadian dis- | plays at the next Fair in a special Canadian section is a step meriting support from this country, | "A little private stock in my cel- | lar" now means coal.--Nashville! Tennessean. They've all sorts of meetings in| Europe, except the meeting of both | ends.--Washington Post. | Still another headline: 'One thousand churchgoers try to hang | negro." What had they learned at | church ?--Buffalo Express. It was only a question of time, anyway, until somebody would have | killed Ananias for lying about his| golf score. --Springfield Sun. i ES | SLATS DIARY By Ross Farquhar th Friday--Had are test in english and deffinitions and spelling and | Ect. add 1 only made 1 miss take witch was- sent my fault this hapened to occur when I answered the ques- tion witch sed What is a sluggard and I wis- This razor her what was a Slug- gard and she sed it was a Prizefiter and we both got it rong and that was 1 consel- lation. Saturday--Ole Bates has got 2 witted son which's principle bad habit is gamboling and pa was mr. a 1% the ole man has got a plan of giveing him a quarter to put in the gas meter and he has a good time doing it because he thinks it is a slot ma- chine. Sunday--Sum frends cum to visit us for dinner today and spent Pa sed the mans wife was like a peace of cake and ma ast why so and pa replyed that she was very Countless numbers of men look upon shaving as a "necessary evil," They have not experienced the clean comfortable shave of the New Improved Gillette. brings a joy of shaving most men had hardly dared hope for. The keen-edged Gillette blade cuts clean through each hair with- out a suggestion of pulling. razor glides softly over the face leaving it smooth and cool. The Ask your dealer to show you the New Improved Gillette, The New Improved Gillette Patented Canada Aug 31,1920 Safet Razo rich and never agreed with him, Monday--Mike Glunt wanted to see if a buzz saw was sharp and he stuck his finger in vs. the saw and it was sharp. And it cut off his fin- ger at the 2st joint, His wife sed he was a fool to do that and he he woodent never do it agen. King St. E. For Sale in Oshawa by JURY & LOVELL, LIMITED THE REXALL STORE Phones 28 and 1101 monster meeting to be held in the pushers, Reginas vs Y.M.C.A. | Y.M.C.A. next Thursday evening when every one interested in the advancement of athletics here, is in- vited to be present. It is understood that a repre- sentative of the Ontario branch of the A.A.U. of C, will address the meeting, pointing out the import- ance of such an organization and giving an outline of the usual system employed in conducting it in towns F. R. Buckley wrote a story for the Western Magazine which was used by George Hively in the preparation of a scenario for Hoot Gibson's starring vehicle, Hoot Gibson stars in the role of she non-civilized, poeticising hero. Lillian Rich impersonates the unbe- lieving heroine and Charles French, the cynical sheriff, Two good vau- deville acts complete the bill. » | and cities where it has proved to be |a great success. | The gathering promises to be one | of the largest which ever attended {a meeting of this nature in Oshawa and it is believed that every one will signify their approval of the move ment by lending assistance and tak- ing part in the discussion. Should those present decide to take this | step, which is believed to be the real | solution in carrying on sports of every character, an organization will be formed immediately and other important details taken care of. Members of the hockey club, base- ball clubs, soccer, lacrosse, football and other organizations are parti- cularly requested to attend. If the | association is to be a success, the | co-operation of all clubs is essent- ial. In the past, difficulties have | been experienced in many local | organizations, which it is believed |can be overcome by a parent body governing athletics in general. One of the most important feat- ures will be developing material for senior teams by devoting consider- able time to junior players and for this one object alone, the association should be a valuable asset to the town. There are many other phases to the work of this organization which will be pointed out at Thurs- day night's meeting. Exciting Game Between Two Ladies' Teams Fans who attended the ladies' in- door game in the armories Thursday evening were treated to some fine baseball and not a little excitement. Despite the facet that Fittings won from Superiors by a score of 25 to 10 the game was one of the best ex- hibitions seen in the ladies' league since the schedule opened. The win- ners trotted out a smooth working team of which their first baseman, Agnes Alger, was the star. Miss Al- ger's performance drew much favor- able comment and it was the opin- ion of many that she would do credit to a number of men's teams. Miss Valentine started on the rubber for Fittings but was relieved 'by Miss Allin. Kathleen' Wells pitched for Superiors. 4 The 5 were: Fittings--M_. Morrison, p; G. Val- entine, ¢; G. Allin, p; Agnes Al- ger, 1b; G. Buckler, 2b; D. St." An- Dec. 22--Spillers vs Boulders vs Dom: Bank. Hot Dogs, CAR SUPPLY IS SHOWING IM- PROVEMENT. The car supply in Canada, which has been causing some uneasiness to shippers, is showing some improve- ment, according to ures issued by the ciation of Canada. ending October 15, there was an in- crease of 2,868 in the number of cars on Canadian lines, hringing the total up to 199,035. There was still a shortage of 7,914 cars, hut against this condition should be placed a decided betterment in the bad order car situation. On Oec- tober 1, this was practically the repair above the normal figure. On mal, showing that Canadian roads their equipment. Reports being received by the Canadian Manufacturers Association from members indicate that is in securing cars for shipments destined to the United States points. This is due to the difficulty of obh- taining American cars for the busi- ness, as Canadian carriers are re- luctant to allow their cars to cross the border until some of their cars now in the United States are re- turned. While the railway com- panies have made very great? ef- forts to secure the return of Cana- dian cars, 'American lines are in such a condition that they are not returning cars in anything like the numbers they should. Were it not for this condition there would be no difficulty on Canadian lines, drews, 3b; H, Ward, res; . 0. ©ril- 8 28S HE Sl - nor- | mal, there being only 58 cars under | October 15, the number of cars un- | der repair was 1,014 less than nor- | have done a great deal to improve the | greatest difficulty being experienced | | latest fig- | ~ 5 2 ; : Railway Asso- | \ For the period . - : 2 That means STROLLERS 10 for 15 cents "The Cigarette with the original flavor 25 for 35 cents Picture of a Movie Star in every package. Cu Brie, 4 n

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